rev 13202 - kde-extras/kipi-plugins/branches/kde4/debian

Mark Purcell msp at
Wed Jan 7 23:44:10 UTC 2009

Author: msp
Date: 2009-01-07 23:44:10 +0000 (Wed, 07 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 13202

* (NOT RELEASED YET) New upstream release
* Update Description to list current plugins

Modified: kde-extras/kipi-plugins/branches/kde4/debian/changelog
--- kde-extras/kipi-plugins/branches/kde4/debian/changelog	2009-01-07 23:18:34 UTC (rev 13201)
+++ kde-extras/kipi-plugins/branches/kde4/debian/changelog	2009-01-07 23:44:10 UTC (rev 13202)
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+kipi-plugins (0.2.0~beta6-0r1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * (NOT RELEASED YET) New upstream release
+  * Update Description to list current plugins
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at>  Thu, 08 Jan 2009 08:42:25 +1100
 kipi-plugins (0.2.0~beta5-0r2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * New upstream release (KDE4)

Modified: kde-extras/kipi-plugins/branches/kde4/debian/control
--- kde-extras/kipi-plugins/branches/kde4/debian/control	2009-01-07 23:18:34 UTC (rev 13201)
+++ kde-extras/kipi-plugins/branches/kde4/debian/control	2009-01-07 23:44:10 UTC (rev 13202)
@@ -32,42 +32,39 @@
  KimDaBa), Showimg and Gwenview.
  Its aim is to share image plugins among graphic applications.
- Plugins available are:
+ Current plugins ported to Qt4/KDE4:
-  RawConverter:        Raw image converter for digital cameras
-  SlideShow:           Slideshow with effects ripped out from kslideshow
-                       and 3D effects using OpenGL
-  MpegEncoder:         Create an MPEG slideshow from your images
-  PrintWizard:         A wizard to print images in various format
-  JpegLossLess:        Batch process your JPEG images without losing meta
-                       information and compression
-  CdArchiving:         Archive your albums on CD or DVD using K3b
-  ScanImages:          Scanner management using Kooka
-  ScreenshotImages:    Snap screen based on KSnapshot and adapted to Kipi
-  Calendar:            Sreate calendars with images
-  SendImages:          Send images by email, allowing resizing
-                       and recompressing before sending
-  RenameImages:        Batch image renamer
-  ConvertImages:       Batch image converter
-  BorderImages:        Add border to your images in batch
-  FilterImages:        Batch image enhancer using digital filters
-  ColorImages:         Batch image color enhancer
-  EffectImages:        Batch image transformation effects
-  ResizeImages:        Batch image resizer
-  RecompressImages:    Batch image recompressor
-  FindDuplicateImages: Find duplicate images in albums
-  TimeAdjust:          Adjust image file time and date
-  WallPaper:           Set your image as wallpaper
-  FindImages:          Search images in albums
-  GalleryExport:       Interface for export images collections to remote
-                       Gallery (and Gallery 2) servers
-  FlickrExport:        Export images to a remote Flickr web service
-  HTMLGallery:         Export images to HTML
-  SimpleviewerExport:  Export images in a nice flash movie
-  GPSSync:             Geolocalize pictures
-  MetadataEdit:        Edit EXIF and IPTC pictures metadata
-  IpodExport:          Export images to an ipod device
-  PicasaWebExport:     Export pictures to Picasa web service
+  AcquireImages      : A tool to acquire images using flat scanner.
+  Calendar           : A tool to create calendars.
+  DngConverter       : A tool to convert Raw Image to Digital NeGative (DNG -
+  FlickrExport       : A tool to export images to a remote Flickr web service (
+  GalleryExport      : A tool to export images to a remote Gallery (and Gallery 2) server (
+  GPSSync            : A tool to geolocalize pictures.
+  HTMLExport         : A tool to export images collections into a static XHTML page.
+  ImageViewer        : A tool to preview images using OpenGL.
+  JpegLossLess       : A tool to rotate/flip images without losing quality.
+  MetadataEdit       : A tool to edit EXIF, IPTC and XMP metadata.
+  PicasaWebExport    : A tool to export images to a remote Picasa web service (
+  RawConverter       : A tool to convert Raw Image to JPEG/PNG/TIFF.
+  RemoveRedEyes      : A tool to remove red eyes on image automatically.
+  SendImages         : A tool to send images by e-mail.
+  SimpleViewerExport : A tool to export images to Flash using SimpleViewer (
+  SlideShow          : A tool to Slide images with 2D and 3D effects using OpenGL.
+  SmugExport         : A tool to export images to a remote SmugMug web service (
+  FbExport           : A tool to export images to a remote Facebook web service (
+  TimeAdjust         : A tool to adjust date and time.
+  PrintWizard        : A tool to print images in various format.
+ .
+ Porting under progress to Qt4/KDE4:
+ .
+  IpodExport         : A tool to export pictures to an Ipod device.
+  WallPaper          : A tool to set image as background on your desktop.
+ .
+Not yet ported to Qt4/KDE4:
+ .
+  BatchProcess       : A collection of tools to batch process images (convert, resize, rename, etc.)
+  CDArchiving        : A tool to archive your image collections to a CD or DVD.
+  MpegEncoder        : A tool to create an MPEG slideshow with a set of images.
 Package: kipi-plugins-doc
 Architecture: all

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