March 2011 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Mar 1 09:31:36 UTC 2011
Ending: Thu Mar 31 16:44:42 UTC 2011
Messages: 404
- r38145 - in /packages/python-scikits-umfpack/trunk/debian: changelog control
trophime-guest at
- r38146 - in /packages/python-scikits-umfpack/trunk/debian: changelog control
trophime-guest at
- r38147 - in /packages/scilab/trunk/debian: changelog control
sylvestre at
- r38148 - in /packages/qwtplot3d/trunk/debian: changelog control copyright libqwtplot3d-doc.doc-base patches/02_examples_include.patch patches/03_fix_ftbs.patch rules watch
gudjon-guest at
- r38149 - in /packages/qwtplot3d/trunk/debian: changelog patches/01_makefile.patch patches/02_examples_include.patch
gudjon-guest at
- r38150 - in /packages/jhdf/trunk/debian: changelog rules source/ source/format
sylvestre at
- r38151 - in /packages/jhdf/trunk/debian: control patches/removeDebugMessage.diff patches/source15.diff patches/useSharedLib.diff patches/z_missing_shared_flag.diff
sylvestre at
- r38152 - in /packages/jhdf/trunk/debian: changelog control
sylvestre at
- r38153 - in /packages/scilab/trunk/debian: changelog control libscilab-java.lintian-overrides libscilab2-java.lintian-overrides patches/librarypath.diff patches/mips64.diff patches/s390javadetection.diff patches/series rules
sylvestre at
- r38154 - /packages/qwtplot3d/tags/0.2.7+svn191-5/
gudjon-guest at
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists branch, upstream, created. edae85068d6743909d68fe173f7a82fd38c66289
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists branch, master, created. 0ce7980f1e0c7414f424b642b35676e0d60ac669
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- r38155 - in /packages/gmp/trunk/debian: README.Debian TODO changelog control gmp.h libgmp10-doc.README.Debian libgmp10-doc.examples libgmp3-doc.README.Debian libgmp3-doc.examples libgmp3.prerm rules
smr at
- r38156 - in /packages/gmp/trunk/debian: control rules
smr at
- [SCM] FreeFem++ packaging branch, master, updated. debian/3.12-1-16-g6212798
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- r38157 - in /packages/gmp/trunk/debian: changelog control
smr at
- r38158 - in /packages/gmp/trunk/debian: changelog control rules
smr at
- r38159 - in /packages/gmp/tags/2:5.0.1+dfsg-5: ./ debian/changelog debian/control debian/rules
smr at
- r38160 - in /packages/scilab/trunk/debian: changelog control patches/series patches/updateOfJgoodies.diff
sylvestre at
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists branch, master, updated. 442a5ec14c2965b1d6bc6348d1452a01a4159120
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists branch, master, updated. 442a5ec14c2965b1d6bc6348d1452a01a4159120
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists branch, master, updated. 442a5ec14c2965b1d6bc6348d1452a01a4159120
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists annotated tag, debian/1.0.3-1, created. debian/1.0.3-1
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists annotated tag, debian/1.1.1-1, created. debian/1.1.1-1
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists annotated tag, debian/1.1.8-2, created. debian/1.1.8-2
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists tag, debian/2.0.3-1, created. debian/1.1.8-2-12-gff952b2
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists annotated tag, debian/2.0.8-1, created. debian/2.0.8-1
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists annotated tag, upstream/1.0.3, created. upstream/1.0.3
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists annotated tag, upstream/1.1.1, created. upstream/1.1.1
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists annotated tag, upstream/1.1.8, created. upstream/1.1.8
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists annotated tag, upstream/2.0.3, created. upstream/2.0.3
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] A Python IDE for scientists annotated tag, upstream/2.0.8, created. upstream/2.0.8
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl branch, master, updated. debian/
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl annotated tag, debian/, created. debian/
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl annotated tag, debian/, created. debian/
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- r38161 - in /packages/gmp/trunk/debian: changelog control
smr at
- r38162 - in /packages/gmp/tags/2:5.0.1+dfsg-6: ./ debian/changelog debian/control debian/rules
smr at
- r38163 - in /packages/openigtlink/trunk/debian: README.source changelog control patches/10_all_changes.diff patches/debian-changes-1.9.1~svn7162-1 patches/series rules
domibel-guest at
- r38164 - in /packages/openigtlink/tags/1.9.1~svn7162: ./ debian/ debian/patches/ debian/source/
domibel-guest at
- [SCM] dataset manipulation GUI generator branch, master, updated. upstream/1.2.4-35-g6d5ad89
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] dataset manipulation GUI generator branch, master, updated. upstream/1.2.4-35-g6d5ad89
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] dataset manipulation GUI generator branch, master, updated. upstream/1.2.4-35-g6d5ad89
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- r38165 - in /packages/libblitz/trunk/debian: changelog control libblitz-doc.install libblitz-doc.lintian-overrides patches/40_prevent_celetion_of_texi_files.patch patches/series rules source/ source/format
tille at
- r38166 - /packages/libblitz/tags/0.9-11/
tille at
- r38167 - in /packages/code-saturne/code-saturne/trunk/debian: changelog rules
sylvestre at
- r38168 - in /packages/code-saturne/ecs/trunk/debian: changelog control
sylvestre at
- r38169 - in /packages/code-saturne/ecs/tags/2.0.1-2: ./ changelog control
sylvestre at
- r38170 - in /packages/code-saturne/code-saturne/trunk/debian: changelog control
sylvestre at
- r38171 - in /packages/code-saturne/code-saturne/tags/2.0.1-4: ./ changelog control
sylvestre at
- r38172 - in /packages/lapack/trunk/debian/patches: LAPACK_version.diff fixMan.diff series squeleton.diff
sylvestre at
- r38173 - /packages/lapack/trunk/debian/patches/misaligned.diff
sylvestre at
- r38174 - in /packages/lapack/trunk/debian: ./ changelog
sylvestre at
- [SCM] 2D CAD system branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.0_beta5-1-9-gc9aba6b
Scott Howard
- [SCM] 2D CAD system branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.0_beta5-1-10-g0517871
Scott Howard
- [SCM] 2D CAD system branch, pristine-tar, updated. 27705e3d19017fcfc9c4d31a37fe18c020382bc4
Scott Howard
- [SCM] 2D CAD system branch, upstream, updated. upstream/1.0.0_beta5-1-gd7004c1
Scott Howard
- [SCM] 2D CAD system branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.0_beta5-1-12-gdef3867
Scott Howard
- [SCM] FreeFem++ packaging branch, master, updated. debian/3.12-1-17-g4c2de34
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, upstream/dfsg-clean, created. 44a979ccd5a751df05e5d2c1e103849d05a8cc39
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, upstream/2006.dfsg3, created. 44a979ccd5a751df05e5d2c1e103849d05a8cc39
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences tag, upstream/2006-dfsg3-1, created. 44a979ccd5a751df05e5d2c1e103849d05a8cc39
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian, created. 44a979ccd5a751df05e5d2c1e103849d05a8cc39
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006-dfsg3-1, created. 44a979ccd5a751df05e5d2c1e103849d05a8cc39
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, upstream/2006.dfsg3, created. 104ea5491e386d6538d6e666593fbd32e44d9d59
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006-dfsg3-0, created. d52659a1b60b11cff69b4cd7af48155e784ace28
- [SCM] Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, created. 721665b9125c4c73d0e6e4830c98eb358004e1c2
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-dir/Kevin, created. 93817a69fe5ca9d882dc6e397de7bd504dd422f8
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Physics Analysis Workstation branch, pristine-tar, created. 26db3e2cc5f18db176f05fefd4fbf2de378a1c8a
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Physics Analysis Workstation branch, upstream, created. 9ee51a9d062a454f32ecd6ac13f2d521eba5d84a
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Physics Analysis Workstation annotated tag, debian/2.14.04.dfsg.2-6, created. debian/2.14.04.dfsg.2-6
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Physics Analysis Workstation annotated tag, upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2, created. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Physics Analysis Workstation tag, upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.3, created. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-1-g9ee51a9
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, created. 1718b3dbc0b4c26af29bb968fc40975f045dc784
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian-dir/Kevin, created. eb5dc50a53e0ce9183bbd5170ddf010c861d3b64
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, pristine-tar, created. 3a3dc57b83228b1ed7d0f3e7bdad5b3fa3c2369c
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, upstream, created. 21a3abde5b7e0b19c24fa7ac94dd41fe73e1bbb4
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries annotated tag, debian/2006.dfsg.2-5, created. debian/2006.dfsg.2-5
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries annotated tag, upstream/2006.dfsg.2, created. upstream/2006.dfsg.2
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries tag, upstream/2006.dfsg.3, created. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-1-g21a3abd
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, created. a89be6e55eb1544d56233139f7a6d48297c2200e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian-dir/Kevin, created. 572f57ea3c218eb7e0449616161d092d669b5d55
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, pristine-tar, created. 526ac42fba181f745f1a0f696244049c9aba70bf
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, upstream, created. 10a72bd678e0a593b863acd362fa3d3509bf8d9d
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Particle detector description and simulation tool annotated tag, debian/3.21.14.dfsg-8, created. debian/3.21.14.dfsg-8
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Particle detector description and simulation tool annotated tag, upstream/3.21.14.dfsg, created. upstream/3.21.14.dfsg
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Particle detector description and simulation tool tag, upstream/3.21.14.dfsg2, created. upstream/3.21.14.dfsg-1-g10a72bd
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.4-3
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.4-3
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.4-3
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.4-3
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.4-3
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.4-3
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.4-3
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.4-3
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.4-3
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.4-3
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources annotated tag, debian/1.4.4-2, created. debian/1.4.4-2
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources annotated tag, debian/1.4.4-3, created. debian/1.4.4-3
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- r38175 - in /packages/scilab/trunk/debian: changelog control
sylvestre at
- [SCM] 2D CAD system branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.0_beta5-1-13-gdcc1364
Scott Howard
- [SCM] 2D CAD system branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.0_beta5-1-15-g2487343
Scott Howard
- [SCM] 2D CAD system branch, pristine-tar, updated. ae4901b26d861ac4339395483e2e4502df9c165a
Scott Howard
- [SCM] 2D CAD system branch, pristine-tar, updated. ae4901b26d861ac4339395483e2e4502df9c165a
Scott Howard
- [SCM] 2D CAD system annotated tag, upstream/1.0.0_beta5+no-libs, created. upstream/1.0.0_beta5+no-libs
Scott Howard
- r38176 - in /packages/gmp/trunk/debian: changelog rules
smr at
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl branch, master, updated. debian/
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl branch, master, updated. debian/
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl annotated tag, debian/, created. debian/
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl branch, master, updated. debian/
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- r38177 - in /packages/texmaker/trunk/debian: changelog compat control patches/10_spelling_dict.patch patches/spelling-error-in-binary.patch
tille at
- r38178 - in /packages/texmaker/tags: 1.7.1-1/ 1.7.1-2.1/ 1.7.1-2/ 1.7.1-3/ 1.8-1/ 1.9.1-1/ 1.9.2-1/ 2.3-1/
tille at
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006-dfsg3-0, updated. cda72ebfe00236b43ba813e81921af4f37b14b5c
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006-dfsg3-0, updated. cda72ebfe00236b43ba813e81921af4f37b14b5c
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006-dfsg3-0, updated. cda72ebfe00236b43ba813e81921af4f37b14b5c
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006-dfsg3-0, updated. cda72ebfe00236b43ba813e81921af4f37b14b5c
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006-dfsg3-0, updated. cda72ebfe00236b43ba813e81921af4f37b14b5c
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006-dfsg3-0, updated. cda72ebfe00236b43ba813e81921af4f37b14b5c
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006-dfsg3-0, updated. cda72ebfe00236b43ba813e81921af4f37b14b5c
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian, created. a12c3be13d66480f849bcbe106abbf0e4abdb890
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006-dfsg3-0.2, created. 2e145cac8ca69d4aca98af7a9b20521b9946a277
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl branch, master, updated. debian/
Sylvestre Ledru
- r38179 - in /packages/cimg/trunk/debian: changelog compat control get-orig-source rules
tille at
- r38180 - /packages/cimg/tags/1.4.8-1/
tille at
- r38181 - /packages/ucto/trunk/debian/changelog
sloot-guest at
- r38182 - in /packages/ng-spice-rework/trunk/debian: changelog control rules
gudjon-guest at
- r38183 - in /packages/ng-spice-rework/trunk/debian/patches: ./ 01_fix_manpages.patch 02_fix_spelling.patch series
gudjon-guest at
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006.dfsg.2-15, created. 44e3cfd199a5c411c7a491f632843809f5b6ffb4
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, pristine-tar, created. fbf1e5af385bcba3939b8cac3e378614e27aa3f4
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, upstream/2006.dfsg.2, created. 871032703b2d6e4a13796f56394f72f0c3543899
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences tag, debian/2006.dfsg.2-14.1, created. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-1-gf284f66
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences annotated tag, upstream/2006.dfsg.2, created. upstream/2006.dfsg.2
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, created. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-13-g802187e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation tag, debian/2.14.04.dfsg.2-6, created. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-1-gff4f6fa
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian-patch/2006.dfsg.2-6, created. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-8-g4c85264
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries tag, debian/2006.dfsg.2-5, created. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-1-g8539415
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian-patch/3.21.14.dfsg-9, created. 3a68b4fc29e837838b8b208b97ecc8d9c42fc190
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool tag, debian/3.21.14.dfsg-8, created. a311d6198feba58278fc113462c7c4340f91a3de
Lifeng Sun
- r38184 - in /packages/feel++/trunk/debian: changelog control
prudhomm at
- r38185 - /packages/feel++/trunk/debian/rules
prudhomm at
- r38186 - in /packages/timblserver/trunk/debian: changelog control
joostvb at
- r38187 - in /packages/timblserver/trunk/debian: changelog copyright
joostvb at
- r38188 - /packages/timblserver/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- r38189 - in /packages/timblserver/tags/1.1-4: ./ debian/changelog debian/control debian/copyright
joostvb at
- r38190 - /packages/timblserver/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- r38191 - /packages/feel++/trunk/debian/control
prudhomm at
- r38192 - in /packages/feel++/trunk/debian: changelog patches/feelgeo.patch patches/series
prudhomm at
- r38193 - /packages/ng-spice-rework/trunk/debian/rules
gudjon-guest at
- r38194 - in /packages/scilab/tags/5.3.1-2: ./ changelog control patches/series patches/updateOfJgoodies.diff
sylvestre at
- r38195 - in /packages/slicer/trunk/debian: changelog control libslicer3-dev.lintian-overrides libslicer3.lintian-overrides patches/50_all_changes.diff slicer-data.lintian-overrides slicer.lintian-overrides
domibel-guest at
- r38196 - in /packages/slicer/trunk/debian: changelog libslicer3.lintian-overrides patches/50_all_changes.diff
domibel-guest at
- r38197 - /packages/slicer/trunk/debian/README.Debian
domibel-guest at
- r38198 - in /packages/scilab: tags/5.3.1-3/ tags/5.3.1-3/changelog tags/5.3.1-3/control tags/5.3.1-3/patches/series tags/5.3.1-3/patches/updateOfJgoodies.diff trunk/debian/changelog trunk/debian/control
sylvestre at
- r38199 - in /packages/feel++/trunk/debian: changelog control rules
prudhomm at
- r38200 - in /packages/feel++/trunk/debian: changelog control
prudhomm at
- r38201 - /packages/feel++/trunk/debian/control
prudhomm at
- r38202 - /packages/feel++/trunk/debian/control
prudhomm at
- r38203 - /packages/feel++/trunk/debian/control
prudhomm at
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. branch, master, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-9-gf49f563
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. tag, debian/0.60.1-2, deleted. debian/0.60.1-1-8-g9f16e94
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. tag, debian/0.60.1-2, created. debian/0.60.1-1-9-gf49f563
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006.dfsg.2-15, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-15-g2caca62
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006.dfsg.2-15, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-15-g2caca62
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006.dfsg.2-15, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-15-g2caca62
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-14-g3194ff8
Lifeng Sun
- r38204 - in /packages/feel++/trunk/debian: changelog control
prudhomm at
- r38205 - in /packages/feel++/trunk/debian/patches: series sse.patch
prudhomm at
- r38206 - /packages/feel++/trunk/debian/changelog
prudhomm at
- r38207 - in /packages/timblserver/trunk/debian: changelog control
joostvb at
- r38208 - /packages/timblserver/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- r38209 - in /packages/timblserver/tags/1.1-5: ./ debian/changelog debian/control
joostvb at
- r38210 - /packages/timblserver/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- r38211 - in /packages/ng-spice-rework/trunk/debian: changelog control ngspice.dirs ngspice.overrides patches/01_fix_manpages.patch rules tclspice.overrides
gudjon-guest at
- [SCM] Extract bibliographic references from various sources branch, debian, updated. debian/1.4.4-3-1-gbef620b
Filippo Rusconi (Debian Maintainer)
- r38212 - in /packages/feel++/trunk/debian: changelog patches/series
prudhomm at
- r38213 - /packages/ucto/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- r38214 - /packages/ucto/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- r38215 - /packages/ucto/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- r38216 - in /packages/ucto/tags/0.4.3-1: ./ debian/changelog
joostvb at
- r38217 - in /packages/atlas/trunk/debian: TODO changelog libatlas-base-dev.postinst libatlas-template-dev.postinst libatlas-template-dev.prerm libatlas3gf-base.postinst libatlas3gf-template.postinst libatlas3gf-template.prerm rules
sylvestre at
- r38218 - /packages/feel++/trunk/debian/patches/s390.patch
prudhomm at
- r38219 - in /packages/feel++/trunk/debian: changelog rules watch
prudhomm at
- r38220 - in /packages/gspiceui/trunk/debian: changelog control copyright patches/01_docpath.diff patches/02_manpage.diff patches/03_fix_xpm_header.diff patches/04_close_pipe.diff patches/series rules
gudjon-guest at
- r38221 - in /packages/gmsh/trunk/debian: ./ patches/ source/
gladky-anton-guest at
- r38222 - /packages/gmsh/trunk/debian/copyright
prudhomm at
- r38223 - in /packages/gspiceui/trunk/debian: README.source changelog copyright gspiceui.doc-base patches/02_manpage.diff patches/series rules source/ source/format
gudjon-guest at
- r38224 - in /packages/atlas/trunk/debian: changelog rules
sylvestre at
- r38225 - in /packages/frog/trunk/debian: changelog control
joostvb at
- r38226 - in /packages/frog/trunk/debian: changelog control
joostvb at
- r38227 - in /packages/frog/tags/0.11.1-1: ./ debian/changelog debian/control
joostvb at
- r38228 - /packages/frog/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- [SCM] Debian package repository for cliquer - routines for clique searching tag, debian/1.21-1, created. a48dcb4ca8c6c2f71183b969e03f397053017ffa
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian package repository for cliquer - routines for clique searching tag, patched/1.21-1, created. d62c750da74ed839b57719fdeb340ecf7bccec9f
Bernhard R. Link
- [SCM] Debian package repository for cliquer - routines for clique searching tag, upstream/1.21, created. d1bca951d64fce33f1923f141b93c513ecf4b150
Bernhard R. Link
- r38229 - in /packages/feel++/trunk/debian/patches: minconfig.patch series
prudhomm at
- r38230 - /packages/feel++/trunk/debian/changelog
prudhomm at
- r38231 - in /packages/gmsh: tags/2.5.0.dfsg-3/ trunk/debian/patches/fix-default-browser-and-editor.patch trunk/debian/patches/fix-spelling-errors.patch
gladky-anton-guest at
- r38232 - in /packages/ng-spice-rework/trunk/debian: changelog watch
gudjon-guest at
- r38233 - /packages/ng-spice-rework/tags/22-1/
gudjon-guest at
- r38234 - /packages/gmp/branches/gmp4/
smr at
- r38235 - /packages/gmp/trunk/.gdbinit
smr at
- r38236 - /packages/gmp/branches/gmp4/.gdbinit
smr at
- r38237 - /packages/gmp/branches/gmp4/debian/patches/series
smr at
- r38238 - in /packages/gmp/branches/gmp4/debian: ./ changelog control
smr at
- r38239 - in /packages/gmp/tags/2:4.3.2+dfsg-2: ./ debian/
smr at
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/2006.dfsg.2-15, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-16-g7166f5a
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-15-g9f871b3
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. branch, master, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-13-ge358c3b
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. branch, master, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-13-ge358c3b
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. branch, master, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-13-ge358c3b
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. branch, pristine-tar, updated. 29e0dde37ceb5d0b3d403dd10783bfecb08633e6
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. tag, debian/0.60.2-1, created. debian/0.60.1-1-13-ge358c3b
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. annotated tag, upstream/0.60.2, created. upstream/0.60.2
Anton Gladky
- r38240 - in /packages/gmp/trunk/debian: changelog control
smr at
- r38241 - in /packages/gmp/trunk/debian: control rules
smr at
- r38242 - in /packages/gmp/tags/2:5.0.1+dfsg-7: ./ debian/changelog debian/control debian/rules
smr at
- r38243 - /packages/gmp/trunk/debian/rules
smr at
- r38244 - /packages/gmp/trunk/debian/control
smr at
- r38245 - /packages/gmp/trunk/debian/control
smr at
- r38246 - /packages/gmp/tags/2:5.0.1+dfsg-7/
smr at
- r38247 - in /packages/gmp/tags/2:5.0.1+dfsg-7: ./ debian/changelog debian/control debian/rules
smr at
- [SCM] admesh - a tool for processing triangulated solid meshes branch, master, updated. upstream/0.95-6-ge641aeb
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] admesh - a tool for processing triangulated solid meshes branch, master, updated. upstream/0.95-6-ge641aeb
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] admesh - a tool for processing triangulated solid meshes branch, master, updated. upstream/0.95-6-ge641aeb
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] admesh - a tool for processing triangulated solid meshes branch, master, updated. upstream/0.95-6-ge641aeb
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] admesh - a tool for processing triangulated solid meshes tag, debian/0.95-11, created. upstream/0.95-6-ge641aeb
Anton Gladky
- r38248 - in /packages/gspiceui/trunk/debian: changelog patches/04_close_pipe.diff
gudjon-guest at
- r38249 - /packages/madlib/trunk/debian/changelog
prudhomm at
- r38250 - in /packages/rheolef/trunk/debian: changelog rheolef-doc.doc-base.usrman
saramito-guest at
- [SCM] TANGO distributed control system. branch, master, updated. debian/6.1.1c-1-131-g0558703
Frédéric-Emmanuel PICCA
- [SCM] TANGO distributed control system. branch, master, updated. debian/6.1.1c-1-131-g0558703
Frédéric-Emmanuel PICCA
- [SCM] TANGO distributed control system. branch, master, updated. debian/6.1.1c-1-131-g0558703
Frédéric-Emmanuel PICCA
- [SCM] TANGO distributed control system. branch, master, updated. debian/6.1.1c-1-131-g0558703
Frédéric-Emmanuel PICCA
- [SCM] TANGO distributed control system. branch, master, updated. debian/6.1.1c-1-131-g0558703
Frédéric-Emmanuel PICCA
- [SCM] TANGO distributed control system. branch, pristine-tar, updated. 1515911c60eff9b40c7dc10bc4804f9eb613ae88
Frédéric-Emmanuel PICCA
- r38251 - /packages/rheolef/trunk/debian/changelog
saramito-guest at
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl branch, master, updated. debian/
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl branch, master, updated. debian/
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl annotated tag, debian/, created. debian/
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- r38252 - in /packages/openblas/trunk/debian: ./ changelog copyright files rules
sylvestre at
- [SCM] TANGO distributed control system. annotated tag, upstream/7.2.5, updated. upstream/7.2.5
Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel
- [SCM] TANGO distributed control system. tag, dfsg_clean/7.2.6+dfsg, created. upstream/7.2.5-20-g164a55a
Frédéric-Emmanuel PICCA
- [SCM] TANGO distributed control system. tag, upstream/7.2.6, created. upstream/7.2.5-1-ga92ecfc
Frédéric-Emmanuel PICCA
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. branch, master, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-14-g04279f6
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. tag, debian/0.60.2-1, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-14-g04279f6
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. branch, master, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-15-g23ab6e3
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. tag, debian/0.60.2-1, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-15-g23ab6e3
Anton Gladky
- Thanks for contributing to our success today, C O N G R A T U L A T I O N bS!
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- Thanks for contributing to our success today, C O N G R A T U L A T I O N bS!
© Google 12th Anniversary Promo
- r38253 - in /packages/rheolef/trunk/debian: changelog librheolef-dev.install librheolefX.X.overrides rheolef-doc.doc-base.refman rheolef-doc.doc-base.usrman rheolef-doc.install rules shlibs.librheolefX.X
saramito-guest at
- r38254 - in /packages/pastix: ./ trunk/ trunk/debian/ trunk/debian/source/
saramito-guest at
- r38255 - in /packages/pastix/trunk/debian: ChangeLog control copyright docs pastix-conf.1 pastix-doc.doc-base.refcard pastix-doc.install pastix.install rules watch
saramito-guest at
- r38256 - /packages/pastix/trunk/debian/rules
saramito-guest at
- r38257 - in /packages/pastix/trunk/debian: rules
saramito-guest at
- r38258 - /packages/pastix/trunk/debian/rules
saramito-guest at
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, pristine-tar, updated. 058b72e6678aa1121ae445b499035541937d189e
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, debian-patches/20061220+dfsg3-1, created. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-27-gdb29d22
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, upstream/20061220+dfsg3, created. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-1-g8192a8f
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences tag, upstream/20061220+dfsg3, created. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-1-g8192a8f
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-24-g4a7652d
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-24-g4a7652d
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-24-g4a7652d
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-24-g4a7652d
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-24-g4a7652d
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-24-g4a7652d
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-24-g4a7652d
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-24-g4a7652d
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-24-g4a7652d
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- r38259 - in /packages/pastix/trunk/debian: control libpastix-mpi1.install libpastix-seq1.install libpastix1.install rules
saramito-guest at
- r38260 - in /packages/fenics/ferari/trunk/debian: changelog control rules
johannr-guest at
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, pristine-tar, updated. 9415349425cf2fe88493876604eacecd2583c0c4
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, upstream, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-1-gffd8991
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian-patch/20061220+dfsg3-1, created. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries tag, upstream/20061220+dfsg3, created. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-1-gffd8991
Lifeng Sun
- r38261 - in /packages/timbl/trunk/debian: NEWS changelog libtimbl3-dev.install libtimbl3.install
joostvb at
- r38262 - in /packages/timbl/trunk/debian: changelog copyright
joostvb at
- r38263 - /packages/timbl/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- r38264 - in /packages/timbl/tags/6.4.0-1: ./ debian/NEWS debian/changelog debian/copyright debian/libtimbl3-dev.install debian/libtimbl3.install
joostvb at
- r38265 - /packages/timbl/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian-patch/2006.dfsg.2-6, deleted. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-8-g4c85264
Lifeng Sun
- r38266 - in /packages/mbt/trunk/debian: changelog control
sloot-guest at
- r38267 - /packages/mbt/trunk/debian/changelog
sloot-guest at
- r38268 - in /packages/mbt/tags/3.2.5-1: ./ debian/changelog debian/control
sloot-guest at
- r38269 - /packages/mbt/trunk/debian/changelog
sloot-guest at
- r38270 - /packages/mbt/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- r38271 - in /packages/mbt/trunk/debian: NEWS changelog
joostvb at
- r38272 - in /packages/mbt/tags/3.2.5-2: ./ debian/NEWS debian/changelog
joostvb at
- r38273 - in /packages/mbt/trunk/debian: changelog lintian-overrides
joostvb at
- r38274 - in /packages/mbt/trunk/debian: changelog control
joostvb at
- r38275 - in /packages/mbt/trunk/debian: changelog control
joostvb at
- r38276 - /packages/mbt/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- r38277 - in /packages/mbt/tags/3.2.5-3: ./ debian/NEWS debian/changelog debian/control debian/lintian-overrides
joostvb at
- r38278 - /packages/mbt/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. branch, master, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-16-gec137e0
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. tag, debian/0.60.2-1, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-16-gec137e0
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. branch, master, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-17-gfec13c8
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. tag, debian/0.60.2-1, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-17-gfec13c8
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] udav packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.6.3-2-19-g4f6b616
Salvatore Bonaccorso
- r38279 - in /packages/pastix/trunk/debian: patches/ patches/scotch-include-guard.patch rules
saramito-guest at
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian-patch/3.21.14.dfsg-9, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian-patch/3.21.14.dfsg-9, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian-patch/3.21.14.dfsg-9, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian-patch/3.21.14.dfsg-9, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian-patch/3.21.14.dfsg-9, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian-patch/3.21.14.dfsg-9, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- r38280 - in /packages/timblserver/trunk/debian: NEWS changelog lintian-overrides
sloot-guest at
- r38281 - in /packages/timblserver/trunk/debian: changelog lintian-overrides
sloot-guest at
- r38282 - in /packages/timblserver/tags/1.2-2: ./ debian/NEWS debian/changelog debian/lintian-overrides
sloot-guest at
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian-patch/2.14.04.dfsg.2-7, deleted. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-25-g8b7ffba
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] mclibs: CERNLIB Monte Carlo libraries branch, debian-patch/20061220+dfsg3-1, deleted. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-19-g3a21700
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian, updated. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] geant321: Particle detector description and simulation tool branch, debian-patch/3.21.14.dfsg-9, deleted. 8b66aaf84b0af200ce2a80932d84c591f0b3d9e1
Lifeng Sun
- [SCM] Packaging for mathgl tag,, created. debian/
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- r38283 - in /packages/timblserver/trunk/debian: NEWS changelog
joostvb at
- r38284 - in /packages/timblserver/tags/1.2-3: ./ debian/NEWS debian/changelog
joostvb at
- r38285 - /packages/timblserver/trunk/debian/changelog
joostvb at
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. branch, master, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-18-g670a82a
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. tag, debian/0.60.2-1, updated. debian/0.60.1-1-18-g670a82a
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. tag, debian/0.60.1-2, deleted. debian/0.60.1-1-9-gf49f563
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. annotated tag, debian/0.60.1-1, deleted. upstream/0.60.1-10-g00b5684
Anton Gladky
- r38286 - in /packages/gmsh/trunk/debian: changelog control
trophime-guest at
- r38287 - in /packages/gmsh/trunk/debian: changelog control
gladky-anton-guest at
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, master, created. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-29-g6584218
Sylvestre Ledru
- r38288 - in /packages/gmsh/trunk/debian: changelog control
gladky-anton-guest at
- [SCM] CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences branch, master, updated. upstream/2006.dfsg.2-30-g0a57ea7
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. branch, master, updated. upstream/0.60.2-29-ge1e5c68
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. branch, master, updated. upstream/0.60.2-29-ge1e5c68
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] Yet Another Dynamic Engine. Platform for discrete element modeling. branch, master, updated. upstream/0.60.2-30-g6a0eac8
Sylvestre Ledru
- [SCM] Maintenance of the freemat package branch, master, updated. debian/4.0-2-5-g9a44bc9
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Maintenance of the freemat package branch, master, updated. debian/4.0-2-6-gae472af
Anton Gladky
- [SCM] Maintenance of the freemat package tag, debian/4.0-3, created. debian/4.0-2-6-gae472af
Anton Gladky
- r38289 - in /packages/gmsh/trunk/debian: changelog control
sylvestre at
- [SCM] Maintenance of the freemat package branch, master, updated. debian/4.0-2-7-gf13aab7
Anton Gladky
- r38290 - in /packages/gmsh/trunk/debian: changelog control
sylvestre at
- r38291 - in /packages/gmsh/tags/2.5.0.dfsg-4: ./ changelog control
sylvestre at
- r38292 - in /packages/rheolef/trunk/debian: changelog control librheolef-dev.install
saramito-guest at
- r38293 - /packages/pastix/trunk/debian/rules
saramito-guest at
- r38294 - /packages/pastix/trunk/debian/rules
saramito-guest at
- r38295 - in /packages/gmsh/trunk/debian: changelog control
sylvestre at
- r38296 - in /packages/gmsh/tags/2.5.0.dfsg-5: ./ changelog control
sylvestre at
- r38297 - in /packages/pastix/trunk/debian: rules
saramito-guest at
- r38298 - in /packages/pastix/trunk/debian: ./ patches/series rules
saramito-guest at
- [SCM] An automatic device model synthesizer for Verilog-AMS branch, debian, created. dd86f1b8513e5c3648d7e272e4de237da7441e12
- [SCM] An automatic device model synthesizer for Verilog-AMS branch, debian-patches/2.3.0+r29173-1, created. 501b5f2d84436e022872bec7333fb8c302a5bbdf
- [SCM] An automatic device model synthesizer for Verilog-AMS branch, master, created. 0848c9cdd88b26fe0186ddb0d9e6786ffd03d8df
- [SCM] An automatic device model synthesizer for Verilog-AMS branch, trunk, created. 0848c9cdd88b26fe0186ddb0d9e6786ffd03d8df
- [SCM] An automatic device model synthesizer for Verilog-AMS branch, upstream, created. 0848c9cdd88b26fe0186ddb0d9e6786ffd03d8df
- [SCM] PAW: Physics Analysis Workstation branch, debian, updated. upstream/2.14.04.dfsg.2-26-gf08ee8f
Sylvestre Ledru
- r38299 - in /packages/pastix/trunk/debian: control libpastix-mpi1.install libpastix-seq1.install libpastix1.install patches/scotch-include-guard.patch rules
saramito-guest at
Last message date:
Thu Mar 31 16:44:42 UTC 2011
Archived on: Thu Mar 31 16:44:49 UTC 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).