[Debian-np-devel] Shake it shake it! Shake and move it!

Vagrant Cascadian debian-np-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Mon, 31 Jan 2005 12:10:42 -0800

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22+ days later.... (and then some, because lists.alioth.debian.org was
down for a couple days...)

> > Problem #3:
> >   We should also release a 0.1 version of simple-cdd, just by taking it
> >   as it is: it's useful!
> That sounds great but I don't think I'm the one to tdo this.

ok, i could just make a tarball of the svn code and call it version
0.1...  or i could spend a little longer and make it into a debian
package, with a little more flexibility configuration-wise...  thoughts?
anyone game for helping?

> > Problem #5:
> >   There was also the idea of merging Freekbox3 and Debian-NP, just as
> >   Skolelinux has been merged with Debian-Edu.  Should we go on that
> >   direction then?
> I think so. I'd love to involve the great work that they've been
> doing. I'm not sure what the next steps are from here. Vagrant?

well, freegeek is getting awfully close to releasing freekbox3 to the
wild.  they've even sent out a guinea pig system.

i hope to make a debian-installer CD with simple-cdd to install the
freekbox3. i've been testing simple-cdd with qemu and the freekbox3
package selections and debconf answers, but that doesn't handle all the
customized configuration files that freekbox3 has (i.e. stuff that can't
be configured via debconf).=20

on the latest images i've built, there's room for about 50MB more debian
packages.. we could possibly make additional profiles that have similar
overlap to freekbox3(basically KDE, openoffice, firefox and
thunderbird), and still fit them on one 650MB CD.

so i guess debian-np could grab the freekbox3 installer cd and tweak it
slightly and call it debian-np's installer for desktops :)

live well,

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