[Debian-eeepc-devel] Scripts are not conffiles, should they be moved out of /etc?
Ben Armstrong
synrg at sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
Tue May 11 16:57:05 UTC 2010
On 05/11/2010 01:46 PM, Luca Niccoli wrote:
> In trying to make eeepc-acpi-scripts to be compatible wit
> acpi-support, I have to remove some scripts stored in /etc/acpi
> Since these are marked as connfiles (I reckon they are automatically
> marked because they're in /etc/), it's kind of bothersome to do it.
> I think that we should move scripts in some directory like
> /lib/eeepc-acpi-scripts or /usr/share/eeepc-acpi-scripts or even in
> /usr/share/acpi-support/
> If a user wants to change the behaviour of the script, he can copy it
> somewhere and change the event in /etc/acpi/events.
> Debian policy states that "In general, any script that embeds
> configuration information is de-facto a configuration file and should
> be treated as such", but I don't think this is the case, as all the
> configuration is stored in /etc/default/eeepc-acpi-scripts.
> My idea would be to remove the old scripts if they haven't been
> changed, and leave them there if they have.
> This will still mean that user changes won't be applied after upgrade
> (the new event file will point to a different location) but at least
> he won't have to write the script again.
I'm fine with this plan.
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