[Debtags-devel] debtags stats

Enrico Zini enrico@enricozini.org
Fri, 20 May 2005 16:38:00 +0200

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Just committed in the 'debtags stats' function, which has been requested
since quite some time.  Here's the output:

  $ debtags stats
  Total count of packages: 16782
  Total count of packages (according to APT): 16782
  Total count of packages (according to Debtags): 14597
  Number of facets: 32
  Number of tags: 435
  Number of automatically computed toplevel facets: 25
  Number of packages with special::completely-tagged tags: 45 (0.3%)
  Number of packages with tags, but no special::not-yet-tagged tags: 10052 (68.9%)
  Number of packages with special::not-yet-tagged tags: 4211 (28.8%)
  Number of packages with only special::not-yet-tagged tags: 3721 (25.5%)
  Number of packages with no tags: 334 (2.3%)

Interestingly enough, only 25.1% still has special::not-yet-tagged tags.
There IS some data out there, after all!

However, of 16782 packages known by APT, only 14597 are known by
Debtags.  My APT knows of sid, plus a bunch of local packages of mine
(no more than 20): where did the others end up?



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