[lisaac-Bugs][312425] Dynamic inheritance: parent can't call slots

lisaac-bugs at alioth.debian.org lisaac-bugs at alioth.debian.org
Sun Aug 15 09:20:36 UTC 2010

Bugs item #312425, was changed at 2010-04-01 03:30 by Mildred Ki'Lya
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Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Mildred Ki'Lya (mildred-guest)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
>Summary: Dynamic inheritance: parent can't call slots 
Target Milestone: None
>Category: Compiler: Core
>Tags: Compiler Core

Initial Comment:
Not to repeat myself:

  // Lisaac BUG: with dynamic inheritance. Say we have a prototype SELF
  // inheriting from ROOT. Now, we dynamically change the parent to use P that
  // is a child of ROOT.
  // When code in P tries to call a slot specific to P (the slot is not defined
  // in ROOT). Instead of looking at the slot in P, it tries to look at the slot
  // in SELF, then in ROOT.
  // If the slot is found in SELF, then it is called. That is wrong, it should
  // call the slot in P instead. The fact is that SELF never redefined the slot
  // that P tries to call, and it might well do something completely different 
  // than the slot in P does.
  // And if the slot is not found at all, the compiler throws an error.

The testcase is in features/dynamic-inheritance.feature

When I run the testcase, I get:

Feature: Dynamic Inheritance

  Background:                       # features/dynamic-inheritance.feature:3
    Given lisaac/bin is in the PATH # features/step_definitions/steps.rb:3
    And make.lip is installed       # features/step_definitions/steps.rb:8

  Scenario:                          # features/dynamic-inheritance.feature:7
    Given I am in an empty directory # ures/step_definitions/steps.rb:14
    And a file "hello.li":           # ures/step_definitions/steps.rb:34
      Section Header

        + name := HELLO;

      Section Inherit

        + parent_root :ROOT := ROOT;

      Section Public

        - main <-
            parent_root := TOTO;
    And a file "root.li":            # ures/step_definitions/steps.rb:34
      Section Header

        + name := ROOT;

      Section Public

        - hello <-
          "Hello ROOT".println;
    And a file "toto.li":            # ures/step_definitions/steps.rb:34
      Section Header

        + name := TOTO;

      Section Inherit

        + parent_root :Expanded ROOT;

      Section Public

        - toto <-
          "Hello back from TOTO".println;

        - hello <-
          "Hello TOTO".println;
    When I run lisaac hello          # ures/step_definitions/steps.rb:67
    Then it should pass              # ures/step_definitions/steps.rb:79
      Failed with exit status 256
      Depending pass: ..--SEMANTIC---------
      Slot `toto' not found in `HELLO'.
      Line 19 column 8 in TOTO(.../tmp/toto.li):
      Load lip file: ./../make.lip
      /home/mildred/Projects/Lisaac/compiler-stable/features/step_definitions/steps.rb:84:in `/^it should (fail|pass)$/'
      features/dynamic-inheritance.feature:66:in `Then it should pass'
    When I run ./hello               # ures/step_definitions/steps.rb:67
    Then it should pass with         # ures/step_definitions/steps.rb:89
      Hello ROOT
      Hello TOTO
      Hello back from TOTO


Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/dynamic-inheritance.feature:7 # Scenario: 

1 scenario (1 failed)
10 steps (1 failed, 2 skipped, 7 passed)


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