[SCM] Calligra suite packaging annotated tag, debian/2.9.11+dfsg-1, created. debian/2.9.11+dfsg-1

Pino Toscano pino at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Sep 17 05:12:48 UTC 2016

The annotated tag, debian/2.9.11+dfsg-1 has been created
        at  aeedc4e3405f3328d78764b6c32413788072860a (tag)
   tagging  6c6420be0cc5a85bd50dc524ea20581e3bcf9512 (commit)
  replaces  debian/2.8.5+dfsg-1
 tagged by  Pino Toscano
        on  Mon Sep 12 07:16:30 2016 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
1:2.9.11+dfsg-1 unstable; urgency=low
Version: GnuPG v1


"Adrien Grellier ext:(%22) (2):
      more install file forgotten (krita, calligra-libs)
      new binary package: okular-generator-odt

Adrien Grellier (12):
      new build dependency: libgit2 (for calligragemini but not in Debian now)
      new build dependency: libetonyek (now in debian)
      files has been forgotten to install
      new binary package: calligra-gemini
      forgot icon for krita sketch and gemini
      new upstream version 2.9.7
      update install file for calligra 2.9.7
      Add the full copyright to the debian/copyright.tail
      partial update of the copyright
      new upstream release 2.9.9
      update dependency to KF5
      update install files for 2.9.9

Dmitry Smirnov (40):
      watch: updated and corrected watch file
      drop "prune-nonfree" target in favour of copyright/Files-Excluded;
      copyright: 3rdparty/google-breakpad/*
      copyright: drop non-free file and license
      New upstream release [2.9.5] + changelog summary
      copyright: better 3rdparty coverage
      transition to libwps-0.4 (Closes: #788969)
      krita: install "usr/lib/libkritacolord.so".
      calligraplan: do not install "PlanConvert.jar":
      Merge "calligragemini.install" into "calligra-gemini.install" and update the latter.
      Build-Depends += "libgit2-dev"; Gemini can use it...
      control: drop unnecessary versioned Build-Deps
      control: updated Vcs-Browser URL
      control: Standards-Version: 3.9.6
      copyright: complete rewrite
      refresh patch
      rules: explicitly select QT4 to fix FTBFS:
      split Gemini arch-indep files into -data package
      turn "krita-gemini" into transitional package
      drop "krita-sketch" package
      Use fonts from "texlive-fonts-extra" instead of bundled ones
      Drop invalid copyright composition instructions from README.source:
      gemini: lintian-overrides + correct broken symlink:
      words: don't install .XML file twice, already installed to -data package
      changelog summary
      libs: install "usr/bin/visualimagecompare"
      README.source: update "getting upstream tarball" section
      merge "not-installed" into README.source
      Revert "merge "not-installed" into README.source"
      copyright update and improvements
      TODO: unbundle libgmic
      copyright updates and corrections
      New upstream release
      resolve conflict:
      minor copyright correction
      minor copyright update
      New upstream release [2.9.10] + copyright update

Maximiliano Curia (9):
      Update homepage links. (Closes: #762305) Thanks to Julian Gilbey
      Fix minor typo
      Add more binaries file to the prune-nonfree rule
      New patch: upstream_review_120609_pixmapcachesheetview_crash, thanks to Philip Van Hoof.
      watch file, no source subdir for calligra releases
      Import NMU 1:2.8.5+dfsg-1.1
      Import NMU 1:2.8.5+dfsg-1.2
      Merge tag 'debian/2.8.5+dfsg-1.2'

Pino Toscano (36):
      start a new changelog entry for 1:2.8.5+dfsg-2
      watch: ignore +dfsg suffix in Debian version number
      bump to 2.9.11
      simplify watch file
      exclude windows stuff with repack
      drop krita
      update Vcs-* fields
      drop obsolete (already commented out) patches
      remove old/obsolete B-Ds (incl. #826808)
      change mysql B-D
      switch libgsl B-D
      fix postgresql-server-dev B-D
      Revert "libs: install "usr/bin/visualimagecompare""
      unconditionally remove -dev stuff
      remove calligra-dbg in favour of -dbgsym packages
      drop autopkgtests (#785653)
      drop kexi-map-form-widget and calligra-reports-map-element
      update install files
      stop using the sodeps dh addon
      simply/make verbose the cleanup of dev stuff
      update lintian overrides
      fix typos in descriptions
      khelpcenter4 -> khelpcenter
      libqca2-plugin-ossl -> libqca2-plugins
      more install updates
      cmake-do_not_install_removed_files.patch: drop, obsolete
      polish changelog
      bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8
      fix metadata krita-gemini
      changelog: fix typo
      fix installation of some filters
      fix krita-gemini -> calligra-gemini dep
      copyright: cleanups
      tighten dependencies on calligra-libs, and kexi
      copyright: further cleanup
      release to unstable, as team upload

Raúl Sánchez Siles (8):
      Opening for new upstrean version 2.8.6
      Move .desktop files in services to calligra subdirectory.
      Remove kexihandler desktop file.
      Refresh xbase64.diff patch
      Indentation in changelog.
      Refresh switch-to-librevenge-based-import-libs.patch so dpkg-source accepts it.
      Final kexi install file fixes. Now package builds.
      copyright update and fixes.

Scott Kitterman (1):
      Add libsoprano-dev to build-depends since it is no longer transitively pulled in


Calligra suite packaging

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