[Debian-np-devel] Testing apt repository

Micah Anderson debian-np-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Wed, 21 Jul 2004 00:41:51 -0500

To celebrate the new apt repository, I thought I'd give it a shot by
uploading a new patched version of postfix against 2.1.3-1 (latest in
testing ATM), which provides the SMTP AUTH anonymized "Received:"
header hack (and believe me, its a hack).

I was able to upload it via dput, no problem, thats the good news. I
was also able to insert that line into my apt/sources.list and update
my sources from that source, and I see that package available when I
do an apt-cache show postfix-tls.

What I dont know how to do is to actually install that package when
I've already got postfix-tls installed. Apt only tells me that
postfix-tls is up-to-date. I know you are supposed to be able to pass
the -t option to apt, but I can't figure out what you would pass to
get that. Anyone know? 

Additionally, its somewhat annoying (for me), that the postfix package
was merged together, so creating this patch builds every single other
postfix element (postfix-mysql, etc.) and makes it available as well
(and is uploaded to the alioth repository). If anyone knows how to
deal with that, I'm all ears.

Here is the link to the relevant .deb that will install with dpkg -i
over an existing postifx-2.1.3-1:

