rev 9499 - in people: . mukidohime

Matthew Rosewarne mukidohime-guest at
Sat Mar 1 22:09:32 UTC 2008

Author: mukidohime-guest
Date: 2008-03-01 22:09:32 +0000 (Sat, 01 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 9499

* KDE 4.1 in lenny rationale document
  + written in docbook-simple

Added: people/mukidohime/KDEinLenny.docbook
--- people/mukidohime/KDEinLenny.docbook	                        (rev 0)
+++ people/mukidohime/KDEinLenny.docbook	2008-03-01 22:09:32 UTC (rev 9499)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD Simplified DocBook XML V1.1//EN" "">
+<article lang="en-US">
+	<articleinfo>
+		<title>KDE in Lenny</title>
+		<authorgroup>
+			<corpauthor>The Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers</corpauthor>
+		</authorgroup>
+	</articleinfo>
+	<section label="notdone">
+		<title>Situation of KDE</title>
+		<section label="notdone">
+			<title>KDE 3</title>
+			<para>KDE 3.5.9 is the final release of KDE 3</para>
+		</section>
+		<section label="notdone">
+			<title>KDE 4</title>
+			<para>4.0 does not provide a fully-usable desktop, and should not be shipped.</para>
+			<para>4.1 is intended to be a complete desktop for general use.</para>
+		</section>
+	</section>
+	<section label="notdone">
+		<title>The previous plan</title>
+		<blockquote>
+			<attribution>Bits from the Qt/KDE team (Thu, 10 Jan 2008)</attribution>
+Hi folks,
+In December of 2007, members of the Qt/KDE team gathered in Cáceres, Spain for 
+a meeting sponsored by the Government of Extremadura. 
+In the following weeks, we have been working towards the goals set at that 
+meeting, some of which have since been slightly altered.
+ Plans for KDE 3
+We will release Lenny with KDE 3.
+The current KDE version in unstable is 3.5.8, which will shortly migrate to 
+testing.  3.5.9 does not yet have a release date, but it will be decided soon.
+Therefore, Lenny will most likely be released with a version of 3.5.9 that 
+includes patches for the most important fixes from the upstream KDE 4 branch.
+Additionally, the kdepim-enterprise branch is being merged with the current 
+kdepim, which will bring some features and bugfixes, most importantly to KMail.
+Otherwise, the only major changes to our current KDE 3 packaging are some 
+re-working of the meta-packages and the removal of meta-kde-extras.  
+More info about this can be found on our webpage. [0][1]
+Furthermore, I would like highlight that in the last year, we have attempted 
+to reduce the number of bugs filed against KDE packages (see graph [2]),  but 
+it is difficult to keep the bug count low.  Since some bugs fixed in KDE 4 
+remain in KDE 3, we will be closing them as fixed in the KDE 4.0.0 using BTS's 
+version tracking, and hopefully we will manage to backport some of these fixes 
+(the most important ones) to KDE 3.5.X. 
+However, we will close bugs filed against applications declared dead by 
+upstream, such as aRts.
+ Plans for KDE 4
+We will be shipping KDE 4.0 development platform with Lenny.
+As you may know, KDE 4.0.0 is being released on the 11th of January
+We have been working very hard  to get some nice KDE packages into Debian, and 
+you can presently find KDE 4.0.0 packages in experimental.
+Instructions of how to install KDE 4 from experimental are at our website. [0]
+The primary reason against shipping KDE 4.0 with Lenny is that this release 
+lacks many applications that would make KDE 4 a complete desktop, such as 
+KMail, and still requires a lot of overall polishing, making it unsuitable for
+most users.  KDE 4.1 is expected to fix most of these shortcomings, but the 
+release date has not yet been finalised.
+The KDE developers are currently discussing the release schedules for KDE 4.0.x 
+and KDE 4.1.  It appears that they are planning to do monthly updates for 
+KDE 4.0, and that KDE 4.1 will not be released before late July, making it 
+impossible to include within the current Debian release schedule.
+For Lenny, we will instead be shipping the "KDE 4 development platform", 
+consisting of kdelibs, kdepimlibs, kdebase-runtime, and possibly kdebindings.
+We are planning to upload the 4.0.0 release to experimental, and probably next 
+week, barring any problems, push these 3 packages into unstable.
+These packages are co-installable with the current KDE 3 version, allowing 
+users to run KDE 4 apps, such as the new Okular document viewer, in a KDE 3 
+There are still some issues that need to be resolved, such as migration of 
+configuration files, since we have patched KDE 4 to store its settings in 
+~/.kde4 instead of ~/.kde .
+KDE 4 will be easily installable using the upcoming meta-packages.  
+See our website for more information. [0][3]
+Finally, we are publishing all the relevant information on our website [0] 
+with the dual goals of keeping our users informed, and providing an easy path 
+for new contributors to join the team. But some information is still work in 
+progress :)
+on behalf of the Qt/KDE team.
+P.S.: Anyway, you never know what the future will bring, we will review our 
+decisitions with respect shipping KDE 4 in Lenny in a few months.
+		</blockquote>
+		<section label="notdone">
+			<title>Problems with this plan</title>
+			<section label="notdone">
+				<title>Maintainability of KDE 3 packages</title>
+				<para>3.5.9 will be the final KDE 3 release</para>
+				<para>Debian effectively forks KDE 3, becoming the new upstream.</para>
+				<para>Flash debacle</para>
+				<para>Applications have been removed or rewritten upstream</para>
+			</section>
+			<section label="notdone">
+				<title>&quot;Make Debian sexy again&quot;</title>
+				<para>KDE 3 makes lenny seem slale</para>
+				<para>Contemporary distribution releases will likely include KDE 4</para>
+			</section>
+			<section label="notdone">
+				<title>Development platform is not useful</title>
+				<para>The primary reason to have a development platform is to develop applications for some target.  If Lenny is not actually running a KDE 4 desktop, the utility of the development platform is very limited.  KDE developers use SVN, and people building KDE 4 will likely be using a platform that does ship the KDE 4 desktop.</para>
+				<para>The 4.0 development platform should not be shipped, since some of its APIs are incomplete or expected to change for 4.1.</para>
+			</section>
+		</section>
+	</section>
+	<section label="notdone">
+		<title>The new plan</title>
+		<para>There might still be a possibility to include KDE4 in lenny.  The efforts on KDE4.1 have been quite promising and seem to be leading to a desktop environment which can fully replace KDE3.  The KDE team will provide betas and release candidates of the 4.1 release in experimental and interested users are encouraged to test them. Should KDE4.1 be on time and now major problems be discovered, the release team welcomes an upload to unstable.</para>
+	</section>

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