[SCM] picmi packaging branch, master, updated. debian/4.13.1-1-52-g97383e6

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jul 29 20:52:07 UTC 2014

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-sc/picmi.git;a=commitdiff;h=15f33dc

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 15f33dc9cc3e718c777db19b7ad333575cfd20f6
Author: Jonathan Riddell <jriddell at ubuntu.com>
Date:   Fri May 24 08:57:10 2013 +0000

    new files
 debian/icon-list          |   2 +
 debian/icons/picmi-16.xpm | 278 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/icons/picmi.xpm    | 221 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/man/kdeopt.part    | 110 ++++++++++++++++++
 debian/man/picmi.man      |  17 +++
 debian/picmi.docs         |   2 +
 debian/picmi.install      |   7 ++
 debian/picmi.manpages     |   1 +
 debian/picmi.menu         |   9 ++
 debian/watch              |   2 +
 10 files changed, 649 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/icon-list b/debian/icon-list
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38882df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/icon-list
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/picmi.png picmi-16.xpm
+/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/picmi.png picmi.xpm
diff --git a/debian/icons/picmi-16.xpm b/debian/icons/picmi-16.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c988c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/icons/picmi-16.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *picmi_16[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"16 16 256 2 ",
+"   c None",
+".  c black",
+"X  c black",
+"o  c black",
+"O  c black",
+"+  c black",
+"@  c black",
+"#  c black",
+"$  c black",
+"%  c #E2AD25",
+"&  c #E5B126",
+"*  c #C4801D",
+"=  c black",
+"-  c #D09720",
+";  c #E5B126",
+":  c #D39A21",
+">  c black",
+",  c black",
+"<  c black",
+"1  c black",
+"2  c black",
+"3  c black",
+"4  c black",
+"5  c black",
+"6  c black",
+"7  c #D79F22",
+"8  c #D5A12A",
+"9  c #BE811C",
+"0  c black",
+"q  c #D49C25",
+"w  c #EAB727",
+"e  c #D79F23",
+"r  c black",
+"t  c black",
+"y  c black",
+"u  c black",
+"i  c black",
+"p  c black",
+"a  c black",
+"s  c black",
+"d  c black",
+"f  c #C08119",
+"g  c #C5AC7B",
+"h  c #E4B22A",
+"j  c #DCAD35",
+"k  c #BCAF9A",
+"l  c #D09621",
+"z  c #C88B1E",
+"x  c black",
+"c  c #B4751B",
+"v  c #C8923B",
+"b  c #D3A34A",
+"n  c #D5A74D",
+"m  c #C39946",
+"M  c #B38C40",
+"N  c #AD883E",
+"B  c #AD883F",
+"V  c #B38C40",
+"C  c #C39844",
+"Z  c #D5A645",
+"A  c #D4A23C",
+"S  c #C79139",
+"D  c #B1731D",
+"F  c black",
+"G  c #A86815",
+"H  c #D4A44B",
+"J  c #887237",
+"K  c #555822",
+"L  c #4E6222",
+"P  c #5C772B",
+"I  c #6A8932",
+"U  c #709136",
+"Y  c #6F9035",
+"T  c #698832",
+"R  c #5B772A",
+"E  c #4B6021",
+"W  c #515520",
+"Q  c #867136",
+"!  c #D3A44B",
+"~  c #A26218",
+"^  c #BB822F",
+"/  c #A28540",
+"(  c #334515",
+")  c #79A134",
+"_  c #7CA735",
+"`  c #4E5B2A",
+"'  c #7AA434",
+"]  c #7CA835",
+"[  c #7CA835",
+"{  c #7CA835",
+"}  c #4B5529",
+"|  c #7CA735",
+" . c #78A134",
+".. c #2D3F11",
+"X. c #9F833F",
+"o. c #B87F2F",
+"O. c #C69139",
+"+. c #584B21",
+"@. c #5A7A25",
+"#. c #73A02D",
+"$. c #414D21",
+"%. c #6E992C",
+"&. c #414D21",
+"*. c #709C2C",
+"=. c #73A02D",
+"-. c #3D4720",
+";. c #73A02D",
+":. c #3D4720",
+">. c #73A02D",
+",. c #547521",
+"<. c #574A20",
+"1. c #C38D39",
+"2. c #C8943B",
+"3. c #353311",
+"4. c #57821D",
+"5. c #679824",
+"6. c #323D18",
+"7. c #323E19",
+"8. c #313C18",
+"9. c #669524",
+"0. c #699925",
+"q. c #2F3818",
+"w. c #2F3818",
+"e. c #2F3818",
+"r. c #659623",
+"t. c #537E1A",
+"y. c #323111",
+"u. c #C6923A",
+"i. c #C89339",
+"p. c #272B0C",
+"a. c #487911",
+"s. c #4E8412",
+"d. c #4D8113",
+"f. c #508315",
+"g. c #518416",
+"h. c #548817",
+"j. c #548817",
+"k. c #538816",
+"l. c #518615",
+"z. c #4F8413",
+"x. c #4E8412",
+"c. c #487A10",
+"v. c #252A0B",
+"b. c #C59038",
+"n. c #C58F35",
+"m. c #232A0B",
+"M. c #3F6F0F",
+"N. c #437610",
+"B. c #437610",
+"V. c #437610",
+"C. c #437610",
+"Z. c #437610",
+"A. c #437610",
+"S. c #437610",
+"D. c #437610",
+"F. c #437610",
+"G. c #437610",
+"H. c #3F6F0F",
+"J. c #222A0A",
+"K. c #C38C34",
+"L. c #C28A30",
+"P. c #2D300E",
+"I. c #34600C",
+"U. c #38670D",
+"Y. c #38670D",
+"T. c #0B1502",
+"R. c #36630C",
+"E. c #38670D",
+"W. c #38670D",
+"Q. c #38670D",
+"!. c #0B1502",
+"~. c #36630C",
+"^. c #38670D",
+"/. c #34610C",
+"(. c #2B2E0E",
+"). c #BF872F",
+"_. c #BC8229",
+"`. c #453D16",
+"'. c #294E09",
+"]. c #2E590A",
+"[. c #2E590A",
+"{. c #2D560A",
+"}. c #091102",
+"|. c #081002",
+" X c #081002",
+".X c #081002",
+"XX c #2B5309",
+"oX c #2E590A",
+"OX c #2E590A",
+"+X c #294F09",
+"@X c #433C15",
+"#X c #B87E28",
+"$X c #B27520",
+"%X c #755B23",
+"&X c #193405",
+"*X c #244B08",
+"=X c #254C08",
+"-X c #254C08",
+";X c #244908",
+":X c #244908",
+">X c #244908",
+",X c #244908",
+"<X c #254C08",
+"1X c #254C08",
+"2X c #244A08",
+"3X c #193405",
+"4X c #745922",
+"5X c #AD6F1E",
+"6X c #9B5A12",
+"7X c #B58029",
+"8X c #2A2810",
+"9X c #0F2003",
+"0X c #142A04",
+"qX c #163005",
+"wX c #173405",
+"eX c #183505",
+"rX c #183505",
+"tX c #173405",
+"yX c #163005",
+"uX c #132A04",
+"iX c #0F2003",
+"pX c #292810",
+"aX c #B37E28",
+"sX c #945310",
+"dX c #87450A",
+"fX c #9D5D12",
+"gX c #AB6F1D",
+"hX c #906321",
+"jX c #72521C",
+"kX c #5E471A",
+"lX c #503E17",
+"zX c #4A3A15",
+"xX c #4A3A15",
+"cX c #503E17",
+"vX c #5E4619",
+"bX c #72521D",
+"nX c #8F6220",
+"mX c #AA6E1D",
+"MX c #985710",
+"NX c black",
+"BX c #844009",
+"VX c #8C4A0B",
+"CX c #8A480B",
+"ZX c #7C3D08",
+"AX c #7F420A",
+"SX c #85480D",
+"DX c #864B0E",
+"FX c #884D0F",
+"GX c #884D0F",
+"HX c #874B0E",
+"JX c #86480C",
+"KX c #80420A",
+"LX c #7D3D07",
+"PX c #8B490B",
+"IX c #8A470A",
+"UX c black",
+/* pixels */
+"  . X o O + @ # $ % & * = - ; : ",
+"> , < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 q w e ",
+"r t y u i p a s d f g h j k l z ",
+"x c v b n m M N B V C Z A S D F ",
+"G H J K L P I U Y T R E W Q ! ~ ",
+"^ / ( ) _ ` ' ] [ { } |  ...X.o.",
+"O.+. at .#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.:.>.,.<.1.",
+"_.`.'.].[.{.}.|. X.XXXoXOX+X at X#X",
diff --git a/debian/icons/picmi.xpm b/debian/icons/picmi.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..769307a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/icons/picmi.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *picmi[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"32 32 183 2 ",
+"   c #020501",
+".  c #080705",
+"X  c #030B01",
+"o  c #0A0A05",
+"O  c #0B0C0B",
+"+  c #130D04",
+"@  c #120F09",
+"#  c #041501",
+"$  c #091305",
+"%  c #041C00",
+"&  c #081904",
+"*  c #0C1209",
+"=  c #0F1909",
+"-  c #14130B",
+";  c #1B160D",
+":  c #151B0C",
+">  c #1C1C0E",
+",  c #121211",
+"<  c #1B1B1B",
+"1  c #23190B",
+"2  c #2A1D09",
+"3  c #221C14",
+"4  c #052500",
+"5  c #0B2505",
+"6  c #052B01",
+"7  c #0D2A06",
+"8  c #15210C",
+"9  c #1A210F",
+"0  c #122B09",
+"q  c #192C0D",
+"w  c #14330A",
+"e  c #153A0B",
+"r  c #193C0D",
+"t  c #1D2310",
+"y  c #1D2D12",
+"u  c #1E3F11",
+"i  c #2E2415",
+"p  c #252D15",
+"a  c #24201B",
+"s  c #322714",
+"d  c #382C17",
+"f  c #332919",
+"g  c #203511",
+"h  c #243C13",
+"j  c #2A3F17",
+"k  c #293B1A",
+"l  c #30371C",
+"z  c #343B1E",
+"x  c #2E2A23",
+"c  c #3B3223",
+"v  c #412E0F",
+"b  c #592A05",
+"n  c #443317",
+"m  c #49391F",
+"M  c #503D1E",
+"N  c #4C3C23",
+"B  c #1D420F",
+"V  c #1E4110",
+"C  c #214212",
+"Z  c #254915",
+"A  c #284C16",
+"S  c #2E4519",
+"D  c #344A1E",
+"F  c #2A5016",
+"G  c #395E1F",
+"H  c #39601F",
+"J  c #354B21",
+"K  c #3D5526",
+"L  c #3C5F20",
+"P  c #3A6020",
+"I  c #594017",
+"U  c #5C4218",
+"Y  c #61481C",
+"T  c #414925",
+"R  c #574629",
+"E  c #425D29",
+"W  c #594931",
+"Q  c #664E25",
+"!  c #684E23",
+"~  c #614C29",
+"^  c #69512D",
+"/  c #7E5D22",
+"(  c #73592E",
+")  c #6E5731",
+"_  c #426426",
+"`  c #466C27",
+"'  c #4A662A",
+"]  c #4A6E29",
+"[  c #4B712A",
+"{  c #50742D",
+"}  c #547431",
+"|  c #567932",
+" . c #5A7C34",
+".. c #84440B",
+"X. c #874A0D",
+"o. c #8A4A0C",
+"O. c #96540F",
+"+. c #8E5110",
+"@. c #915512",
+"#. c #9C5C13",
+"$. c #9F6017",
+"%. c #9E601C",
+"&. c #A26217",
+"*. c #A4661A",
+"=. c #A96C1C",
+"-. c #B1731E",
+";. c #856123",
+":. c #8B6526",
+">. c #8F6926",
+",. c #89672C",
+"<. c #936D29",
+"1. c #9A712B",
+"2. c #826330",
+"3. c #A36620",
+"4. c #A66A22",
+"5. c #AA6E25",
+"6. c #A76D28",
+"7. c #A96E28",
+"8. c #AE7325",
+"9. c #A2772C",
+"0. c #AE752B",
+"q. c #AA7D2F",
+"w. c #B77C27",
+"e. c #BB7E22",
+"r. c #B3792B",
+"t. c #A67B33",
+"y. c #AA7E31",
+"u. c #5E8135",
+"i. c #5F8238",
+"p. c #618437",
+"a. c #628639",
+"s. c #66893B",
+"d. c #6A8D3E",
+"f. c #BE8325",
+"g. c #BD832B",
+"h. c #AD8132",
+"j. c #B18738",
+"k. c #BC873B",
+"l. c #C08527",
+"z. c #C58B2D",
+"x. c #C88E2D",
+"c. c #CB9520",
+"v. c #CE9923",
+"b. c #CC932B",
+"n. c #CD992C",
+"m. c #D79F23",
+"M. c #C68E33",
+"N. c #C28D3B",
+"B. c #C69235",
+"V. c #CB9536",
+"C. c #CE9837",
+"Z. c #CC9638",
+"A. c #CD9A3B",
+"S. c #D19E3E",
+"D. c #DCA624",
+"F. c #DEA825",
+"G. c #D7A42E",
+"H. c #D3A130",
+"J. c #E3AE25",
+"K. c #E6B126",
+"L. c #F0BF29",
+"P. c #F6C62A",
+"I. c #C39141",
+"U. c #CD9D44",
+"Y. c #CD9C4A",
+"T. c #D29F40",
+"R. c #D4A444",
+"E. c #D9A847",
+"W. c #D2A34C",
+"Q. c #DAAC4C",
+"!. c #D5A551",
+"~. c #D7A852",
+"^. c #D8AA54",
+"/. c #DFB353",
+"(. c #DFB459",
+"). c #E1B656",
+"_. c #E1B75E",
+"`. c #E4BB5C",
+"'. c #E5BD61",
+"]. c #EAC363",
+"[. c gray69",
+"{. c #BEBEBD",
+"}. c None",
+/* pixels */
+"}.}.}.!.'.`.R.j.,.Q M d 3 ; @ o o o + + 2 v M / h.W.`.].W.}.}.}.",
+"}.}.Y.].R.( x , * = y k J K E E E K K D j y + X . ; Y U.].Y.}.}.",
+"}.}._./.R , X j ' }  . .i.a.s.d.d.d.s.i. . .} _ u   . n Q.(.}.}.",
+"}.N.`.q.<   D ] ] [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ` h   O 9.`.k.}.",
+"}.Y.).! o 8 _ ` [ { T T i.a.d.d.d.d.s.p.p.T T [ ] P $   U /.I.}.",
+"}.W.W.f   h G H H H D z L L P P P P P H P z z P P G q   1 Q.Y.}.",
+"}.Q.S.,   S G H l l [ { z z  . . . . .z z [ ] l l L h     A.W.}.",
+"0.Q.h.O   w Z F p p F F p p A A F F F p p F A p p B 7     q.Q.7.",
+"0.Q.1.    4 e B $ = : 9 t t _ _ _ _ _ 9 : : * $   e 7 X   1.Q.6.",
+"r.Q.>.  X 4 6 6             6 6 6 6 6             6 4 X   >.Q.5.",
+"r.Q.;.  X 7 w e r B V C Z A A A A A A Z Z C C r e w 7 X . ;.R.6.",
+"8.R.>.  X 4 4 6 6 4 6 4 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 4 6 6 4 X O >.R.4.",
+"5.R.1.  X 5 7 w w e     h h V h V C h u X . r w w 0 7 X O 1.R.3.",
+"=.S.q.. X % 4 4 4 4     4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4     4 4 4 4 4   , q.A.%.",
+"}.Z.B.O   % 5 7 0 0 w q         .       w w 0 0 7 5 4   < B.M.}.",
+"}.M.A.i   # % % 4 4 % 4                 % 4 4 % 4 % X   c A.g.}.",
+"}.w.C.! . X % & 4 5 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 4 & X O ) A.8.}.",
+"}.=.C.9.,   X # % % % % # % % % % % # % # % % % # X   a t.Z.*.}.",
+"}.}.z.V.N O     X X X # & & & & & & # & # $   X     O W V.g.}.}.",
+"}.}.=.B.N.^ t * .                             . * a ) N.x.&.}.}.",
+"}.}.}.*.l.x.M.t.2.~ N i 1 - o .   . @ ; i N ~ 2.t.M.z.f.$.}.}.}.",
+"}.}.}.}. at .$.*.-.e.f.z.z.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.z.z.f.e.-.&.#.O.}.}.}.}.",
+"}.}.}.}.o.o.o.}.....X.+.+.+. at .@. at .O.+.+.+.X.....}.o.o.o.}.}.}.}.",
+"}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.b b }.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}.}."
diff --git a/debian/man/kdeopt.part b/debian/man/kdeopt.part
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5557afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/man/kdeopt.part
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+.\" This portion of the manual page is from kdeopt.man, from the
+.\" kdegames Debian package.
+.B \-\-help
+Show help about options.
+.B \-\-help-qt
+Show Qt specific options.
+.B \-\-help-kde
+Show KDE specific options.
+.B \-\-help-all
+Show all options.
+.B \-\-author
+Show author information.
+.B \-v, \-\-version
+Show version information.
+.B \-\-license
+Show license information.
+.B \-\-
+End of options.
+.B \-\-display 
+Use the X-server display `displayname'.
+.B \-\-session 
+Restore the application for the given `sessionId'.
+.B \-\-cmap
+Causes the application to install a private color map on an 8\-bit
+.B \-\-ncols 
+Limits the number of colors allocated in the color cube on an 8\-bit
+display, if the application is using the QApplication::ManyColor color
+.B \-\-nograb
+Tells Qt to never grab the mouse or the keyboard.
+.B \-\-dograb
+Running under a debugger can cause an implicit \-nograb, use \-dograb
+to override.
+.B \-\-sync
+Switches to synchronous mode for debugging.
+.B \-\-fn, \-\-font 
+Defines the application font.
+.B \-\-bg, \-\-background 
+Sets the default background color and an application palette (light
+and dark shades are calculated).
+.B \-\-fg, \-\-foreground 
+Sets the default foreground color.
+.B \-\-btn, \-\-button 
+Sets the default button color.
+.B \-\-name 
+Sets the application name.
+.B \-\-title 
+Sets the application title (caption).
+.B \-\-visual TrueColor
+Forces the application to use a TrueColor visual on an 8-bit display.
+.B \-\-inputstyle 
+Sets XIM (X Input Method) input style. Possible values are
P and 
+.B \-\-im 
I<XIM server>
+Set XIM server.
+.B \-\-noxim
+Disable XIM.
+.B \-\-reverse
+Mirrors the whole layout of widgets.
+.B \-\-caption 
+Use `caption' as name in the titlebar.
+.B \-\-icon 
+Use `icon' as the application icon.
+.B \-\-config 
+Use alternative configuration file.
+.B \-\-nocrashhandler
+Disable crash handler, to get core dumps.
+.B \-\-waitforwm
+Waits for a WM_NET compatible windowmanager.
+.B \-\-style 
+Sets the application GUI style.
+.B \-\-geometry 
+Sets the client geometry of the main widget.
diff --git a/debian/man/picmi.man b/debian/man/picmi.man
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad5d5c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/man/picmi.man
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+picmi \- Number logic game
+.B picmi
+.I [Qt-options] [KDE-options]
+.B picmi
+is a number logic game in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left
+blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden
+.so kdeopt.part
+More detailed user documentation is available from
+.BR help:/picmi
+(either enter this URL into 
P, or run `khelpcenter
diff --git a/debian/picmi.docs b/debian/picmi.docs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..724e084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/picmi.docs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/debian/picmi.install b/debian/picmi.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18e3e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/picmi.install
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+../icons/picmi-16.xpm /usr/share/pixmaps
+../icons/picmi.xpm /usr/share/pixmaps
diff --git a/debian/picmi.manpages b/debian/picmi.manpages
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a15d03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/picmi.manpages
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/picmi.menu b/debian/picmi.menu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7141d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/picmi.menu
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+	needs="x11"\
+	section="Games/Puzzles"\
+	hints="KDE,Logic"\
+	title="picmi"\
+	icon32x32="/usr/share/pixmaps/picmi.xpm"\
+	icon16x16="/usr/share/pixmaps/picmi-16.xpm"\
+	command="/usr/games/picmi"
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6284d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

picmi packaging

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