[Dwn-trans-english] CVS disabled?

Gerfried Fuchs alfie@ist.org
Mon, 15 Mar 2004 15:13:04 +0100

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* Frank Lichtenheld <djpig@debian.org> [2004-03-15 14:30]:
> On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 02:12:45PM +0100, Jens Seidel wrote:
>> $ cvs login
>> Logging in to :pserver:jseidel-guest@cvs.alioth.debian.org:2401/cvsroot/=
>> CVS password:=20
>> cvs login: authorization failed: server cvs.alioth.debian.org rejected a=
ccess to /cvsroot/dwn-trans for user jseidel-guest
>> The same happend already last week and I know at least one other user
>> (Helge Kreutzmann) which was/is affected.

 I've changed you both to Developer role now. Although I wouldn't expect
that this makes any difference (at least it would be very
counterintuitive) I hope that it resolves the problem -- it is the only
difference that I can see between your accounts and the ones of the
other -guest accounts.

 I raised the issue on #alioth in oftc already and hope to get any
answer. I can't really see a connection between the role in a project
and the permissions. If that is really the reason I don't see the
meaning of the role at all, sorry....

 Please try it and get back to me privatly on that topic, I guess it
isn't of any major interest to the rest of the team :)

 So long,
P.S.: I wonder: How am I supposed to find out in which groups a user on
   shell.alioth is in? For myself it works with "id" alone, but if I do
   "id alfie" I get very few groups, and dwn-trans is missing from
   there, too. So I can't check if any other user is in dwn-trans, too.
   Other of course like doing the reverse lookup with "getent group
   dwn-trans", but that is suboptimal.
"Ist es normal, nur weil alle es tun?"
                                  -- Die Fantastischen 4, "Ganz Normal"

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