[SCM] purpose packaging branch, master, updated. 5d880e1f317ddc7c3ac1adea01cb05c5fddf9edf

Jonathan Riddell jriddell-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Sep 30 16:55:53 UTC 2016

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/frameworks/purpose.git;a=commitdiff;h=31d4072

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 31d4072f802f5431fea64145b6d18735ebed4a9d
Merge: 78c1f05cf52c01158aa7ede20e108ed9ee7395c6 d4041670392be0e03868b733fa9c0d3d355d74f7
Author: Harald Sitter <sitter at kde.org>
Date:   Fri Sep 30 12:13:00 2016 +0200

    Merge branch 'master' into Neon/unstable

 debian/control | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --cc debian/control
index a0eb789,9c470be..962a0a5
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@@ -47,10 -47,9 +47,11 @@@ Package: libkf5purpose
  Architecture: any
  Multi-Arch: same
  Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
- Recommends: qml-modules-org-kde-purpose (= ${binary:Version})
+ Recommends: libkf5purpose-bin,
+             qml-modules-org-kde-purpose (= ${binary:Version})
 -Description: Provides an abstraction to provide and leverage actions of a specific kind, library
 +Conflicts: libkf5purposewidgets5 (<< ${source:Version}~ciBuild)
 +Replaces: libkf5purposewidgets5 (<< ${source:Version}~ciBuild)
 +Description: abstraction to provide and leverage actions of a specific kind, library
   Purpose offers the possibility to create integrate services and actions on
   any application without having to implement them specifically. Purpose will
   offer them mechanisms to list the different alternatives to execute given the

purpose packaging

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