[SCM] libkpeople packaging annotated tag, debian/0.2.1-1, created. debian/0.2.1-1

Diane Trout diane-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue May 13 04:50:35 UTC 2014

The annotated tag, debian/0.2.1-1 has been created
        at  c5b72eb8492866d3674804ab2fd5bca35d63e338 (tag)
   tagging  11059ddb824f99b81b3a7cecbd84811b526ca6c0 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.2.1
 tagged by  Diane Trout
        on  Tue Apr 29 21:39:27 2014 -0700

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
tagging package libkpeople version debian/0.2.1-1
Version: GnuPG v1


Diane Trout (43):
      Initial packaging.
      Avoid a null pointer access that was causing ktp-contactlist to crash.
      The SONAME is 1. Make the install filenames match
      Rename shared library to match the SONAME
      my crash was caused by not installing some components
      Acknowledge source of packaging
      Add debian/watch
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.0'
      Ship locale files.
      Add longer description to control file.
      Ship QML components and dummy_avatar.png
      Update copyright file.
      credit help from Rohan
      Update symbols from Rohan Garg's build
      update copyright file format url
      Give a longer description of libkpeople1
      fix long line error message
      Fix file name references to the complete license text
      Add useful dbg packages to libkpeople1-dbg's Recommends.
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.2.0'
      Rename shared-library pacakge from libkpeople1 to libkpeople3wq
      Update symbols for to 0.2.0
      update shared library files version numbers
      List all of the desktop files to install instead of using globs
      Update where cmake config files for KPeople are installed
      Update libkpeople dbg package name to libkpeople3-dbg
      add missing :
      Use kdepim for contact backend instead of nepomuk
      Update standards version
      Add dependency on boost
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.2.1'
      Update version number
      improve package descriptions
      add initial release bug number
      Remove shared-desktop-ontologies build dep. It was used by the nepomuk version
      Add library_startswith_soname.patch. This forces the library realname to start with the soname
      I did do a lot of work on this package. I should sign my work.
      Mark which files were GPL-2.
      remove another unneeded build dependency
      Some minor adjustments to ordering of entries in the copyright file
      Add Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser tags to debian/control
      remove vestigial copyright block
      releasing package libkpeople version 0.2.1-1


libkpeople packaging

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