[sdpb] 126/233: Finished commenting SDPSolver.cpp

Tobias Hansen thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 9 04:06:28 UTC 2017

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commit b2804385dcecbd23c082a3339b32ef077d7cfefe
Author: David Simmons-Duffin <dsd at minerva.sns.ias.edu>
Date:   Sat Jan 10 01:29:05 2015 -0500

    Finished commenting SDPSolver.cpp
 src/SDP.h         |  24 +--
 src/SDPSolver.cpp | 562 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 src/SDPSolver.h   |  20 +-
 3 files changed, 430 insertions(+), 176 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/SDP.h b/src/SDP.h
index 70637b1..f3f900f 100644
--- a/src/SDP.h
+++ b/src/SDP.h
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ using std::ostream;
 //   constraint matrices A_p are given by
 //   A_(j,r,s,k) = \sum_{b \in blocks[j]}
-//                     Block_b(\chi_{b,k} \chi_{b,k}^T \otimes E^{rs}),
+//                     Block_b(v_{b,k} v_{b,k}^T \otimes E^{rs}),
 //   where
 //   - E^{rs} is the symmetrization of the m_j x m_j matrix with a
 //     1 in entry (r,s) and zeros elsewhere.
-//   - \chi_{b,k} is a vector of length (delta_b+1)
+//   - v_{b,k} is a vector of length (delta_b+1)
 //   - \otimes denotes a tensor product
 //   - each block above thus has dimension (delta_b+1)*m_j.
 //   - blocks[j_1] and blocks[j_2] are disjoint if j_1 != j_2.  Thus,
@@ -92,20 +92,20 @@ class IndexTuple {
   int p; // overall index of the constraint
   int r; // first index for E^{rs}
   int s; // second index for E^{rs}
-  int k; // index for \chi_{b,k}
+  int k; // index for v_{b,k}
   IndexTuple(int p, int r, int s, int k): p(p), r(r), s(s), k(k) {}
   IndexTuple() {}
 class SDP {
-  // bilinearBases is a vector of Matrices encoding the \chi_{b,k}
-  // that enter the constraint matrices. Specifically, \chi_{b,k} are
+  // bilinearBases is a vector of Matrices encoding the v_{b,k}
+  // that enter the constraint matrices. Specifically, v_{b,k} are
   // the columns of bilinearBases[b],
-  // bilinearBases[b].elt(m,k) = (\chi_{b,k})_m  (0 <= b < bMax,
-  //                                              0 <= k <= d_j,
-  //                                              0 <= m <= delta_b)
+  // bilinearBases[b].elt(m,k) = (v_{b,k})_m  (0 <= b < bMax,
+  //                                           0 <= k <= d_j,
+  //                                           0 <= m <= delta_b)
   vector<Matrix> bilinearBases;
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ class SDP {
   // Dimensions of the blocks of X,Y (0 <= b < bMax)
-  // psdMatrixBlockDims()[b] = (delta_b+1)*m_j = length(\chi_{b,*})*m_j
+  // psdMatrixBlockDims()[b] = (delta_b+1)*m_j = length(v_{b,*})*m_j
   vector<int> psdMatrixBlockDims() const {
     vector<int> dims;
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ class DualConstraintGroup {
   // constraintConstants = c, a vector of length P'
   Vector constraintConstants;
-  // bilinearBases is a vector of Matrices encoding the \chi_{b,k}
+  // bilinearBases is a vector of Matrices encoding the v_{b,k}
   // entering the constraint matrices A_p, as described
   // above. `bilinearBases' here has the structure of
   // `bilinearBases[j]' above for some fixed j.
@@ -294,11 +294,11 @@ class PolynomialVectorMatrix {
   vector<vector<Polynomial> > elements;
   // A list of real numbers x_k (0 <= k <= degree(M)) at which to
-  // sample M(x) to construct the \chi_{b,k}.
+  // sample M(x) to construct the v_{b,k}.
   vector<Real> samplePoints;
   // A list of real numbers s_k (0 <= k <= degree(M)) to scale M(x_k)
-  // and the corresponding \chi_{b,k}.
+  // and the corresponding v_{b,k}.
   vector<Real> sampleScalings;
   // bilinearBasis[m] = q_m(x) (0 <= m <= degree/2), where q_m is a
diff --git a/src/SDPSolver.cpp b/src/SDPSolver.cpp
index 7742c29..210e0c0 100644
--- a/src/SDPSolver.cpp
+++ b/src/SDPSolver.cpp
@@ -18,6 +18,26 @@ using boost::filesystem::path;
 using boost::timer::nanosecond_type;
 using std::cout;
+// A note on function conventions: For functions which return large
+// objects, we usually use references to the returned objects as
+// arguments to a void function, which are then modified in place:
+// void myFunction(const InputType1 &input1,
+//                 const InputType2 &input2,
+//                 ...
+//                 OutputType1 &output1,
+//                 OutputType2 &output2,
+//                 ...) {
+//   use input1, etc. to modify output1, etc.
+// }
+// We try to mark large inputs as `const' references.  However,
+// several MBLAS and MLAPACK functions are not correctly annotated
+// with `const's, so we occasionally have input arguments which cannot
+// be marked as const because they're used in MBLAS/MLAPACK functions.
+// We try to use comments to distinguish which arguments should be
+// considered inputs and which should be considered outputs.
 // Create and initialize an SDPSolver for the given SDP and
 // SDPSolverParameters
@@ -41,12 +61,12 @@ SDPSolver::SDPSolver(const SDP &sdp, const SDPSolverParameters &parameters):
-  SchurBlocks(sdp.schurBlockDims()),
-  SchurBlocksCholesky(SchurBlocks),
+  SchurComplement(sdp.schurBlockDims()),
+  SchurComplementCholesky(SchurComplement),
-  schurStabilizeIndices(SchurBlocks.blocks.size()),
-  schurStabilizeLambdas(SchurBlocks.blocks.size()),
-  stabilizeBlocks(SchurBlocks.blocks.size()),
+  schurStabilizeIndices(SchurComplement.blocks.size()),
+  schurStabilizeLambdas(SchurComplement.blocks.size()),
+  stabilizeBlocks(SchurComplement.blocks.size()),
   Q(sdp.FreeVarMatrix.cols, sdp.FreeVarMatrix.cols),
@@ -75,19 +95,21 @@ SDPSolver::SDPSolver(const SDP &sdp, const SDPSolverParameters &parameters):
 // Inputs:
 // - A      : l*m x l*m symmetric matrix
 // - Q      : l   x n   matrix
+// Workspace:
 // - Work   : l*m x n*m matrix, intermediate workspace (overwritten)
+// Output:
 // - Result : n*m x n*m symmetric matrix (overwritten)
 // An explanation of the name: a 'congruence' refers to the action M
-// -> A M A^T.  We use 'congruence transpose' to refer to a congruence
+// -> A M A^T.  We use 'transpose congruence' to refer to a congruence
 // with the transposed matrix M -> A^T M A.  'tensor' here refers to
 // the fact that we're performing a congruence with the tensor product
 // Q \otimes 1.
-void tensorMatrixCongruenceTranspose(const Matrix &A,
-                                     const Matrix &Q,
-                                     Matrix &Work,
-                                     Matrix &Result) {
+void tensorTransposeCongruence(const Matrix &A,
+                               const Matrix &Q,
+                               Matrix &Work,
+                               Matrix &Result) {
   int m = A.rows / Q.rows;
   assert(Result.rows == Q.cols * m);
@@ -133,18 +155,36 @@ void tensorMatrixCongruenceTranspose(const Matrix &A,
+// Result_b = Q[b]'^T A_b Q[b]' for each block 0 <= b < Q.size()
+// - Result_b, A_b denote the b-th blocks of Result, A, resp.
+// - Q[b]' = Q[b] \otimes 1, where \otimes denotes tensor product
+// - for each b, L.blocks[b], Q[b], Work[b], and Result.blocks[b] must
+//   have the structure described above for
+//   `tensorTransposeCongruence'
+void blockTensorTransposeCongruence(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
+                                    const vector<Matrix> &Q,
+                                    vector<Matrix> &Work,
+                                    BlockDiagonalMatrix &Result) {
+  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
+  for (unsigned int b = 0; b < Q.size(); b++)
+    tensorTransposeCongruence(A.blocks[b], Q[b], Work[b], Result.blocks[b]);
 // Result = Q'^T A^{-1} Q', where Q' = Q \otimes 1, where \otimes
 // denotes tensor product and 1 is an mxm idenity matrix.
 // Inputs:
 // - L      : l*m x l*m cholesky decomposition of A
 // - Q      : l   x n   matrix
+// Workspace:
 // - Work   : l*m x n*m matrix, intermediate workspace (overwritten)
+// Output:
 // - Result : n*m x n*m symmetric matrix (overwritten)
-void tensorMatrixInvCongruenceTransposeWithCholesky(const Matrix &L,
-                                                    const Matrix &Q,
-                                                    Matrix &Work,
-                                                    Matrix &Result) {
+void tensorInvTransposeCongruenceWithCholesky(const Matrix &L,
+                                              const Matrix &Q,
+                                              Matrix &Work,
+                                              Matrix &Result) {
   // Work = L^{-1} (Q \otimes 1);
   for (int cw = 0; cw < Work.cols; cw++) {
     int mc  = cw / Q.cols;
@@ -178,6 +218,22 @@ void tensorMatrixInvCongruenceTransposeWithCholesky(const Matrix &L,
+// Result_b = Q[b]'^T A_b^{-1} Q[b]' for each block 0 <= b < Q.size()
+// - Result_b, A_b denote the b-th blocks of Result, A, resp.
+// - Q[b]' = Q[b] \otimes 1, where \otimes denotes tensor product
+// - for each b, L.blocks[b], Q[b], Work[b], and Result.blocks[b] must
+//   have the structure described above for
+//   `tensorInvTransposeCongruenceWithCholesky'
+void blockTensorInvTransposeCongruenceWithCholesky(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &L,
+                                                   const vector<Matrix> &Q,
+                                                   vector<Matrix> &Work,
+                                                   BlockDiagonalMatrix &Result) {
+  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
+  for (unsigned int b = 0; b < Q.size(); b++)
+    tensorInvTransposeCongruenceWithCholesky(L.blocks[b], Q[b],
+                                             Work[b], Result.blocks[b]);
 // Result^(blockRow,blockCol) = V D V^T, where D=diag(d) is a diagonal
 // matrix.
@@ -192,6 +248,7 @@ void tensorMatrixInvCongruenceTransposeWithCholesky(const Matrix &L,
 // - V        : V.rows x V.cols Matrix
 // - blockRow : integer < k
 // - blockCol : integer < k
+// Output:
 // - Result   : (k*V.rows) x (k*V.rows) square Matrix (overwritten)
 void diagonalCongruence(Real const *d,
@@ -213,8 +270,8 @@ void diagonalCongruence(Real const *d,
-// v^T A' v, where A' is the (blockRow,blockCol)-th dim x dim block
-// inside A.
+// v^T A^(blockRow, blockCol) v, where A^(r,s) is the (r,s)-th dim x
+// dim block inside A.
 // Input:
 // - v        : pointer to the beginning of a vector of length dim
@@ -222,6 +279,7 @@ void diagonalCongruence(Real const *d,
 // - A        : (k*dim) x (k*dim) matrix, where k > blockRow, blockCol
 // - blockRow : integer labeling block of A
 // - blockCol : integer labeling block of A
+// Output: v^T A^(blockRow, blockCol) v (returned)
 Real bilinearBlockPairing(const Real *v,
                           const int dim,
@@ -241,48 +299,25 @@ Real bilinearBlockPairing(const Real *v,
-// Subroutines needed for each iteration
+// Subroutines needed for each solver iteration
-// Result_b = Q[b]'^T A_b Q[b]' for each block 0 <= b < Q.size()
-// - Result_b, A_b denote the b-th blocks of Result, A, resp.
-// - Q[b]' = Q[b] \otimes 1, where \otimes denotes tensor product
-// This is just tensorMatrixCongruenceTranspose for each block of a
-// BlockDiagonalMatrix.
+// Compute the SchurComplement matrix using BilinearPairingsXInv and
+// BilinearPairingsY and the formula
-void computeBilinearPairings(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
-                             const vector<Matrix> &Q,
-                             vector<Matrix> &workspace,
-                             BlockDiagonalMatrix &Result) {
-  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
-  for (unsigned int b = 0; b < Q.size(); b++)
-    tensorMatrixCongruenceTranspose(A.blocks[b], Q[b],
-                                    workspace[b], Result.blocks[b]);
-// Result_b = Q[b]'^T A_b^{-1} Q[b]' for each block 0 <= b < Q.size()
-// - Result_b, A_b denote the b-th blocks of Result, A, resp.
-// - Q[b]' = Q[b] \otimes 1, where \otimes denotes tensor product
+//   S_{(j,r1,s1,k1), (j,r2,s2,k2)} = \sum_{b \in blocks[j]}
+//          (1/4) (BilinearPairingsXInv_{ej s1 + k1, ej r2 + k2}*
+//                 BilinearPairingsY_{ej s2 + k2, ej r1 + k1} +
+//                 swaps (r1 <-> s1) and (r2 <-> s2))
-// This is just tensorMatrixInvCongruenceTransposeWithCholesky for
-// each block of a BlockDiagonalMatrix.
+// where ej = d_j + 1.
-void computeInvBilinearPairingsWithCholesky(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &L,
-                                            const vector<Matrix> &Q,
-                                            vector<Matrix> &workspace,
-                                            BlockDiagonalMatrix &Result) {
-  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
-  for (unsigned int b = 0; b < Q.size(); b++)
-    tensorMatrixInvCongruenceTransposeWithCholesky(L.blocks[b],
-                                                   Q[b],
-                                                   workspace[b],
-                                                   Result.blocks[b]);
-void computeSchurBlocks(const SDP &sdp,
-                        const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsXInv,
-                        const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsY,
-                        BlockDiagonalMatrix &SchurBlocks) {
+// Inputs: sdp, BilinearPairingsXInv, BilinearPairingsY
+// Output: SchurComplement (overwritten) 
+void computeSchurComplement(const SDP &sdp,
+                            const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsXInv,
+                            const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsY,
+                            BlockDiagonalMatrix &SchurComplement) {
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sdp.dimensions.size(); j++) {
     const int ej = sdp.degrees[j] + 1;
@@ -309,14 +344,27 @@ void computeSchurBlocks(const SDP &sdp,
                   BilinearPairingsXInv.blocks[*b].elt(ej_r1 + k1, ej_s2 + k2) *
                   BilinearPairingsY   .blocks[*b].elt(ej_r2 + k2, ej_s1 + k1))/4;
-        SchurBlocks.blocks[j].elt(u1, u2) = tmp;
+        SchurComplement.blocks[j].elt(u1, u2) = tmp;
         if (u2 != u1)
-          SchurBlocks.blocks[j].elt(u2, u1) = tmp;
+          SchurComplement.blocks[j].elt(u2, u1) = tmp;
+// dualResidues[p] = primalObjective[p] - Tr(A_p Y) - (FreeVarMatrix y)_p,
+// for 0 <= p < primalObjective.size()
+// The pairings Tr(A_p Y) can be written in terms of BilinearPairingsY:
+//   Tr(A_(j,r,s,k) Y) = \sum_{b \in blocks[j]}
+//                       (1/2) (BilinearPairingsY_{ej r + k, ej s + k} +
+//                              swap (r <-> s))
+// where ej = d_j + 1.
+// Inputs: sdp, y, BilinearPairingsY
+// Output: dualResidues (overwriten)
 void computeDualResidues(const SDP &sdp,
                          const Vector &y,
                          const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsY,
@@ -333,6 +381,7 @@ void computeDualResidues(const SDP &sdp,
       const int ej_s = t->s * ej;
       const int k    = t->k;
+      // dualResidues[p] = -Tr(A_p Y)
       dualResidues[p] = 0;
       for (vector<int>::const_iterator b = sdp.blocks[j].begin();
            b != sdp.blocks[j].end(); b++) {
@@ -341,20 +390,38 @@ void computeDualResidues(const SDP &sdp,
       dualResidues[p] /= 2;
+      // dualResidues[p] = -Tr(A_p Y) - (FreeVarMatrix y)_p
       for (int n = 0; n < sdp.FreeVarMatrix.cols; n++)
         dualResidues[p] -= sdp.FreeVarMatrix.elt(p, n)*y[n];
+      // dualResidues[p] = primalObjective[p] - Tr(A_p Y) - (FreeVarMatrix y)_p
       dualResidues[p] += sdp.primalObjective[p];
+// Result = \sum_p a[p] A_p,
+// where a[p] is a vector of length primalObjective.size() and the
+// constraint matrices A_p are given by
+//   A_(j,r,s,k) = \sum_{b \in blocks[j]}
+//                     Block_b(v_{b,k} v_{b,k}^T \otimes E^{rs}),
+// where v_{b,k} is the k-th column of bilinearBases[b], as described
+// in SDP.h.
+// Inputs: sdp, a
+// Output: Result (overwritten)
 void constraintMatrixWeightedSum(const SDP &sdp,
-                                 const Vector x,
-                                 BlockDiagonalMatrix &result)  {
+                                 const Vector a,
+                                 BlockDiagonalMatrix &Result)  {
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sdp.dimensions.size(); j++) {
     const int ej = sdp.degrees[j] + 1;
+    // For each j, t points to the first IndexTuple corresponding to j
     for (vector<IndexTuple>::const_iterator t = sdp.constraintIndices[j].begin();
          t != sdp.constraintIndices[j].end();
          t += ej) {
@@ -365,14 +432,22 @@ void constraintMatrixWeightedSum(const SDP &sdp,
       for (vector<int>::const_iterator b = sdp.blocks[j].begin();
            b != sdp.blocks[j].end(); b++) {
-        diagonalCongruence(&x[p], sdp.bilinearBases[*b], r, s,
-                           result.blocks[*b]);
+        // Result.blocks[b]^(r,s) = V diag(a') V^T, where
+        // V=sdp.bilinearBases[b], a' denotes the subvector of a
+        // corresponding to j, and M^(r,s) denotes the (r,s)-th block
+        // of M.
+        diagonalCongruence(&a[p], sdp.bilinearBases[*b], r, s, Result.blocks[*b]);
+        // Result should be symmetric, so if r != s, we must divide
+        // the (r,s)-th block of Result.blocks[b] by 2 and copy its
+        // transpose to the (s,r)-th block.
         if (r != s) {
           const int u = sdp.bilinearBases[*b].rows;
           for (int m = r*u; m < (r+1)*u; m++) {
             for (int n = s*u; n < (s+1)*u; n++) {
-              result.blocks[*b].elt(m, n) /= 2;
-              result.blocks[*b].elt(n, m) = result.blocks[*b].elt(m, n);
+              Result.blocks[*b].elt(m, n) /= 2;
+              Result.blocks[*b].elt(n, m) = Result.blocks[*b].elt(m, n);
@@ -381,15 +456,40 @@ void constraintMatrixWeightedSum(const SDP &sdp,
+// Compute the vectors r and s on the right-hand side of the Schur
+// complement equation:
+// {{S, -B}, {B^T, 0}} . {dx, dy} = {r_x, r_y}
+// where S = SchurComplement and B = FreeVarMatrix.  Specifically,
+// r_x[p] = -dualResidues[p] - Tr(A_p Z)              for 0 <= p < P
+// r_y[n] = dualObjective[n] - (FreeVarMatrix^T x)_n  for 0 <= n < N
+// where P = primalObjective.size(), N = dualObjective.size()
+// Inputs:
+// - sdp, an SDP
+// - dualResidues, a Vector of length P
+// - Z = X^{-1} (PrimalResidues Y - R)
+// - x, a vector of length P
+// Outputs:
+// - r_x, a Vector of length P
+// - sy, a Vector of length N
 void computeSchurRHS(const SDP &sdp,
                      const Vector &dualResidues,
                      const BlockDiagonalMatrix &Z,
                      const Vector &x,
-                     Vector &r,
-                     Vector &s) {
-  for (unsigned int p = 0; p < r.size(); p++)
-    r[p] = -dualResidues[p];
+                     Vector &r_x,
+                     Vector &r_y) {
+  // r_x[p] = -dualResidues[p]
+  for (unsigned int p = 0; p < r_x.size(); p++)
+    r_x[p] = -dualResidues[p];
+  // r_x[p] = -dualResidues[p] - Tr(A_p Z), where A_p are as described
+  // in SDP.h.  The trace can be computed in terms of bilinearBases
+  // using bilinearBlockPairing.
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sdp.dimensions.size(); j++) {
     for (vector<IndexTuple>::const_iterator t = sdp.constraintIndices[j].begin();
@@ -397,25 +497,29 @@ void computeSchurRHS(const SDP &sdp,
          t++) {
       for (vector<int>::const_iterator b = sdp.blocks[j].begin();
            b != sdp.blocks[j].end(); b++) {
-        const int delta = sdp.bilinearBases[*b].rows;
+        const int h = sdp.bilinearBases[*b].rows;
         // Pointer to the k-th column of sdp.bilinearBases[*b]
-        const Real *q = &sdp.bilinearBases[*b].elements[(t->k) * delta];
+        const Real *q = &sdp.bilinearBases[*b].elements[(t->k) * h];
-        r[t->p] -= bilinearBlockPairing(q, delta, Z.blocks[*b], t->r, t->s);
+        r_x[t->p] -= bilinearBlockPairing(q, h, Z.blocks[*b], t->r, t->s);
+  // r_y[n] = dualObjective[n] - (FreeVarMatrix^T x)_n
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
   for (unsigned int n = 0; n < sdp.dualObjective.size(); n++) {
-    s[n] = sdp.dualObjective[n];
+    r_y[n] = sdp.dualObjective[n];
     for (int p = 0; p < sdp.FreeVarMatrix.rows; p++) {
-      s[n] -= sdp.FreeVarMatrix.elt(p, n)*x[p];
+      r_y[n] -= sdp.FreeVarMatrix.elt(p, n)*x[p];
-// PrimalResidues = sum_p F_p x_p - X - F_0
+// PrimalResidues = \sum_p A_p x[p] - X
+// Inputs: sdp, x, X
+// Output: PrimalResidues (overwritten)
 void computePrimalResidues(const SDP &sdp,
                            const Vector x,
@@ -425,11 +529,13 @@ void computePrimalResidues(const SDP &sdp,
   PrimalResidues -= X;
+// Centering parameter \beta_p for the predictor step
 Real predictorCenteringParameter(const SDPSolverParameters &parameters,
                                  const bool isPrimalDualFeasible) {
   return isPrimalDualFeasible ? Real(0) : parameters.infeasibleCenteringParameter;
+// Centering parameter \beta_c for the corrector step
 Real correctorCenteringParameter(const SDPSolverParameters &parameters,
                                  const BlockDiagonalMatrix &X,
                                  const BlockDiagonalMatrix &dX,
@@ -446,91 +552,206 @@ Real correctorCenteringParameter(const SDPSolverParameters &parameters,
     return max(parameters.infeasibleCenteringParameter, beta);
-Real stepLength(BlockDiagonalMatrix &XCholesky,
-                BlockDiagonalMatrix &dX,
-                BlockDiagonalMatrix &XInvDX,
+// min(gamma \alpha(M, dM), 1), where \alpha(M, dM) denotes the
+// largest positive real number such that M + \alpha dM is positive
+// semidefinite.
+// \alpha(M, dM) is computed with a Cholesky decomposition M = L L^T.
+// The eigenvalues of M + \alpha dM are equal to the eigenvalues of 1
+// + \alpha L^{-1} dM L^{-T}.  The correct \alpha is then -1/lambda,
+// where lambda is the smallest eigenvalue of L^{-1} dM L^{-T}.
+// Inputs:
+// - MCholesky = L, the Cholesky decomposition of M (M itself is not needed)
+// - dM, a BlockDiagonalMatrix with the same structure as M
+// Workspace:
+// - MInvDM
+// - eigenvalues, a Vector of eigenvalues for each block of M
+// - workspace, a vector of Vectors needed by the minEigenvalue function
+// Output:
+// - min(\gamma \alpha(M, dM), 1) (returned)
+Real stepLength(BlockDiagonalMatrix &MCholesky,
+                BlockDiagonalMatrix &dM,
+                BlockDiagonalMatrix &MInvDM,
                 vector<Vector> &eigenvalues,
                 vector<Vector> &workspace,
-                const SDPSolverParameters &parameters) {
-  // XInvDX = L^{-1} dX L^{-1 T}, where X = L L^T
-  XInvDX.copyFrom(dX);
-  lowerTriangularInverseCongruence(XInvDX, XCholesky);
+                const Real gamma) {
+  // MInvDM = L^{-1} dM L^{-T}, where M = L L^T
+  MInvDM.copyFrom(dM);
+  lowerTriangularInverseCongruence(MInvDM, MCholesky);
-  const Real lambda = minEigenvalue(XInvDX, workspace, eigenvalues);
-  const Real gamma  = parameters.stepLengthReduction;
+  const Real lambda = minEigenvalue(MInvDM, workspace, eigenvalues);
   if (lambda > -gamma)
     return 1;
     return -gamma/lambda;
+// Compute the quantities needed to solve the Schur complement
+// equation
+// {{S, -B}, {B^T, 0}} . {dx, dy} = {r, s}
+// (where S = SchurComplement, B = FreeVarMatrix), using the method
+// described in the manual:
+// - Compute S using BilinearPairingsXInv and BilinearPairingsY.
+// - Stabilize S by adding a low-rank update S' = S + U U^T and
+//   compute the Cholesky decomposition S' = L' L'^T.
+// - Form B' = (B U) and compute
+//   - SchurOffDiagonal = L'^{-1} B
+//   - L'^{-1} U (this is stored implicitly in the stabilizeBlock* variables)
+//   - Q = (L'^{-1} B')^T (L'^{-1} B') - {{0, 0}, {0, 1}}
+// - Compute the LU decomposition of Q.
+// This data is sufficient to efficiently solve the above equation for
+// a given r,s.
+// Inputs:
+// - BilinearPairingsXInv, BilinearPairingsY (these are members of
+//   SDPSolver, but we include them as arguments to emphasize that
+//   they must be computed first)
+// - choleskyStabilizeThreshold: the real constant \theta used in
+//   stabilizing S
+// Workspace (members of SDPSolver which are modified by this method
+// and not used later):
+// - SchurComplement
+// - schurStabilizeIndices
+// - schurStabilizeLambdas
+// Outputs (members of SDPSolver which are modified by this method and
+// used later):
+// - SchurComplementCholesky
+// - SchurOffDiagonal
+// - stabilizeBlockIndices
+// - stabilizeBlockUpdateRow
+// - stabilizeBlockUpdateColumn
+// - stabilizeBlocks
+// - Q, Qpivots
 void SDPSolver::initializeSchurComplementSolver(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsXInv,
                                                 const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsY,
                                                 const Real &choleskyStabilizeThreshold) {
-  computeSchurBlocks(sdp, BilinearPairingsXInv, BilinearPairingsY, SchurBlocks);
-  choleskyDecompositionStabilized(SchurBlocks, SchurBlocksCholesky,
+  computeSchurComplement(sdp, BilinearPairingsXInv, BilinearPairingsY, SchurComplement);
+  // compute SchurComplementCholesky = L', where
+  //
+  //   L' L'^T = S' = SchurComplement + U U^T
+  //
+  // Here, the 'update' matrix U has columns given by
+  //
+  //   U = ( Lambda_{p_1} e_{p_1}, ..., Lambda_{p_M} e_{p_M} )
+  //
+  // where e_p is a unit vector in the p-th direction and the
+  // Lambda_{p_m} are constants. The p_i are given by
+  // schurStabilizeIndices and the corresponding Lambda_i by
+  // schurStabilizeLambdas.
+  // 
+  choleskyDecompositionStabilized(SchurComplement, SchurComplementCholesky,
-  // SchurOffDiagonal = {{- 1, 0}, {E, G}}
+  // SchurOffDiagonal = L'^{-1} FreeVarMatrix
-  blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(SchurBlocksCholesky, SchurOffDiagonal);
-  int updateColumns = SchurOffDiagonal.cols;
+  blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(SchurComplementCholesky, SchurOffDiagonal);
+  // Next we compute L'^{-1} U, which is stored implicitly in terms of
+  // its nonzero submatrices in the stabilizeBlock* variables.
+  // total number of columns in the off-diagonal part B' = (B U)
+  // (currently just B; will accumulate the rest shortly)
+  int offDiagonalColumns = SchurOffDiagonal.cols;
-  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < SchurBlocks.blocks.size(); j++) {
+  // j runs over blocks of SchurComplement
+  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < SchurComplement.blocks.size(); j++) {
     if (schurStabilizeIndices[j].size() > 0) {
-      int startIndex = schurStabilizeIndices[j][0];
-      int blockRows  = SchurBlocks.blocks[j].rows - startIndex;
-      int blockCols  = schurStabilizeIndices[j].size();
+      // the j-th block of S contains stabilized directions. We have a
+      // block submatrix
+      //
+      //   U_j = stabilizeBlocks[j]
+      //
+      // of U for each such j.
-      stabilizeBlockUpdateRow.push_back(SchurBlocks.blockStartIndices[j] + startIndex);
-      stabilizeBlockUpdateColumn.push_back(updateColumns);
-      updateColumns += blockCols;
+      // index of the first stabilized direction within the j-th block
+      int startIndex = schurStabilizeIndices[j][0];
-      stabilizeBlocks[j].setRowsCols(blockRows, blockCols);
+      // set the dimensions of U_j 
+      stabilizeBlocks[j].setRowsCols(SchurComplement.blocks[j].rows - startIndex,
+                                     schurStabilizeIndices[j].size());
+      // set U_j = 0
+      // for each column of U_j add Lambda_p in the row (p - startIndex)
       for (unsigned int c = 0; c < schurStabilizeIndices[j].size(); c++) {
         int r = schurStabilizeIndices[j][c] - startIndex;
         stabilizeBlocks[j].elt(r, c) = schurStabilizeLambdas[j][c];
+      // append the row of U corresponding to the top-left of U_j
+      stabilizeBlockUpdateRow.push_back(SchurComplement.blockStartIndices[j] + startIndex);
+      // append the column of U corresponding to the top-left of U_j
+      stabilizeBlockUpdateColumn.push_back(offDiagonalColumns);
+      // update the number of off-diagonal columns
+      offDiagonalColumns += stabilizeBlocks[j].cols;
-  // G := SchurBlocksCholesky^{-1} G
+  // Set U = L'^{-1} U
+  //
+  // We do this by modifying the blocks U_j = stabilizeBlocks[j]
+  // in-place, multiplying by the inverse of the appropriate submatrix
+  // of SchurComplementCholesky.  We henceforth refer to L'^{-1} U as
+  // V to avoid confusion.
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stabilizeBlockIndices.size(); j++) {
     int b = stabilizeBlockIndices[j];
     int startIndex = schurStabilizeIndices[b][0];
     Rtrsm("Left", "Lower", "NoTranspose", "NonUnitDiagonal",
           stabilizeBlocks[b].rows, stabilizeBlocks[b].cols, 1,
-          &SchurBlocksCholesky.blocks[b].elt(startIndex, startIndex),
-          SchurBlocksCholesky.blocks[b].rows,
+          &SchurComplementCholesky.blocks[b].elt(startIndex, startIndex),
+          SchurComplementCholesky.blocks[b].rows,
           &stabilizeBlocks[b].elt(0, 0),
-  // Q = SchurOffDiagonal^T SchurOffDiagonal - {{0,0},{0,1}}
-  Q.setRowsCols(updateColumns, updateColumns);
+  // Next, we compute
+  //
+  //   Q = (L'^{-1} B')^T (L'^{-1} B') - {{0, 0}, {0, 1}}
+  //
+  // Where B' = (B U).  We think of Q as containing four-blocks called
+  // Upper/Lower-Left/Right.
+  // Set the dimensions of Q
+  Q.setRowsCols(offDiagonalColumns, offDiagonalColumns);
+  // At this point, SchurOffDiagonal = L'^{-1} B.
+  //
+  // UpperLeft(Q) = SchurOffDiagonal^T SchurOffDiagonal
   matrixSquareIntoBlock(SchurOffDiagonal, Q, 0, 0);
-  // LowerRight(Q) = G^T G - 1
+  // At this point, stabilizeBlocks the blocks of V = L'^{-1} U.
+  //
+  // LowerRight(Q) = V^T V - 1
   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stabilizeBlockIndices.size(); j++) {
     int b = stabilizeBlockIndices[j];
     int c = stabilizeBlockUpdateColumn[j];
     matrixSquareIntoBlock(stabilizeBlocks[b], Q, c, c);
+    // subtract the identity matrix from this block
     for (int i = c; i < c + stabilizeBlocks[b].cols; i++)
       Q.elt(i, i) -= 1;
-  // LowerLeft(Q) = G^T U
+  // LowerLeft(Q) = V^T SchurOffDiagonal
   # pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stabilizeBlockIndices.size(); j++) {
     int b = stabilizeBlockIndices[j];
@@ -556,27 +777,36 @@ void SDPSolver::initializeSchurComplementSolver(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &Bilin
     for (int r = SchurOffDiagonal.cols; r < Q.rows; r++)
       Q.elt(c, r) = Q.elt(r, c);
+  // Resize Qpivots appropriately and compute the LU decomposition of Q
   LUDecomposition(Q, Qpivots);
-// As inputs, dx and dy are the residues r_x and r_y on the right-hand
-// side of the Schur complement equation. As outputs, they are the
-// values for dx and dy.
+// Solve the Schur complement equation for dx, dy.
+// - As inputs, dx and dy are the residues r_x and r_y on the
+//   right-hand side of the Schur complement equation.
+// - As outputs, dx and dy are overwritten with the solutions of the
+//   Schur complement equation.
+// The equation is solved using the block-decomposition described in
+// the manual.
 void SDPSolver::solveSchurComplementEquation(Vector &dx, Vector &dy) {
-  // dx = SchurBlocksCholesky^{-1} dx
-  blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(SchurBlocksCholesky, dx);
+  // dx = SchurComplementCholesky^{-1} dx
+  blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(SchurComplementCholesky, dx);
+  // extend dy by additional coordinates z needed for stabilizing
+  // dyExtended = (dy, z)
-  // k_1 = r_y - SchurOffDiagonal^T dx
+  // dy = r_y - SchurOffDiagonal^T dx
   for (unsigned int n = 0; n < dy.size(); n++)
     dyExtended[n] = dy[n];
   vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyTransposeAdd(-1, SchurOffDiagonal, dx, 1, dyExtended);
-  // k_2 = -G^T dx
+  // z = -V^T dx
   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stabilizeBlockIndices.size(); j++) {
     int b = stabilizeBlockIndices[j];
     int pTopLeft = stabilizeBlockUpdateRow[j];
@@ -589,12 +819,13 @@ void SDPSolver::solveSchurComplementEquation(Vector &dx, Vector &dy) {
-  // k = Q^{-1} k
+  // dyExtended = Q^{-1} dyExtended
   solveWithLUDecomposition(Q, Qpivots, dyExtended);
-  // dx = dx + SchurOffDiagonal k_1
+  // dx += SchurOffDiagonal dy
   vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyAdd(1, SchurOffDiagonal, dyExtended, 1, dx);
-  // dx += G k_2
+  // dx += V z
   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stabilizeBlockIndices.size(); j++) {
     int b = stabilizeBlockIndices[j];
     int pTopLeft = stabilizeBlockUpdateRow[j];
@@ -605,16 +836,33 @@ void SDPSolver::solveSchurComplementEquation(Vector &dx, Vector &dy) {
         dx[pTopLeft + r] += dyExtended[cTopLeft + c] * stabilizeBlocks[b].elt(r, c);
-  // dx = SchurBlocksCholesky^{-T} dx
-  blockMatrixLowerTriangularTransposeSolve(SchurBlocksCholesky, dx);
-  // dy = k_1
+  // dx = SchurComplementCholesky^{-T} dx
+  blockMatrixLowerTriangularTransposeSolve(SchurComplementCholesky, dx);
+  // dy = first few entries of dyExtended
   for (unsigned int n = 0; n < dy.size(); n++)
     dy[n] = dyExtended[n];
+// Compute the search direction (dx, dX, dy, dY) for the predictor and
+// corrector phases.
+// Inputs:
+// - beta, the centering parameter
+// - mu = Tr(X Y) / X.cols
+// - correctorPhase: boolean indicating whether we're in the corrector
+//   phase or predictor phase.
+// Workspace (members of SDPSolver which are modified in-place but not
+// used elsewhere):
+// - Z, R
+// Outputs (members of SDPSolver which are modified in-place):
+// - dx, dX, dy, dY
 void SDPSolver::computeSearchDirection(const Real &beta,
                                        const Real &mu,
                                        const bool correctorPhase) {
+  // R = beta mu I - X Y (predictor phase)
+  // R = beta mu I - X Y - dX dY (corrector phase)
   blockDiagonalMatrixScaleMultiplyAdd(-1, X, Y, 0, R);
   if (correctorPhase)
     blockDiagonalMatrixScaleMultiplyAdd(-1, dX, dY, 1, R);
@@ -626,14 +874,15 @@ void SDPSolver::computeSearchDirection(const Real &beta,
   blockMatrixSolveWithCholesky(XCholesky, Z);
-  // (dx_RHS)_k = -d_k + Tr(F_k Z)
-  // dz_RHS = f - D^T x
+  // r_x[p] = -dualResidues[p] - Tr(A_p Z)
+  // r_y[n] = dualObjective[n] - (FreeVarMatrix^T x)_n
+  // Here, dx = r_x, dy = r_y.
   computeSchurRHS(sdp, dualResidues, Z, x, dx, dy);
-  // dx_N = B_{NN}^{-1} dx_N, dx_B = E^T dx_N
+  // Solve for dx, dy in-place
   solveSchurComplementEquation(dx, dy);
-  // dX = R_p + sum_p F_p dx_p
+  // dX = PrimalResidues + \sum_p A_p dx[p]
   constraintMatrixWeightedSum(sdp, dx, dX);
   dX += PrimalResidues;
@@ -665,18 +914,21 @@ SDPSolverTerminateReason SDPSolver::run(const path checkpointFile) {
     choleskyDecomposition(X, XCholesky);
     choleskyDecomposition(Y, YCholesky);
-    computeInvBilinearPairingsWithCholesky(XCholesky, sdp.bilinearBases,
-                                           bilinearPairingsWorkspace,
-                                           BilinearPairingsXInv);
-    computeBilinearPairings(Y, sdp.bilinearBases,
-                            bilinearPairingsWorkspace,
-                            BilinearPairingsY);
-    // d_k = c_k - Tr(F_k Y) - (D y)_k
+    // Compute the bilinear pairings BilinearPairingsXInv and
+    // BilinearPairingsY needed for the dualResidues and the Schur
+    // complement matrix
+    blockTensorInvTransposeCongruenceWithCholesky(XCholesky, sdp.bilinearBases,
+                                                  bilinearPairingsWorkspace,
+                                                  BilinearPairingsXInv);
+    blockTensorTransposeCongruence(Y, sdp.bilinearBases,
+                                   bilinearPairingsWorkspace,
+                                   BilinearPairingsY);
+    // dualResidues[p] = primalObjective[p] - Tr(A_p Y) - (FreeVarMatrix y)_p,
     computeDualResidues(sdp, y, BilinearPairingsY, dualResidues);
     dualError = maxAbsVector(dualResidues);
-    // PrimalResidues = sum_p F_p x_p - X - F_0 (F_0 is zero for now)
+    // PrimalResidues = \sum_p A_p x[p] - X
     computePrimalResidues(sdp, x, X, PrimalResidues);
     primalError = PrimalResidues.maxAbs();
@@ -684,44 +936,44 @@ SDPSolverTerminateReason SDPSolver::run(const path checkpointFile) {
     const bool isDualFeasible   = dualError   < parameters.dualErrorThreshold;
     const bool isOptimal        = dualityGap  < parameters.dualityGapThreshold;
-    if (isPrimalFeasible && isDualFeasible && isOptimal)
-      return PrimalDualOptimal;
-    else if (isPrimalFeasible && parameters.findPrimalFeasible)
-      return PrimalFeasible;
-    else if (isDualFeasible && parameters.findDualFeasible)
-      return DualFeasible;
-    else if (primalStepLength == 1 && parameters.detectPrimalFeasibleJump)
-      return PrimalFeasibleJumpDetected;
-    else if (dualStepLength == 1 && parameters.detectDualFeasibleJump)
-      return DualFeasibleJumpDetected;
-    // Detect max iterations after computing errors and objective
-    // functions for the current point
-    else if (iteration > parameters.maxIterations)
-      return MaxIterationsExceeded;
+    if (isPrimalFeasible && isDualFeasible && isOptimal)                   return PrimalDualOptimal;
+    else if (isPrimalFeasible && parameters.findPrimalFeasible)            return PrimalFeasible;
+    else if (isDualFeasible && parameters.findDualFeasible)                return DualFeasible;
+    else if (primalStepLength == 1 && parameters.detectPrimalFeasibleJump) return PrimalFeasibleJumpDetected;
+    else if (dualStepLength == 1 && parameters.detectDualFeasibleJump)     return DualFeasibleJumpDetected;
+    else if (iteration > parameters.maxIterations)                         return MaxIterationsExceeded;
+    // Compute SchurComplement and prepare to solve the Schur
+    // complement equation for dx, dy
     initializeSchurComplementSolver(BilinearPairingsXInv, BilinearPairingsY,
+    // Compute the complementarity mu = Tr(X Y)/X.dim
     Real mu = frobeniusProductSymmetric(X, Y)/X.dim;
     if (mu > parameters.maxComplementarity)
       return MaxComplementarityExceeded;
-    // Mehrotra predictor solution for (dx, dX, dY)
-    Real betaPredictor = predictorCenteringParameter(parameters,
-                                                     isPrimalFeasible && isDualFeasible);
+    // Mehrotra predictor solution for (dx, dX, dy, dY)
+    Real betaPredictor =
+      predictorCenteringParameter(parameters, isPrimalFeasible && isDualFeasible);
     computeSearchDirection(betaPredictor, mu, false);
-    // Mehrotra corrector solution for (dx, dX, dY)
-    Real betaCorrector = correctorCenteringParameter(parameters, X, dX, Y, dY, mu,
-                                                     isPrimalFeasible && isDualFeasible);
+    // Mehrotra corrector solution for (dx, dX, dy, dY)
+    Real betaCorrector =
+      correctorCenteringParameter(parameters, X, dX, Y, dY, mu,
+                                  isPrimalFeasible && isDualFeasible);
     computeSearchDirection(betaCorrector, mu, true);
-    // Step length to preserve positive definiteness
+    // Compute step-lengths that preserve positive definiteness of X, Y
     primalStepLength = stepLength(XCholesky, dX, StepMatrixWorkspace,
-                                  eigenvaluesWorkspace, QRWorkspace, parameters);
+                                  eigenvaluesWorkspace, QRWorkspace,
+                                  parameters.stepLengthReduction);
     dualStepLength   = stepLength(YCholesky, dY, StepMatrixWorkspace,
-                                  eigenvaluesWorkspace, QRWorkspace, parameters);
+                                  eigenvaluesWorkspace, QRWorkspace,
+                                  parameters.stepLengthReduction);
+    // If our problem is both dual-feasible and primal-feasible,
+    // ensure we're following the true Newton direction.
     if (isPrimalFeasible && isDualFeasible) {
       primalStepLength = min(primalStepLength, dualStepLength);
       dualStepLength = primalStepLength;
@@ -729,11 +981,13 @@ SDPSolverTerminateReason SDPSolver::run(const path checkpointFile) {
     printIteration(iteration, mu, primalStepLength, dualStepLength, betaCorrector);
-    // Update current point
+    // Update the primal point (x, X) += primalStepLength (dx, dX)
     scaleVector(dx, primalStepLength);
     addVector(x, dx);
     dX *= primalStepLength;
     X += dX;
+    // Update the dual point (y, Y) += dualStepLength (dy, dY)
     scaleVector(dy, dualStepLength);
     addVector(y, dy);
     dY *= dualStepLength;
diff --git a/src/SDPSolver.h b/src/SDPSolver.h
index 222d911..19849b0 100644
--- a/src/SDPSolver.h
+++ b/src/SDPSolver.h
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ public:
   //   BilinearPairingsXInv.blocks[b].elt(
   //     (d_j+1) s + k1,
   //     (d_j+1) r + k2
-  //   ) = \chi_{b,k1}^T (X.blocks[b]^{-1})^{(s,r)} \chi_{b,k2}
+  //   ) = v_{b,k1}^T (X.blocks[b]^{-1})^{(s,r)} v_{b,k2}
   //     0 <= k1,k2 <= sdp.degrees[j] = d_j
   //     0 <= s,r < sdp.dimensions[j] = m_j
@@ -198,14 +198,14 @@ public:
   BlockDiagonalMatrix BilinearPairingsY;
   // The Schur complement matrix S: a BlockDiagonalMatrix with one
-  // block for each 0 <= j < J.  SchurBlocks.blocks[j] has dimension
+  // block for each 0 <= j < J.  SchurComplement.blocks[j] has dimension
   // (d_j+1)*m_j*(m_j+1)/2
-  BlockDiagonalMatrix SchurBlocks;
+  BlockDiagonalMatrix SchurComplement;
-  // SchurBlocksCholesky = L', the Cholesky decomposition of the
+  // SchurComplementCholesky = L', the Cholesky decomposition of the
   // stabilized Schur complement matrix S' = S + U U^T.
-  BlockDiagonalMatrix SchurBlocksCholesky;
+  BlockDiagonalMatrix SchurComplementCholesky;
   // SchurOffDiagonal = L'^{-1} FreeVarMatrix, needed in solving the
   // Schur complement equation.
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public:
   // Recall: S is block diagonal, with blocks labeled by 0 <= j < J.
   // schurStabilizeIndices[j] = a list of which directions of
-  // SchurBlocks.blocks[j] have been stabilized (counting from 0 at
+  // SchurComplement.blocks[j] have been stabilized (counting from 0 at
   // the upper left of each block), for 0 <= j < J.
   vector<vector<int> > schurStabilizeIndices;
@@ -241,20 +241,20 @@ public:
   // For each 0 <= m < M, stabilizeBlockUpdateRow records the row of
   // U corresponding to the first stabilized direction in the j_m'th
-  // block of SchurBlocks:
+  // block of SchurComplement:
   //   stabilizeBlockUpdateRow[m] = schurStabilizeIndices[j_m][0] +
-  //                                SchurBlocks.blockStartIndices[j_m]
+  //                                SchurComplement.blockStartIndices[j_m]
   vector<int> stabilizeBlockUpdateRow;
   // For each 0 <= m < M, stabilizeBlockUpdateColumn records the
   // column of U corresponding to the first stabilized direction in
-  // the j_m'th block of SchurBlocks.
+  // the j_m'th block of SchurComplement.
   vector<int> stabilizeBlockUpdateColumn;
   // For each 0 <= m < M, stabilizeBlocks is the submatrix of U
-  // corresponding to the j_m'th block of SchurBlocks.
+  // corresponding to the j_m'th block of SchurComplement.
   vector<Matrix> stabilizeBlocks;
   // Q = B' L'^{-T} L'^{-1} B' - {{0, 0}, {0, 1}}, where B' =

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