[Pkg-gnupg-commit] [gnupg2] 01/02: more upstream patches (Closes: #841437, #840680)

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Wed Oct 26 22:00:03 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dkg pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gnupg2.

commit 90926d813029ccac71af1ac72599f116fc788aa1
Author: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg at fifthhorseman.net>
Date:   Wed Oct 26 17:44:14 2016 -0400

    more upstream patches (Closes: #841437, #840680)
 debian/patches/0097-common-avoid-segfault.patch    |  26 +++
 .../0098-agent-supervised-mode-improvements.patch  |  37 +++++
 .../0099-doc-Fix-spelling-of-internal.patch        |  23 +++
 ...ests-Improve-portability-of-fake-pinentry.patch | 178 +++++++++++++++++++++
 ...GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE-instead-of-GPG_ERR_EINV.patch |  30 ++++
 .../0102-agent-Avoid-double-error-message.patch    |  42 +++++
 ...-hang-due-to-deferred-thread-initializati.patch |  84 ++++++++++
 debian/patches/series                              |   7 +
 8 files changed, 427 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/patches/0097-common-avoid-segfault.patch b/debian/patches/0097-common-avoid-segfault.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6e12ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0097-common-avoid-segfault.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg at fifthhorseman.net>
+Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 23:55:07 -0400
+Subject: common: avoid segfault
+* common/sysutils.c (gnupg_inotify_watch_socket): return EINVAL if
+  socket_name is NULL, rather than segfaulting
+Signed-off-by: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg at fifthhorseman.net>
+ common/sysutils.c | 3 +++
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/common/sysutils.c b/common/sysutils.c
+index 2e663bc..7c44f4a 100644
+--- a/common/sysutils.c
++++ b/common/sysutils.c
+@@ -964,6 +964,9 @@ gnupg_inotify_watch_socket (int *r_fd, const char *socket_name)
+   *r_fd = -1;
++  if (!socket_name)
++    return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EINVAL);
+   fname = xtrystrdup (socket_name);
+   if (!fname)
+     return my_error_from_syserror ();
diff --git a/debian/patches/0098-agent-supervised-mode-improvements.patch b/debian/patches/0098-agent-supervised-mode-improvements.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce339c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0098-agent-supervised-mode-improvements.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg at fifthhorseman.net>
+Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 23:55:08 -0400
+Subject: agent: --supervised mode improvements.
+* agent/gpg-agent.c (map_supervised_socket): if the agent is running
+  in --supervised mode and is not actually given LISTEN_FDNAMES
+  directives, require at least fd 3 to be open for listening.
+Signed-off-by: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg at fifthhorseman.net>
+ agent/gpg-agent.c | 7 +++++++
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/agent/gpg-agent.c b/agent/gpg-agent.c
+index 0146d85..78c4b02 100644
+--- a/agent/gpg-agent.c
++++ b/agent/gpg-agent.c
+@@ -719,12 +719,19 @@ map_supervised_sockets (gnupg_fd_t *r_fd,
+   /* Assign the descriptors to the return values.  */
+   if (!fdnames)
+     {
++      struct stat statbuf;
+       if (fd_count != 1)
+         log_error ("no LISTEN_FDNAMES and LISTEN_FDS (%d) != 1"
+                    " in --supervised mode."
+                    " (ignoring all sockets but the first one)\n",
+                    fd_count);
++      if (fstat (3, &statbuf) == -1 && errno ==EBADF)
++        log_fatal ("file descriptor 3 must be valid in --supervised mode (as the "
++                   "agent's standard socket) if LISTEN_FDNAMES is not set\n");
+       *r_fd = 3;
++      socket_name = get_socket_name (3);
++      if (!socket_name)
++          log_error ("cannot learn socket name for fd 3\n");
+     }
+   else if (fd_count != nfdnames)
+     {
diff --git a/debian/patches/0099-doc-Fix-spelling-of-internal.patch b/debian/patches/0099-doc-Fix-spelling-of-internal.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d37e61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0099-doc-Fix-spelling-of-internal.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg at fifthhorseman.net>
+Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 21:43:57 -0400
+Subject: doc: Fix spelling of "internal".
+Signed-off-by: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg at fifthhorseman.net>
+ doc/dirmngr.texi | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/doc/dirmngr.texi b/doc/dirmngr.texi
+index 43a1d84..41c6b84 100644
+--- a/doc/dirmngr.texi
++++ b/doc/dirmngr.texi
+@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ Note that for OCSP responses the certificate specified using the option
+ @item /etc/gnupg/extra-certs
+ This directory may contain extra certificates which are preloaded
+-into the interal cache on startup. Applications using dirmngr (e.g. gpgsm)
++into the internal cache on startup. Applications using dirmngr (e.g. gpgsm)
+ can request cached certificates to complete a trust chain.
+ This is convenient in cases you have a couple intermediate CA certificates
+ or certificates ususally used to sign OCSP responses.
diff --git a/debian/patches/0100-tests-Improve-portability-of-fake-pinentry.patch b/debian/patches/0100-tests-Improve-portability-of-fake-pinentry.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9836ac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0100-tests-Improve-portability-of-fake-pinentry.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+From: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
+Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2016 08:34:18 +0200
+Subject: tests: Improve portability of fake-pinentry.
+* tests/openpgp/fake-pinentry.c: Make all functions static.
+(get_passphrase): s/unlink/remove/ because that is standard C.
+(spacep): Rename to whitespace and change all callers.
+(main): Move macro out of if-then chain.
+Signed-off-by: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
+ tests/openpgp/fake-pinentry.c | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
+ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tests/openpgp/fake-pinentry.c b/tests/openpgp/fake-pinentry.c
+index baa79a8..f3ff5f1 100644
+--- a/tests/openpgp/fake-pinentry.c
++++ b/tests/openpgp/fake-pinentry.c
+@@ -25,9 +25,10 @@
+ #include <stdarg.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+-FILE *log_stream;
++static FILE *log_stream;
++static int
+ reply (const char *fmt, ...)
+ {
+   int result;
+@@ -47,8 +48,9 @@ reply (const char *fmt, ...)
+   return result;
+ }
+ /* Return the first line from FNAME, removing it from the file.  */
+-char *
++static char *
+ get_passphrase (const char *fname)
+ {
+   char *passphrase = NULL;
+@@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ get_passphrase (const char *fname)
+   fclose (source);
+   fclose (sink);
+-  if (unlink (fname))
++  if (remove (fname))
+     {
+       fprintf (stderr, "Failed to remove %s: %s",
+                fname, strerror (errno));
+@@ -127,17 +129,19 @@ get_passphrase (const char *fname)
+ }

+-#define spacep(p)   (*(p) == ' ' || *(p) == '\t' \
+-                     || *(p) == '\r' || *(p) == '\n')
++#define whitespacep(p)   (*(p) == ' ' || *(p) == '\t' \
++                          || *(p) == '\r' || *(p) == '\n')
+ /* rstrip line.  */
++static void
+ rstrip (char *buffer)
+ {
+   char *p;
++  if (!*buffer)
++    return; /* This is to avoid p = buffer - 1 */
+   for (p = buffer + strlen (buffer) - 1; p >= buffer; p--)
+     {
+-      if (! spacep (p))
++      if (! whitespacep (p))
+         break;
+       *p = 0;
+     }
+@@ -154,13 +158,13 @@ rstrip (char *buffer)
+ char *
+ skip_options (const char *line)
+ {
+-  while (spacep (line))
++  while (whitespacep (line))
+     line++;
+   while (*line == '-' && line[1] == '-')
+     {
+-      while (*line && !spacep (line))
++      while (*line && !whitespacep (line))
+         line++;
+-      while (spacep (line))
++      while (whitespacep (line))
+         line++;
+     }
+   return (char*) line;
+@@ -178,12 +182,12 @@ option_value (const char *line, const char *name)
+   s = strstr (line, name);
+   if (s && s >= skip_options (line))
+     return NULL;
+-  if (s && (s == line || spacep (s-1))
+-      && s[n] && (spacep (s+n) || s[n] == '='))
++  if (s && (s == line || whitespacep (s-1))
++      && s[n] && (whitespacep (s+n) || s[n] == '='))
+     {
+       s += n + 1;
+       s += strspn (s, " ");
+-      if (*s && !spacep(s))
++      if (*s && !whitespacep(s))
+         return s;
+     }
+   return NULL;
+@@ -206,7 +210,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+   setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
+   args = getenv ("PINENTRY_USER_DATA");
+-  got_environment_user_data = args != NULL;
++  got_environment_user_data = !!args;
+   if (! args)
+     args = "";
+@@ -215,7 +219,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+   if (logfile)
+     {
+       char *p = logfile, more;
+-      while (*p && ! spacep (p))
++      while (*p && ! whitespacep (p))
+         p++;
+       more = !! *p;
+       *p = 0;
+@@ -233,7 +237,7 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+   if (passphrasefile)
+     {
+       char *p = passphrasefile, more;
+-      while (*p && ! spacep (p))
++      while (*p && ! whitespacep (p))
+         p++;
+       more = !! *p;
+       *p = 0;
+@@ -256,13 +260,13 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+         passphrase = "no PINENTRY_USER_DATA -- using default passphrase";
+     }
+-  reply ("# fake-pinentry(%d) started.  Passphrase='%s'.\n",
+-         getpid (), passphrase);
++  reply ("# fake-pinentry(%u) started.  Passphrase='%s'.\n",
++         (unsigned int)getpid (), passphrase);
+   reply ("OK - what's up?\n");
+   while (! feof (stdin))
+     {
+-      char buffer[1024], *p;
++      char buffer[1024];
+       if (fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, stdin) == NULL)
+ 	break;
+@@ -272,6 +276,8 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+       rstrip (buffer);
++#define OPT_USER_DATA	"OPTION pinentry-user-data="
+       if (strncmp (buffer, "GETPIN", 6) == 0)
+         reply ("D %s\n", passphrase);
+       else if (strncmp (buffer, "BYE", 3) == 0)
+@@ -279,7 +285,6 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ 	  reply ("OK\n");
+ 	  break;
+ 	}
+-#define OPT_USER_DATA	"OPTION pinentry-user-data="
+       else if (strncmp (buffer, OPT_USER_DATA, strlen (OPT_USER_DATA)) == 0)
+         {
+           if (got_environment_user_data)
+@@ -299,6 +304,8 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+       reply ("OK\n");
+     }
++#undef OPT_USER_DATA
+   reply ("# Connection terminated.\n");
+   if (log_stream)
+     fclose (log_stream);
diff --git a/debian/patches/0101-common-Use-GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE-instead-of-GPG_ERR_EINV.patch b/debian/patches/0101-common-Use-GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE-instead-of-GPG_ERR_EINV.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5e3a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0101-common-Use-GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE-instead-of-GPG_ERR_EINV.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
+Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2016 09:02:10 +0200
+Subject: common: Use GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE instead of GPG_ERR_EINVAL.
+* common/sysutils.c (gnupg_inotify_watch_socket): Return
+GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE for a missing socket name and set proper error
+By using a different value we can easier see whether the error is due
+to a system call or from GnuPG code.
+Signed-off-by: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
+ common/sysutils.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/common/sysutils.c b/common/sysutils.c
+index 7c44f4a..6c8bd3b 100644
+--- a/common/sysutils.c
++++ b/common/sysutils.c
+@@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ gnupg_inotify_watch_socket (int *r_fd, const char *socket_name)
+   *r_fd = -1;
+   if (!socket_name)
+-    return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EINVAL);
++    return my_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE);
+   fname = xtrystrdup (socket_name);
+   if (!fname)
diff --git a/debian/patches/0102-agent-Avoid-double-error-message.patch b/debian/patches/0102-agent-Avoid-double-error-message.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9d511f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0102-agent-Avoid-double-error-message.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+From: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
+Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2016 09:10:29 +0200
+Subject: agent: Avoid double error message.
+* agent/gpg-agent.c (map_supervised_sockets): Shorten error message.
+Remove unneeded diagnostic.
+get_socket_name already prints error messages and thus there is not
+need to print another one.
+Signed-off-by: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
+ agent/gpg-agent.c | 7 +++----
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/agent/gpg-agent.c b/agent/gpg-agent.c
+index 78c4b02..8f4dade 100644
+--- a/agent/gpg-agent.c
++++ b/agent/gpg-agent.c
+@@ -720,18 +720,17 @@ map_supervised_sockets (gnupg_fd_t *r_fd,
+   if (!fdnames)
+     {
+       struct stat statbuf;
+       if (fd_count != 1)
+         log_error ("no LISTEN_FDNAMES and LISTEN_FDS (%d) != 1"
+                    " in --supervised mode."
+                    " (ignoring all sockets but the first one)\n",
+                    fd_count);
+       if (fstat (3, &statbuf) == -1 && errno ==EBADF)
+-        log_fatal ("file descriptor 3 must be valid in --supervised mode (as the "
+-                   "agent's standard socket) if LISTEN_FDNAMES is not set\n");
++        log_fatal ("file descriptor 3 must be valid in --supervised mode"
++                   " if LISTEN_FDNAMES is not set\n");
+       *r_fd = 3;
+       socket_name = get_socket_name (3);
+-      if (!socket_name)
+-          log_error ("cannot learn socket name for fd 3\n");
+     }
+   else if (fd_count != nfdnames)
+     {
diff --git a/debian/patches/0103-dirmngr-Fix-hang-due-to-deferred-thread-initializati.patch b/debian/patches/0103-dirmngr-Fix-hang-due-to-deferred-thread-initializati.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd53a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0103-dirmngr-Fix-hang-due-to-deferred-thread-initializati.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+From: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
+Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2016 10:24:41 +0200
+Subject: dirmngr: Fix hang due to deferred thread initialization.
+* dirmngr/dirmngr.c (main): Call ldap_wrapper_launch_thread after
+Fixes-commit: eda17649f8bd3b8ce7bfc00a3c11cbcae63c845d
+Signed-off-by: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
+ dirmngr/dirmngr.c | 25 ++++++++++++-------------
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/dirmngr/dirmngr.c b/dirmngr/dirmngr.c
+index ba9f96d..cf5061c 100644
+--- a/dirmngr/dirmngr.c
++++ b/dirmngr/dirmngr.c
+@@ -983,13 +983,13 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+           log_debug ("... okay\n");
+         }
+-#if USE_LDAP
+-      ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
+-#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
+       thread_init ();
+       cert_cache_init ();
+       crl_cache_init ();
++#if USE_LDAP
++      ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
++#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
+       start_command_handler (ASSUAN_INVALID_FD);
+       shutdown_reaper ();
+     }
+@@ -1182,13 +1182,12 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+         }
+ #endif
+-#if USE_LDAP
+-      ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
+-#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
+       thread_init ();
+       cert_cache_init ();
+       crl_cache_init ();
++#if USE_LDAP
++      ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
++#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
+       handle_connections (fd);
+       assuan_sock_close (fd);
+       shutdown_reaper ();
+@@ -1211,12 +1210,12 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+       memset (&ctrlbuf, 0, sizeof ctrlbuf);
+       dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (&ctrlbuf);
+-#if USE_LDAP
+-      ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
+-#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
+       thread_init ();
+       cert_cache_init ();
+       crl_cache_init ();
++#if USE_LDAP
++      ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
++#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
+       if (!argc)
+         rc = crl_cache_load (&ctrlbuf, NULL);
+       else
+@@ -1237,12 +1236,12 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+       memset (&ctrlbuf, 0, sizeof ctrlbuf);
+       dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (&ctrlbuf);
+-#if USE_LDAP
+-      ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
+-#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
+       thread_init ();
+       cert_cache_init ();
+       crl_cache_init ();
++#if USE_LDAP
++      ldap_wrapper_launch_thread ();
++#endif /*USE_LDAP*/
+       rc = crl_fetch (&ctrlbuf, argv[0], &reader);
+       if (rc)
+         log_error (_("fetching CRL from '%s' failed: %s\n"),
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index de68121..000b470 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -94,3 +94,10 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-gnupg/gnupg2.git

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