[Hwdb-devel] Re: Official support/certification by hardware vendors

Roland Stigge stigge@antcom.de
Mon, 20 Sep 2004 21:37:14 +0200


On Sat, 2004-09-18 at 20:53, Arnaud Quette wrote: 
> yep, my word was a bit too much. What I meant
> is that these DB are far from what these could
> be! Hosts of things are missing, from tips about
> a special hardware, to userland (ie GUI) to use,
> links to the projects page, feedback/rating from
> users, ...

We need to be careful not to overload the design. I'm actually wondering
if my current schema proposal is already overengineered. Consider that
RMS considers the "other HWDBs" even too bloated (we don't need to do
without an RDBMS, though ;). We also need to consider the analog to
BTSes where a high (and maybe unnecessary) number of questions asked
prevents users from reporting bugs; since we depend on user input we
must encourage them to report to the HWDB.

Maybe we should concentrate on providing a good free form entry to
enable users to enter links, tips, constraints etc. instead of
implementing hundreds of features that are under constant change.
Something like a compromise as a mixture of wiki and well defined but
constant schema.
