[Debtags-devel] Updating tags on svn

Justin B Rye jbr at edlug.org.uk
Sat Aug 13 17:49:20 UTC 2005

Enrico Zini wrote:
> I'll try again.  I'd like to get to some agreement on this, so that the
> thread isn't useless and I can proceed:
> role::aux:data                  role::content:data
> role::aux:dummy                 role::aux:dummy
> role::aux:metapackage           role::aux:metapackage

By the way (no need for this to be a blocker) I notice that many
python-foo packages fall somewhere between the above two.  Unlike
role::aux:dummy, they are designed to stay installed; and unlike
role::aux:metapackage they pull in only one package, the latest
version (python2.x-foo).  I'm calling them :dummy packages for now,
but there might be an argument for changing that.

> role::aux:shlib                 role::sw:shlib
> role::content:dictionary        moves to made-of::data:dictionary and
>                                 role::content:data
> role::content:doc               ok
> role::content:font              moves to made-of::data:fonts and
>                                 role::content:data
> role::content:icons             moves to made-of::data:icons and
>                                 role::content:data
> role::content:text              ok
> role::content:userdoc           merges into content::doc
> role::sw:applet                 moves to x11::applet and
>                                 role::sw:program
> role::sw:application            moves to role::sw:program, merging with
>                                 role::sw:utility
> role::sw:client                 ok
> role::sw:devel-lib              ok
> role::sw:driver                 moves to use::driver
> role::sw:input-method           moves to accessibility::input-method
>                                 and role::sw:program
> role::sw:plugin                 ok
> role::sw:server                 ok
> role::sw:theme                  moves to role::content:data and x11::theme
> role::sw:utility                moves to role::sw:program, merging with
>                                 role::sw:application
> x11::applet                     added
> special::source	          role::source
> use::gaming                     use::gameplaying
> Feel free to directly comment on this list or change it: I want to turn
> it into action.  Soon.

That all looks good to me, but Thaddeus was still defending the
applications/utilities distinction the last I heard.  Would all the
rehoused driver and input-method software packages fit under
"utilities" if we kept them separate?
Ankh kak! (Ancient Egyptian blessing)

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