[SCM] ci-tooling packaging branch, master, updated. fb7b2be0eb2d7847551b8ad88da7fbaf03b95bfa

Harald Sitter apachelogger-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jan 7 10:13:57 UTC 2016

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/ci-tooling.git;a=commitdiff;h=6538aab

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 6538aabf53893a938b752e987f379d7dd667229b
Author: Harald Sitter <sitter at kde.org>
Date:   Thu Jan 7 11:08:10 2016 +0100

    switch sourcer2 to the ci/sourcer
 kci/sourcer2.rb | 173 +++++---------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kci/sourcer2.rb b/kci/sourcer2.rb
index 6969c1e..af8d2f4 100644
--- a/kci/sourcer2.rb
+++ b/kci/sourcer2.rb
@@ -1,162 +1,15 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'date'
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'json'
-require 'timeout'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'lib/apt'
-require_relative 'lib/ci/build_version'
-require_relative 'lib/debian/changelog'
-require_relative 'lib/lsb'
-ENV['HOME'] = '/var/lib/jenkins'
-Project = Struct.new(:series, :stability, :name)
-$stdout = $stderr
-# get basename, distro series, unstable/stable
-components = ARGV[0].split('_')
-p components
-unless components.size == 4
-  abort 'Did not get a valid project identifier via ARGV0'
-project = Project.new(components[0], components[1], components[2])
-# PWD
-abort 'Could not change dir to ARGV1' unless Dir.chdir(ARGV[1])
-# Workaround for docker not having suidmaps. We run as root in the docker
-# which will result in uid/gid of written things to be 0 rather than whatever
-# jenkins has. So instead we have a fake jenkins user in the docker we can
-# chmod to. This ultimately ensures that the owernship is using the uid of
-# the host jenkins (equal to docker jenkins) such that we don't end up with
-# stuff owned by others.
-at_exit do
-  FileUtils.chown_R('jenkins', 'jenkins', WORKSPACE_PATH, verbose: true)
-# version
-changelog = Changelog.new('packaging')
-version = CI::BuildVersion.new(changelog)
-source_name = changelog.name
-FileUtils.rm_r('build') if File.exist?('build')
-# copy upstream sources around
-if Dir.exist?('source') && !Dir.glob('source/*').empty?
-  abort 'Failed to copy source' unless system('cp -r source/* build/source/')
-  Dir.chdir('build/source') do
-    FileUtils.rm_rf(Dir.glob('**/.bzr'))
-    FileUtils.rm_rf(Dir.glob('**/.git'))
-    FileUtils.rm_rf(Dir.glob('**/.svn'))
-  end
-  # create orig tar
-  Dir.chdir('build/') do
-    tar = "#{source_name}_#{version.tar}.orig.tar"
-    abort 'Failed to create a tarball' unless system("tar -cf #{tar} source")
-    abort 'Failed to compress the tarball' unless system("xz -1 #{tar}")
-  end
-  # Copy packaging
-  unless system('cp -r packaging/debian build/source/')
-    abort 'Failed to copy packaging'
-  end
-  # This is a native package as we have no upstream source directory.
-  # TODO: quite possibly this should be porperly validated via source format and
-  #       or changelog version format.
-  unless system('cp -r packaging/* build/source/')
-    abort 'Failed to copy packaging'
-  end
-# Create changelog entry
-Dir.chdir('build/source/') do
-  env = {
-    'DEBFULLNAME' => 'Kubuntu CI',
-    'DEBEMAIL' => 'kubuntu-ci at lists.launchpad.net'
-  }
-  args = []
-  args << '-b'
-  args << '-v' << version.full
-  args << '-D' << project.series
-  args << '"Automatic Kubuntu Build"'
-  abort 'Failed to create changelog entry' unless system(env, 'dch', *args)
-# Rip out locale install
-Dir.chdir('build/source/') do
-  Dir.glob('debian/*.install').each do |install_file_path|
-    # Strip localized manpages
-    # e.g.  usr /share /man /  *  /man 7 /kf5options.7
-    man_regex = %r{^.*usr/share/man/(\*|\w+)/man\d/.*$}
-    subbed = File.open(install_file_path).read.gsub(man_regex, '')
-    File.open(install_file_path, 'w') do |f|
-      f << subbed
-    end
-    # FIXME: bloody workaround for kconfigwidgets and kdelibs4support containing
-    # legit locale data
-    next if source_name == 'kconfigwidgets' || source_name == 'kdelibs4support'
-    locale_regex = %r{^.*usr/share/locale.*$}
-    subbed = File.open(install_file_path).read.gsub(locale_regex, '')
-    File.open(install_file_path, 'w') do |f|
-      f << subbed
-    end
-  end
-  # If the package is now empty, lintian override the empty warning to avoid
-  # false positives
-  Dir.glob('debian/*.install').each do | install_file_path |
-    next unless File.open(install_file_path, 'r').read.strip.empty?
-    package_name = File.basename(install_file_path, '.install')
-    lintian_overrides_path = install_file_path.gsub('.install',
-                                                    '.lintian-overrides')
-    puts "#{package_name} is now empty, trying to add lintian override"
-    File.open(lintian_overrides_path, 'a') do |file|
-      file.write("#{package_name}: empty-binary-package
-    end
-  end
-  # Rip out symbol files, we don't care about them for now.
-  symbols = Dir.glob('debian/symbols') +
-            Dir.glob('debian/*.symbols') +
-            Dir.glob('debian/*.symbols.*')
-  symbols.each { |s| FileUtils.rm(s) }
-# dpkg-buildpackage
-Dir.chdir('build/source/') do
-  debline = "deb http://archive.neon.kde.org.uk/unstable #{LSB::DISTRIB_CODENAME} main"
-  Apt::Repository.add(debline)
-  # FIXME: this needs to be in the module!
-  IO.popen(['apt-key', 'add', '-'], 'w') do |io|
-    io.puts open('http://archive.neon.kde.org.uk/public.key').read
-    io.close_write
-    puts io
-  end
-  abort 'Failed to import key' unless $? == 0
-  Apt.update
-  # Install some minimal build dependencies to make sure we can get past the
-  # clean step
-  Apt.install(%w(dh-autoreconf dh-acc pkg-kde-tools germinate dh-translations pbuilder))
-  system('update-maintainer')
-  system('/usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends')
-  unless system('dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -S')
-    abort 'Failed to build source package'
-  end
-# Write upload data to file, we perhaps want to do something outside
-# build container.
-data = { name: changelog.name,
-         version: changelog.version,
-         type: project.stability }
-File.write('source.json', JSON.generate(data))
+debline = "deb http://archive.neon.kde.org.uk/unstable #{LSB::DISTRIB_CODENAME} main"
+# FIXME: this needs to be in the module!
+IO.popen(['apt-key', 'add', '-'], 'w') do |io|
+  io.puts open('http://archive.neon.kde.org.uk/public.key').read
+  io.close_write
+  puts io
+abort 'Failed to import key' unless $? == 0
+Apt.install(%w(dh-autoreconf dh-acc pkg-kde-tools germinate dh-translations pbuilder))
+require_relative '../ci/sourcer.rb'

ci-tooling packaging

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