[SCM] qtwebengine packaging branch, master, updated. 03c5f72505bc9bd397ee24035d54f53907cac506

Sandro Knauß hefee at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Nov 22 10:44:29 UTC 2016

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/qt/qtwebengine.git;a=commitdiff;h=03c5f72

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 03c5f72505bc9bd397ee24035d54f53907cac506
Author: Sandro Knauß <hefee at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Nov 21 18:53:11 2016 +0100

    add patch to use current system re2 package.
 debian/changelog                    |   1 +
 debian/control                      |   2 +-
 debian/patches/series               |   1 +
 debian/patches/use_system_re2.patch | 985 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 988 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 4708b2f..b14a0e8 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ qtwebengine-opensource-src (5.7.1~20161021+dfsg-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   [ Sandro Knauß ]
   * Change depends of qtwebengine5-dev to correct name of
+  * add patch to use current system re2 package.
  -- Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde at lists.debian.org>  Mon, 21 Nov 2016 18:49:48 +0100
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 896699c..c430ba2 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Build-Depends: autotools-dev,
                libqt5opengl5-dev (>= 5.7.1~20161021~),
                libqt5webchannel5-dev (>= 5.7.1~20161021~),
                libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev (>= 5.7.1~20161021~),
-               libre2-dev,
+               libre2-dev (>= 20161101+dfsg-2),
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f85dbac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/patches/use_system_re2.patch b/debian/patches/use_system_re2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78ba735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/use_system_re2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,985 @@
+--- a/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/re2/src/re2/re2.h
++++ b/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/re2/src/re2/re2.h
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+-#ifndef RE2_RE2_H
+-#define RE2_RE2_H
++#ifndef RE2_RE2_H_
++#define RE2_RE2_H_
+ // C++ interface to the re2 regular-expression library.
+ // RE2 supports Perl-style regular expressions (with extensions like
+@@ -179,38 +179,25 @@
+ //         RE2::Octal(&a), RE2::Hex(&b), RE2::CRadix(&c), RE2::CRadix(&d));
+ // will leave 64 in a, b, c, and d.
++#include <stddef.h>
+ #include <stdint.h>
++#include <sys/types.h>
++#include <algorithm>
+ #include <map>
++#include <mutex>
+ #include <string>
+-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
+-#include "re2/variadic_function.h"
+-#define RE2_HAVE_LONGLONG 1
++#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
+ namespace re2 {
+-using std::string;
+-using std::map;
+-class Mutex;
+ class Prog;
+ class Regexp;
++}  // namespace re2
++namespace re2 {
+-// The following enum should be used only as a constructor argument to indicate
+-// that the variable has static storage class, and that the constructor should
+-// do nothing to its state.  It indicates to the reader that it is legal to
+-// declare a static instance of the class, provided the constructor is given
+-// the LINKER_INITIALIZED argument.  Normally, it is unsafe to declare a
+-// static variable that has a constructor or a destructor because invocation
+-// order is undefined.  However, IF the type can be initialized by filling with
+-// zeroes (which the loader does for static variables), AND the type's
+-// destructor does nothing to the storage, then a constructor for static
+-// initialization can be declared as
+-//       explicit MyClass(LinkerInitialized x) {}
+-// and invoked as
+-//       static MyClass my_variable_name(LINKER_INITIALIZED);
+-enum LinkerInitialized { LINKER_INITIALIZED };
++// TODO(junyer): Get rid of this.
++using std::string;
+ // Interface for regular expression matching.  Also corresponds to a
+ // pre-compiled regular expression.  An "RE2" object is safe for
+@@ -266,7 +253,7 @@ class RE2 {
+   RE2(const string& pattern);
+ #endif
+   RE2(const StringPiece& pattern);
+-  RE2(const StringPiece& pattern, const Options& option);
++  RE2(const StringPiece& pattern, const Options& options);
+   ~RE2();
+   // Returns whether RE2 was created properly.
+@@ -296,7 +283,7 @@ class RE2 {
+   // Outputs the program fanout as a histogram bucketed by powers of 2.
+   // Returns the number of the largest non-empty bucket.
+-  int ProgramFanout(map<int, int>* histogram) const;
++  int ProgramFanout(std::map<int, int>* histogram) const;
+   // Returns the underlying Regexp; not for general use.
+   // Returns entire_regexp_ so that callers don't need
+@@ -305,21 +292,21 @@ class RE2 {
+   /***** The useful part: the matching interface *****/
+-  // Matches "text" against "pattern".  If pointer arguments are
++  // Matches "text" against "re".  If pointer arguments are
+   // supplied, copies matched sub-patterns into them.
+   //
+   // You can pass in a "const char*" or a "string" for "text".
+-  // You can pass in a "const char*" or a "string" or a "RE2" for "pattern".
++  // You can pass in a "const char*" or a "string" or a "RE2" for "re".
+   //
+   // The provided pointer arguments can be pointers to any scalar numeric
+   // type, or one of:
+   //    string          (matched piece is copied to string)
+   //    StringPiece     (StringPiece is mutated to point to matched piece)
+-  //    T               (where "bool T::ParseFrom(const char*, int)" exists)
++  //    T               (where "bool T::ParseFrom(const char*, size_t)" exists)
+   //    (void*)NULL     (the corresponding matched sub-pattern is not copied)
+   //
+   // Returns true iff all of the following conditions are satisfied:
+-  //   a. "text" matches "pattern" exactly
++  //   a. "text" matches "re" exactly
+   //   b. The number of matched sub-patterns is >= number of supplied pointers
+   //   c. The "i"th argument has a suitable type for holding the
+   //      string captured as the "i"th sub-pattern.  If you pass in
+@@ -335,32 +322,65 @@ class RE2 {
+   //    RE2::FullMatch("abc", "[a-z]+(\d+)?", &number);
+   static bool FullMatchN(const StringPiece& text, const RE2& re,
+                          const Arg* const args[], int argc);
+-  static const VariadicFunction2<
+-      bool, const StringPiece&, const RE2&, Arg, RE2::FullMatchN> FullMatch;
+-  // Exactly like FullMatch(), except that "pattern" is allowed to match
++  // Exactly like FullMatch(), except that "re" is allowed to match
+   // a substring of "text".
+-  static bool PartialMatchN(const StringPiece& text, const RE2& re, // 3..16 args
++  static bool PartialMatchN(const StringPiece& text, const RE2& re,
+                             const Arg* const args[], int argc);
+-  static const VariadicFunction2<
+-      bool, const StringPiece&, const RE2&, Arg, RE2::PartialMatchN> PartialMatch;
+-  // Like FullMatch() and PartialMatch(), except that pattern has to
+-  // match a prefix of "text", and "input" is advanced past the matched
++  // Like FullMatch() and PartialMatch(), except that "re" has to match
++  // a prefix of the text, and "input" is advanced past the matched
+   // text.  Note: "input" is modified iff this routine returns true.
+-  static bool ConsumeN(StringPiece* input, const RE2& pattern, // 3..16 args
++  static bool ConsumeN(StringPiece* input, const RE2& re,
+                        const Arg* const args[], int argc);
+-  static const VariadicFunction2<
+-      bool, StringPiece*, const RE2&, Arg, RE2::ConsumeN> Consume;
+-  // Like Consume(..), but does not anchor the match at the beginning of the
+-  // string.  That is, "pattern" need not start its match at the beginning of
+-  // "input".  For example, "FindAndConsume(s, "(\w+)", &word)" finds the next
+-  // word in "s" and stores it in "word".
+-  static bool FindAndConsumeN(StringPiece* input, const RE2& pattern,
+-                             const Arg* const args[], int argc);
+-  static const VariadicFunction2<
+-      bool, StringPiece*, const RE2&, Arg, RE2::FindAndConsumeN> FindAndConsume;
++  // Like Consume(), but does not anchor the match at the beginning of
++  // the text.  That is, "re" need not start its match at the beginning
++  // of "input".  For example, "FindAndConsume(s, "(\w+)", &word)" finds
++  // the next word in "s" and stores it in "word".
++  static bool FindAndConsumeN(StringPiece* input, const RE2& re,
++                              const Arg* const args[], int argc);
++#ifndef SWIG
++ private:
++  template <typename F, typename SP>
++  static inline bool Apply(F f, SP sp, const RE2& re) {
++    return f(sp, re, NULL, 0);
++  }
++  template <typename F, typename SP, typename... A>
++  static inline bool Apply(F f, SP sp, const RE2& re, const A&... a) {
++    const Arg* const args[] = {&a...};
++    const int argc = sizeof...(a);
++    return f(sp, re, args, argc);
++  }
++ public:
++  // In order to allow FullMatch() et al. to be called with a varying number
++  // of arguments of varying types, we use two layers of variadic templates.
++  // The first layer constructs the temporary Arg objects. The second layer
++  // (above) constructs the array of pointers to the temporary Arg objects.
++  template <typename... A>
++  static bool FullMatch(const StringPiece& text, const RE2& re, A&&... a) {
++    return Apply(FullMatchN, text, re, Arg(std::forward<A>(a))...);
++  }
++  template <typename... A>
++  static bool PartialMatch(const StringPiece& text, const RE2& re, A&&... a) {
++    return Apply(PartialMatchN, text, re, Arg(std::forward<A>(a))...);
++  }
++  template <typename... A>
++  static bool Consume(StringPiece* input, const RE2& re, A&&... a) {
++    return Apply(ConsumeN, input, re, Arg(std::forward<A>(a))...);
++  }
++  template <typename... A>
++  static bool FindAndConsume(StringPiece* input, const RE2& re, A&&... a) {
++    return Apply(FindAndConsumeN, input, re, Arg(std::forward<A>(a))...);
++  }
+   // Replace the first match of "pattern" in "str" with "rewrite".
+   // Within "rewrite", backslash-escaped digits ( to \9) can be
+@@ -451,12 +471,12 @@ class RE2 {
+   // The map records the index of the leftmost group
+   // with the given name.
+   // Only valid until the re is deleted.
+-  const map<string, int>& NamedCapturingGroups() const;
++  const std::map<string, int>& NamedCapturingGroups() const;
+   // Return a map from capturing indices to names.
+   // The map has no entries for unnamed groups.
+   // Only valid until the re is deleted.
+-  const map<int, string>& CapturingGroupNames() const;
++  const std::map<int, string>& CapturingGroupNames() const;
+   // General matching routine.
+   // Match against text starting at offset startpos
+@@ -465,8 +485,8 @@ class RE2 {
+   // On a successful match, fills in match[] (up to nmatch entries)
+   // with information about submatches.
+   // I.e. matching RE2("(foo)|(bar)baz") on "barbazbla" will return true,
+-  // setting match[0] = "barbaz", match[1] = NULL, match[2] = "bar",
+-  // match[3] = NULL, ..., up to match[nmatch-1] = NULL.
++  // setting match[0] = "barbaz", match[1].data() = NULL, match[2] = "bar",
++  // match[3].data() = NULL, ..., up to match[nmatch-1].data() = NULL.
+   //
+   // Don't ask for more match information than you will use:
+   // runs much faster with nmatch == 1 than nmatch > 1, and
+@@ -477,10 +497,10 @@ class RE2 {
+   // Passing text == StringPiece(NULL, 0) will be handled like any other
+   // empty string, but note that on return, it will not be possible to tell
+   // whether submatch i matched the empty string or did not match:
+-  // either way, match[i] == NULL.
++  // either way, match[i].data() == NULL.
+   bool Match(const StringPiece& text,
+-             int startpos,
+-             int endpos,
++             size_t startpos,
++             size_t endpos,
+              Anchor anchor,
+              StringPiece *match,
+              int nmatch) const;
+@@ -638,19 +658,7 @@ class RE2 {
+     void set_one_line(bool b) { one_line_ = b; }
+     void Copy(const Options& src) {
+-      encoding_ = src.encoding_;
+-      posix_syntax_ = src.posix_syntax_;
+-      longest_match_ = src.longest_match_;
+-      log_errors_ = src.log_errors_;
+-      max_mem_ = src.max_mem_;
+-      literal_ = src.literal_;
+-      never_nl_ = src.never_nl_;
+-      dot_nl_ = src.dot_nl_;
+-      never_capture_ = src.never_capture_;
+-      case_sensitive_ = src.case_sensitive_;
+-      perl_classes_ = src.perl_classes_;
+-      word_boundary_ = src.word_boundary_;
+-      one_line_ = src.one_line_;
++      *this = src;
+     }
+     int ParseFlags() const;
+@@ -669,10 +677,6 @@ class RE2 {
+     bool perl_classes_;
+     bool word_boundary_;
+     bool one_line_;
+-    Options(const Options&);
+-    void operator=(const Options&);
+   };
+   // Returns the options set in the constructor.
+@@ -685,10 +689,8 @@ class RE2 {
+   static inline Arg CRadix(unsigned int* x);
+   static inline Arg CRadix(long* x);
+   static inline Arg CRadix(unsigned long* x);
+   static inline Arg CRadix(long long* x);
+   static inline Arg CRadix(unsigned long long* x);
+-  #endif
+   static inline Arg Hex(short* x);
+   static inline Arg Hex(unsigned short* x);
+@@ -696,10 +698,8 @@ class RE2 {
+   static inline Arg Hex(unsigned int* x);
+   static inline Arg Hex(long* x);
+   static inline Arg Hex(unsigned long* x);
+   static inline Arg Hex(long long* x);
+   static inline Arg Hex(unsigned long long* x);
+-  #endif
+   static inline Arg Octal(short* x);
+   static inline Arg Octal(unsigned short* x);
+@@ -707,47 +707,50 @@ class RE2 {
+   static inline Arg Octal(unsigned int* x);
+   static inline Arg Octal(long* x);
+   static inline Arg Octal(unsigned long* x);
+   static inline Arg Octal(long long* x);
+   static inline Arg Octal(unsigned long long* x);
+-  #endif
+  private:
+   void Init(const StringPiece& pattern, const Options& options);
+   bool DoMatch(const StringPiece& text,
+-                   Anchor anchor,
+-                   int* consumed,
+-                   const Arg* const args[],
+-                   int n) const;
++               Anchor anchor,
++               size_t* consumed,
++               const Arg* const args[],
++               int n) const;
+   re2::Prog* ReverseProg() const;
+-  mutable Mutex*           mutex_;
+-  string                   pattern_;       // string regular expression
+-  Options                  options_;       // option flags
++  string        pattern_;          // string regular expression
++  Options       options_;          // option flags
+   string        prefix_;           // required prefix (before regexp_)
+   bool          prefix_foldcase_;  // prefix is ASCII case-insensitive
+   re2::Regexp*  entire_regexp_;    // parsed regular expression
+   re2::Regexp*  suffix_regexp_;    // parsed regular expression, prefix removed
+   re2::Prog*    prog_;             // compiled program for regexp
+-  mutable re2::Prog* rprog_;       // reverse program for regexp
+-  bool                     is_one_pass_;   // can use prog_->SearchOnePass?
+-  mutable const string*    error_;         // Error indicator
+-                                           // (or points to empty string)
+-  mutable ErrorCode        error_code_;    // Error code
+-  mutable string           error_arg_;     // Fragment of regexp showing error
+-  mutable int              num_captures_;  // Number of capturing groups
++  bool          is_one_pass_;      // can use prog_->SearchOnePass?
++  mutable re2::Prog*     rprog_;         // reverse program for regexp
++  mutable const string*  error_;         // Error indicator
++                                         // (or points to empty string)
++  mutable ErrorCode      error_code_;    // Error code
++  mutable string         error_arg_;     // Fragment of regexp showing error
++  mutable int            num_captures_;  // Number of capturing groups
+   // Map from capture names to indices
+-  mutable const map<string, int>* named_groups_;
++  mutable const std::map<string, int>* named_groups_;
+   // Map from capture indices to names
+-  mutable const map<int, string>* group_names_;
++  mutable const std::map<int, string>* group_names_;
++  // Onces for lazy computations.
++  mutable std::once_flag rprog_once_;
++  mutable std::once_flag num_captures_once_;
++  mutable std::once_flag named_groups_once_;
++  mutable std::once_flag group_names_once_;
+-  RE2(const RE2&);
+-  void operator=(const RE2&);
++  RE2(const RE2&) = delete;
++  RE2& operator=(const RE2&) = delete;
+ };
+ /***** Implementation details *****/
+@@ -758,7 +761,7 @@ class RE2 {
+ template <class T>
+ class _RE2_MatchObject {
+  public:
+-  static inline bool Parse(const char* str, int n, void* dest) {
++  static inline bool Parse(const char* str, size_t n, void* dest) {
+     if (dest == NULL) return true;
+     T* object = reinterpret_cast<T*>(dest);
+     return object->ParseFrom(str, n);
+@@ -773,31 +776,29 @@ class RE2::Arg {
+   // Constructor specially designed for NULL arguments
+   Arg(void*);
+-  typedef bool (*Parser)(const char* str, int n, void* dest);
++  typedef bool (*Parser)(const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
+ // Type-specific parsers
+-#define MAKE_PARSER(type,name) \
+-  Arg(type* p) : arg_(p), parser_(name) { } \
+-  Arg(type* p, Parser parser) : arg_(p), parser_(parser) { } \
++#define MAKE_PARSER(type, name)            \
++  Arg(type* p) : arg_(p), parser_(name) {} \
++  Arg(type* p, Parser parser) : arg_(p), parser_(parser) {}
+   MAKE_PARSER(char,               parse_char);
+-  MAKE_PARSER(signed char,        parse_char);
++  MAKE_PARSER(signed char,        parse_schar);
+   MAKE_PARSER(unsigned char,      parse_uchar);
++  MAKE_PARSER(float,              parse_float);
++  MAKE_PARSER(double,             parse_double);
++  MAKE_PARSER(string,             parse_string);
++  MAKE_PARSER(StringPiece,        parse_stringpiece);
+   MAKE_PARSER(short,              parse_short);
+   MAKE_PARSER(unsigned short,     parse_ushort);
+   MAKE_PARSER(int,                parse_int);
+   MAKE_PARSER(unsigned int,       parse_uint);
+   MAKE_PARSER(long,               parse_long);
+   MAKE_PARSER(unsigned long,      parse_ulong);
+   MAKE_PARSER(long long,          parse_longlong);
+   MAKE_PARSER(unsigned long long, parse_ulonglong);
+-  #endif
+-  MAKE_PARSER(float,              parse_float);
+-  MAKE_PARSER(double,             parse_double);
+-  MAKE_PARSER(string,             parse_string);
+-  MAKE_PARSER(StringPiece,        parse_stringpiece);
+ #undef MAKE_PARSER
+@@ -808,29 +809,31 @@ class RE2::Arg {
+       : arg_(p), parser_(parser) { }
+   // Parse the data
+-  bool Parse(const char* str, int n) const;
++  bool Parse(const char* str, size_t n) const;
+  private:
+   void*         arg_;
+   Parser        parser_;
+-  static bool parse_null          (const char* str, int n, void* dest);
+-  static bool parse_char          (const char* str, int n, void* dest);
+-  static bool parse_uchar         (const char* str, int n, void* dest);
+-  static bool parse_float         (const char* str, int n, void* dest);
+-  static bool parse_double        (const char* str, int n, void* dest);
+-  static bool parse_string        (const char* str, int n, void* dest);
+-  static bool parse_stringpiece   (const char* str, int n, void* dest);
+-#define DECLARE_INTEGER_PARSER(name)                                        \
+- private:                                                                   \
+-  static bool parse_ ## name(const char* str, int n, void* dest);           \
+-  static bool parse_ ## name ## _radix(                                     \
+-    const char* str, int n, void* dest, int radix);                         \
+- public:                                                                    \
+-  static bool parse_ ## name ## _hex(const char* str, int n, void* dest);   \
+-  static bool parse_ ## name ## _octal(const char* str, int n, void* dest); \
+-  static bool parse_ ## name ## _cradix(const char* str, int n, void* dest)
++  static bool parse_null          (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
++  static bool parse_char          (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
++  static bool parse_schar         (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
++  static bool parse_uchar         (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
++  static bool parse_float         (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
++  static bool parse_double        (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
++  static bool parse_string        (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
++  static bool parse_stringpiece   (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
++#define DECLARE_INTEGER_PARSER(name)                                       \
++ private:                                                                  \
++  static bool parse_##name(const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);         \
++  static bool parse_##name##_radix(const char* str, size_t n, void* dest,  \
++                                   int radix);                             \
++                                                                           \
++ public:                                                                   \
++  static bool parse_##name##_hex(const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);   \
++  static bool parse_##name##_octal(const char* str, size_t n, void* dest); \
++  static bool parse_##name##_cradix(const char* str, size_t n, void* dest)
+@@ -838,29 +841,31 @@ class RE2::Arg {
+-  #endif
+ };
+ inline RE2::Arg::Arg() : arg_(NULL), parser_(parse_null) { }
+ inline RE2::Arg::Arg(void* p) : arg_(p), parser_(parse_null) { }
+-inline bool RE2::Arg::Parse(const char* str, int n) const {
++inline bool RE2::Arg::Parse(const char* str, size_t n) const {
+   return (*parser_)(str, n, arg_);
+ }
+ // This part of the parser, appropriate only for ints, deals with bases
+-#define MAKE_INTEGER_PARSER(type, name) \
+-  inline RE2::Arg RE2::Hex(type* ptr) { \
+-    return RE2::Arg(ptr, RE2::Arg::parse_ ## name ## _hex); } \
+-  inline RE2::Arg RE2::Octal(type* ptr) { \
+-    return RE2::Arg(ptr, RE2::Arg::parse_ ## name ## _octal); } \
+-  inline RE2::Arg RE2::CRadix(type* ptr) { \
+-    return RE2::Arg(ptr, RE2::Arg::parse_ ## name ## _cradix); }
++#define MAKE_INTEGER_PARSER(type, name)                    \
++  inline RE2::Arg RE2::Hex(type* ptr) {                    \
++    return RE2::Arg(ptr, RE2::Arg::parse_##name##_hex);    \
++  }                                                        \
++  inline RE2::Arg RE2::Octal(type* ptr) {                  \
++    return RE2::Arg(ptr, RE2::Arg::parse_##name##_octal);  \
++  }                                                        \
++  inline RE2::Arg RE2::CRadix(type* ptr) {                 \
++    return RE2::Arg(ptr, RE2::Arg::parse_##name##_cradix); \
++  }
+ MAKE_INTEGER_PARSER(short,              short)
+ MAKE_INTEGER_PARSER(unsigned short,     ushort)
+@@ -868,15 +873,62 @@ MAKE_INTEGER_PARSER(int,
+ MAKE_INTEGER_PARSER(unsigned int,       uint)
+ MAKE_INTEGER_PARSER(long,               long)
+ MAKE_INTEGER_PARSER(unsigned long,      ulong)
+ MAKE_INTEGER_PARSER(long long,          longlong)
+ MAKE_INTEGER_PARSER(unsigned long long, ulonglong)
++#ifndef SWIG
++// Helper for writing global or static RE2s safely.
++// Write
++//     static LazyRE2 re = {".*"};
++// and then use *re instead of writing
++//     static RE2 re(".*");
++// The former is more careful about multithreaded
++// situations than the latter.
++// N.B. This class never deletes the RE2 object that
++// it constructs: that's a feature, so that it can be used
++// for global and function static variables.
++class LazyRE2 {
++ private:
++  struct NoArg {};
++ public:
++  typedef RE2 element_type;  // support std::pointer_traits
++  // Constructor omitted to preserve braced initialization in C++98.
++  // Pretend to be a pointer to Type (never NULL due to on-demand creation):
++  RE2& operator*() const { return *get(); }
++  RE2* operator->() const { return get(); }
++  // Named accessor/initializer:
++  RE2* get() const {
++    std::call_once(once_, &LazyRE2::Init, this);
++    return ptr_;
++  }
++  // All data fields must be public to support {"foo"} initialization.
++  const char* pattern_;
++  RE2::CannedOptions options_;
++  NoArg barrier_against_excess_initializers_;
++  mutable RE2* ptr_;
++  mutable std::once_flag once_;
++ private:
++  static void Init(const LazyRE2* lazy_re2) {
++    lazy_re2->ptr_ = new RE2(lazy_re2->pattern_, lazy_re2->options_);
++  }
++  void operator=(const LazyRE2&);  // disallowed
++#endif  // SWIG
+ }  // namespace re2
+ using re2::RE2;
++using re2::LazyRE2;
+-#endif /* RE2_RE2_H */
++#endif  // RE2_RE2_H_
+--- a/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/re2/src/re2/filtered_re2.h
++++ b/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/re2/src/re2/filtered_re2.h
+@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
+ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
++#ifndef RE2_FILTERED_RE2_H_
++#define RE2_FILTERED_RE2_H_
+ // The class FilteredRE2 is used as a wrapper to multiple RE2 regexps.
+ // It provides a prefilter mechanism that helps in cutting down the
+ // number of regexps that need to be actually searched.
+@@ -18,20 +21,19 @@
+ // indices of strings that were found in the text to get the actual
+ // regexp matches.
+-#ifndef RE2_FILTERED_RE2_H_
+-#define RE2_FILTERED_RE2_H_
++#include <string>
+ #include <vector>
+ #include "re2/re2.h"
+ namespace re2 {
+-using std::vector;
+ class PrefilterTree;
+ class FilteredRE2 {
+  public:
+   FilteredRE2();
++  explicit FilteredRE2(int min_atom_len);
+   ~FilteredRE2();
+   // Uses RE2 constructor to create a RE2 object (re). Returns
+@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ class FilteredRE2 {
+   // the search text should be lowercased first to find matching
+   // strings from the set of strings returned by Compile.  Call after
+   // all Add calls are done.
+-  void Compile(vector<string>* strings_to_match);
++  void Compile(std::vector<string>* strings_to_match);
+   // Returns the index of the first matching regexp.
+   // Returns -1 on no match. Can be called prior to Compile.
+@@ -59,21 +61,21 @@ class FilteredRE2 {
+   // Returns -1 on no match. Compile has to be called before
+   // calling this.
+   int FirstMatch(const StringPiece& text,
+-                 const vector<int>& atoms) const;
++                 const std::vector<int>& atoms) const;
+   // Returns the indices of all matching regexps, after first clearing
+   // matched_regexps.
+   bool AllMatches(const StringPiece& text,
+-                  const vector<int>& atoms,
+-                  vector<int>* matching_regexps) const;
++                  const std::vector<int>& atoms,
++                  std::vector<int>* matching_regexps) const;
+   // Returns the indices of all potentially matching regexps after first
+   // clearing potential_regexps.
+   // A regexp is potentially matching if it passes the filter.
+   // If a regexp passes the filter it may still not match.
+   // A regexp that does not pass the filter is guaranteed to not match.
+-  void AllPotentials(const vector<int>& atoms,
+-                     vector<int>* potential_regexps) const;
++  void AllPotentials(const std::vector<int>& atoms,
++                     std::vector<int>* potential_regexps) const;
+   // The number of regexps added.
+   int NumRegexps() const { return static_cast<int>(re2_vec_.size()); }
+@@ -87,11 +89,11 @@ class FilteredRE2 {
+   void PrintPrefilter(int regexpid);
+   // Useful for testing and debugging.
+-  void RegexpsGivenStrings(const vector<int>& matched_atoms,
+-                           vector<int>* passed_regexps);
++  void RegexpsGivenStrings(const std::vector<int>& matched_atoms,
++                           std::vector<int>* passed_regexps);
+   // All the regexps in the FilteredRE2.
+-  vector<RE2*> re2_vec_;
++  std::vector<RE2*> re2_vec_;
+   // Has the FilteredRE2 been compiled using Compile()
+   bool compiled_;
+@@ -99,9 +101,8 @@ class FilteredRE2 {
+   // An AND-OR tree of string atoms used for filtering regexps.
+   PrefilterTree* prefilter_tree_;
+-  FilteredRE2(const FilteredRE2&);
+-  void operator=(const FilteredRE2&);
++  FilteredRE2(const FilteredRE2&) = delete;
++  FilteredRE2& operator=(const FilteredRE2&) = delete;
+ };
+ }  // namespace re2
+--- a/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/re2/src/re2/set.h
++++ b/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/re2/src/re2/set.h
+@@ -2,16 +2,20 @@
+ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+-#ifndef RE2_SET_H
+-#define RE2_SET_H
++#ifndef RE2_SET_H_
++#define RE2_SET_H_
+-#include <utility>
++#include <string>
+ #include <vector>
+ #include "re2/re2.h"
+ namespace re2 {
+-using std::vector;
++class Prog;
++class Regexp;
++}  // namespace re2
++namespace re2 {
+ // An RE2::Set represents a collection of regexps that can
+ // be searched for simultaneously.
+@@ -31,25 +35,25 @@ class RE2::Set {
+   // Compile prepares the Set for matching.
+   // Add must not be called again after Compile.
+-  // Compile must be called before FullMatch or PartialMatch.
++  // Compile must be called before Match.
+   // Compile may return false if it runs out of memory.
+   bool Compile();
+   // Match returns true if text matches any of the regexps in the set.
+-  // If so, it fills v with the indices of the matching regexps.
+-  bool Match(const StringPiece& text, vector<int>* v) const;
++  // If so, it fills v (if not NULL) with the indices of the matching regexps.
++  bool Match(const StringPiece& text, std::vector<int>* v) const;
+  private:
+   RE2::Options options_;
+   RE2::Anchor anchor_;
+-  vector<re2::Regexp*> re_;
++  std::vector<re2::Regexp*> re_;
+   re2::Prog* prog_;
+   bool compiled_;
+-  Set(const Set&);
+-  void operator=(const Set&);
++  Set(const Set&) = delete;
++  Set& operator=(const Set&) = delete;
+ };
+ }  // namespace re2
+-#endif  // RE2_SET_H
++#endif  // RE2_SET_H_
+--- a/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/re2/src/re2/stringpiece.h
++++ b/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/re2/src/re2/stringpiece.h
+@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
+ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
++#ifndef RE2_STRINGPIECE_H_
++#define RE2_STRINGPIECE_H_
+ // A string-like object that points to a sized piece of memory.
+ //
+ // Functions or methods may use const StringPiece& parameters to accept either
+@@ -16,143 +19,139 @@
+ //
+ // Arghh!  I wish C++ literals were "string".
++#include <stddef.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <algorithm>
+-#include <cstddef>
+ #include <iosfwd>
++#include <iterator>
+ #include <string>
+ namespace re2 {
+ class StringPiece {
+- private:
+-  const char*   ptr_;
+-  int           length_;
+  public:
++  typedef char value_type;
++  typedef char* pointer;
++  typedef const char* const_pointer;
++  typedef char& reference;
++  typedef const char& const_reference;
++  typedef const char* const_iterator;
++  typedef const_iterator iterator;
++  typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
++  typedef const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
++  typedef size_t size_type;
++  typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
++  static const size_type npos = static_cast<size_type>(-1);
+   // We provide non-explicit singleton constructors so users can pass
+   // in a "const char*" or a "string" wherever a "StringPiece" is
+   // expected.
+-  StringPiece() : ptr_(NULL), length_(0) { }
+-  StringPiece(const char* str)
+-    : ptr_(str), length_((str == NULL) ? 0 : static_cast<int>(strlen(str))) { }
++  StringPiece()
++      : data_(NULL), size_(0) {}
+   StringPiece(const std::string& str)
+-    : ptr_(str.data()), length_(static_cast<int>(str.size())) { }
+-  StringPiece(const char* offset, int len) : ptr_(offset), length_(len) { }
+-  // data() may return a pointer to a buffer with embedded NULs, and the
+-  // returned buffer may or may not be null terminated.  Therefore it is
+-  // typically a mistake to pass data() to a routine that expects a NUL
+-  // terminated string.
+-  const char* data() const { return ptr_; }
+-  int size() const { return length_; }
+-  int length() const { return length_; }
+-  bool empty() const { return length_ == 0; }
++      : data_(str.data()), size_(str.size()) {}
++  StringPiece(const char* str)
++      : data_(str), size_(str == NULL ? 0 : strlen(str)) {}
++  StringPiece(const char* str, size_type len)
++      : data_(str), size_(len) {}
+-  void clear() { ptr_ = NULL; length_ = 0; }
+-  void set(const char* data, int len) { ptr_ = data; length_ = len; }
+-  void set(const char* str) {
+-    ptr_ = str;
+-    if (str != NULL)
+-      length_ = static_cast<int>(strlen(str));
+-    else
+-      length_ = 0;
++  const_iterator begin() const { return data_; }
++  const_iterator end() const { return data_ + size_; }
++  const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
++    return const_reverse_iterator(data_ + size_);
+   }
+-  void set(const void* data, int len) {
+-    ptr_ = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data);
+-    length_ = len;
++  const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
++    return const_reverse_iterator(data_);
+   }
+-  char operator[](int i) const { return ptr_[i]; }
++  size_type size() const { return size_; }
++  size_type length() const { return size_; }
++  bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
+-  void remove_prefix(int n) {
+-    ptr_ += n;
+-    length_ -= n;
++  const_reference operator[](size_type i) const { return data_[i]; }
++  const_pointer data() const { return data_; }
++  void remove_prefix(size_type n) {
++    data_ += n;
++    size_ -= n;
+   }
+-  void remove_suffix(int n) {
+-    length_ -= n;
++  void remove_suffix(size_type n) {
++    size_ -= n;
+   }
+-  int compare(const StringPiece& x) const {
+-    int r = memcmp(ptr_, x.ptr_, std::min(length_, x.length_));
+-    if (r == 0) {
+-      if (length_ < x.length_) r = -1;
+-      else if (length_ > x.length_) r = +1;
+-    }
+-    return r;
++  void set(const char* str) {
++    data_ = str;
++    size_ = str == NULL ? 0 : strlen(str);
++  }
++  void set(const char* str, size_type len) {
++    data_ = str;
++    size_ = len;
+   }
+   std::string as_string() const {
+-    return std::string(data(), size());
++    return std::string(data_, size_);
+   }
+   // We also define ToString() here, since many other string-like
+   // interfaces name the routine that converts to a C++ string
+   // "ToString", and it's confusing to have the method that does that
+   // for a StringPiece be called "as_string()".  We also leave the
+   // "as_string()" method defined here for existing code.
+   std::string ToString() const {
+-    return std::string(data(), size());
++    return std::string(data_, size_);
+   }
+-  void CopyToString(std::string* target) const;
+-  void AppendToString(std::string* target) const;
+-  // Does "this" start with "x"
+-  bool starts_with(const StringPiece& x) const {
+-    return ((length_ >= x.length_) &&
+-            (memcmp(ptr_, x.ptr_, x.length_) == 0));
++  void CopyToString(std::string* target) const {
++    target->assign(data_, size_);
+   }
+-  // Does "this" end with "x"
+-  bool ends_with(const StringPiece& x) const {
+-    return ((length_ >= x.length_) &&
+-            (memcmp(ptr_ + (length_-x.length_), x.ptr_, x.length_) == 0));
++  void AppendToString(std::string* target) const {
++    target->append(data_, size_);
+   }
+-  // standard STL container boilerplate
+-  typedef char value_type;
+-  typedef const char* pointer;
+-  typedef const char& reference;
+-  typedef const char& const_reference;
+-  typedef size_t size_type;
+-  typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+-  static const size_type npos;
+-  typedef const char* const_iterator;
+-  typedef const char* iterator;
+-  typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
+-  typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
+-  iterator begin() const { return ptr_; }
+-  iterator end() const { return ptr_ + length_; }
+-  const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
+-    return const_reverse_iterator(ptr_ + length_);
++  size_type copy(char* buf, size_type n, size_type pos = 0) const;
++  StringPiece substr(size_type pos = 0, size_type n = npos) const;
++  int compare(const StringPiece& x) const {
++    int r = memcmp(data_, x.data_, std::min(size_, x.size_));
++    if (r == 0) {
++      if (size_ < x.size_) r = -1;
++      else if (size_ > x.size_) r = +1;
++    }
++    return r;
+   }
+-  const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
+-    return const_reverse_iterator(ptr_);
++  // Does "this" start with "x"?
++  bool starts_with(const StringPiece& x) const {
++    return size_ >= x.size_ &&
++           memcmp(data_, x.data_, x.size_) == 0;
+   }
+-  // STLS says return size_type, but Google says return int
+-  int max_size() const { return length_; }
+-  int capacity() const { return length_; }
+-  size_type copy(char* buf, size_type n, size_type pos = 0) const;
++  // Does "this" end with "x"?
++  bool ends_with(const StringPiece& x) const {
++    return size_ >= x.size_ &&
++           memcmp(data_ + size_ - x.size_, x.data_, x.size_) == 0;
++  }
+-  bool contains(StringPiece s) const;
++  bool contains(const StringPiece& s) const {
++    return find(s) != npos;
++  }
+   size_type find(const StringPiece& s, size_type pos = 0) const;
+   size_type find(char c, size_type pos = 0) const;
+   size_type rfind(const StringPiece& s, size_type pos = npos) const;
+   size_type rfind(char c, size_type pos = npos) const;
+-  StringPiece substr(size_type pos, size_type n = npos) const;
+-  static bool _equal(const StringPiece&, const StringPiece&);
++ private:
++  const_pointer data_;
++  size_type size_;
+ };
+ inline bool operator==(const StringPiece& x, const StringPiece& y) {
+-  return StringPiece::_equal(x, y);
++  return x.size() == y.size() &&
++         memcmp(x.data(), y.data(), x.size()) == 0;
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const StringPiece& x, const StringPiece& y) {
+@@ -160,8 +159,7 @@ inline bool operator!=(const StringPiece
+ }
+ inline bool operator<(const StringPiece& x, const StringPiece& y) {
+-  const int r = memcmp(x.data(), y.data(),
+-                       std::min(x.size(), y.size()));
++  int r = memcmp(x.data(), y.data(), std::min(x.size(), y.size()));
+   return ((r < 0) || ((r == 0) && (x.size() < y.size())));
+ }
+@@ -179,7 +177,7 @@ inline bool operator>=(const StringPiece
+ }  // namespace re2
+-// allow StringPiece to be logged
+-extern std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const re2::StringPiece& piece);
++// Allow StringPiece to be logged.
++std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const re2::StringPiece& p);
++#endif  // RE2_STRINGPIECE_H_

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