[SCM] pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org website branch, master, updated. 51bda1e2a4bd005d236187842afd6fdbe3c100d6

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez lisandro at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Aug 16 18:50:24 UTC 2017

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/www.git;a=commitdiff;h=51bda1e

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 51bda1e2a4bd005d236187842afd6fdbe3c100d6
Author: Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <perezmeyer at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 16 15:50:12 2017 -0300

    Actually update all instances.
 files/qt5-build-deps.dot | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/files/qt5-build-deps.dot b/files/qt5-build-deps.dot
index 25473a5..351495e 100644
--- a/files/qt5-build-deps.dot
+++ b/files/qt5-build-deps.dot
@@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ digraph qt5 {
   qtdoc -> qtwebsockets
   qtdoc -> qtx11extras
   qtgraphicaleffects -> qttools
-  qtimageformats -> "qtbase 5.7"
+  qtimageformats -> "qtbase 5.9"
   qtlocation -> qttools
   qtmultimedia -> qttools
   qtquickcontrols -> qtgraphicaleffects
   qtquickcontrols2 -> qttools
-  qtscript -> "qtbase 5.7"
+  qtscript -> "qtbase 5.9"
   qtsensors -> qttools
   qtserialport -> qttools
   qtspeech -> qttools
-  qtstyleplugins -> "qtbase 5.7"
+  qtstyleplugins -> "qtbase 5.9"
   qtsvg -> qttools
   qttools -> qtwebkit
   qttranslations -> qttools
@@ -73,5 +73,5 @@ digraph qt5 {
   qtwebkit_examples -> qttools
   qtwebsockets -> qttools
   qtx11extras -> qttools
-  qtxmlpatterns -> "qtbase 5.7"
+  qtxmlpatterns -> "qtbase 5.9"

pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org website

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