[debpool] Re: Does it make sense to convert to debpool now?

Free Ekanayaka freee at debian.org
Tue Apr 17 14:26:42 UTC 2007

|--==> Magnus Holmgren writes:

  MH> On Tuesday 17 April 2007 12:49, Marc Haber wrote:
  >>[...] This goes
  >>without need to recompile and without need to reupload, it is just a
  >>change in the 00distlist file.
  >>For me, it is vital to have the distribution list sitting in the same
  >>directory as the package files.
  >>How would I handle an arrangement like this with debpool? Is it
  >>possible? If yes, would it be wise to use the version currently in
  >>experimental, or do I have to expect major changes in configuration
  >>when your first package is being uploaded?

  MH> [...] One question though: Does it happen that you have only some of the binary 
  MH> packages from a certain source package in a certain distribution? 

Such a situation never happened to me, and I would say it's corner case.

  MH> Otherwise 
  MH> it seems rather redundant (although I guess it could be how your program 
  MH> knows what records to include in the Packages files.

Yes, I agree.



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