[Eyecatcher-general] Re: eyecatcher-general appearently doesn't get e-mail

Alexander Schmehl alexander@schmehl.info
Wed, 5 Jan 2005 23:50:18 +0100

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Hi there!

* Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.org> [050103 05:00]:

> > The idea would be to run some kind of informative (and funny?)
> > presentation about Debian in a loop on the computers of your booth, when
> > you have nothing else to show (while you are busy with other visitors,
> > etc.)
> Don't forget to ask Bubulle about his secret Babelox plan.

Thanks for the hint, Enrico.  I heard about it - in the debian-women
list [1] ;)

As stated:  I love this idea, but I know some past events, where it was
simply to laud to use "Bubulle's Automagic Babelbox" in a meaningful

Talking about that:  May I ask you, bubulle, about the state of your
project?  I'm quite curious and would like to take a look at a
"prototype" if you have one.

Yours sincerely,

  1: http://lists.debian.org/debian-women/2004/11/msg00041.html

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