[Debian-eeepc-devel] Super Hybrid Engine on eeepc 901c with kernel 2.6.31-6
Darren Salt
linux at youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk
Tue Dec 22 18:44:20 UTC 2009
I demand that Shawn Lamson may or may not have written...
> updates:
> BIOS 2103 is actually worse... with it on the 2.6.31-6 kernel now it seems
> the HyperThreading feature, when enabled in BIOS and booting up on AC power
> is a no go. Already booting up with Speed-Step enabled and on AC power
> didn't work.
I don't know what's going on with your 901, but I'm inclined to consider it
broken. (You could set PWR_CLOCK_AC=1 in /etc/default/eeepc-acpi-scripts.)
> I tried the stock 2.6.32-trunk-686 kernel and this also would not boot on
> AC power with SpeedStep enabled, and it would not resume from "hibernate"
> (closing the lid) ...
That's normally "suspend to RAM".
> instead I just get a blinking cursor on a black screen,
rt2860 firmware? http://tartarus.org/~ds/rt2860-fw-cache.patch may help.
> if I close again, or hit Alt+Power (saw that one online somewhere) then it
> briefly resumes but freezes up right after.
> I am attempting to compile a kernel from the 2.6.31-9 source with the ACPI,
> I2C, and CPUFREQ built-in instead of as modules. First attempt didn't work
> :) giving me a message such as "unknown filesystem" and a kernel panic
> when it tries to access hd sda(0,1)... i'll keep trying to get the kernel
> config right.
http://tartarus.org/~ds/config-2.6.31-eee should help.
| Darren Salt | linux at youmustbejoking | nr. Ashington, | Doon
| using Debian GNU/Linux | or ds ,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
| + http://www.xine-project.org/
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