[Debian-ppc64-devel] G5 install tips - autobuilder?

Thibaut VARENE varenet at debian.org
Tue Nov 6 09:13:03 UTC 2007

On Nov 6, 2007 12:08 AM, Chuck <iMacG5 at disposeamail.com> wrote:

> > My suggestion is that you start by reading the documentation.
> Why didn't I think of that.  The issue is doc completeness/accuracy.
> The docs don't cover what I'm asking (because PPC64 is not an official
> port?) and your answers suggest they're wrong.

The regular debian-ppc docs are complete and accurate. If not please
submit bug reports, they'd be helpful.

> I asked about autobuilder.  Is the doc right or wrong?  You make it
> sound wrong:
> http://debian-ppc64.alioth.debian.org/

"Last update of this document: 2007-04-17" (bottom of the page)

> Thanks for the help.
> I'm not willing to give on 64-bit because it's a major transition that
> has made everyone suffer in some way or another.  Your pain won't be my
> pain because the timing is different.  The real issue is whether code is
> 64-bit clean or not, not so much Debian's port politics, which do not
> interest me.  As long as someone is maintaining a viable autobuilder
> then I'm happy.

64bit cleanliness has nothing to do with ppc64. amd64 and ia64 ports
for instance already "ensure" 64bit cleanliness, and have been doing
so for a long time, so this point is pretty moot. And oh, I don't
think I've ever mentioned any kind of "Debian politics", I merely
stated obvious facts (or so I believe).

> The showstopper has been weird Apple hardware needing Linux driver
> updates, like bluetooth.  Those bug fixes seem to be in place now, but
> some distros are too slow with version uptake.  That's one reason I need
> unstable and modern kernels.  For example,

Which again, has not much to do with running debian-ppc64,
debian-powerpc has up-to-date kernels.

If you feel like having the worst desktop experience ever, then please
by all means go ahead with using a ppc64 distro. What me (and other
people) have been trying to tell you is that

1) debian-ppc64 is completely unsupported, the archive is a mess, and
nobody cares, which means:
- You won't get any handy installer and shiny docs to guide you
through the steps of having it running on your box, or, in other words
"this is not something aimed at beginners and you should know what
you're doing"
- Things are gonna be badly broken, you've been warned
- It's not likely gonna change in the foreseeable future

2) that it's totally pointless to run a full 64bit userland.

Now if you still feel like you're right about doing so, please don't
try to convince me/us, and just do as you please :-P



Thibaut VARENE

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