[SCM] live-manual branch, debian-next, updated. debian/3.0_a15-1-43-g643ce5f

chals chals at altorricon.com
Mon Sep 10 20:20:36 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian-next branch:
commit 643ce5f64edd79ab5de48ee5d68bf07d1c01a397
Author: chals <chals at altorricon.com>
Date:   Mon Sep 10 22:19:31 2012 +0200

    Updating Catalan translation, persistence.

diff --git a/manual/ca/live-manual.ssm b/manual/ca/live-manual.ssm
index 2a5375f..370c242 100644
--- a/manual/ca/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/ca/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  :license: Aquest programa és un programari lliure: es pot redistribuir i/o modificar sota els termes de la Llicència Pública General de la GNU com és publicada per la Free Software Foundation, ja sigui la versió 3 de la Llicència, o (si ho preferiu) qualsevol versió posterior.<br><br>Aquest programa es distribueix amb l'esperança que sigui útil, però sense cap garantia, fins i tot sense la garantia implícita de COMERCIALITZACIÓ o ADEQUACIÓ PER A PROPÒSITS DETERMINATS. Vegeu la Llicència General Pública de la GNU per a més detalls.<br><br>Haurieu de rebre una còpia de la Llicència Pública General de la GNU amb aquest programa. Si no és així, consulteu http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>El text complet de la Llicència Pública General de la GNU es pot trobar a /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3.
- :published: 2012-09-10
+ :published: 10.09.2012
 @publisher: Projecte Debian Live <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/ca/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/ca/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 0017745..dd27c1a 100644
--- a/manual/ca/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/ca/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -188,14 +188,14 @@ fitxers.
 _* un fitxer imatge situat en l'arrel de qualsevol sistema de fitxers
 llegibles (fins i tot una partició NTFS d'un altre SO), identificat pel seu
-nom de fitxer. En aquest cas el nom del fitxer ha d'utilitzar també el
-sistema de fitxers que conté com extensió del nom, per exemple,
+nom de fitxer.
-L'etiqueta de volum per als overlays ha de ser #{persistence}#. I per tal de
-personalitzar completament la persistència del volum hi ha d'haver un fitxer
-anomenat #{live-persistence.conf}#. Veure {El fitxer
+L'etiqueta de volum per als overlays ha de ser #{persistence}# però serà
+passat per alt a menys que contingui un fitxer anomenat
+#{live-persistence.conf}# que s'utilitza per personalitzar completament la
+persistència del volum, és a dir, especificar els directoris que es volen
+conservar en el volum de persistència després de reiniciar. Veure {El fitxer
+live-persistence.conf}#live-persistence-conf per més detalls.
 Aquests són alguns exemples de com preparar un volum que s'utilitzarà per a
 la persistència. Pot ser, per exemple, una partició ext4 en un disc dur o en
@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ code{
-Heus aquí un exemple de com crear un fitxer imatge basat en ext4 utilitzat
-per a la persistència:
+Heus aquí un exemple de com crear un fitxer imatge basat en ext4 per ser
+utilitzat per a la persistència:
@@ -229,8 +229,23 @@ code{
-A continuació, copiar el fitxer #{persistence}# a l'arrel d'una partició
+Un cop s'ha creat el fitxer imatge, per exemple, per fer #{/usr}# persistent
+però només guardant els canvis que es fan en aquest directori i no tots els
+continguts de #{/usr}#, es pot utilitzar l'opció "union". Si el fitxer
+imatge es troba en el directori home, copiar-lo a l'arrel del sistema de
+fitxers del disc dur i muntar-lo a #{/mnt}# de la següent manera:
+ # cp persistence /
+ # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt
+ # echo "/usr union" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf
+ # umount /mnt
+Reiniciar el sistema i arrencar el medi en viu amb el paràmetre d'arrencada
 3~live-persistence-conf El fitxer live-persistence.conf
diff --git a/manual/ca/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi b/manual/ca/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi
index 9554010..52393e1 100644
--- a/manual/ca/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi
+++ b/manual/ca/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ s'utilitza #{lb build}#, es crea un log de la construcció mitjançant
 #{auto/build}# anomenat #{build.log}#.
 *{Nota:}* Aquí s'utilitza un paràmetre especial #{noauto}# per suprimir un altra crida a #{auto/config}#, la qual cosa impedeix la recursivitat infinita. Assegurar-se de no eliminarlo accidentalment fent canvis. També, tenir cura de que quan es divideix l'ordre #{lb config}# a través de diverses línies per facilitar la lectura, com es mostra en l'exemple anterior, no s'oblidi la barra invertida (\) al final de cada línia que segueix a la següent.
 2~ Clonar una configuració publicada via Git
 Utilitzar l'opció #{lb config --config}# per clonar un repositori Git que
diff --git a/manual/de/live-manual.ssm b/manual/de/live-manual.ssm
index f2cbb28..4860326 100644
--- a/manual/de/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/de/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  :license: Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie können es unter den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation veröffentlicht, weitergeben und/oder modifizieren, entweder gemäss Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Option) jeder späteren Version.<br><br>Die Veröffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung, dass es Ihnen von Nutzen sein wird, aber OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE, sogar ohne die implizite Garantie der MARKTREIFE oder der VERWENDBARKEIT FÜR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Details finden Sie in der GNU General Public License.<br><br>Sie sollten ein Exemplar der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem Programm erhalten haben. Falls nicht, siehe <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.<br><br>Der komplette Text der GNU General Public License kann in der Datei /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 gefunden werden.
- :published: 2012-09-10
+ :published: 10.09.2012
 @publisher: Debian Live Projekt <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 68f22aa..8f616db 100644
--- a/manual/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -173,14 +173,14 @@ _* a partition, identified by its GPT name.
 _* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label.
 _* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an
-NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case
-the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension,
-e.g. "persistence.ext4".
+NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name.
-The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to fully
-customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named
-#{live-persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf
+The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored
+unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which
+is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say,
+specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume
+after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf
+for more details.
 Here are some examples of how to prepare a volume to be used for
 persistence. It can be, for instance, an ext4 partition on a hard disk or on
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ code{
-Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for
+Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for
@@ -213,7 +213,22 @@ code{
-Then copy the #{persistence}# file to the root of a writable partition.
+Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent
+but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the
+contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the "union" option. If the image file is
+located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's
+filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:
+ # cp persistence /
+ # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt
+ # echo "/usr union" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf
+ # umount /mnt
+Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter "persistence".
 3~live-persistence-conf The live-persistence.conf file
diff --git a/manual/es/live-manual.ssm b/manual/es/live-manual.ssm
index 6a37b3c..0ced3e6 100644
--- a/manual/es/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/es/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  :license: Este programa es software libre: puede ser redistribuido y/o modificado bajo los términos de la GNU General Public License publicada por la Free Software Foundation, bien de la versión 3 de la Licencia, o (a su elección) cualquier versión posterior. <br><br> Este programa se distribuye con la esperanza de que sea útil, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANTÍA, incluso sin la garantía implícita de COMERCIALIZACIÓN o IDONEIDAD PARA UN PROPÓSITO PARTICULAR. Consulte la GNU General Public License para más detalles. <br><br> Debería haber recibido una copia de la General Public License GNU junto con este programa. Si no, vea http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br> El texto completo de la GNU Licencia Pública General se pueden encontrar en /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3
- :published: 2012-09-10
+ :published: 10.09.2012
 @publisher: Proyecto Debian Live <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 7f11e04..3c789da 100644
--- a/manual/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -190,17 +190,15 @@ _* una partición, identificada por su nombre GPT.
 _* Un sistema de ficheros, identificado por su etiqueta de sistema de
-_* una fichero imagen situado en la raíz de cualquier sistema de ficheros
-que pueda ser leido (incluso una partición NTFS de otro sistema operativo),
-identificado por su nombre de fichero. En este caso el nombre del fichero
-debe contener el nombre el sistema de ficheros como extensión,
-p.ej. "persistence.ext4".
-La etiqueta del volumen para las capas de persistencia debe ser
-#{persistence}#. Y para poder personalizar de forma completa la persistencia
-del volumen tiene que haber un fichero llamado
-#{live-persistence.conf}#. Ver {El fichero
+_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an
+NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name.
+The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored
+unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which
+is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say,
+specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume
+after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf
+for more details.
 He aquí algunos ejemplos de cómo preparar un volumen para ser usado para la
 persistencia. Puede ser, por ejemplo, una partición en un disco duro o en
@@ -223,8 +221,8 @@ code{
-Un ejemplo de cómo crear un fichero imagen basado en ext4 usado para la
+Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for
@@ -233,8 +231,22 @@ code{
-A continuación, copiar el fichero #{persistence}# en la raíz de una
-partición grabable.
+Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent
+but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the
+contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the "union" option. If the image file is
+located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's
+filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:
+ # cp persistence /
+ # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt
+ # echo "/usr union" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf
+ # umount /mnt
+Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter "persistence".
 3~live-persistence-conf El fichero live-persistence.conf
diff --git a/manual/fr/live-manual.ssm b/manual/fr/live-manual.ssm
index 734dc0c..1fc459a 100644
--- a/manual/fr/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/fr/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  :license: Ce programme est un logiciel libre; vous pouvez le redistribuer ou le modifier suivant les termes de la Licence Générale Publique GNU telle que publiée par la Free Software Foundation: soit la version 3 de cette licence, soit (à votre gré) toute version ultérieure.<br><br>Ce programme est distribué dans l’espoir qu’il vous sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE: sans même la garantie implicite de COMMERCIALISABILITÉ ni d’ADÉQUATION À UN OBJECTIF PARTICULIER. Consultez la Licence Générale Publique GNU pour plus de détails.<br><br>Vous devriez avoir reçu une copie de la Licence Générale Publique GNU avec ce programme ; si ce n’est pas le cas, consultez http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>Le texte complet de la Licence Générale Publique GNU peut être trouvé dans le fichier / usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3
- :published: 2012-09-10
+ :published: 10.09.2012
 @publisher:  Projet Debian Live <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 3f37121..3dd428f 100644
--- a/manual/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -187,15 +187,15 @@ _* une partition, identifiée par son nom GPT.
 _* un système de fichiers, identifié par son étiquette de système de
-_* un fichier image situé sur la racine d'un système de fichiers en lecture
-(même une partition NTFS d'un système d'exploitation étranger), identifié
-par son nom de fichier. Dans ce cas, le nom du fichier doit contenir le nom
-du système de fichiers comme extension, par exemple, "persistence.ext4".
+_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an
+NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name.
-L'étiquette du volume pour les couches de persistence doit être
-#{persistence}#. Et afin de personnaliser entièrement la persistance du
-volume il doit y avoir un fichier nommé #{live-persistence.conf}#. Voir {Le
-fichier live-persistence.conf}#live-persistence-conf
+The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored
+unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which
+is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say,
+specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume
+after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf
+for more details.
 Voici quelques exemples de comment préparer un volume à utiliser pour la
 persistance. Il peut être, par exemple, une partition ext4 sur un disque dur
@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ code{
-Voici un exemple de comment créer un fichier image ext4 utilisé pour la
+Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for
@@ -229,8 +229,22 @@ code{
-Ensuite, copiez le fichier #{persistence}# à la racine d'une partition
-accessible en écriture.
+Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent
+but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the
+contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the "union" option. If the image file is
+located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's
+filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:
+ # cp persistence /
+ # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt
+ # echo "/usr union" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf
+ # umount /mnt
+Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter "persistence".
 3~live-persistence-conf Le fichier live-persistence.conf
diff --git a/manual/it/live-manual.ssm b/manual/it/live-manual.ssm
index 9f5154f..4ddb9a5 100644
--- a/manual/it/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/it/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  :license: Questo programma è software libero: è possibile ridistribuirlo e modificarlo secondo i termini della GNU General Public License come pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation, sia la versione 3 della licenza o (a scelta) una versione successiva.<br><br>Questo programma è distribuito nella speranza che possa essere utile, ma SENZA ALCUNA GARANZIA, nemmeno la garanzia implicita di COMMERCIABILITÀ o IDONEITÀ PER UN PARTICOLARE SCOPO. Vedere la GNU General Public License per ulteriori dettagli.<br><br>Si dovrebbe aver ricevuto una copia della GNU General Public License con questo programma. In caso contrario, vedere http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>Il testo completo della GNU General Public License può essere trovato nel file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3.
- :published: 2012-09-10
+ :published: 10.09.2012
 @publisher: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 12f839c..1667298 100644
--- a/manual/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -177,16 +177,15 @@ _* una partizione, identificata dal suo nome GPT (GUID Partition Table).
 _* un filesystem, identificato dalla sua label.
-_* un file immagine situato nella directory radice di un qualsiasi
-filesystem leggibile (anche una partizione NTFS di un sistema estraneo),
-identificato dal nome del file. In questo caso il nome del file deve
-contenere anche il tipo di filesystem come estensione, ad esempio
+_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an
+NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name.
-The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to fully
-customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named
-#{live-persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf
+The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored
+unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which
+is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say,
+specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume
+after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf
+for more details.
 Here are some examples of how to prepare a volume to be used for
 persistence. It can be, for instance, an ext4 partition on a hard disk or on
@@ -210,8 +209,8 @@ code{
-Ecco un esempio di come creare un file immagine ext4 da utilizzare per la
+Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for
@@ -220,8 +219,22 @@ code{
-Quindi copiare il file #{persistence}# nella directory radice di una
-partizione scrivibile e riavviare.
+Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent
+but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the
+contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the "union" option. If the image file is
+located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's
+filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:
+ # cp persistence /
+ # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt
+ # echo "/usr union" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf
+ # umount /mnt
+Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter "persistence".
 3~live-persistence-conf The live-persistence.conf file
diff --git a/manual/po/ca/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po b/manual/po/ca/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
index baada28..986d93f 100644
--- a/manual/po/ca/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/ca/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-31 14:04+0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-31 14:15+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-10 22:00+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-10 22:17+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Carlos Zuferri <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
 "Language: ca\n"
@@ -62,16 +62,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:84 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:93
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:92 en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:123 en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:155 en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:187 en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:217 en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:256 en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:292 en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166 en/user_examples.ssi:14
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82 en/user_examples.ssi:92
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113 en/user_examples.ssi:123
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147 en/user_examples.ssi:155
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171 en/user_examples.ssi:187
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:217
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247 en/user_examples.ssi:256
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284 en/user_examples.ssi:292
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:38 en/user_installation.ssi:46
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:56 en/user_installation.ssi:64
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:74 en/user_installation.ssi:82
@@ -133,16 +134,17 @@ msgstr "code{"
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:89 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:163
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:60 en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:101 en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:159 en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:195 en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:229 en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:260 en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:297 en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:60
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88 en/user_examples.ssi:101
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151 en/user_examples.ssi:159
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175 en/user_examples.ssi:195
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:229
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252 en/user_examples.ssi:260
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288 en/user_examples.ssi:297
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
@@ -555,28 +557,28 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
 msgid ""
 "_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an "
-"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case "
-"the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension, "
-"e.g. \"persistence.ext4\"."
+"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name."
 msgstr ""
 "_* un fitxer imatge situat en l'arrel de qualsevol sistema de fitxers "
 "llegibles (fins i tot una partició NTFS d'un altre SO), identificat pel seu "
-"nom de fitxer. En aquest cas el nom del fitxer ha d'utilitzar també el "
-"sistema de fitxers que conté com extensió del nom, per exemple, "
+"nom de fitxer."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
 msgid ""
-"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to fully "
-"customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named #{live-"
-"persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-"
+"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored "
+"unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which "
+"is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say, "
+"specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume "
+"after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf "
+"for more details."
 msgstr ""
-"L'etiqueta de volum per als overlays ha de ser #{persistence}#. I per tal de "
-"personalitzar completament la persistència del volum hi ha d'haver un fitxer "
-"anomenat #{live-persistence.conf}#. Veure {El fitxer live-persistence.conf}"
+"L'etiqueta de volum per als overlays ha de ser #{persistence}# però serà "
+"passat per alt a menys que contingui un fitxer anomenat #{live-persistence."
+"conf}# que s'utilitza per personalitzar completament la persistència del "
+"volum, és a dir, especificar els directoris que es volen conservar en el "
+"volum de persistència després de reiniciar. Veure {El fitxer live-"
+"persistence.conf}#live-persistence-conf per més detalls."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:120
@@ -620,11 +622,11 @@ msgstr " # tune2fs -L persistence /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
 msgid ""
-"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for "
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for "
 msgstr ""
-"Heus aquí un exemple de com crear un fitxer imatge basat en ext4 utilitzat "
-"per a la persistència:"
+"Heus aquí un exemple de com crear un fitxer imatge basat en ext4 per ser "
+"utilitzat per a la persistència:"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:143
@@ -638,18 +640,47 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
-msgid "Then copy the #{persistence}# file to the root of a writable partition."
+msgid ""
+"Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent "
+"but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the "
+"contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the \"union\" option. If the image file is "
+"located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's "
+"filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+"Un cop s'ha creat el fitxer imatge, per exemple, per fer #{/usr}# persistent "
+"però només guardant els canvis que es fan en aquest directori i no tots els "
+"continguts de #{/usr}#, es pot utilitzar l'opció \"union\". Si el fitxer "
+"imatge es troba en el directori home, copiar-lo a l'arrel del sistema de "
+"fitxers del disc dur i muntar-lo a #{/mnt}# de la següent manera:"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:154
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # cp persistence /\n"
+" # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt\n"
+" # echo \"/usr union\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+" # umount /mnt\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # cp persistence /\n"
+" # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt\n"
+" # echo \"/usr union\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+" # umount /mnt\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:158
+msgid "Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter \"persistence\"."
 msgstr ""
-"A continuació, copiar el fitxer #{persistence}# a l'arrel d'una partició "
+"Reiniciar el sistema i arrencar el medi en viu amb el paràmetre d'arrencada "
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
 msgid "3~live-persistence-conf The live-persistence.conf file"
 msgstr "3~live-persistence-conf El fitxer live-persistence.conf"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
 msgid ""
 "A volume with the label #{persistence}# must be configured by means of the #"
 "{live-persistence.conf}# file to make arbitrary directories persistent. That "
@@ -662,7 +693,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "els directoris que fa persistents, i de quina manera."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
 msgid ""
 "How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
 "live-persistence.conf(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient "
@@ -676,7 +707,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "partició /dev/sdb1:"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:161
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 " # mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1\n"
@@ -692,7 +723,7 @@ msgstr ""
 " # umount /mnt\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:165
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid ""
 "Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of #{/home}# and #{/var/"
 "cache/apt}# will be copied into the persistence volume, and from then on all "
@@ -712,7 +743,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:167
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
 msgid ""
 "Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live-persistence."
 "conf}# files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the "
@@ -735,12 +766,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "si realment es necessita (una pista: en general no cal fer-ho)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:169
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Using more than one persistence store"
 msgstr "3~ Utilitzar més d'un magatzem de persistència"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistence store of the same type for "
 "different locations or testing, such as #{persistence-nonwork}# and #"
diff --git a/manual/po/ca/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi.po b/manual/po/ca/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi.po
index d4ebb76..5362219 100644
--- a/manual/po/ca/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/ca/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi.po
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:46
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "*{Note:}* A special #{noauto}# parameter is used here to suppress another call to #{auto/config}#, thereby preventing infinite recursion. Make sure you don't accidentally remove it when making edits. Also, take care to ensure when you split the #{lb config}# command across multiple lines for readability, as shown in the example above, that you don't forget the backslash (\\) at the end of each line that continues to the next.\n"
-msgstr "*{Nota:}* Aquí s'utilitza un paràmetre especial #{noauto}# per suprimir un altra crida a #{auto/config}#, la qual cosa impedeix la recursivitat infinita. Assegurar-se de no eliminarlo accidentalment fent canvis. També, tenir cura de que quan es divideix l'ordre #{lb config}# a través de diverses línies per facilitar la lectura, com es mostra en l'exemple anterior, no s'oblidi la barra invertida (\\) al final de cada línia que segueix a la següent."
+msgstr "*{Nota:}* Aquí s'utilitza un paràmetre especial #{noauto}# per suprimir un altra crida a #{auto/config}#, la qual cosa impedeix la recursivitat infinita. Assegurar-se de no eliminarlo accidentalment fent canvis. També, tenir cura de que quan es divideix l'ordre #{lb config}# a través de diverses línies per facilitar la lectura, com es mostra en l'exemple anterior, no s'oblidi la barra invertida (\\) al final de cada línia que segueix a la següent.\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:48
diff --git a/manual/po/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po b/manual/po/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
index a31ee72..da2b798 100644
--- a/manual/po/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/de/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-31 14:04+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-10 22:00+0300\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-23 14:15+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -62,16 +62,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:84 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:93
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:92 en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:123 en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:155 en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:187 en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:217 en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:256 en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:292 en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166 en/user_examples.ssi:14
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82 en/user_examples.ssi:92
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113 en/user_examples.ssi:123
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147 en/user_examples.ssi:155
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171 en/user_examples.ssi:187
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:217
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247 en/user_examples.ssi:256
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284 en/user_examples.ssi:292
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:38 en/user_installation.ssi:46
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:56 en/user_installation.ssi:64
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:74 en/user_installation.ssi:82
@@ -133,16 +134,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:89 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:163
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:60 en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:101 en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:159 en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:195 en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:229 en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:260 en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:297 en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:60
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88 en/user_examples.ssi:101
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151 en/user_examples.ssi:159
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175 en/user_examples.ssi:195
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:229
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252 en/user_examples.ssi:260
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288 en/user_examples.ssi:297
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
@@ -441,18 +443,18 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
 msgid ""
 "_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an "
-"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case "
-"the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension, "
-"e.g. \"persistence.ext4\"."
+"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
 msgid ""
-"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to fully "
-"customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named #{live-"
-"persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-"
+"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored "
+"unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which "
+"is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say, "
+"specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume "
+"after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf "
+"for more details."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -490,7 +492,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
 msgid ""
-"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for "
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for "
 msgstr ""
@@ -504,16 +506,36 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
-msgid "Then copy the #{persistence}# file to the root of a writable partition."
+msgid ""
+"Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent "
+"but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the "
+"contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the \"union\" option. If the image file is "
+"located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's "
+"filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:154
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # cp persistence /\n"
+" # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt\n"
+" # echo \"/usr union\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+" # umount /mnt\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:158
+msgid "Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter \"persistence\"."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
 msgid "3~live-persistence-conf The live-persistence.conf file"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
 msgid ""
 "A volume with the label #{persistence}# must be configured by means of the #"
 "{live-persistence.conf}# file to make arbitrary directories persistent. That "
@@ -522,7 +544,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
 msgid ""
 "How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
 "live-persistence.conf(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient "
@@ -531,7 +553,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:161
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 " # mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1\n"
@@ -542,7 +564,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:165
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid ""
 "Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of #{/home}# and #{/var/"
 "cache/apt}# will be copied into the persistence volume, and from then on all "
@@ -554,7 +576,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:167
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
 msgid ""
 "Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live-persistence."
 "conf}# files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the "
@@ -567,12 +589,12 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:169
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Using more than one persistence store"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistence store of the same type for "
 "different locations or testing, such as #{persistence-nonwork}# and #"
diff --git a/manual/po/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po b/manual/po/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
index ac26c05..f2a55f1 100644
--- a/manual/po/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/es/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-31 14:04+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-10 22:00+0300\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-31 14:20+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Carlos Zuferri <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -64,16 +64,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:84 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:93
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:92 en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:123 en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:155 en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:187 en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:217 en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:256 en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:292 en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166 en/user_examples.ssi:14
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82 en/user_examples.ssi:92
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113 en/user_examples.ssi:123
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147 en/user_examples.ssi:155
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171 en/user_examples.ssi:187
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:217
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247 en/user_examples.ssi:256
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284 en/user_examples.ssi:292
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:38 en/user_installation.ssi:46
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:56 en/user_installation.ssi:64
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:74 en/user_installation.ssi:82
@@ -135,16 +136,17 @@ msgstr "code{"
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:89 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:163
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:60 en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:101 en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:159 en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:195 en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:229 en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:260 en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:297 en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:60
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88 en/user_examples.ssi:101
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151 en/user_examples.ssi:159
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175 en/user_examples.ssi:195
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:229
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252 en/user_examples.ssi:260
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288 en/user_examples.ssi:297
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
@@ -559,11 +561,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an "
+#| "NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this "
+#| "case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file "
+#| "extension, e.g. \"persistence.ext4\"."
 msgid ""
 "_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an "
-"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case "
-"the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension, "
-"e.g. \"persistence.ext4\"."
+"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name."
 msgstr ""
 "_* una fichero imagen situado en la raíz de cualquier sistema de ficheros "
 "que pueda ser leido (incluso una partición NTFS de otro sistema operativo), "
@@ -573,11 +579,19 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
-msgid ""
-"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to fully "
-"customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named #{live-"
-"persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to "
+#| "fully customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named #"
+#| "{live-persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-"
+#| "persistence-conf"
+msgid ""
+"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored "
+"unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which "
+"is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say, "
+"specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume "
+"after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf "
+"for more details."
 msgstr ""
 "La etiqueta del volumen para las capas de persistencia debe ser #"
 "{persistence}#. Y para poder personalizar de forma completa la persistencia "
@@ -624,8 +638,12 @@ msgstr " # tune2fs -L persistence /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for "
+#| "persistence:"
 msgid ""
-"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for "
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for "
 msgstr ""
 "Un ejemplo de cómo crear un fichero imagen basado en ext4 usado para la "
@@ -643,18 +661,47 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
-msgid "Then copy the #{persistence}# file to the root of a writable partition."
+msgid ""
+"Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent "
+"but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the "
+"contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the \"union\" option. If the image file is "
+"located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's "
+"filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:154
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| " # mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1\n"
+#| " # mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /mnt\n"
+#| " # echo \"/home\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+#| " # echo \"/var/cache/apt\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+#| " # umount /mnt\n"
+msgid ""
+" # cp persistence /\n"
+" # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt\n"
+" # echo \"/usr union\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+" # umount /mnt\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1\n"
+" # mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /mnt\n"
+" # echo \"/home\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+" # echo \"/var/cache/apt\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+" # umount /mnt\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:158
+msgid "Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter \"persistence\"."
 msgstr ""
-"A continuación, copiar el fichero #{persistence}# en la raíz de una "
-"partición grabable."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
 msgid "3~live-persistence-conf The live-persistence.conf file"
 msgstr "3~live-persistence-conf El fichero live-persistence.conf"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
 msgid ""
 "A volume with the label #{persistence}# must be configured by means of the #"
 "{live-persistence.conf}# file to make arbitrary directories persistent. That "
@@ -667,7 +714,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "volumen, controla que directorios hace persistentes y también de que manera."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
 msgid ""
 "How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
 "live-persistence.conf(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient "
@@ -681,7 +728,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "ext4 en la partición /dev/sdb1:"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:161
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 " # mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1\n"
@@ -697,7 +744,7 @@ msgstr ""
 " # umount /mnt\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:165
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid ""
 "Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of #{/home}# and #{/var/"
 "cache/apt}# will be copied into the persistence volume, and from then on all "
@@ -716,7 +763,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "pueden hacerse persistentes montándolos de forma personalizada."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:167
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
 msgid ""
 "Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live-persistence."
 "conf}# files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the "
@@ -739,12 +786,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "necesario. (aclaración: normalmente no lo es)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:169
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Using more than one persistence store"
 msgstr "3~ Utilizar varios medios persistentes"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistence store of the same type for "
 "different locations or testing, such as #{persistence-nonwork}# and #"
diff --git a/manual/po/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po b/manual/po/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
index 507c9bb..80e5420 100644
--- a/manual/po/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/fr/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-31 14:04+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-10 22:00+0300\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-31 14:27+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Carlos Zuferri <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -62,16 +62,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:84 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:93
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:92 en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:123 en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:155 en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:187 en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:217 en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:256 en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:292 en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166 en/user_examples.ssi:14
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82 en/user_examples.ssi:92
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113 en/user_examples.ssi:123
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147 en/user_examples.ssi:155
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171 en/user_examples.ssi:187
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:217
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247 en/user_examples.ssi:256
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284 en/user_examples.ssi:292
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:38 en/user_installation.ssi:46
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:56 en/user_installation.ssi:64
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:74 en/user_installation.ssi:82
@@ -133,16 +134,17 @@ msgstr "code{"
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:89 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:163
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:60 en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:101 en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:159 en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:195 en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:229 en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:260 en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:297 en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:60
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88 en/user_examples.ssi:101
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151 en/user_examples.ssi:159
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175 en/user_examples.ssi:195
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:229
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252 en/user_examples.ssi:260
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288 en/user_examples.ssi:297
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
@@ -559,11 +561,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an "
+#| "NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this "
+#| "case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file "
+#| "extension, e.g. \"persistence.ext4\"."
 msgid ""
 "_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an "
-"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case "
-"the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension, "
-"e.g. \"persistence.ext4\"."
+"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name."
 msgstr ""
 "_* un fichier image situé sur la racine d'un système de fichiers en lecture "
 "(même une partition NTFS d'un système d'exploitation étranger), identifié "
@@ -572,11 +578,19 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
-msgid ""
-"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to fully "
-"customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named #{live-"
-"persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to "
+#| "fully customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named #"
+#| "{live-persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-"
+#| "persistence-conf"
+msgid ""
+"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored "
+"unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which "
+"is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say, "
+"specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume "
+"after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf "
+"for more details."
 msgstr ""
 "L'étiquette du volume pour les couches de persistence doit être #"
 "{persistence}#. Et afin de personnaliser entièrement la persistance du "
@@ -624,8 +638,12 @@ msgstr " # tune2fs -L persistence /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for "
+#| "persistence:"
 msgid ""
-"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for "
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for "
 msgstr ""
 "Voici un exemple de comment créer un fichier image ext4 utilisé pour la "
@@ -643,18 +661,47 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
-msgid "Then copy the #{persistence}# file to the root of a writable partition."
+msgid ""
+"Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent "
+"but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the "
+"contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the \"union\" option. If the image file is "
+"located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's "
+"filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:154
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| " # mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1\n"
+#| " # mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /mnt\n"
+#| " # echo \"/home\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+#| " # echo \"/var/cache/apt\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+#| " # umount /mnt\n"
+msgid ""
+" # cp persistence /\n"
+" # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt\n"
+" # echo \"/usr union\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+" # umount /mnt\n"
+msgstr ""
+" # mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1\n"
+" # mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /mnt\n"
+" # echo \"/home\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+" # echo \"/var/cache/apt\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+" # umount /mnt\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:158
+msgid "Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter \"persistence\"."
 msgstr ""
-"Ensuite, copiez le fichier #{persistence}# à la racine d'une partition "
-"accessible en écriture."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
 msgid "3~live-persistence-conf The live-persistence.conf file"
 msgstr "3~live-persistence-conf Le fichier live-persistence.conf"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
 msgid ""
 "A volume with the label #{persistence}# must be configured by means of the #"
 "{live-persistence.conf}# file to make arbitrary directories persistent. That "
@@ -667,7 +714,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "contrôle quels répertoires il fait persistants, et de quelle manière."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
 msgid ""
 "How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
 "live-persistence.conf(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient "
@@ -681,7 +728,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "système de fichiers ext4 sur la partition /dev/sdb1:"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:161
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 " # mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1\n"
@@ -697,7 +744,7 @@ msgstr ""
 " # umount /mnt\n"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:165
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid ""
 "Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of #{/home}# and #{/var/"
 "cache/apt}# will be copied into the persistence volume, and from then on all "
@@ -717,7 +764,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "rendus persistants en utilisant montages personnalisés."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:167
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
 msgid ""
 "Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live-persistence."
 "conf}# files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the "
@@ -740,12 +787,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "n'avez généralement pas)."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:169
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Using more than one persistence store"
 msgstr "3~ Utilisation de plusieurs dispositifs de persistance"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistence store of the same type for "
 "different locations or testing, such as #{persistence-nonwork}# and #"
diff --git a/manual/po/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po b/manual/po/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
index c1e0655..73a0d76 100644
--- a/manual/po/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/it/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-31 14:04+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-10 22:00+0300\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-18 19:35+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: skizzhg <skizzhg at gmx.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Italian <tp at lists.linux.it>\n"
@@ -63,16 +63,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:84 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:93
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:92 en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:123 en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:155 en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:187 en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:217 en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:256 en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:292 en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166 en/user_examples.ssi:14
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82 en/user_examples.ssi:92
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113 en/user_examples.ssi:123
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147 en/user_examples.ssi:155
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171 en/user_examples.ssi:187
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:217
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247 en/user_examples.ssi:256
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284 en/user_examples.ssi:292
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:38 en/user_installation.ssi:46
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:56 en/user_installation.ssi:64
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:74 en/user_installation.ssi:82
@@ -134,16 +135,17 @@ msgstr "code{"
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:89 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:163
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:60 en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:101 en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:159 en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:195 en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:229 en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:260 en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:297 en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:60
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88 en/user_examples.ssi:101
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151 en/user_examples.ssi:159
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175 en/user_examples.ssi:195
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:229
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252 en/user_examples.ssi:260
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288 en/user_examples.ssi:297
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
@@ -525,11 +527,15 @@ msgstr "_* un filesystem, identificato dalla sua label."
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an "
+#| "NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this "
+#| "case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file "
+#| "extension, e.g. \"persistence.ext4\"."
 msgid ""
 "_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an "
-"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case "
-"the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension, "
-"e.g. \"persistence.ext4\"."
+"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name."
 msgstr ""
 "_* un file immagine situato nella directory radice di un qualsiasi "
 "filesystem leggibile (anche una partizione NTFS di un sistema estraneo), "
@@ -540,10 +546,12 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
 msgid ""
-"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to fully "
-"customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named #{live-"
-"persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-"
+"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored "
+"unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which "
+"is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say, "
+"specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume "
+"after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf "
+"for more details."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -585,8 +593,12 @@ msgstr " $ tune2fs -L persistence /dev/sdb1 # per filesystem ext2,3,4\n"
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for "
+#| "persistence:"
 msgid ""
-"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for "
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for "
 msgstr ""
 "Ecco un esempio di come creare un file immagine ext4 da utilizzare per la "
@@ -604,18 +616,36 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
-msgid "Then copy the #{persistence}# file to the root of a writable partition."
+msgid ""
+"Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent "
+"but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the "
+"contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the \"union\" option. If the image file is "
+"located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's "
+"filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:154
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # cp persistence /\n"
+" # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt\n"
+" # echo \"/usr union\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+" # umount /mnt\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:158
+msgid "Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter \"persistence\"."
 msgstr ""
-"Quindi copiare il file #{persistence}# nella directory radice di una "
-"partizione scrivibile e riavviare."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
 msgid "3~live-persistence-conf The live-persistence.conf file"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid ""
 #| "A volume with the label #{persistence}# can be configured to make "
@@ -634,7 +664,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "persistenti e in che modo."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
 msgid ""
 "How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
 "live-persistence.conf(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient "
@@ -648,7 +678,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "persistente in un filesystem ext4 sulla partizione /dev/sdb1:"
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:161
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 " # mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1\n"
@@ -659,7 +689,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:165
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid ""
 "Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of #{/home}# and #{/var/"
 "cache/apt}# will be copied into the persistence volume, and from then on all "
@@ -678,7 +708,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "essere resa persistente tramite i mount personalizzati."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:167
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
 msgid ""
 "Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live-persistence."
 "conf}# files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the "
@@ -700,12 +730,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "manpage di live-persistence.conf(5) per sapere come gestire questo caso."
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:169
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Using more than one persistence store"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid ""
 #| "If a user would need multiple persistence storage of the same type for "
diff --git a/manual/po/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po b/manual/po/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
index 6aa3183..cdf2d46 100644
--- a/manual/po/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-31 14:04+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-10 22:00+0300\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-30 11:40+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -62,16 +62,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:84 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:93
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:92 en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:123 en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:155 en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:187 en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:217 en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:256 en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:292 en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166 en/user_examples.ssi:14
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82 en/user_examples.ssi:92
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113 en/user_examples.ssi:123
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147 en/user_examples.ssi:155
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171 en/user_examples.ssi:187
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:217
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247 en/user_examples.ssi:256
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284 en/user_examples.ssi:292
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:38 en/user_installation.ssi:46
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:56 en/user_installation.ssi:64
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:74 en/user_installation.ssi:82
@@ -133,16 +134,17 @@ msgstr "code{"
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:89 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:163
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:60 en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:101 en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:159 en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:195 en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:229 en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:260 en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:297 en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:60
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88 en/user_examples.ssi:101
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151 en/user_examples.ssi:159
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175 en/user_examples.ssi:195
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:229
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252 en/user_examples.ssi:260
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288 en/user_examples.ssi:297
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
@@ -441,18 +443,18 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
 msgid ""
 "_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an "
-"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case "
-"the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension, "
-"e.g. \"persistence.ext4\"."
+"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
 msgid ""
-"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to fully "
-"customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named #{live-"
-"persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-"
+"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored "
+"unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which "
+"is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say, "
+"specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume "
+"after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf "
+"for more details."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -490,7 +492,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
 msgid ""
-"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for "
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for "
 msgstr ""
@@ -504,16 +506,36 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
-msgid "Then copy the #{persistence}# file to the root of a writable partition."
+msgid ""
+"Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent "
+"but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the "
+"contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the \"union\" option. If the image file is "
+"located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's "
+"filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:154
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # cp persistence /\n"
+" # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt\n"
+" # echo \"/usr union\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+" # umount /mnt\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:158
+msgid "Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter \"persistence\"."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
 msgid "3~live-persistence-conf The live-persistence.conf file"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
 msgid ""
 "A volume with the label #{persistence}# must be configured by means of the #"
 "{live-persistence.conf}# file to make arbitrary directories persistent. That "
@@ -522,7 +544,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
 msgid ""
 "How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
 "live-persistence.conf(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient "
@@ -531,7 +553,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:161
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 " # mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1\n"
@@ -542,7 +564,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:165
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid ""
 "Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of #{/home}# and #{/var/"
 "cache/apt}# will be copied into the persistence volume, and from then on all "
@@ -554,7 +576,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:167
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
 msgid ""
 "Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live-persistence."
 "conf}# files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the "
@@ -567,12 +589,12 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:169
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Using more than one persistence store"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistence store of the same type for "
 "different locations or testing, such as #{persistence-nonwork}# and #"
diff --git a/manual/po/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po b/manual/po/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
index 6d274f2..a70648b 100644
--- a/manual/po/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-31 14:04+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-10 22:00+0300\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-30 11:40+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
 "Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -63,16 +63,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:84 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:93
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:92 en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:123 en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:155 en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:187 en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:217 en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:256 en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:292 en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166 en/user_examples.ssi:14
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82 en/user_examples.ssi:92
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113 en/user_examples.ssi:123
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147 en/user_examples.ssi:155
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171 en/user_examples.ssi:187
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:217
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247 en/user_examples.ssi:256
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284 en/user_examples.ssi:292
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:38 en/user_installation.ssi:46
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:56 en/user_installation.ssi:64
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:74 en/user_installation.ssi:82
@@ -134,16 +135,17 @@ msgstr "code{"
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:89 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:163
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:60 en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:101 en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:159 en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:195 en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:229 en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:260 en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:297 en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:60
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88 en/user_examples.ssi:101
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151 en/user_examples.ssi:159
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175 en/user_examples.ssi:195
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:229
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252 en/user_examples.ssi:260
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288 en/user_examples.ssi:297
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
@@ -442,18 +444,18 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
 msgid ""
 "_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an "
-"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case "
-"the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension, "
-"e.g. \"persistence.ext4\"."
+"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
 msgid ""
-"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to fully "
-"customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named #{live-"
-"persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-"
+"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored "
+"unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which "
+"is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say, "
+"specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume "
+"after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf "
+"for more details."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -491,7 +493,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
 msgid ""
-"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for "
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for "
 msgstr ""
@@ -505,16 +507,36 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
-msgid "Then copy the #{persistence}# file to the root of a writable partition."
+msgid ""
+"Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent "
+"but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the "
+"contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the \"union\" option. If the image file is "
+"located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's "
+"filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:154
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # cp persistence /\n"
+" # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt\n"
+" # echo \"/usr union\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+" # umount /mnt\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:158
+msgid "Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter \"persistence\"."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
 msgid "3~live-persistence-conf The live-persistence.conf file"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
 msgid ""
 "A volume with the label #{persistence}# must be configured by means of the #"
 "{live-persistence.conf}# file to make arbitrary directories persistent. That "
@@ -523,7 +545,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
 msgid ""
 "How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
 "live-persistence.conf(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient "
@@ -532,7 +554,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:161
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 " # mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1\n"
@@ -543,7 +565,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:165
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid ""
 "Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of #{/home}# and #{/var/"
 "cache/apt}# will be copied into the persistence volume, and from then on all "
@@ -555,7 +577,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:167
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
 msgid ""
 "Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live-persistence."
 "conf}# files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the "
@@ -568,12 +590,12 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:169
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Using more than one persistence store"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistence store of the same type for "
 "different locations or testing, such as #{persistence-nonwork}# and #"
diff --git a/manual/pot/user_customization-runtime.ssi.pot b/manual/pot/user_customization-runtime.ssi.pot
index 2d1f9f9..7302b70 100644
--- a/manual/pot/user_customization-runtime.ssi.pot
+++ b/manual/pot/user_customization-runtime.ssi.pot
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-31 14:04+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-10 22:00+0300\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -63,16 +63,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:84 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:93
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:92 en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:123 en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:155 en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:187 en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:217 en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:256 en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:292 en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:166 en/user_examples.ssi:14
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:66 en/user_examples.ssi:82 en/user_examples.ssi:92
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:105 en/user_examples.ssi:113 en/user_examples.ssi:123
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:133 en/user_examples.ssi:147 en/user_examples.ssi:155
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:163 en/user_examples.ssi:171 en/user_examples.ssi:187
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:201 en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:217
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:233 en/user_examples.ssi:247 en/user_examples.ssi:256
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:264 en/user_examples.ssi:284 en/user_examples.ssi:292
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:301 en/user_examples.ssi:311
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:38 en/user_installation.ssi:46
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:56 en/user_installation.ssi:64
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:74 en/user_installation.ssi:82
@@ -134,16 +135,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:89 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:98
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:163
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:60 en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:101 en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:159 en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:195 en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:229 en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:260 en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:297 en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:174 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:60
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:70 en/user_examples.ssi:88 en/user_examples.ssi:101
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:109 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:139 en/user_examples.ssi:151 en/user_examples.ssi:159
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:167 en/user_examples.ssi:175 en/user_examples.ssi:195
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:205 en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:229
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:237 en/user_examples.ssi:252 en/user_examples.ssi:260
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:268 en/user_examples.ssi:288 en/user_examples.ssi:297
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:307 en/user_examples.ssi:325
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:42 en/user_installation.ssi:50
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:60 en/user_installation.ssi:70
 #: en/user_installation.ssi:78 en/user_installation.ssi:86
@@ -442,18 +444,18 @@ msgstr ""
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116
 msgid ""
 "_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an "
-"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case "
-"the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension, "
-"e.g. \"persistence.ext4\"."
+"NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
 msgid ""
-"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to fully "
-"customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named #{live-"
-"persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-"
+"The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored "
+"unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which "
+"is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say, "
+"specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume "
+"after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf "
+"for more details."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
@@ -491,7 +493,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:138
 msgid ""
-"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for "
+"Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for "
 msgstr ""
@@ -505,16 +507,36 @@ msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
 #: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:147
-msgid "Then copy the #{persistence}# file to the root of a writable partition."
+msgid ""
+"Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent "
+"but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the "
+"contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the \"union\" option. If the image file is "
+"located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's "
+"filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:154
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # cp persistence /\n"
+" # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt\n"
+" # echo \"/usr union\" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf\n"
+" # umount /mnt\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:158
+msgid "Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter \"persistence\"."
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:149
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:160
 msgid "3~live-persistence-conf The live-persistence.conf file"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:151
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
 msgid ""
 "A volume with the label #{persistence}# must be configured by means of the #"
 "{live-persistence.conf}# file to make arbitrary directories persistent. That "
@@ -523,7 +545,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:153
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:164
 msgid ""
 "How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the "
 "live-persistence.conf(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient "
@@ -532,7 +554,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:161
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:172
 #, no-wrap
 msgid ""
 " # mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1\n"
@@ -543,7 +565,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:165
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:176
 msgid ""
 "Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of #{/home}# and #{/var/"
 "cache/apt}# will be copied into the persistence volume, and from then on all "
@@ -555,7 +577,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:167
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:178
 msgid ""
 "Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live-persistence."
 "conf}# files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the "
@@ -568,12 +590,12 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:169
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:180
 msgid "3~ Using more than one persistence store"
 msgstr ""
 #. type: Plain text
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:181
 msgid ""
 "If a user would need multiple persistence store of the same type for "
 "different locations or testing, such as #{persistence-nonwork}# and #"
diff --git a/manual/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm b/manual/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm
index 5ce0c9d..a70b698 100644
--- a/manual/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 :license: Este programa é software livre: você pode redistribuí-lo e/ou modificá-lo sob os termos da GNU General Public License conforme publicado pela Free Software Foundation, tanto a versão 3 da Licença, ou (a seu critério) qualquer versão posterior <br> <br> Este programa é distribuído na esperança de ser útil, mas SEM QUALQUER GARANTIA, sem mesmo a garantia implícita de COMERCIALIZAÇÃO ou ADEQUAÇÃO PARA UM DETERMINADO PROPÓSITO. Veja a GNU General Public License para mais detalhes. <br><br> Você deve ter recebido uma cópia da GNU General Public License junto com este programa. Se não, veja http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br> O texto completo da GNU General Public License pode ser encontrado no arquivo /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3.
- :published: 2012-09-10
+ :published: 10-09-2012
 @publisher: Projeto Debian Live <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 68f22aa..8f616db 100644
--- a/manual/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/pt_BR/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -173,14 +173,14 @@ _* a partition, identified by its GPT name.
 _* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label.
 _* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an
-NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case
-the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension,
-e.g. "persistence.ext4".
+NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name.
-The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to fully
-customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named
-#{live-persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf
+The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored
+unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which
+is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say,
+specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume
+after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf
+for more details.
 Here are some examples of how to prepare a volume to be used for
 persistence. It can be, for instance, an ext4 partition on a hard disk or on
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ code{
-Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for
+Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for
@@ -213,7 +213,22 @@ code{
-Then copy the #{persistence}# file to the root of a writable partition.
+Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent
+but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the
+contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the "union" option. If the image file is
+located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's
+filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:
+ # cp persistence /
+ # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt
+ # echo "/usr union" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf
+ # umount /mnt
+Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter "persistence".
 3~live-persistence-conf The live-persistence.conf file
diff --git a/manual/ro/live-manual.ssm b/manual/ro/live-manual.ssm
index f0fb83d..2f5212c 100644
--- a/manual/ro/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/ro/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  :license: Acest program este liber: poate fi redistribuit și/sau modificat în conformitate cu termenii Licenței Publice Generale GNU (GPL), precum este publicată de către Free Software Foundation, fie versiunea 3 a licenței, sau (opțional) orice altă versiune ulterioară..<br><br>Acest program este distribuit cu speranța că va fi util, dar FĂRĂ NICIO GARANȚIE; fără a avea garanția VANDABILITĂȚII sau ÎNDEPLINIRII UNUI ANUME SCOP. Vezi Licența Publică Generală GNU pentru mai multe detalii.<br><br>Ar trebui să fi orimit o copie a Licenței Publice Generale GNU împreună cu acest program. În caz contrar, vezi http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>Textul complet al Licenței Publice Generale poate fi găsit în fișierul /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3.
- :published: 2012-09-10
+ :published: 10.09.2012
 @publisher: Proiectul Debian Live <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 68f22aa..8f616db 100644
--- a/manual/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/ro/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -173,14 +173,14 @@ _* a partition, identified by its GPT name.
 _* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label.
 _* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an
-NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case
-the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension,
-e.g. "persistence.ext4".
+NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name.
-The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to fully
-customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named
-#{live-persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf
+The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}# but it will be ignored
+unless it contains in its root a file named #{live-persistence.conf}# which
+is used to fully customize the volume's persistence, this is to say,
+specifying the directories that you want to save in your persistence volume
+after a reboot. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf
+for more details.
 Here are some examples of how to prepare a volume to be used for
 persistence. It can be, for instance, an ext4 partition on a hard disk or on
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ code{
-Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for
+Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file to be used for
@@ -213,7 +213,22 @@ code{
-Then copy the #{persistence}# file to the root of a writable partition.
+Once the image file is created, as an example, to make #{/usr}# persistent
+but only saving the changes you make to that directory and not all the
+contents of #{/usr}#, you can use the "union" option. If the image file is
+located in your home directory, copy it to the root of your hard drive's
+filesystem and mount it in #{/mnt}# as follows:
+ # cp persistence /
+ # mount -t ext4 /persistence /mnt
+ # echo "/usr union" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf
+ # umount /mnt
+Reboot into your live media with the boot parameter "persistence".
 3~live-persistence-conf The live-persistence.conf file


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