[Logcheck-devel] release/versioning/crit bugs

Eric Evans eevans at sym-link.com
Thu May 6 17:25:56 UTC 2004

On Wed, May 05, 2004 at 08:29:15PM -0400, Todd Troxell muttered these words:
> Also, does it seem like a waste of time to release fixes so often?  I've
> never worked on a package such as this, and I wondered if I should be waiting
> for more reports to come in.

I'm glad you sent this email Todd, it ties in nicely with something 
I've been meaning to query you and the group about, (general direction
of the project, release management, etc).

To this point, I have been hesitant to jump in on some of these bugs 
just because I'm a little leery of contributing to a "too many cooks"
scenario. Not that I am suggesting that this is/has occurred, just that
I don't have a feel, (yet), for what everyone else is doing and what 
the goals, (informal or otherwise), are for each release.

I would suggest that for after each release, some determination, 
(consensus, mandate from Todd? :), is made about what will be 
accomplished for the following release. Additionally, some group 
discussion/coordination about who will work on the items leading up to
the release and how they will be accomplished would likewise be useful.

Once those goals have been met we can test, tag, and release. Fixes for
bugs that are generated by a new release could be incorporated into the
goals for the next release, which would imply that some period of time
be allowed to lapse so that the dust could settle in the BTS, (with that
period of time being largely dependent on the degree of change that was 
introduced by the new release).

What are everyone else's thoughts on this?

Eric Evans
eevans at sym-link.com
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