[Dwn-trans-english] Re: Yay! Preview 2004/14
Frédéric Bothamy
Tue, 6 Apr 2004 01:15:53 +0200
* Martin Schulze <joey@infodrom.org> [2004-04-05 20:15] :
> <p><strong>Indirect Donation from Redmond.</strong> A particular advertisement
> in the current issue of the German <a
> href="http://www.linux-magazin.de/">Linux Magazin</a> magazine, created and
> paid by a Redmond-based company, did not only cause a <a
> href="http://www.linux-community.de/Neues/story?storyid=12819">discussion</a>
> on whether a GNU/Linux oriented magazine should accept such an advertisement
> but also a large <a href="http://www.linuxnewmedia.de/presse">donation</a> to
> the Debian project.</p>
Hello everyone,
Could any of the german-speaking people enligthen me on the meaning of
the two articles above, please? The general idea would be enough (the
DWN is a bit terse to me). My German lessons are way too old for me to
understand them correctly.
Viel Dank!