debian package

Aurélien GÉRÔME ag at
Thu Sep 4 18:16:43 UTC 2008


On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 07:49:43PM +0200, Xavier Oswald wrote:
> Right, we need to delete the debian and gentoo directory from the master branch!
> I have a little idea about how to handle the debian packaging related stuff, but
> I will let Aurélien ( which is a DD ) explain that ;)

Indeed. We create several Debian branches, such
as "debian-stable-backport", "debian-unstable", and
"debian-experimental". We merge each time the right upstream branch
or tag in each debian branch and roll with this.

The same scheme could be applied for other distros.

Well, pretty much everything has been said. I would like to add that
one *NEVER* does rebase on a public repository, as it rewrites the
history. This is only used in private repositories at the developer's
taste. For instance, I like to commit a lot of small stuff with dummy
comments only me can understand, then I rebase the whole lot of small
commits to single nice commits, and finally these are the ones which
get publically pushed.

In any case, if you are not the owner of the master branch of a
repository, please do not push in that master branch. You can either
create a new branch and push it, or publish it elsewhere. On a side
note, alioth offers personal git repositories hosting to its users.

 .''`.   Aurélien GÉRÔME
: :'  :
`. `'`   Debian Developer
  `-     Unix Sys & Net Admin
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