rev 13333 - kde-extras/strigi/branches/experimental/debian

Fathi Boudra fabo at
Tue Jan 13 16:21:00 UTC 2009

Author: fabo
Date: 2009-01-13 16:20:59 +0000 (Tue, 13 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 13333

Use a single debug package as Modestas prefers ;)

Modified: kde-extras/strigi/branches/experimental/debian/control
--- kde-extras/strigi/branches/experimental/debian/control	2009-01-13 13:38:57 UTC (rev 13332)
+++ kde-extras/strigi/branches/experimental/debian/control	2009-01-13 16:20:59 UTC (rev 13333)
@@ -191,83 +191,12 @@
  See the 'strigi-daemon' package for more informations.
-Package: strigi-daemon-dbg
+Package: strigi-dbg
 Priority: extra
 Architecture: any
 Section: devel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, strigi-daemon (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: debugging symbols for strigi-daemon
- This package contains the debugging symbols associated with strigi-daemon.
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libstreams0 (= ${binary:Version}), libstreamanalyzer0 (= ${binary:Version}), libstrigiqtdbusclient0 (= ${binary:Version})
+Description: debugging symbols for strigi
+ This package contains the debugging symbols associated with strigi.
- They will automatically be used by gdb for debugging related issues.
-Package: strigi-client-dbg
-Priority: extra
-Architecture: any
-Section: devel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, strigi-client (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: debugging symbols for strigi-client
- This package contains the debugging symbols associated with strigi-client.
- .
- They will automatically be used by gdb for debugging related issues.
-Package: strigi-utils-dbg
-Priority: extra
-Architecture: any
-Section: devel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, strigi-utils (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: debugging symbols for strigi-utils
- This package contains the debugging symbols associated with strigi-utils.
- .
- They will automatically be used by gdb for debugging related issues.
-Package: libstreams0-dbg
-Priority: extra
-Architecture: any
-Section: devel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libstreams0 (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: debugging symbols for libstreams0
- This package contains the debugging symbols associated with libstreams0.
- .
- They will automatically be used by gdb for debugging related issues.
-Package: libstreamanalyzer0-dbg
-Priority: extra
-Architecture: any
-Section: devel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libstreamanalyzer0 (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: debugging symbols for libstreamanalyzer0
- This package contains the debugging symbols associated with libstreamanalyzer0.
- .
- They will automatically be used by gdb for debugging related issues.
-Package: libsearchclient0-dbg
-Priority: extra
-Architecture: any
-Section: devel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libsearchclient0 (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: debugging symbols for libsearchclient0
- This package contains the debugging symbols associated with libsearchclient0.
- .
- They will automatically be used by gdb for debugging related issues.
-Package: libstrigihtmlgui0-dbg
-Priority: extra
-Architecture: any
-Section: devel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libstrigihtmlgui0 (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: debugging symbols for libstrigihtmlgui0
- This package contains the debugging symbols associated with libstrigihtmlgui0.
- .
- They will automatically be used by gdb for debugging related issues.
-Package: libstrigiqtdbusclient0-dbg
-Priority: extra
-Architecture: any
-Section: devel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libstrigiqtdbusclient0 (= ${binary:Version})
-Description: debugging symbols for libstrigiqtdbusclient0
- This package contains the debugging symbols associated with
- libstrigiqtdbusclient0.
- .
- They will automatically be used by gdb for debugging related issues.
+ They will automatically be used by gdb for debugging strigi related issues.

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