[Neurodebian-devel] No commit permissions for DDs :-(

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Tue Apr 17 06:12:22 UTC 2012

Hi Yaroslav

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 05:46:25PM -0400, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> mucho gracias

не за что

> for the contribution  -- I think it should not place any
> additional burden for you and we would feel honored from having
> you on the team if you join ;)

It's fine for me if you add me to the project.  I basically would love
to be able to do similar commits and would like to be able to do so

> I have committed  and pushed from your name.

Fine.  BTW, there is no real need to keep my name - IMHO code does
matter more than names. :-)

> (BTW -- are multiple citations possible as well now? sorry I got
> lost in that thread)



is a valid example (Comment field is ignored and unneeded) where you can
see valid syntax.  Please note that currently only the first entry is
displayed at the tasks pages while all entries are at least imported to
UDD.  I simply need to invent a totally different querying to get them
all and it might happen that the consequence is a different table
structure in UDD than it is currently used.

> Mention though that some of those repositories are quite...
> non-conventional.  e.g. in some of them there is debian (pure debian/
> overlay) and debian-release (integration branch between debian/ and
> upstream's) branches.  Primarily it is done to cover the corner cases
> when upstream for now is fetched from SVN bridged via git-svn and where
> things could change within time, so plain debian is kept around to ease
> possible future transition
> part of the permissions problem here I guess that I would need to
> figure out how to become previous myself again -- are non-DDs allowed to
> login to git.debian.org?  (and git.debian.org) is mounted RO on alioth
>     $> ls -ld biosig4c--.git
>     8 drwxrwsr-x+ 7 yoh-guest pkg-exppsy 4096 Apr 16 21:17 biosig4c--.git/
>     $> whoami
>     yoh
> since now I seems to can't tune ACL for it:
>     $> setfacl -m group:Debian:rwx .
>     setfacl: .: Operation not permitted
> :-/
> so I guess it would need me to talk to admins and seek transfering
> ownership to "newer" me first ;)

I remember that Charles dealt with Alioth admins about this and as far
as I know ACLs were used somehow.
Kind regards



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