[Logcheck-devel] Some rules that piled up on my notebook

maks attems debian at sternwelten.at
Wed Nov 10 17:42:57 UTC 2004

On Wed, 10 Nov 2004, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:

> * maks attems <debian at sternwelten.at> [2004-11-10 12:16]:
> > personally i'm not so motivated to move dmesg stuff into logcheck,
> > the kernel printk change easily and vary from version to version.
>  I'm not sure which thing you call dmesg stuff *hmm*  The kernel rules
> about usb? Or something else?

yeah, i know how fast it is to change such a printk.
also this is often startup stuff from hotplug seen in reboot mail.
usb maintainer greg kh is very responsive and very active.
> > some of your usb stuff is quite similar to #277644,
> > would be cool to include the rules that you both use.
> > although i suggest level workstation for them?!
>  I've put all my rules into ignore.d.server out of lazyness, to easier
> find them. Yes, they should be split appropriately, of course.

yes please i would prefer them at level workstation,
there we have already different kernel rules.
>  About merging them with the one in the bugreport, no objection. I guess
> my rules are strict enough to not raise the call for log rules -- but I
> can provide them if you prefer.  :)

no need. ;-)
> > aren't you francine maintainer?
>  *whistleinnocently*
> > why not add there a logcheck rule for level workstation for the login?
>  There are some other things with francine that I need to address (like,
> pam implementation is quite buggy -- help wanted! :), too... I just
> currently don't know when I'll find the time to do it, so I think it
> would be nice to have this single line in here for the time being.

hmm have you looked at gpm, how it does the pam implementation.
looks to be the nicest code from {g,k,w,x}dm?

i have never looked at the debhelper script we include,
i was shure you would shake some bugs out of it.
zut, attempt didn't work.. ;-)


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