role and devel tags for -dbg packages

Justin B Rye jbr at
Thu Jan 4 15:12:40 CET 2007

Benjamin Mesing wrote:
>> I maintain a couple of packages that produce -dbg binary packages
>> (stripped debugging symbols only, in case anyone is unfamiliar with
>> them).  I notice that right now there is no role:: or devel:: tag for
>> these sorts of packages, so I have temproarily tagged both as todo.

The "role:: questions" thread was here:

> Regarding a role:: tag, I believe the most appropriate one is
> currently ::devel-lib. Do we need another tag here?

Surely they're variants of ordinary runtime-dependency (ie
role::shared-lib) library packages?  That's certainly what the long
description of (eg) apache-dbg seems to say: bugreport submitters
who want to add extra debugging data are told to install a -dbg 
library and then rerun the application, not rebuild it.
Ankh kak! (Ancient Egyptian blessing)

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