Google Summer of Code

Enrico Zini enrico at
Sat May 27 11:09:21 UTC 2006

On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 03:55:04PM +0200, Alex de Landgraaf wrote:

[Note for Alex: this mail that arrived to the list was bounced by me.
 you still have problems getting your mails to Alioth, please keep
 Cc-ing me until they are solved]

> I'm happy to announce that my proposal was accepted, so I've got a whole
> summer of hacking the Debtags AI classifier ahead of me, thanks to Google :)

Congratulations again!

> Enrico: if you have any boring tasks you don't want to do, you can now
> try to get me to do them instead as you can always claim I'm a (paid)
> full-time Debtags developer and don't have a choice anymore.

[copying here the reply I had sent on a private reply: I'd like to have
 this discussion happen in the list]

Yumm... a paid full-time debtags developer... yumm... let me think...
there would be one boring task... it might even make sense...
This is the thing: the most boring task so far is manually approving tag
submissions.  It's unbelievably long and boring, and I've given up doing
it myself.  As a consequence, the tags in the packages file are not
updated anymore.

I don't intend to ask you to do a full review of the thousands unchecked
submissions that we have.  However, it could make sense for me to show
you the various ways I came up for doing it, and maybe you can try some
of them to get the feeling of what the task is like, and what a possible
task should be for the classifier.

We can meet on IRC and organise this.  The problem is when: my
girlfriend is here and I won't be much at the computer.  Maybe tonight,
or monday.  You can join #ekhis on freenode, which is where me and
mornfall hang around, and which has become a sort of debtags development

In the meantime you can check out
svn+ssh:// and have a look at the
"process" script: that's where I tried to automate most of the things.
Ask me any questions about it on IRC or on the list, and I'll answer as
soon as I'm at the computer.



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at>
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