[SCM] ci-tooling packaging branch, master, updated. bf6916c7f87518e23bfec112d7ac4fca15b60fa5
Harald Sitter
apachelogger-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Dec 3 13:41:49 UTC 2015
Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/ci-tooling.git;a=commitdiff;h=b6db74b
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit b6db74beb597af42bf25f3ba2a1f115a4b5cf34f
Author: Harald Sitter <sitter at kde.org>
Date: Thu Dec 3 14:08:58 2015 +0100
remove build.rb
unused and full of violations
kci/build.rb | 438 -----------------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 438 deletions(-)
diff --git a/kci/build.rb b/kci/build.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index a7c00df..0000000
--- a/kci/build.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'fileutils'
-require_relative 'lib/lp'
-# change dir into workspace.
-class SourcePublisher
- def initialize(source_name, source_version)
- @ppa = Launchpad::Rubber::from_url('https://api.launchpad.net/devel/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/unstable')
- @source_name = source_name
- @source_version = source_version
- end
- def wait
- #################################
- puts "------------------------- Waiting for LP Builds -------------------------"
- #################################
- # If it takes 20 minutes for the source to arrive it probably got rejected.
- fail_count = 20 # This is ~= minutes
- source = nil
- begin
- source = get_source()
- rescue RuntimeError => e # only rescue our own errors, others are fatal
- p e
- sleep(60)
- fail_count -= 1
- if fail_count <= 0
- puts 'Upload was likely rejected, we have been waiting for well over 20 minutes!'
- return false
- end
- retry
- end
- #################################
- loop do
- sleep_time = 0
- needs_wait = false
- has_failed = false
- source.getBuilds().each do |build|
- state = build.buildstate
- case state
- when 'Needs building' || 'Currently building' || 'Uploading build' || 'Cancelling build'
- needs_wait = true
- sleep_time = 60 if sleep_time < 60
- when 'Chroot problem' || 'Failed to upload'
- puts 'retry'
- needs_wait = true
- build.retry!
- sleep_time = (60*5) if sleep_time < (60*5)
- when 'Failed to build' || 'Build for superseded Source' || 'Cancelled build' || 'Dependency wait'
- has_failed = true
- end
- end
- if needs_wait
- sleep(sleep_time)
- next
- end
- if has_failed
- print_state(source)
- return false
- end
- puts 'Builds look fine, moving on to publication checks'
- break
- end
- while source.status == 'Pending'
- sleep(60*2)
- source = get_source() # We need a new source to get the status update.
- end
- puts 'Soure no longer pending, waiting for binaries...'
- loop do
- has_pending = false
- source_id = File.basename(source.self_link)
- build_summary = $ppa.getBuildSummariesForSourceIds(:source_ids => source_id)
- status = build_summary[source_id]['status']
- case status
- has_pending = true
- has_pending = false
- else
- puts "Something very terrible happened as the overall state is #{status}, which was not expected at all"
- print_state(get_source())
- return false
- end
- if not has_pending
- puts 'All things are published, hooray!'
- break
- end
- sleep(60)
- end
- source = get_source()
- print_state(source)
- get_logs(source)
- puts 'PPA Wait done.'
- return true
- end
- private
- def print_state(source)
- puts "%s/%s (%s) %s" % [source.distro_series.name,
- source.source_package_name,
- source.source_package_version,
- source.status]
- build_logs = {}
- anchor_file = File.open('_anchor-chain', 'w')
- source.getBuilds().each do |build|
- puts " %s [%s] (%s) %s :: %s :: %s" % [source.source_package_name,
- build.arch_tag,
- source.source_package_version,
- build.buildstate,
- build.web_link,
- build.build_log_url]
- build_logs[build.arch_tag] = build.build_log_url
- anchor_file.write("%s %s
" % [build.arch_tag, build.build_log_url])
- end
- anchor_file.close
- build_log_marker = 'BUILD -'
- build_logs.each_pair do |arch, log|
- build_log_marker += " [#{arch}] (#{log})"
- end
- puts build_log_marker
- source.getPublishedBinaries().each do |binary|
- puts " #{binary.display_name} #{binary.status}"
- end
- end
- def get_logs(source)
- puts("getting logs...")
- log_dir = 'logs'
- FileUtils.rm_rf(log_dir)
- Dir.mkdir(log_dir)
- source.getBuilds().each do |build|
- uri = URI(build.build_log_url)
- begin
- Net::HTTP.start(uri.host) do |http|
- response = http.get(uri.path)
- basename = File.basename(uri.path)
- File.open("#{log_dir}/#{basename}", 'w') do |file|
- file.write(response.body)
- end
- end
- rescue => e
- p e
- retry
- end
- end
- archindep = source.distro_series.nominatedarchindep.architecture_tag
- if archindep
- File.open('archindep','w') do |file|
- file.write(archindep)
- end
- end
- puts "logs done."
- end
- def get_source
- source = @ppa.getPublishedSources(:source_name => @source_name,
- :version => @source_version)[0]
- raise '' if source == nil
- return source
- end
-# Upload
-def timeout_spawn(cmd, timeout)
- pid = Process.spawn(cmd, {:pgroup => true})
- begin
- Timeout.timeout(timeout) do
- Process.waitpid(pid, 0)
- return ($?.exitstatus == 0)
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error
- Process.kill(15, -Process.getpgid(pid))
- return false
- end
-Dir.chdir('build/source/') do
- changelog = Changelog.new
- # Upload likes to get stuck, so we do timeout control to prevent all of
- # builder from getting stuck.
- # We try to dput two times in a row giving it first 30 minutes and then
- # 15 minutes to complete. If it didn't manage to upload after that we
- # ignore the package and move on.
- dput = "dput #{PPA} ../#{changelog.name}_#{changelog.version(Changelog::BASE | Changelog::BASESUFFIX)}*.changes"
- success = false
- 2.times do |count|
- # Note: count starts at 0 ;)
- if timeout_spawn(dput, 60 * (30.0/(count+1)))
- success = true
- break
- end
- end
- raise ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dput failed two times !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' unless success
- Dir.chdir('../..') do # main dir
- publisher = SourcePublisher.new(changelog.name, changelog.version)
- raise 'PPA Interaction Failed' unless publisher.wait
- end
-exit 0 unless File.exist?('logs/i386.log.gz')
-def segmentify(data, start_marker, end_marker)
- start_index = data.index(start_marker)
- end_index = data.index(end_marker)
- return [] unless start_index and end_index
- data = data.slice(start_index..end_index).split("
- data.shift # Ditch start line
- data.pop # Ditch end line
- return data
-def puts_kci(type, str)
- puts "KCI-#{type} :: #{str}"
-def puts_error(str)
- puts_kci('E', str)
-def puts_warning(str)
- puts_kci('W', str)
-def puts_info(str)
- puts_kci('I', str)
-def cmake_parse_optional!(data)
- missing = []
- start_line = false
- while not data.empty?
- line = data.shift
- if !start_line and line.empty?
- start_line = true
- next
- elsif start_line and not line.empty?
- next if line.strip.empty?
- match = line.match(/^ *\* (.*)$/)
- if match and match.size > 1
- missing << match[1]
- end
- else
- # Line is empty and the start conditions didn't match.
- # Either the block is not valid or we have reached the end.
- # In any case, break here.
- break
- end
- end
- return missing
-def cmake_parse_package(line)
- _package='Could not find a package configuration file provided by'
- match = line.match(/^\s+#{_package}\s+"(.+)"/)
- if match and match.size > 1
- return [match[1]]
- end
- return []
-def cmake_parse_warning(line)
- return [] unless line.include?('CMake Warning')
- # Lines coming from MacroOptionalFindPackage (from old parsing).
- return [] if line.include?('CMake Warning at /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/MacroOptionalFindPackage.cmake')
- # Lines coming from find_package (from old parsing).
- return [] if line.match(/CMake Warning at [^ :]+:\d+ \(find_package\)/)
- # Lines coming from warnings inside the actual CMakeLists.txt as those can be arbitrary.
- # ref: "CMake Warning at src/worker/CMakeLists.txt:33 (message):"
- return [] if line.match(/CMake Warning at [^ :]*CMakeLists.txt:\d+ \(message\)/)
- return [] if line.start_with?('CMake Warning (dev)')
- return [] if line.start_with?('CMake Warning:')
- return [line]
-def puts_cmake(data, source_name)
- data = segmentify(data, "dh_auto_configure", "dh_auto_build")
- return if data.empty?
- missing = []
- warnings = []
- while not data.empty?
- line = data.shift
- if line.include?('The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found')
- missing += cmake_parse_optional!(data)
- elsif line.include?('Could not find a package configuration file provided by')
- missing += cmake_parse_package(line)
- elsif line.include?('CMake Warning')
- warnings += cmake_parse_warning(line)
- end
- end
- missing.uniq!
- warnings.uniq!
- puts "KCI::CMAKE"
- ignore_missing = []
- cmake_ignore_path = "#{WORKSPACE_PATH}/packaging/debian/meta/cmake-ignore"
- if File.exist?(cmake_ignore_path)
- ignore_missing += File.read(cmake_ignore_path).strip.split("
- end
- missing.each do |dep|
- p dep
- p ignore_missing
- ignore = false
- ignore_missing.each do |possibly_ignore|
- p possibly_ignore == dep
- p dep.start_with?(possibly_ignore)
- p dep.start_with?(possibly_ignore.chomp('*'))
- if possibly_ignore == dep or dep.start_with?(possibly_ignore) or dep.start_with?(possibly_ignore.chomp('*'))
- ignore = true
- break
- end
- end
- next if ignore
- puts_warning("Missing Dep: #{dep}")
- end
- warnings.each do |warning|
- puts_warning(warning)
- end
-def puts_list_missing(data)
- data = segmentify(data, "=== Start list-missing
", "=== End list-missing
- return if data.empty?
- puts "KCI::MISSING"
- data.each do |line|
- # Missing files are always considered errors
- puts_error(line)
- end
-def puts_lintian(data, args = {})
- data = segmentify(data, "=== Start lintian
", "=== End lintian
- return if data.empty?
- puts "KCI::LINTIAN"
- data.each do |line|
- next if line.start_with?('warning: ') # random warnings from lintian itself
- # Package names can easily go beyond what shit can suck on, so gag it.
- next if line.include?('source-package-component-has-long-file-name')
- next if line.include?('package-has-long-file-name')
- # We really do not care about standards versions for now. They only ever get
- # bumped by the pkg-kde team anyway.
- next if line.include?('out-of-date-standards-version')
- next if line.include?('newer-standards-version')
- # Do not print symbols warnings if we already auto-updated.
- if args[:updated_symbols] and line.include?('symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision')
- next
- end
- case line[0..1]
- when 'W:'
- puts_warning(line)
- next
- when 'E:'
- puts_error(line)
- next
- end
- puts_info(line)
- end
-architectures_with_log = []
-Dir.chdir('logs/') do
- `gunzip *.log.gz`
- Dir.glob('*.log').each do |log|
- architectures_with_log << File.basename(log, '.log')
- end
-archindep = File.read('archindep').strip rescue 'amd64' # Get archindep from ppa script.
-log_data = File.open("logs/#{archindep}.log").read
-updated_symbols = false
-if log_data.match(/dpkg-gensymbols: warning: (.*)\/symbols doesn't match completely debian\/(.*).symbols/)
- puts 'KCI::SYMBOLS'
- if log_data.include?('dpkg-gensymbols: warning: some new symbols appeared')
- match = log_data.match(/--- debian\/(.*).symbols/)
- if match and match.size > 1
- Dir.chdir("#{WORKSPACE_PATH}/packaging") do
- system('git config core.sparsecheckout')
- system('git checkout -f remotes/packaging/kubuntu_unstable')
- system('git branch -a')
- system('git status')
- system('git reset --hard')
- captures = match.captures
- captures.each do |lib_package|
- puts "pkgkde-symbolshelper batchpatch -v #{tar_version} -c #{architectures_with_log.join(',')} #{WORKSPACE_PATH}/logs/*.log"
- system("pkgkde-symbolshelper batchpatch -v #{tar_version} -c #{architectures_with_log.join(',')} #{WORKSPACE_PATH}/logs/*.log")
- updated_symbols = ($? == 0)
- puts_info("Auto-updated symbols of #{lib_package}")
- end
- # Username et al apparently is somehow coming from .git or something apparently
- system('git status')
- system('git diff')
- system('git commit -a -m "Automatic symbol update"')
- end
- else
- puts_error('Failed to update symbols as the package name(s) could not be parsed.')
- end
- else
- puts_error('It would very much appear that symbols have been retracted')
- end
-puts_cmake(log_data, source_name)
-puts_lintian(log_data, :updated_symbols => updated_symbols)
-# TODO: try to figure out when a qml dep is needed and make sure it is there...
ci-tooling packaging
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