[sdpb] 127/233: Commented Matrix, BlockDiagonalMatrix, and main; some minor fixes and cleanup

Tobias Hansen thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 9 04:06:28 UTC 2017

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commit 44201eb57e0d1a377cf006fc4402c7ce44dea006
Author: David Simmons-Duffin <dsd at minerva.sns.ias.edu>
Date:   Sat Jan 10 03:05:07 2015 -0500

    Commented Matrix, BlockDiagonalMatrix, and main; some minor fixes and cleanup
 src/BlockDiagonalMatrix.cpp |  17 ++++++-
 src/BlockDiagonalMatrix.h   | 106 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 src/Matrix.cpp              |  77 ++++++++++++++------------------
 src/Matrix.h                |  99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 src/SDPSolver.cpp           |  17 ++++---
 src/main.cpp                |  11 ++++-
 6 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/BlockDiagonalMatrix.cpp b/src/BlockDiagonalMatrix.cpp
index 7ee9dbb..4897aea 100644
--- a/src/BlockDiagonalMatrix.cpp
+++ b/src/BlockDiagonalMatrix.cpp
@@ -21,12 +21,16 @@ ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const BlockDiagonalMatrix& A) {
   return os;
+// Tr(A B), where A and B are symmetric
 Real frobeniusProductSymmetric(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
                                const BlockDiagonalMatrix &B) {
   Real result = 0;
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
   for (unsigned int b = 0; b < A.blocks.size(); b++) {
     Real f = frobeniusProductSymmetric(A.blocks[b], B.blocks[b]);
+    // this pragma means that other threads should be stopped while
+    // this operation is performed (this prevents result from being
+    // modified by multiple threads simultaneously)
     #pragma omp critical
       result += f;
@@ -55,6 +59,7 @@ Real frobeniusProductOfSums(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &X,
   return result;
+// C := alpha*A*B + beta*C
 void blockDiagonalMatrixScaleMultiplyAdd(Real alpha,
                                          BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
                                          BlockDiagonalMatrix &B,
@@ -65,12 +70,14 @@ void blockDiagonalMatrixScaleMultiplyAdd(Real alpha,
     matrixScaleMultiplyAdd(alpha, A.blocks[b], B.blocks[b], beta, C.blocks[b]);
+// C := A*B
 void blockDiagonalMatrixMultiply(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
                                  BlockDiagonalMatrix &B,
                                  BlockDiagonalMatrix &C) {
   blockDiagonalMatrixScaleMultiplyAdd(1, A, B, 0, C);
+// A := L^{-1} A L^{-T}
 void lowerTriangularInverseCongruence(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
                                       BlockDiagonalMatrix &L) {
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
@@ -91,12 +98,13 @@ Real minEigenvalue(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
   assert(A.blocks.size() == workspace.size());
   // TODO(davidsd): get rid of this hack
-  Real lambdaMin = 1e100;
+  Real lambdaMin = 1e100; // we really want lambdaMin = infinity here
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
   for (unsigned int b = 0; b < A.blocks.size(); b++) {
     Real minBlockLambda = minEigenvalue(A.blocks[b],
+    // ensure only one thread modifies lambdaMin at a time
     #pragma omp critical
       lambdaMin = min(lambdaMin, minBlockLambda);
@@ -106,6 +114,7 @@ Real minEigenvalue(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
   return lambdaMin;
+// Compute L (lower triangular) such that A = L L^T
 void choleskyDecomposition(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
                            BlockDiagonalMatrix &L) {
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
@@ -113,6 +122,8 @@ void choleskyDecomposition(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
     choleskyDecomposition(A.blocks[b], L.blocks[b]);
+// Compute L (lower triangular) such that A + U U^T = L L^T, where U
+// is a low-rank update matrix.
 void choleskyDecompositionStabilized(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
                                      BlockDiagonalMatrix &L,
                                      vector<vector<Integer> > &stabilizeIndices,
@@ -126,6 +137,7 @@ void choleskyDecompositionStabilized(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
+// X := ACholesky^{-T} ACholesky^{-1} X = A^{-1} X
 void blockMatrixSolveWithCholesky(BlockDiagonalMatrix &ACholesky,
                                   BlockDiagonalMatrix &X) {
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
@@ -133,6 +145,7 @@ void blockMatrixSolveWithCholesky(BlockDiagonalMatrix &ACholesky,
     matrixSolveWithCholesky(ACholesky.blocks[b], X.blocks[b]);
+// B := L^{-1} B, where L is lower-triangular
 void blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(BlockDiagonalMatrix &L,
                                      Matrix &B) {
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
@@ -141,6 +154,7 @@ void blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(BlockDiagonalMatrix &L,
                          B.cols, B.rows);
+// v := L^{-1} v, where L is lower-triangular
 void blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(BlockDiagonalMatrix &L,
                                      Vector &v) {
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
@@ -149,6 +163,7 @@ void blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(BlockDiagonalMatrix &L,
                          1, v.size());
+// v := L^{-T} v, where L is lower-triangular
 void blockMatrixLowerTriangularTransposeSolve(BlockDiagonalMatrix &L,
                                               Vector &v) {
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
diff --git a/src/BlockDiagonalMatrix.h b/src/BlockDiagonalMatrix.h
index f11eb9b..23f877d 100644
--- a/src/BlockDiagonalMatrix.h
+++ b/src/BlockDiagonalMatrix.h
@@ -19,12 +19,26 @@
 using std::vector;
 using std::ostream;
+// A block-diagonal square matrix
+//   M = Diagonal(M_0, M_1, ..., M_{bMax-1})
+// where each block M_b is a square-matrix (of possibly different
+// sizes).
 class BlockDiagonalMatrix {
+  // The total number of rows (or columns) in M
   int dim;
+  // The blocks M_b for 0 <= b < bMax
   vector<Matrix> blocks;
+  // The rows (or columns) of M corresponding to the top-left entry of
+  // each block M_b
   vector<int> blockStartIndices;
+  // Construct a BlockDiagonalMatrix from a vector of dimensions {s_0,
+  // ..., s_{bMax-1}} for each block.
   explicit BlockDiagonalMatrix(const vector<int> &blockSizes):
     dim(0) {
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blockSizes.size(); i++) {
@@ -34,47 +48,55 @@ public:
+  // M = 0
   void setZero() {
     for (unsigned int b = 0; b < blocks.size(); b++)
+  // Add a constant c to each diagonal element
   void addDiagonal(const Real &c) {
     #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
     for (unsigned int b = 0; b < blocks.size(); b++)
+  // M = M + A
   void operator+=(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &A) {
     #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
     for (unsigned int b = 0; b < blocks.size(); b++)
       blocks[b] += A.blocks[b];
+  // M = M - A
   void operator-=(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &A) {
     #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
     for (unsigned int b = 0; b < blocks.size(); b++)
       blocks[b] -= A.blocks[b];
+  // M = c*M, where c is a constant
   void operator*=(const Real &c) {
     #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
     for (unsigned int b = 0; b < blocks.size(); b++)
       blocks[b] *= c;
+  // M = A
   void copyFrom(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &A) {
     #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
     for (unsigned int b = 0; b < blocks.size(); b++)
+  // Symmetrize M in place
   void symmetrize() {
     #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
     for (unsigned int b = 0; b < blocks.size(); b++)
+  // The maximal absolute value of the elements of M
   Real maxAbs() const {
     Real max = 0;
     for (vector<Matrix>::const_iterator b = blocks.begin();
@@ -90,6 +112,7 @@ public:
   friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const BlockDiagonalMatrix& A);
+// Tr(A B), where A and B are symmetric
 Real frobeniusProductSymmetric(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
                                const BlockDiagonalMatrix &B);
@@ -101,42 +124,81 @@ Real frobeniusProductOfSums(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &X,
                             const BlockDiagonalMatrix &Y,
                             const BlockDiagonalMatrix &dY);
+// C := alpha*A*B + beta*C
 void blockDiagonalMatrixScaleMultiplyAdd(Real alpha,
-                                         BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
-                                         BlockDiagonalMatrix &B,
+                                         BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,  // constant
+                                         BlockDiagonalMatrix &B,  // constant 
                                          Real beta,
-                                         BlockDiagonalMatrix &C);
-void blockDiagonalMatrixMultiply(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
-                                 BlockDiagonalMatrix &B,
-                                 BlockDiagonalMatrix &C);
-void lowerTriangularInverseCongruence(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
-                                      BlockDiagonalMatrix &L);
+                                         BlockDiagonalMatrix &C); // overwritten
+// C := A B
+void blockDiagonalMatrixMultiply(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,  // constant
+                                 BlockDiagonalMatrix &B,  // constant
+                                 BlockDiagonalMatrix &C); // overwritten
+// A := L^{-1} A L^{-T}
+void lowerTriangularInverseCongruence(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,  // overwritten
+                                      BlockDiagonalMatrix &L); // constant
+// Minimum eigenvalue of A, via the QR method
+// Inputs:
+// - A : BlockDiagonalMatrix with blocks of size n_b x n_b (will be
+//   overwritten)
+// - eigenvalues : vector of Vectors of length n_b (0 <= b < bMax)
+// - workspace : vector of Vectors of lenfth 3*n_b-1 (0 <= b < bMax)
+//   (temporary workspace)
 Real minEigenvalue(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
                    vector<Vector> &workspace,
                    vector<Vector> &eigenvalues);
+// Compute L (lower triangular) such that A = L L^T
+// Inputs:
+// - A : dim x dim symmetric matrix (constant)
+// - L : dim x dim lower-triangular matrix (overwritten)
 void choleskyDecomposition(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
                            BlockDiagonalMatrix &L);
+// Compute L (lower triangular) such that A + U U^T = L L^T, where U
+// is a low-rank update matrix. (See Matrix.h for details).
+// Input:
+// - A
+// - stabilizeThreshold: parameter for deciding which directions to
+//   stabilize
+// Output:
+// - L (overwritten)
+// - stabilizeIndices: a list of directions which have been
+//   stabilized, for each block of A (overwritten)
+// - stabilizeLambdas: a list of corresponding Lambdas, for each block
+//   of A (overwritten)
 void choleskyDecompositionStabilized(BlockDiagonalMatrix &A,
                                      BlockDiagonalMatrix &L,
                                      vector<vector<Integer> > &stabilizeIndices,
                                      vector<vector<Real> > &stabilizeLambdas,
                                      const double stabilizeThreshold);
-void blockMatrixSolveWithCholesky(BlockDiagonalMatrix &ACholesky,
-                                  BlockDiagonalMatrix &X);
-void blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(BlockDiagonalMatrix &L,
-                                     Matrix &B);
-void blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(BlockDiagonalMatrix &L,
-                                     Vector &v);
-void blockMatrixLowerTriangularTransposeSolve(BlockDiagonalMatrix &L,
-                                              Vector &v);
+// X := ACholesky^{-T} ACholesky^{-1} X = A^{-1} X
+// Input:
+// - ACholesky, a lower triangular BlockDiagonalMatrix such that A =
+//   ACholesky ACholesky^T (constant)
+// Output:
+// - X (overwritten)
+void blockMatrixSolveWithCholesky(BlockDiagonalMatrix &ACholesky, // constant
+                                  BlockDiagonalMatrix &X);        // overwritten
+// B := L^{-1} B, where L is lower-triangular
+void blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(BlockDiagonalMatrix &L, // constant
+                                     Matrix &B);             // overwritten
+// v := L^{-1} v, where L is lower-triangular
+void blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(BlockDiagonalMatrix &L, // constant
+                                     Vector &v);             // overwritten
+// v := L^{-T} v, where L is lower-triangular
+void blockMatrixLowerTriangularTransposeSolve(BlockDiagonalMatrix &L, // constant
+                                              Vector &v);             // overwritten
diff --git a/src/Matrix.cpp b/src/Matrix.cpp
index bbdd510..62cc036 100644
--- a/src/Matrix.cpp
+++ b/src/Matrix.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,20 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include "Matrix.h"
+// Most of the routines below are helpfully-named wrappers for
+// functions in MBLAS or MLAPACK.  See Matrix.h for a more detailed
+// description of the various input/output parameters.
+// For a list of MBLAS routines with documentation, see
+// http://mplapack.sourceforge.net/mblas_routines.html
+// For a list of MLAPACK routines with documentation, see
+// http://mplapack.sourceforge.net/mlapack_routines.html
+// We have chosen not to parallelize the operations here that are used
+// within BlockDiagonalMatrices, since there parallelism can be
+// achieved by parallelizing loops over blocks.
 ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Matrix& a) {
   os << "{";
   for (int r = 0; r < a.rows; r++) {
@@ -26,18 +40,7 @@ ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Matrix& a) {
   return os;
-// B := A^T
-void transpose(const Matrix &A, Matrix &B) {
-  assert(A.cols == B.rows);
-  assert(A.rows == B.cols);
-  for (int n = 0; n < A.cols; n++)
-    for (int m = 0; m < A.rows; m++)
-      B.elt(n, m) = A.elt(m, n);
 // C := alpha*A*B + beta*C
 void matrixScaleMultiplyAdd(Real alpha, Matrix &A, Matrix &B,
                             Real beta, Matrix &C) {
   assert(A.cols == B.rows);
@@ -52,7 +55,6 @@ void matrixScaleMultiplyAdd(Real alpha, Matrix &A, Matrix &B,
 // C := A*B
 void matrixMultiply(Matrix &A, Matrix &B, Matrix &C) {
   matrixScaleMultiplyAdd(1, A, B, 0, C);
@@ -62,6 +64,11 @@ void matrixSquareIntoBlock(Matrix &A, Matrix &B, int bRow, int bCol) {
   assert(bRow + A.cols <= B.rows);
   assert(bCol + A.cols <= B.cols);
+  // This operation is not used within a BlockDiagonalMatrix, so it is
+  // worthwhile to parallelize.  In fact, this function, used in
+  // computing TopLeft(Q) = SchurOffDiagonal^T SchurOffDiagonal (see
+  // SDPSolver.cpp) is one of the main performance bottlenecks in the
+  // solver.
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
   for (int c = 0; c < A.cols; c++) {
     for (int r = 0; r <= c; r++) {
@@ -82,17 +89,18 @@ void lowerTriangularInverseCongruence(Matrix &A, Matrix &L) {
   assert(L.rows == dim);
   assert(L.cols == dim);
+  // A := A L^{-T}
   Rtrsm("Right", "Lower", "Transpose", "NonUnitDiagonal", dim, dim, 1,
         &L.elements[0], dim,
         &A.elements[0], dim);
+  // A := L^{-1} A
   Rtrsm("Left", "Lower", "NoTranspose", "NonUnitDiagonal", dim, dim, 1,
         &L.elements[0], dim,
         &A.elements[0], dim);
 // y := alpha A x + beta y
 void vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyAdd(Real alpha, Matrix &A, Vector &x,
                                   Real beta, Vector &y) {
   assert(A.cols <= static_cast<int>(x.size()));
@@ -108,7 +116,6 @@ void vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyAdd(Real alpha, Matrix &A, Vector &x,
 // y := alpha A^T x + beta y
 void vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyTransposeAdd(Real alpha, Matrix &A, Vector &x,
                                            Real beta, Vector &y) {
   assert(A.cols <= static_cast<int>(y.size()));
@@ -123,6 +130,7 @@ void vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyTransposeAdd(Real alpha, Matrix &A, Vector &x,
+// Tr(A B), where A and B are symmetric
 Real frobeniusProductSymmetric(const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B) {
   assert(A.rows == B.rows);
   assert(A.cols == B.cols);
@@ -158,12 +166,7 @@ Real frobeniusProductOfSums(const Matrix &X, const Matrix &dX,
   return result;
-// Eigenvalues of A, via the QR method
-// Inputs:
-// A           : n x n Matrix (will be overwritten)
-// eigenvalues : Vector of length n
-// workspace   : Vector of lenfth 3*n-1 (temporary workspace)
+// Compute the eigenvalues of A, via the QR method
 void matrixEigenvalues(Matrix &A, Vector &workspace, Vector &eigenvalues) {
   assert(A.rows == A.cols);
   assert(static_cast<int>(eigenvalues.size()) == A.rows);
@@ -177,16 +180,13 @@ void matrixEigenvalues(Matrix &A, Vector &workspace, Vector &eigenvalues) {
 // Minimum eigenvalue of A, via the QR method
-// Inputs:
-// A           : n x n Matrix (will be overwritten)
-// eigenvalues : Vector of length n
-// workspace   : Vector of lenfth 3*n-1 (temporary workspace)
 Real minEigenvalue(Matrix &A, Vector &workspace, Vector &eigenvalues) {
   matrixEigenvalues(A, workspace, eigenvalues);
   return eigenvalues[0];
+// Compute an in-place LU decomposition of A, with pivots, suitable
+// for use with 'solveWithLUDecomposition'
 void LUDecomposition(Matrix &A, vector<Integer> &pivots) {
   int dim = A.rows;
   assert(A.cols == dim);
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ void LUDecomposition(Matrix &A, vector<Integer> &pivots) {
   assert(info == 0);
+// b := A^{-1} b, where LU and pivots encode the LU decomposition of A
 void solveWithLUDecomposition(Matrix &LU, vector<Integer> &pivots, Vector &b) {
   Integer info;
   Rgetrs("NoTranspose", LU.rows, 1, &LU.elements[0], LU.rows,
@@ -204,10 +205,6 @@ void solveWithLUDecomposition(Matrix &LU, vector<Integer> &pivots, Vector &b) {
 // L (lower triangular) such that A = L L^T
-// Inputs:
-// - A : dim x dim symmetric matrix
-// - L : dim x dim lower-triangular matrix
 void choleskyDecomposition(Matrix &A, Matrix &L) {
   int dim = A.rows;
   assert(A.cols == dim);
@@ -226,17 +223,7 @@ void choleskyDecomposition(Matrix &A, Matrix &L) {
       L.elements[i + j*dim] = 0;
-// L (lower triangular) such that A = L L^T - \sum_i
-//                                stabilizeLambdas_i^2 u_j u_j^T where
-//                                j = stabilizeIndices_i
-// Inputs:
-// - A : dim x dim symmetric matrix
-// - L : dim x dim lower-triangular matrix
-// - stabilizeIndices: vector to hold indices where small diagonal
-//   elements were compensated
-// - stabilizeLambdas: vector to hold values used to compensate small
-//   diagonal elements
+// Compute L (lower triangular) such that A + U U^T = L L^T.
 void choleskyDecompositionStabilized(Matrix &A, Matrix &L,
                                      vector<Integer> &stabilizeIndices,
                                      vector<Real> &stabilizeLambdas,
@@ -259,6 +246,8 @@ void choleskyDecompositionStabilized(Matrix &A, Matrix &L,
       L.elements[i + j*dim] = 0;
+// B := L^{-1} B, where L is lower-triangular and B is a matrix
+// pointed to by b
 void lowerTriangularSolve(Matrix &L, Real *b, int bcols, int ldb) {
   int dim = L.rows;
   assert(L.cols == dim);
@@ -267,11 +256,14 @@ void lowerTriangularSolve(Matrix &L, Real *b, int bcols, int ldb) {
         dim, bcols, 1, &L.elements[0], dim, b, ldb);
+// b := L^{-1} b, where L is lower-triangular
 void lowerTriangularSolve(Matrix &L, Vector &b) {
   assert(static_cast<int>(b.size()) == L.rows);
   lowerTriangularSolve(L, &b[0], 1, b.size());
+// B := L^{-T} B, where L is lower-triangular and B is a matrix
+// pointed to by b
 void lowerTriangularTransposeSolve(Matrix &L, Real *b, int bcols, int ldb) {
   int dim = L.rows;
   assert(L.cols == dim);
@@ -280,16 +272,13 @@ void lowerTriangularTransposeSolve(Matrix &L, Real *b, int bcols, int ldb) {
         dim, bcols, 1, &L.elements[0], dim, b, ldb);
+// b := L^{-T} b, where L is lower-triangular
 void lowerTriangularTransposeSolve(Matrix &L, Vector &b) {
   assert(static_cast<int>(b.size()) == L.rows);
   lowerTriangularTransposeSolve(L, &b[0], 1, b.size());
 // X := ACholesky^{-1 T} ACholesky^{-1} X = A^{-1} X
-// Inputs:
-// - ACholesky : dim x dim lower triangular matrix
-// - X         : dim x dim matrix
 void matrixSolveWithCholesky(Matrix &ACholesky, Matrix &X) {
   int dim = X.rows;
   assert(X.cols == dim);
diff --git a/src/Matrix.h b/src/Matrix.h
index 68c5a7b..fd1fe59 100644
--- a/src/Matrix.h
+++ b/src/Matrix.h
@@ -20,10 +20,18 @@
 using std::ostream;
 using std::vector;
+// A matrix M with Real entries
 class Matrix {
   int rows;
   int cols;
+  // Elements of M in row-major order:
+  //
+  //   elements = { M_{0,0}, ..., M_{cols-1,0},
+  //                M_{0,1}, ..., M_{cols-1,1},
+  //                ...
+  //                M_{0,rows-1}, ..., M_{cols-1,rows-1} }
+  //
   Vector elements;
   Matrix(int rows = 0, int cols = 0):
@@ -39,28 +47,21 @@ class Matrix {
     return elements[r + c*rows];
+  // M := 0
   void setZero() {
     fillVector(elements, 0);
+  // M += c*I, where I is the identity and c is a constant
   void addDiagonal(const Real &c) {
+    // ensure M is square
     assert(rows == cols);
     for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
       elt(i, i) += c;
-  void addColumn() {
-    elements.resize(elements.size() + rows);
-    cols++;
-  }
-  void setCols(int c) {
-    elements.resize(rows*c);
-    cols = c;
-  }
-  void setRowsCols(int r, int c) {
+  void resize(int r, int c) {
     rows = r;
     cols = c;
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ class Matrix {
+  // M := A
   void copyFrom(const Matrix &A) {
     assert(rows == A.rows);
     assert(cols == A.cols);
@@ -86,21 +88,25 @@ class Matrix {
       elements[i] = A.elements[i];
+  // M := M + A
   void operator+=(const Matrix &A) {
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++)
       elements[i] += A.elements[i];
+  // M := M - A
   void operator-=(const Matrix &A) {
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++)
       elements[i] -= A.elements[i];
+  // M := c*M, where c is a constant
   void operator*=(const Real &c) {
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++)
       elements[i] *= c;
+  // The maximum absolute value of the elemnts of M
   Real maxAbs() const {
     return maxAbsVector(elements);
@@ -110,9 +116,6 @@ class Matrix {
 ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Matrix& a);
-// B := A^T
-void transpose(const Matrix &A, Matrix &B);
 // C := alpha*A*B + beta*C
 void matrixScaleMultiplyAdd(Real alpha, Matrix &A, Matrix &B,
                             Real beta, Matrix &C);
@@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ void matrixEigenvalues(Matrix &A, Vector &workspace, Vector &eigenvalues);
 // Minimum eigenvalue of A, via the QR method
 // Inputs:
-// A           : n x n Matrix (will be overwritten)
+// A           : n x n Matrix (overwritten)
 // eigenvalues : Vector of length n
 // workspace   : Vector of lenfth 3*n-1 (temporary workspace)
 Real minEigenvalue(Matrix &A, Vector &workspace, Vector &eigenvalues);
@@ -160,31 +163,89 @@ Real minEigenvalue(Matrix &A, Vector &workspace, Vector &eigenvalues);
 // for use with 'solveWithLUDecomposition'
 void LUDecomposition(Matrix &A, vector<Integer> &pivots);
+// b := A^{-1} b, where LU and pivots encode the LU decomposition of A
 void solveWithLUDecomposition(Matrix &LU, vector<Integer> &pivots, Vector &b);
 // L (lower triangular) such that A = L L^T
-// Inputs:
+// Input:
 // - A : dim x dim symmetric matrix
-// - L : dim x dim lower-triangular matrix
+// Output:
+// - L : dim x dim lower-triangular matrix (overwritten)
 void choleskyDecomposition(Matrix &A, Matrix &L);
+// Compute L (lower triangular) such that A + U U^T = L L^T.  Here,
+// the 'update' matrix U has columns given by
+//   U = ( Lambda_{p_1} e_{p_1}, ..., Lambda_{p_M} e_{p_M} )
+// where e_p is a unit vector in the p-th direction and the
+// Lambda_{p_m} are constants.  If p_m appears above, we say the
+// direction p_m has been `stabilized.'
+// We choose which direction to stabilize by comparing diagonal
+// entries A_{ii} encountered during the Cholesky decomposition to
+// stabilizeThreshold*Lambda_GM, where Lambda_GM is the geometric mean
+// of the diagonal entries L computed so far.  Smaller
+// stabilizeThreshold means fewer directions will be stabilized.
+// Larger stabilizeThreshold means more directions will be stabilized.
+// Input:
+// - A
+// - stabilizeThreshold: parameter for deciding which directions to
+//   stabilize
+// Output:
+// - L (overwritten)
+// - stabilizeIndices: a list of directions which have been
+//   stabilized (overwritten)
+// - stabilizeLambdas: a list of corresponding Lambdas (overwritten)
 void choleskyDecompositionStabilized(Matrix &A, Matrix &L,
                                      vector<Integer> &stabilizeIndices,
                                      vector<Real> &stabilizeLambdas,
                                      const double stabilizeThreshold);
+// B := L^{-1} B, where L is lower-triangular and B is a matrix
+// pointed to by b
+// Input:
+// - L
+// - b, a pointer to the top-left element of B
+// - bcols, the number of columns of B
+// - ldb, the distance in pointer-space between the first elements of
+//   each row of B
+// Output:
+// - elements of B, which are values pointed to by b are overwritten
+// (The use of pointers and ldb is to allow using this function for
+// submatrices of a larger matrix.)
 void lowerTriangularSolve(Matrix &L, Real *b, int bcols, int ldb);
+// b := L^{-1} b, where L is lower-triangular
 void lowerTriangularSolve(Matrix &L, Vector &b);
+// B := L^{-T} B, where L is lower-triangular and B is a matrix
+// pointed to by b
+// Input:
+// - L
+// - b, a pointer to the top-left element of B
+// - bcols, the number of columns of B
+// - ldb, the distance in pointer-space between the first elements of
+//   each row of B
+// Output:
+// - elements of B, which are values pointed to by b are overwritten
 void lowerTriangularTransposeSolve(Matrix &L, Real *b, int bcols, int ldb);
+// b := L^{-T} b, where L is lower-triangular
 void lowerTriangularTransposeSolve(Matrix &L, Vector &b);
 // X := ACholesky^{-1 T} ACholesky^{-1} X = A^{-1} X
 // Inputs:
-// - ACholesky : dim x dim lower triangular matrix
-// - X         : dim x dim matrix
+// - ACholesky : dim x dim lower triangular matrix (constant)
+// Output:
+// - X         : dim x dim matrix (overwritten)
 void matrixSolveWithCholesky(Matrix &ACholesky, Matrix &X);
 #endif  // SDPB_MATRIX_H_
diff --git a/src/SDPSolver.cpp b/src/SDPSolver.cpp
index 210e0c0..5a8542a 100644
--- a/src/SDPSolver.cpp
+++ b/src/SDPSolver.cpp
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ Real correctorCenteringParameter(const SDPSolverParameters &parameters,
 // - MCholesky = L, the Cholesky decomposition of M (M itself is not needed)
 // - dM, a BlockDiagonalMatrix with the same structure as M
 // Workspace:
-// - MInvDM
+// - MInvDM (NB: overwritten when computing minEigenvalue)
 // - eigenvalues, a Vector of eigenvalues for each block of M
 // - workspace, a vector of Vectors needed by the minEigenvalue function
 // Output:
@@ -686,8 +686,8 @@ void SDPSolver::initializeSchurComplementSolver(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &Bilin
       int startIndex = schurStabilizeIndices[j][0];
       // set the dimensions of U_j 
-      stabilizeBlocks[j].setRowsCols(SchurComplement.blocks[j].rows - startIndex,
-                                     schurStabilizeIndices[j].size());
+      stabilizeBlocks[j].resize(SchurComplement.blocks[j].rows - startIndex,
+                                schurStabilizeIndices[j].size());
       // set U_j = 0
       // for each column of U_j add Lambda_p in the row (p - startIndex)
@@ -727,19 +727,19 @@ void SDPSolver::initializeSchurComplementSolver(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &Bilin
   //   Q = (L'^{-1} B')^T (L'^{-1} B') - {{0, 0}, {0, 1}}
-  // Where B' = (B U).  We think of Q as containing four-blocks called
+  // Where B' = (B U).  We think of Q as containing four blocks called
   // Upper/Lower-Left/Right.
   // Set the dimensions of Q
-  Q.setRowsCols(offDiagonalColumns, offDiagonalColumns);
+  Q.resize(offDiagonalColumns, offDiagonalColumns);
-  // At this point, SchurOffDiagonal = L'^{-1} B.
+  // Here, SchurOffDiagonal = L'^{-1} B.
   // UpperLeft(Q) = SchurOffDiagonal^T SchurOffDiagonal
   matrixSquareIntoBlock(SchurOffDiagonal, Q, 0, 0);
-  // At this point, stabilizeBlocks the blocks of V = L'^{-1} U.
+  // Here, stabilizeBlocks contains the blocks of V = L'^{-1} U.
   // LowerRight(Q) = V^T V - 1
   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stabilizeBlockIndices.size(); j++) {
@@ -894,6 +894,9 @@ void SDPSolver::computeSearchDirection(const Real &beta,
   dY *= -1;
+// The main solver loop
 SDPSolverTerminateReason SDPSolver::run(const path checkpointFile) {
   Real primalStepLength;
   Real dualStepLength;
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index a11b3e7..95aae9f 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -39,10 +39,17 @@ int solveSDP(const path &sdpFile,
              const path &outFile,
              const path &checkpointFile,
              SDPSolverParameters parameters) {
+  // Set the default precision of all Real numbers to that specified
+  // by the 'precision' parameter.
+  // Set cout to print the appropriate number of digits
   cout.precision(min(static_cast<int>(parameters.precision * 0.31 + 5), 30));
   // Ensure all the Real parameters have the appropriate precision
+  // Set the maximum number of threads for parallel loops
   cout << "SDPB started at " << second_clock::local_time() << endl;
@@ -53,8 +60,8 @@ int solveSDP(const path &sdpFile,
   cout << "\nParameters:\n";
   cout << parameters << endl;
-  const SDP sdp = readBootstrapSDP(sdpFile);
-  SDPSolver solver(sdp, parameters);
+  // Read an SDP from sdpFile and create a solver for it
+  SDPSolver solver(readBootstrapSDP(sdpFile), parameters);
   if (exists(checkpointFile))

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