[Pkg-mozext-commits] [automatic-save-folder] 86/133: Fix : - complete the sv-SE locale and pictures - Few fixes from locales, convert some html entities to babelzilla's used entities. - Correct the picture path for en-US locale - Harmonize pictures name.

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Apr 27 20:33:55 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch wip
in repository automatic-save-folder.

commit 0eaac4e1c4f54526739f2508dabd3663339a2417
Author: Cyan <Cyan at d0063192-6b2e-11de-89a9-0b20f3e2dceb>
Date:   Sun Nov 21 15:18:49 2010 +0000

    Fix :
    - complete the sv-SE locale and pictures
    - Few fixes from locales, convert some html entities to babelzilla's used entities.
    - Correct the picture path for en-US locale
    - Harmonize pictures name.
    git-svn-id: http://automatic-save-folder.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@92 d0063192-6b2e-11de-89a9-0b20f3e2dceb
 content/common.dtd                                 |   4 +-
 content/help/install.xhtml                         |  13 +-
 content/help/update.xhtml                          |  14 +-
 content/help/variables.xhtml                       |   4 +-
 locale/en-US/about.dtd                             |  47 +++---
 locale/en-US/asf.dtd                               |  16 +-
 locale/en-US/help.dtd                              |  59 +++----
 locale/en-US/regexp.dtd                            |   8 +-
 locale/en-US/variables.dtd                         |  14 +-
 locale/fr/about.dtd                                |  49 +++---
 locale/fr/asf.dtd                                  |  18 +--
 locale/fr/help.dtd                                 |  53 +++----
 locale/fr/regexp.dtd                               |   6 +-
 locale/fr/variables.dtd                            |  14 +-
 locale/it/about.dtd                                |  51 +++---
 locale/it/asf.dtd                                  |  16 +-
 locale/it/help.dtd                                 |  51 +++---
 locale/it/regexp.dtd                               |   8 +-
 locale/it/variables.dtd                            |  14 +-
 locale/ru/about.dtd                                |  45 +++---
 locale/ru/asf.dtd                                  |  34 ++--
 locale/ru/help.dtd                                 |  69 +++++----
 locale/ru/regexp.dtd                               |   6 +-
 locale/ru/variables.dtd                            |  12 +-
 locale/sv-SE/about.dtd                             | 172 +++++++--------------
 locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd                               |   8 +-
 locale/sv-SE/asf.properties                        |   1 +
 locale/sv-SE/help.dtd                              |  33 ++--
 locale/sv-SE/variables.dtd                         |  14 +-
 skin/help_page/screen_apps_sv.png                  | Bin 0 -> 37105 bytes
 ...rs_en.png => screen_asf102-setbyfilters_en.png} | Bin
 ...rs_fr.png => screen_asf102-setbyfilters_fr.png} | Bin
 .../{screen-main_en.png => screen_main_en.png}     | Bin
 .../{screen-main_fr.png => screen_main_fr.png}     | Bin
 skin/help_page/screen_save_sv.png                  | Bin 0 -> 39551 bytes
 ...n.png => screen_savedialog-alwaysdothis_en.png} | Bin
 ...r.png => screen_savedialog-alwaysdothis_fr.png} | Bin
 37 files changed, 414 insertions(+), 439 deletions(-)

diff --git a/content/common.dtd b/content/common.dtd
index f52908e..049dafd 100644
--- a/content/common.dtd
+++ b/content/common.dtd
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 <!-- Current version -->
-<!ENTITY asf.version "1.0.2bRev91">
+<!ENTITY asf.version "1.0.2bRev92">
 <!ENTITY about.translators "
 - en-US : Cyan, Narayan<br />
 - fr : Cyan, Goofy, Haynee<br />
 - it : Scognito.<br />
 - ru : MrCOLOMBO<br />
-- sv-SE : Lakrits<br />
+- sv-SE : Mikael Hiort af Ornäs<br />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/help/install.xhtml b/content/help/install.xhtml
index 7631d7f..f728535 100644
--- a/content/help/install.xhtml
+++ b/content/help/install.xhtml
@@ -51,15 +51,16 @@
-						        <div>
+								<div>
 									<a href="http://mozilla.org/firefox/">Mozilla.org</a>
-						            <span>|</span>
+									<span>|</span>
 									<a href="http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/4781/">ASF</a>
-						            <span>|</span>
+									<span>|</span>
+									<a href="http://www.babelzilla.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5815">Babelzilla</a>
+									<span>|</span>
 									<a href="mailto:cyan at mangaheart.org">Contact</a>
-						            <span>|</span>
-						        </div>
+								</div>
diff --git a/content/help/update.xhtml b/content/help/update.xhtml
index 02501a4..0e72f56 100644
--- a/content/help/update.xhtml
+++ b/content/help/update.xhtml
@@ -51,15 +51,16 @@
-						        <div>
+								<div>
 									<a href="http://mozilla.org/firefox/">Mozilla.org</a>
-						            <span>|</span>
+									<span>|</span>
 									<a href="http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/4781/">ASF</a>
-						            <span>|</span>
+									<span>|</span>
+									<a href="http://www.babelzilla.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5815">Babelzilla</a>
+									<span>|</span>
 									<a href="mailto:cyan at mangaheart.org">Contact</a>
-						            <span>|</span>
-						        </div>
+								</div>
@@ -98,6 +99,7 @@
+		<li>&importantupdates.102.5;</li>
diff --git a/content/help/variables.xhtml b/content/help/variables.xhtml
index 4baa181..c658644 100644
--- a/content/help/variables.xhtml
+++ b/content/help/variables.xhtml
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@
 			<u style="font-size:15px">&Capture.tags;</u> :<br/>
-				<b>$<&number;>d</b> = &Capture.d;
+				<b>$[&number;]d</b> = &Capture.d;
-				<b>$<&number;>f</b> =  &Capture.f;
+				<b>$[&number;]f</b> =  &Capture.f;
diff --git a/locale/en-US/about.dtd b/locale/en-US/about.dtd
index ee603a2..9339678 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/about.dtd
@@ -27,45 +27,46 @@
 + If DownThemAll add-on is installed, a new option's tab is available to send ASF target path to DTA.
 + Added an option to select if the filters are case sensitive or insensitive.
 + New options related to Graphical User Interface.
-+ Added a Drag&Drop Copy method (ie. drag+Ctrl on Windows).
++ Added a Drag&Drop Copy method (ie. Ctrl+drag on Windows).
 + Print filter's and process informations to the error console when downloading a file. (Disabled if Firefox is in PrivateBrowsing mode)
 + checking and update for beta versions. The internal update feature is working only on Firefox 4.
 + New menu to import and export preferences and filters.
 + A help page will now open after the first install and when there's important messages after an update.
++ Localization : sv-SE
 - Removed the need of the slashes around a regular expression's filters.
 * It's now possible to choose which domain type are used for the filtering process, and personalize the verification order (domain only, full URL, from the file or the current tab).
 * %asf_f% now uses full filename with extension if no filter match.
 * %asf_d% now uses domain without the protocol if no filter match.
-! Fixed a bug where no data was returned if a download was initiated from the URL bar or from an external software which resulted in no filters in the filter's list if the preferences window was opened from the saving dialog "+ Add or edit a filter". (Thanks to MrCOLOMBO)
+! Fixed a bug where no data was returned if a download was initiated from the URL bar or from an external software which resulted in no filters in the filter's list if the preferences window was opened from the saving dialog "+ Add or edit a filter". (Thanks to MrCOLOMBO)
 ! Fixed the dynamic folder creation for the first filter in the list. (Thanks to Googer)
-Note : In order to develop Automatic Save Folder further, this version is the last compatible with Firefox 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0.">
+Note: In order to develop Automatic Save Folder further, this version is the last compatible with older Firefox versions (1.5, 2.0 and 3.0).">
 <!ENTITY about.version.101 "! Fixed a spelling error preventing ASF to work when no filter matched.
 ! Added a missing Russian string on the filter's tab.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.100 "+ Add filtering on Right-Click menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as...(Ctrl+S)"
+<!ENTITY about.version.100 "+ Add filtering on Right-Click menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as...(Ctrl+S)"
   (Need at least Firefox 2.0 and is not compatible with Download Sort add-on. If you have both activated, Download Sort prevails)
 + ASF is now working with Private browsing, and will prevent saving any data to Firefox preferences.
   Two things to note which change ASF behavior: 1) The previous hosted domain will not be updated, and 2) If the destination folder doesn't exist it will not be created or suggested, and the last working folder from non private mode will be used instead.
 + Add dynamic variables %F% for the month name, and %M% for the abbreviated one.
 + Add dynamic variables for weeks: Week number %W%, Day of the week %w%, %l% or %D%
-+ Make Windows and Mac OSX works with Firefox option "browser.preferences.instantApply" to save the filters right after a modification (Option by default on Linux)
++ Make Windows and Mac OSX works with Firefox option "browser.preferences.instantApply" to save the filters right after a modification (Option by default on Linux)
 + Add Drag and Drop feature on the filter's listing to set filter's order quickly.
-+ Add a proper way to select Firefox saving option ("Always ask" or "Save to"), and select which folder manually instead of forcing it to Userchoice (browser.downlod.folderList=2)
-+ Add an option to automatically accept the "what would Firefox need to do with this file?" dialog windows (User requested). Use it with "Do not prompt the File explorer" option for even better efficiency.
++ Add a proper way to select Firefox saving option ("Always ask" or "Save to"), and select which folder manually instead of forcing it to Userchoice (browser.downlod.folderList=2)
++ Add an option to automatically accept the "what would Firefox need to do with this file?" dialog windows (User requested). Use it with "Do not prompt the File explorer" option for even better efficiency.
 + Add an option to choose if you want to use the current website URL to verify the filters if the file's hosted domain doesn't match.
 + Display ASF icon on the add-ons manager even on disabled state, instead of the green puzzle piece (Firefox 3.6+)
 + Added a display option to show or hide the ASF option box, and set the box name clickable to show/hide the ASF option box content.
 + Added row coloration to see the matching filters according to the current downloaded file if the preferences window is opened from the saving window. Matching and enabled  = green, Matching but disabled = red.
 * On the download dialog's drop-down menu: Sort path list alphabetically, remove duplicates, and made them working with dynamic renaming folder if option enabled.
-* Separated the "informations" tab in two other tabs "Help" and "About...".
+* Separated the "informations" tab in two other tabs "Help" and "About...".
 * Added tooltips instead of help text bellow each options (has some issues with Firefox2).
-* On the download dialog, disable the suggested folders if the "What should Firefox do with this file?" group's option is not set to "Save File"
+* On the download dialog, disable the suggested folders if the "What should Firefox do with this file?" group's option is not set to "Save File"
 * Added a drop-down menu on the Add&Edit window for quick access to the folders already added from the available filter's list.
 ! Correct links to Mozilla website, which were forced to the French page.
 ! Correct the filter's checking when Dynamic folder creation is enabled
-! Prevent an exception when "use current website URL" option is enabled and the address bar doesn't contain an URL.
+! Prevent an exception when "use current website URL" option is enabled and the address bar doesn't contain an URL.
   Happened with redirection download script and Firefox closing the new empty popup window, or using middle mouse-button click on a link.
 ! When using instantApply, the suggested filters weren't refreshed after closing the preference window.
 ! Fixed a bug where sub-options were auto unchecked visually but not saved when using instantApply feature.
@@ -84,13 +85,13 @@ Other updates :
 + [Experimental] For ease to use when the hosted domain is random (ex. to download Firefox on Mozilla.org):
   Check the filter with the current URI if the hosted domain file doesn't match.
   Attention to the filtering order : First the file hosted domain is checked, then the current website address.
-  The data used to mark a domain as "previous" is still the one from the file hosted domain.
+  The data used to mark a domain as "previous" is still the one from the file hosted domain.
 + Limit the saving window width to the user main screen size. (Thanks to Julien)
 + Add an option to show a menu list on the saving window to select the saving folder from the filter's list.
-* Changed the way the links in the "about..." window works. Now it will open in a new tab.
+* Changed the way the links in the "about..." window works. Now it will open in a new tab.
 * Bigger menu and window for better visibility.
 * Code simplification for moving filters up/down.
-* Code simplification for the loading and auto-filling data in the "add" window.
+* Code simplification for the loading and auto-filling data in the "add" window.
 * Better visibility : All the windows are now drag-able and the content fit accordingly.
 * Complete script recoding to Global namespace (asked by Mozilla.com to submit the extension in public area)
 * cleaner code and comments.
@@ -100,19 +101,19 @@ Other updates :
 <!ENTITY about.version.092 "* Compatibility with Themes: The default colors are now used, all the text should be correctly visible.
   The pictures have been updated to be visible on dark themes.
-! Correction for Vista: Forced the variable browser.download.folderList to "2" when opening the ASF preferences window.
-! Corrected the "active" column, the filters couldn't be activated or deactivated temporarily.">
+! Correction for Vista: Forced the variable browser.download.folderList to "2" when opening the ASF preferences window.
+! Corrected the "active" column, the filters couldn't be activated or deactivated temporarily.">
 <!ENTITY about.version.091 "+ Italian localization by Scognito.
 + Added a radio menu while saving, allowing the user to choose quickly between the last two folders.
   The second choice appears only if it's different from the first one.
-* Hide the option "Affect the 'save as...'" on Firefox 3, this option is used automatically.
-* Removed the "Add a filter" pop-up while saving. It made some focus problem and a window position error.
+* Hide the option "Affect the 'save as...'" on Firefox 3, this option is used automatically.
+* Removed the "Add a filter" pop-up while saving. It made some focus problem and a window position error.
   The link is still here and open now the main window to allow the user to add or edit existing filters.
   While adding a filter using this link, the field will be auto-filled with current file name and domain.
 * Deactivate the double-clicking on filters. Now the fields are not editable on Firefox 3.
   Since Firefox 3, double-clicking on a tree cell allow the user to edit it's content without the edit window. The changes weren't therefore saved correctly.
-! Corrected a script bug on filter verification while "use the last folder" was selected. (Thanks to Carsten)
+! Corrected a script bug on filter verification while "use the last folder" was selected. (Thanks to Carsten)
 ! Fixed a bug on Firefox 3 and Windows Vista: Changed an internal Firefox option allowing the user to use defined folders. (Thanks to Carsten)
   (browser.download.folderList = 2) On Windows Vista, the default value is set to 1.
   Different possible values are : 0 = desktop ; 1 = default saving folder ; 2 = user choice.
@@ -125,16 +126,16 @@ Other updates :
   Known bug: A window focus problem can occur while closing the filter panel.
 - Drop of the option to activate or deactivate the extension. To deactivate it temporarily, please use the extension manager.
 * New way to check the filters (addEventlistener instead of OnLoad), for a better compatibility with other extensions.
-! Corrected the per filter "Active" column properties which didn't stay hidden correctly.">
+! Corrected the per filter "Active" column properties which didn't stay hidden correctly.">
 <!ENTITY about.version.087 "+ Compatible with Firefox 3.0 beta (few changes to the script).
 * The Enter key is now affected to the accept button (Ok, Add, Edit). On the previous version, it was on the Cancel button.
 ! Only one version for Windows and Linux (and maybe Mac ? Can someone test it please ?)">
-<!ENTITY about.version.086fix "* Changes on the "OK" buttons which didn't appear in the main option panel in Linux.
+<!ENTITY about.version.086fix "* Changes on the "OK" buttons which didn't appear in the main option panel in Linux.
-On Linux, there is only a "Close" button and the checking button are saved automatically when checked by the user. Unfortunately the Table array is not saved on this process.
-I removed the "Accept" button and replaced it with a scripted one "Save and close".">
+On Linux, there is only a "Close" button and the checking button are saved automatically when checked by the user. Unfortunately the Table array is not saved on this process.
+I removed the "Accept" button and replaced it with a scripted one "Save and close".">
 <!ENTITY about.version.086 "* Words and sentences correction. Thanks to Goofy's comment from mozilla.org.">
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ I removed the "Accept" button and replaced it with a scripted one "S
 + Added an option to affect the path of the Web page saving menu (File, save as...)">
 <!ENTITY about.version.081 "* Folder selection: The picking window opens now on the previously chosen folder. Before, it opened on a random one from: documents and settings, desktop et the user folder.
-* Restriction of the folder selection: removed the possibility to write the path manually, now only the "Select..." button is valid to select the destination folder.">
+* Restriction of the folder selection: removed the possibility to write the path manually, now only the "Select..." button is valid to select the destination folder.">
 <!ENTITY about.version.080 "Functions:
 + Priority sorting filter (option to move up or down the filters)
diff --git a/locale/en-US/asf.dtd b/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
index 5e9d6a8..5b6cd21 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.desktop.label "Desktop">
 <!ENTITY asf.systemdownload.label "Downloads">
 <!ENTITY asf.filteredfolder.label "Set by the filters">
-<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "If the "Downloads" folder doesn't exist, the file explorer will be shown.">
+<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "If the "Downloads" folder doesn't exist, the file explorer will be shown.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox2.label "Save dialog">
-<!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Automatically accept the "What should Firefox do with this file" dialog windows.">
+<!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Automatically accept the "What should Firefox do with this file" dialog windows.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogacceptFiltered.bool "Only if a filter is found">
-<!ENTITY asf.dialogacceptFiltered.tooltip "Will not automatically accept the "What should Firefox do with this file" dialog windows if no filter matches.">
+<!ENTITY asf.dialogacceptFiltered.tooltip "Will not automatically accept the "What should Firefox do with this file" dialog windows if no filter matches.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadio_Start.bool "Force the radio choice to">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadioTo.label1 "Open with">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadioTo.label2 "DownThemAll!">
@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox4.label "Right-click">
 <!ENTITY asf.userightclick.bool "Use the filters on the menus">
-<!ENTITY asf.userightclick.tooltip "Enable the filters on the menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as... (Ctrl+S)"">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.bool "Remove the timing delay and activate the filtering on the right-click menu "Save link as..."">
+<!ENTITY asf.userightclick.tooltip "Enable the filters on the menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as... (Ctrl+S)"">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.bool "Remove the timing delay and activate the filtering on the right-click menu "Save link as..."">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip1 "Removing the timing delay prevent Firefox to read the file's target name if it is from a redirection download, but allow Automatic Save Folder to work.">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip2 "Temporarily disable this feature if you want Firefox to read the filename provided by the header (no filter available anymore).">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip3 "Only download scripts with file redirection are affected.">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip4 "Note: This option doesn't affect the menus "Save image as..." nor "Save as... (Ctrl+S)".">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "The Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature is not available on Firefox 2. If you want to use the filters on your downloads using the right-click menu "Save link as", you should update your Firefox version to 3.0 minimum (recommended version 3.5 or more).">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip4 "Note: This option doesn't affect the menus "Save image as..." nor "Save as... (Ctrl+S)".">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "The Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature is not available on Firefox 2. If you want to use the filters on your downloads using the right-click menu "Save link as", you should update your Firefox version to 3.0 minimum (recommended version 3.5 or more).">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "Download sort extension has been detected. &NL;Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature will not work until you disable Download Sort in your Extension manager.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox5.label "Graphical interface">
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.rowmatchinghighlight.system "System color">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox6.label "DownThemAll!">
-<!ENTITY asf.options.dtaDetected.label "Automatic Save Folder has detected that you are using DownThemAll! add-on.&NL;Automatic Save Folder can send the filtered destination path to DownThemAll! when using the "What should firefox do with this file" saving window.&NL;&NL;Note: This option is disabled when using the Private Browsing mode.">
+<!ENTITY asf.options.dtaDetected.label "Automatic Save Folder has detected that you are using DownThemAll! add-on.&NL;Automatic Save Folder can send the filtered destination path to DownThemAll! when using the "What should firefox do with this file" saving window.&NL;&NL;Note: This option is disabled when using the Private Browsing mode.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_ASFtoDTA_isActive.bool "Enable Automatic Save Folder to send the filtered path to DownThemAll!.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_chooseSendingMethod.label "Choose the sending method for DTA OneClick!:">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_methodReplace.label "Replace first folder in list">
diff --git a/locale/en-US/help.dtd b/locale/en-US/help.dtd
index 11962ae..fced196 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/help.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/help.dtd
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.title "Filter rules">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule1 "The filters are defined using the file's name and the domain.">
-<!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule2 "The filters have to match the name of the file or the domain. For example do not write <b>"google.com"</b> but only <b>google.com</b> (without quotes)">
+<!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule2 "The filters have to match the name of the file or the domain. For example do not write <b>"google.com"</b> but only <b>google.com</b> (without quotes)">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule3 "You can use the wildcard character <b>*</b> (asterisk) to replace parts of the filter: <b>wiki*.org</b>">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule4 "The asterisk is not needed at the beginning and end of the filter string. Writing <b>*wiki*</b> or <b>wiki</b> is the same.">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule5 "Same thing with the filename filter: <b>*.zip</b> or <b>.zip</b> will work the same way.">
@@ -43,32 +43,32 @@
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text2 "To sort out all the nightly builds of firefox in a sub-folder of D:\Download\firefox:">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text3 "D:\Download\firefox\nightly\%Y%-%m%-%d%">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text4 "The extension will create a sub-folder named after the date of the day. For example "2009-12-04", in which your file will be saved.">
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text4 "The extension will create a sub-folder named after the date of the day. For example "2009-12-04", in which your file will be saved.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text5 "To sort out a file according to its extension:">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text6 "D:\Download\%asf_x%">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text7 "The extension will create a sub-folder named "zip" for the .zip files, "rar" for .rar files, etc. in which your file will be saved.">
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text7 "The extension will create a sub-folder named "zip" for the .zip files, "rar" for .rar files, etc. in which your file will be saved.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text8 "To sort all the Firefox installation package inside subfolder named after the software version:">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text9 "D:\Download\Firefox\$1f">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text10 "While checking the downloaded file with the filters, the parentheses are not took in account, and the filter will act as "Firefox Setup *.exe"<br />
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text10 "While checking the downloaded file with the filters, the parentheses are not took in account, and the filter will act as "Firefox Setup *.exe"<br />
 $1f correspond to the first parenthesis content on the filter's file name, which is the version number <br />
-The file "Firefox Setup 3.5.4.exe" will be saved in the folder D:\Download\Firefox\3.5.4\">
+The file "Firefox Setup 3.5.4.exe" will be saved in the folder D:\Download\Firefox\3.5.4\">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text11 "To create or not create different subdirectories according to the name of the file:">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text12 "Example : We wish to download videos named "My_vacation_date-of-the-trip.avi".<br />
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text12 "Example : We wish to download videos named "My_vacation_date-of-the-trip.avi".<br />
 The videos have .srt subtitles to explain the trip, .zip files are also available with photos of the trip, videos can be downloaded with .avi, .torrent or .nzb extension (newsgroup).<br />
-<br />".avi" and ".srt" will have to go in the D:\video\vacation file. <br />
-".zip", ".torrent" and ".nzb" will have to go respectively in subdirectories D:\video\vacation\zip, D:\video\vacation\torrent and D:\video\vacation\nzb.">
+<br />".avi" and ".srt" will have to go in the D:\video\vacation file. <br />
+".zip", ".torrent" and ".nzb" will have to go respectively in subdirectories D:\video\vacation\zip, D:\video\vacation\torrent and D:\video\vacation\nzb.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text13 "/^My_vacation.*\.(avi|srt|zip|torrent|nzb)$/">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text14 "D:\video\vacation\%asf_rf%(zip|torrent|nzb)$%asf_rf%">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text15 "Explanation about the filters:<br />
-The filter will be activated for all the files beginning with "My_vacation" and ending with one of the available extensions (avi, srt, zip, torrent or nzb).<br />
-The directory created will depend on the filtering : %asf_rf% analyses the name of the file downloaded with the regular expression contained between the two %asf_rf% : If the file ends with "zip", "torrent" or "nzb", the portion captured by the regular expression creates the subdirectory.<br />
+The filter will be activated for all the files beginning with "My_vacation" and ending with one of the available extensions (avi, srt, zip, torrent or nzb).<br />
+The directory created will depend on the filtering : %asf_rf% analyses the name of the file downloaded with the regular expression contained between the two %asf_rf% : If the file ends with "zip", "torrent" or "nzb", the portion captured by the regular expression creates the subdirectory.<br />
 If none of those three extensions are found, the regular expression won't do anything, no sub-folder is created and files will be downloaded in D:\video\vacation\">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text16 "Note : You can put as many tags as you want for the main folder.<br />The filter could have been:">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text17 "D:\video\%asf_rf%(vacation|wedding)%asf_rf%\%asf_rf%(zip|torrent|nzb)$%asf_rf%<br />
-In this case, the sub-folder "vacation" is created only if the name of the file contains "vacation".">
+In this case, the sub-folder "vacation" is created only if the name of the file contains "vacation".">
 <!-- Bellow is the page which appear on first install, and on important updates -->
@@ -80,45 +80,45 @@ Please, read this message carefully to make potential changes to your preference
 This page will only be displayed once, on first install or when important changes must be communicated.">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.title.importantupdates "Important updates:">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.title.firstinstall "1st install and reminder :">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.fullupdatelist "For the complete changelog, see the "About..." tab in Automatic Save Folder's preferences.">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.title.firstinstall "First install and reminder:">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.fullupdatelist "For the complete changelog, see the "About..." tab in Automatic Save Folder's preferences.">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.steps "In order to work, <b>you have to correctly set Firefox</b> and Automatic Save Folder's <b>preferences</b>.<br />
-Three steps are essentials, if the filtering doesn't work please check each of this steps again:">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.steps "In order to work, <b>you have to correctly set Firefox</b> and Automatic Save Folder's preferences.<br />
+Three steps are essentials, if the filtering doesn't work please check each of these steps again:">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.step1 "Step 1 : Firefox">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.step2 "Step 2 : Automatic Save Folder">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.step3 "Step 3 : While downloading">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text1 "The filtering on common downloads (simple click, or automatic download) works only if the download window "What should Firefox do with this file?" is shown:">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text1 "The filtering on common downloads (simple click, or automatic download) works only if the download window "What should Firefox do with this file?" is shown:">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language, place it in skin folder. Take a screen of the 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window (you can resize the picture if you find it a little too big)-->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict1 "screen_save_en.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text2 "So, be sure to check if Firefox doesn't use another process preventing the window to appear by following this method:">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text3 "Go to the Firefox menu "Tools" and "Options...".">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text4 "- For the Firefox 3 users: go to the "Applications" tab
-	<br />- For the previous Firefox versions users: Go to the "Content" tab and click on the "Manage..." at the bottom right.">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text5 "Verify that the File Type you want to download is correctly set to "Always ask".">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text3 "Go to the Firefox menu "Tools" and "Options...".">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text4 "- For the Firefox 3 users: go to the "Applications" tab
+	<br />- For the previous Firefox versions users: Go to the "Content" tab and click on the "Manage..." at the bottom right.">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text5 "Verify that the File Type you want to download is correctly set to "Always ask".">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. Take firefox/tools/option/application tab/ and show an 'always ask' drop down selected -->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict2 "screen_apps_en.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text6 "Choose a saving method in Firefox preferences, General tab:<br />
-- Save files to : Firefox will save the file automatically to that folder without opening the files explorer.<br />
-- Always ask me where to save files : Firefox will show you the files explorer to allow you to rename the file or choose the saving folder manually.">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict3 "screen-main_en.png">
+- "Save files to": Firefox will save the downloads automatically into the specified folder without opening the files explorer.<br />
+- "Always ask me where to save files": Firefox will show you the files explorer which will allow you to rename the file or select another saving folder manually.">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict3 "screen_main_en.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.text1 "If you decide to go without the file explorer, Firefox will automatically save your files<br />
-Either in the download folder defined by your operating system, either on your desktop.<br />
-Do not forget to select "Set by the filters" to allow Firefox to use the filtered folders.">
+either in the download folder defined by your operating system, or on your desktop.<br />
+Do not forget to select "Set by the filters" to allow Firefox to use the filtered folders.">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. Take ASF pref/options/page1 to show the 'Set by filters' selected menu -->
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.pict1 "screen-asf102-setbyfilters_en.png">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.pict1 "screen_asf102-setbyfilters_en.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.text2 "Your filter's order is of a big importance!<br />
 The verification is done from top to bottom, and stop right after a filter is matching the actual downloaded file.<br />
 Remember to alway set your filters order using the arrow on the right of the filter's tab, or dragging them with your mouse.">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.save.text1 "You must take care that Firefox will always ask you what to do with your currently downloading file.<br />
-According to this, <b>you must not check</b> "Do this automatically for files like this from now on.".<br />
-If it happens, do Step 1 again.">
+According to this, <b style='color:red;'>you must not check</b> "Do this automatically for files like this from now on.".<br />
+If it ever happens, do Step 1 again.">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. This is a screen of 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window, like firstinstall.Firefox.pict1, but with 'Do this automatically for files like this from now on.' shown unchecked-->
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.save.pict1 "screen-savedialog-alwaysdothis_en.png">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.save.pict1 "screen_savedialog-alwaysdothis_en.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.moreinfo.text1  "For more informations on using and creating filters, a help tab is available in the add-on."> 
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.moreinfo.text2  "A forum is also available on the official development website:">
@@ -128,3 +128,4 @@ If it happens, do Step 1 again.">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.2 "Send the filtered folder to DownThemAll!">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.3 "Import/export the filters.">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.4 "Removed the need of the slashes around a regular expression's filters.">
+<!ENTITY importantupdates.102.5 "Note: In order to develop Automatic Save Folder further, this version is the last compatible with older Firefox versions (1.5, 2.0 and 3.0).">
diff --git a/locale/en-US/regexp.dtd b/locale/en-US/regexp.dtd
index 8ff0b2a..0651716 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/regexp.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/regexp.dtd
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ the regular expression use many special characters to match different group of l
 'go*gle' will correspond to gogle, google, goooooooooogle, etc.<br />
 '.*' (a dot followed by an asterisk) correspond to many times any character.<br />
 .* used alone will match all the filter's domain name or the filter's file name,
-so this is what is used when you select "All" in the filter creation window.">
+so this is what is used when you select "All" in the filter creation window.">
 <!ENTITY The.caret.title "The caret ^">
 <!ENTITY The.caret.text "The caret ^ is used to detect the begining of a line. '^http' will look for 'http' only at the begining of the domain.<br />
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ The question mark is a shortcut of the regular expression {0,1}<br />
 Nov(ember)? = Nov(ember){0,1}<br />
 <br />
 The question mark is also used to transform a Regular expression state from greedy (default) to lazy, example :<br />
-The data : "This is a test"<br />
-Filter 1 : "t.*t" will capture from the first to the last T, in other word all the string "This is a test", the asterisk tag is greedy and matches the more characters he can find.<br />
-Filter 2 : "t.*?t" will capture from the first T to the first encountered T folowing it, it will return "This is a t", the asterisk is now lazy and stops at the first occurence it finds (from left to right).">
+The data : "This is a test"<br />
+Filter 1 : "t.*t" will capture from the first to the last T, in other word all the string "This is a test", the asterisk tag is greedy and matches the more characters he can find.<br />
+Filter 2 : "t.*?t" will capture from the first T to the first encountered T folowing it, it will return "This is a t", the asterisk is now lazy and stops at the first occurence it finds (from left to right).">
 <!ENTITY The.bracket.title "The brackets [ ]">
 <!ENTITY The.bracket.text "The brackets are used to define a range or group of possible characters.<br />
diff --git a/locale/en-US/variables.dtd b/locale/en-US/variables.dtd
index 0463bbc..c3bffc0 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/variables.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/variables.dtd
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@
 <!ENTITY asf_D "Domain name. (Without http://)">
 <!ENTITY asf_F "File name with the extension.">
 <!ENTITY asf_Fx "File name without the extension.">
-<!ENTITY asf_d ""Domain" field from the used filter. (Forbidden characters will be deleted. If no filter is found, the current domain is used)">
-<!ENTITY asf_f ""File name" field from the used filter. (Forbidden characters will be deleted. If no filter is found, the current file name is used)">
+<!ENTITY asf_d ""Domain" field from the used filter. (Forbidden characters will be deleted. If no filter is found, the current domain is used)">
+<!ENTITY asf_f ""File name" field from the used filter. (Forbidden characters will be deleted. If no filter is found, the current file name is used)">
 <!ENTITY asf_x "File extension. (Without the dot)">
 <!ENTITY Capture.tags "Capture tags">
 <!ENTITY number "number">
-<!ENTITY Capture.d "Return the captured data using parentheses in the "domain" filter. <number> refer to the parenthesis number, from 1 to 9.">
-<!ENTITY Capture.f "Return the captured data using parentheses in the "file name" filter. <number> refer to the parenthesis number, from 1 to 9.">
-<!ENTITY Capture.example "Example, on this filter:  mozilla_(firefox)_3.5.(exe), <b>$1f</b> will capture firefox, and <b>$2f</b> will capture "exe".">
+<!ENTITY Capture.d "Return the captured data using parentheses in the "domain" filter. [number] refer to the parenthesis number, from 1 to 9.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.f "Return the captured data using parentheses in the "file name" filter. [number] refer to the parenthesis number, from 1 to 9.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.example "Example, on this filter:  mozilla_(firefox)_3.5.(exe), <b>$1f</b> will capture firefox, and <b>$2f</b> will capture "exe".">
 <!ENTITY Regexp "regular expression">
-<!ENTITY Capture.rd "Check the full domain with the regular expression contained between the two tags <b>%asf_rd%</b> and return the captured data.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.rd "Check the domain with the regular expression contained between the two tags <b>%asf_rd%</b> and return the captured data.">
 <!ENTITY Capture.rf "Check the file name with the regular expression contained between the two tags <b>%asf_rf%</b> and return the captured data.">
 <!ENTITY Attention "ATTENTION">
-<!ENTITY Attention.text "If the result for the saving path has forbidden characters (the : or the ?"*\/<>|: under Windows), the extension will cease to function. Be sure to check your filters if the extension doesn't work anymore.">
\ No newline at end of file
+<!ENTITY Attention.text "If the result for the saving path has forbidden characters (the : or the ?"*\/<>|: under Windows), the extension will cease to function. Be sure to check your filters if the extension doesn't work anymore.">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/fr/about.dtd b/locale/fr/about.dtd
index e099d9b..e212b44 100644
--- a/locale/fr/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr/about.dtd
@@ -32,40 +32,41 @@
 + Vérification et mise à jour vers les versions béta. La mise à jour interne ne fonctionne que sur Firefox 4.
 + Nouveau menu permettant d'importer et exporter les paramètres et les filtres.
 + Ouverture d'une page d'aide après la 1ère installation et lors de message important après une mise à jour.
++ Localisation : sv-SE
 - Suppression des slashs aux extrémités des filtres utilisant les expressions régulières.
 * Il est maintenant possible de choisir quel type de domaine sera utilisé pendant le filtrage, et de personnaliser leur ordre de vérification (Domaine seul, URL complète, du fichier ou de l'onglet actif).
 * %asf_f% utilise maintenant le nom de fichier complet, avec l'extension, si aucun filtre ne correspond.
 * %asf_d% utilise maintenant le nom de domaine sans le protocole, si aucun filtre ne correspond.
-! Correction d'un bug où les données d'un lien direct entré dans la barre d'adresse ou initialisé par un autre programme n'étaient pas lu correctement, empêchant d'afficher la liste des filtres lorsque la fenêtre de préférences était ouverte à partir du lien "+ Ajouter ou éditer un filtre" de la fenêtre d'enregistrement. (Merci à MrCOLOMBO)
+! Correction d'un bug où les données d'un lien direct entré dans la barre d'adresse ou initialisé par un autre programme n'étaient pas lu correctement, empêchant d'afficher la liste des filtres lorsque la fenêtre de préférences était ouverte à partir du lien "+ Ajouter ou éditer un filtre" de la fenêtre d'enregistrement. (Merci à MrCOLOMBO)
 ! Correction de la création de dossiers dynamiques pour le 1er filtre de la liste. (Merci à Googer)
-Note : Afin de pouvoir faire évoluer Automatic Save Folder, cette version est la dernière compatible avec firefox 1.5, 2.0 et 3.0.">
+Note : Afin de pouvoir faire évoluer Automatic Save Folder, cette version est la dernière compatible avec les anciennes versions de firefox (1.5, 2.0 et 3.0).">
 <!ENTITY about.version.101 "! Correction d'une erreur de frape empêchant ASF de fonctionner si aucun filtre n'était trouvé.
 ! Ajout d'une traduction russe manquante dans l'onglet des filtres.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.100 "+ Ajout du filtrage avec les menus du clic-droit "Enregistrer la cible sous...", "Enregistrer l'image sous..." et "Enregistrer sous...(Ctrl+S)"
+<!ENTITY about.version.100 "+ Ajout du filtrage avec les menus du clic-droit "Enregistrer la cible sous...", "Enregistrer l'image sous..." et "Enregistrer sous...(Ctrl+S)"
   (Ne fonctionne qu'à partir de Firefox 2.0 et est incompatible avec l'extension Download Sort. Si les deux extensions sont activées, Download Sort est prioritaire)
 + ASF fonctionne maintenant avec la Navigation Privée, empêchant toutes données d'être enregistrées dans les préférences de Firefox.
   Deux choses à noter qui modifient le fonctionnement d'ASF : 1) Le précédent domaine d'hébergement ne sera pas mémorisé, et 2) Si le dossier de destination n'existe pas, il ne sera ni créé ni suggéré, et le dernier dossier valide connu en Navigation Non Privée sera utilisé à la place.
 + Ajout des variables dynamiques %F% pour le nom du mois, et %M% pour son abréviation.
 + Ajout des variables dynamiques pour la semaine : Numéro de la semaine %W%, Jour de la semaine %w%, %l% ou %D%
-+ Prise en compte pour Windows et Mac OSX de l'option "browser.preferences.instantApply" afin de sauvegarder les filtres des leur modification (option par défaut sur Linux).
++ Prise en compte pour Windows et Mac OSX de l'option "browser.preferences.instantApply" afin de sauvegarder les filtres des leur modification (option par défaut sur Linux).
 + Ajout du Glisser-déposer (Drag and Drop) dans la liste des filtres pour les repositionner rapidement.
-+ Ajout d'une option pour choisir le mode d'enregistrement de Firefox ("Toujours demander où enregistrer les fichiers" ou "Enregistrer les fichiers dans le dossier"), et sélectionner manuellement le dossier plutôt que de forcer sur "Défini par les filtres" (browser.download.folderList=2)
-+ Ajout d'une option pour accepter automatiquement la fenêtre "Que doit faire Firefox de ce fichier ?". Utilisez la avec l'option de sauvegarde de Firefox "Enregistrer le fichier dans le dossier" pour une meilleure efficacité.
++ Ajout d'une option pour choisir le mode d'enregistrement de Firefox ("Toujours demander où enregistrer les fichiers" ou "Enregistrer les fichiers dans le dossier"), et sélectionner manuellement le dossier plutôt que de forcer sur "Défini par les filtres" (browser.download.folderList=2)
++ Ajout d'une option pour accepter automatiquement la fenêtre "Que doit faire Firefox de ce fichier ?". Utilisez la avec l'option de sauvegarde de Firefox "Enregistrer le fichier dans le dossier" pour une meilleure efficacité.
 + Ajout d'une option pour utiliser l'adresse du site courant avec le domaine du filtre si le domaine d'hébergement ne correspond pas.
 + Affichage de l'icône d'ASF dans le gestionnaire d'extensions même lorsque l'extension est désactivée, plutôt que la pièce de puzzle verte (Firefox 3.6+)
 + Ajout d'une option permettant de choisir le style d'affichage du groupe ASF, et ajout d'un lien sur le nom du groupe pour afficher/masquer son contenu.
 + Ajout de la coloration des lignes pour voir les filtres correspondant au fichier téléchargé lorsque la fenêtre de préférences est ouverte à partir de la fenêtre de sauvegarde. Correspondant et actif = vert, Correspondant et désactivé = rouge.
 * Dans le menu déroulant sur la fenêtre de sauvegarde : Listing des dossiers par ordre alphabétique, suppression des doublons et nom de dossier dynamique si l'option est activée.
-* Séparation de l'onglet "informations" en deux onglets "Aide" et "À propos...".
+* Séparation de l'onglet "informations" en deux onglets "Aide" et "À propos...".
 * Ajout d'infobulles à la place du texte explicatif sous les options (Quelques problèmes rencontrés avec Firefox2).
-* Sur la fenêtre de sauvegarde, désactivation des suggestions de dossiers si l'option du groupe "Que dois faire Firefox avec ce ficher ?" n'est pas sur "Enregistrer le fichier"
+* Sur la fenêtre de sauvegarde, désactivation des suggestions de dossiers si l'option du groupe "Que dois faire Firefox avec ce ficher ?" n'est pas sur "Enregistrer le fichier"
 * Ajout d'un menu déroulant dans la fenêtre d'ajout et d'édition pour un accès rapide aux dossiers déjà présents dans les filtres enregistrés.
 ! Correction des liens vers Mozilla qui forçait le chargement de la page en Français.
 ! Correction d'une vérification du filtrage lorsque les variables dynamiques étaient utilisés.
-! Correction d'une exception lorsque l'option "Utiliser l'URL du site courant" est activé et que la barre d'adresse ne contient pas d'URL. 
+! Correction d'une exception lorsque l'option "Utiliser l'URL du site courant" est activé et que la barre d'adresse ne contient pas d'URL. 
   Se produisait généralement avec les script de redirection lorsque Firefox refermait le nouvel onglet vide, ou en cliquant sur un lien avec la molette de la souris.
 ! En utilisant l'option InstantApply, les filtres suggérés n'étaient pas rechargés à la fermeture de la fenêtre de préférences.
 ! En utilisant l'option InstantApply, les sous-options qui se dé-sélectionnaient visuellement n'étaient pas enregistrées.
@@ -87,10 +88,10 @@ Autres mises à jour :
   Les données utilisés pour vérifier le domaine précédent reste celui d'hébergement du fichier.
 + Limite la taille maximum de la fenêtre d'enregistrement à la résolution de l'écran principal. (Merci à Julien)
 + Ajout d'une option permettant d'afficher un menu déroulant sur la fenêtre de sauvegarde contenant la liste des dossiers définit par les filtres.
-* Modification du mode d'ouverture des liens de la fenêtre "à propos de...". Les liens s'ouvrent maintenant dans un nouvel onglet.
+* Modification du mode d'ouverture des liens de la fenêtre "à propos de...". Les liens s'ouvrent maintenant dans un nouvel onglet.
 * Agrandissement de certains menus pour plus de lisibilité.
 * simplification du code pour le déplacement haut/bas des filtres.
-* simplification du code de chargement des données courantes pour l'auto-complétion du menu "Ajouter".
+* simplification du code de chargement des données courantes pour l'auto-complétion du menu "Ajouter".
 * Meilleure visibilité : Les zones de texte s'agrandissent maintenant avec le changement de taille des fenêtres de préférence et d'aides.
 * Modification complète du script en Global Namespace, demandé par mozilla.org afin de sous-mettre l'extension en zone public.
 * Simplifications des fonctions du script et ajout des commentaires du code.
@@ -100,19 +101,19 @@ Autres mises à jour :
 <!ENTITY about.version.092 "* Compatibilité des thèmes : Les couleurs par défauts sont maintenant utilisées, tous les textes devraient être visibles correctement.
   Les images ont été améliorées afin d'être visibles sur les thèmes sombres.
-! Correction pour Vista : Mise à jour forcée de la variable browser.download.folderList à "2" lors de l'ouverture de la fenêtre d'option d'ASF.
-! Correction de la colonne "actif", les filtres ne pouvaient plus être activés ou désactivés temporairement depuis la Version 0.8.7.">
+! Correction pour Vista : Mise à jour forcée de la variable browser.download.folderList à "2" lors de l'ouverture de la fenêtre d'option d'ASF.
+! Correction de la colonne "actif", les filtres ne pouvaient plus être activés ou désactivés temporairement depuis la Version 0.8.7.">
 <!ENTITY about.version.091 "+ Traduction italienne par Scognito.
 + Ajout d'un menu à puces lors de l'enregistrement, permettant de sélectionner rapidement les deux derniers dossiers en mémoire.
   Le deuxième choix n'apparaît que s'il est différent du premier.
-* Suppression de l'option "affecter aussi enregistrer sous..." pour firefox3, puisque cette valeur est utilisée automatiquement.
-* Suppression du popup "+ Ajouter un filtre" lors de l'enregistrement. Cela causait des problèmes de priorité de focus et de position de fenêtres.
+* Suppression de l'option "affecter aussi enregistrer sous..." pour firefox3, puisque cette valeur est utilisée automatiquement.
+* Suppression du popup "+ Ajouter un filtre" lors de l'enregistrement. Cela causait des problèmes de priorité de focus et de position de fenêtres.
   Le lien n'ouvre plus que le menu principal permettant de modifier ou ajouter un filtre manuellement.
   Lors de l'ajout d'un filtre en passant par ce menu, les champs seront tout de même pré-remplis avec le nom de fichier et le domaine.
 * Désactivation de l'édition des cellules du tableau lors d'un double-clic.
   Depuis Firefox 3, double cliquer sur une cellule permet de l'éditer directement sans passer par la fenêtre d'édition. L'édition n'était alors pas enregistrée correctement.
-! Correction d'un bug lors de la vérification des filtres si l'option "Utiliser le dernier dossier" était sélectionné. (Merci à Carsten)
+! Correction d'un bug lors de la vérification des filtres si l'option "Utiliser le dernier dossier" était sélectionné. (Merci à Carsten)
 ! Correction d'un bug sur Firefox3 et Windows Vista : Modification d'une option interne à Firefox permettant de changer le dossier d'enregistrement manuellement. (Merci à Carsten)
   (browser.download.folderList = 2) Sur Windows Vista, la valeur par défaut est à 1.
   Les différentes valeurs possibles sont : 0 = Bureau ; 1 = Dossier d'enregistrement par défaut ; 2 = Choix laissé à l'utilisateur.
@@ -125,16 +126,16 @@ Autres mises à jour :
   Bug connu : un problème de retour à la fenêtre active peut survenir lors de la fermeture des filtres.
 - Suppression de l'option permettant de désactiver l'extension. Afin de la désactiver temporairement, veuillez utiliser le gestionnaire d'extension.
 * Changement de la façon dont les filtres sont exécutés (addEventlistener à la place de OnLoad), pour une meilleure compatibilité avec les autres extensions.
-! Correction de la colonne "Actif" qui ne restait pas masquée correctement.">
+! Correction de la colonne "Actif" qui ne restait pas masquée correctement.">
 <!ENTITY about.version.087 "+ Compatible avec Firefox 3.0 beta (quelques modifications apportées au code).
-* La touche entrée du clavier correspond maintenant aux boutons d'acceptations (OK, Ajouter, Éditer). Auparavant le bouton par défaut était "Annuler".
+* La touche entrée du clavier correspond maintenant aux boutons d'acceptations (OK, Ajouter, Éditer). Auparavant le bouton par défaut était "Annuler".
 ! Version unique pour Windows et Linux (et peut être Mac ?).">
-<!ENTITY about.version.086fix "* Modification des boutons "OK" qui n'apparaissent pas dans la fenêtre principale sur Linux.
+<!ENTITY about.version.086fix "* Modification des boutons "OK" qui n'apparaissent pas dans la fenêtre principale sur Linux.
 Info :
-Sur Linux, il n'y a que le bouton "Fermer" et les cases à cocher sont enregistrées dès qu'elles sont modifiées par l'utilisateur. Malheureusement les tableaux ne sont pas pris en compte à la fermeture.
-J'ai donc supprimé le bouton "Accept" et je l'ai remplacé par un bouton "sauver et fermer".">
+Sur Linux, il n'y a que le bouton "Fermer" et les cases à cocher sont enregistrées dès qu'elles sont modifiées par l'utilisateur. Malheureusement les tableaux ne sont pas pris en compte à la fermeture.
+J'ai donc supprimé le bouton "Accept" et je l'ai remplacé par un bouton "sauver et fermer".">
 <!ENTITY about.version.086 "* Correction orthographique et syntaxique. Merci à Goofy pour son commentaire sur Mozilla.org">
@@ -149,15 +150,15 @@ J'ai donc supprimé le bouton "Accept" et je l'ai remplacé par un bouto
 <!ENTITY about.version.083 "+ Ajout d'exemples et une courte explication concernant l'utilisation des expressions régulières, accessible dans la fenêtre d'ajout et d'édition des filtres.">
 <!ENTITY about.version.082 "Première version publique.
-+ Ajout d'une option pour agir en même temps sur le chemin d'enregistrement des pages Web (note : le menu "fichier/enregistrer sous..." de Firefox).">
++ Ajout d'une option pour agir en même temps sur le chemin d'enregistrement des pages Web (note : le menu "fichier/enregistrer sous..." de Firefox).">
 <!ENTITY about.version.081 "* Sélection des dossiers : la fenêtre de sélection s'ouvre sur le dossier déjà sélectionné. Avant elle s'ouvrait sur un dossier aléatoire parmi : documents and settings, bureau et le dossier personnel.
-* Restriction pour la sélection des dossiers : suppression de la possibilité d'écrire le chemin au clavier, seul le bouton "Sélectionner..." est valide pour choisir les dossiers de destination.">
+* Restriction pour la sélection des dossiers : suppression de la possibilité d'écrire le chemin au clavier, seul le bouton "Sélectionner..." est valide pour choisir les dossiers de destination.">
 <!ENTITY about.version.080 "Fonctionnalités :
 + Positionnement des filtres par priorité (option pour monter et descendre les filtres).
 + Reconnaissance des filtres normaux, masqués et RegExp. (Expression régulière).
-+ Sélection des dossiers manuellement et par menu interactif (bouton "sélectionner...").
++ Sélection des dossiers manuellement et par menu interactif (bouton "sélectionner...").
 + Édition des filtres par double-clic sur les filtres.
 + Skin de l'interface avec des images.">
diff --git a/locale/fr/asf.dtd b/locale/fr/asf.dtd
index d7ca1c0..cbb3ce3 100644
--- a/locale/fr/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr/asf.dtd
@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.desktop.label "Bureau">
 <!ENTITY asf.systemdownload.label "Téléchargements">
 <!ENTITY asf.filteredfolder.label "Défini par les filtres">
-<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "Si le dossier "Téléchargements" n'existe pas, l'explorateur de fichier s'affichera.">
+<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "Si le dossier "Téléchargements" n'existe pas, l'explorateur de fichier s'affichera.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox2.label "Fenêtre de sauvegarde">
-<!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Valider automatiquement la fenêtre "Que doit faire Firefox avec ce fichier ?".">
+<!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Valider automatiquement la fenêtre "Que doit faire Firefox avec ce fichier ?".">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogacceptFiltered.bool "Seulement si un filtre est trouvé">
-<!ENTITY asf.dialogacceptFiltered.tooltip "Ne valide pas automatiquement la fenêtre "Que doit faire Firefox avec ce fichier ?" si aucun filtre ne correspond.">
+<!ENTITY asf.dialogacceptFiltered.tooltip "Ne valide pas automatiquement la fenêtre "Que doit faire Firefox avec ce fichier ?" si aucun filtre ne correspond.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadio_Start.bool "Forcer le choix sur">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadioTo.label1 "Ouvrir avec">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadioTo.label2 "DownThemAll!">
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox4.label "Clic droit">
 <!ENTITY asf.userightclick.bool "Activer les filtres sur les menus">
-<!ENTITY asf.userightclick.tooltip "Active le filtrage sur les menus "Enregistrer la cible du lien sous...", "Enregistrer l'image sous..." et "Enregistrer sous... (Ctrl+S)"">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.bool "Supprimer la temporisation et activer les filtres sur le menu clic-droit "Enregistrer la cible du lien sous...".">
+<!ENTITY asf.userightclick.tooltip "Active le filtrage sur les menus "Enregistrer la cible du lien sous...", "Enregistrer l'image sous..." et "Enregistrer sous... (Ctrl+S)"">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.bool "Supprimer la temporisation et activer les filtres sur le menu clic-droit "Enregistrer la cible du lien sous...".">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip1 "Supprimer la temporisation empêche Firefox de lire le nom du fichier cible lors d'un téléchargement avec redirection, mais permet à Automatic Save Folder de fonctionner.">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip2 "Désactivez temporairement cette option si vous souhaitez que Firefox lise correctement le nom du fichier fourni par l'entête (plus de filtrage possible).">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip3 "Seuls les scripts de téléchargement avec redirection de fichier sont concernés.">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip4 "Note : Cette option n'a pas d'effet sur les menus "Enregistrer l'image sous..." ni "Enregistrer sous... (Ctrl+S)".">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "La fonction clic-droit d'automatic save folder n'est pas compatible avec Firefox 2. Si vous souhaitez utiliser les filtres sur les téléchargements en utilisant le menu clic-droit "Enregistrer la cible du lien sous...", vous devrez utiliser au minimum Firefox version 3.0 (Version 3.5 ou plus conseillée).">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "L'extension Download Sort à été détectée. &NL;La fonction clic-droit d'Automatic Save Folder est temporairement indisponible. Désactivez l'extension Download Sort dans le menu "Outils/Modules complémentaires..." afin de pouvoir utiliser le clic-droit avec Automatic Save Folder.">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip4 "Note : Cette option n'a pas d'effet sur les menus "Enregistrer l'image sous..." ni "Enregistrer sous... (Ctrl+S)".">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "La fonction clic-droit d'automatic save folder n'est pas compatible avec Firefox 2. Si vous souhaitez utiliser les filtres sur les téléchargements en utilisant le menu clic-droit "Enregistrer la cible du lien sous...", vous devrez utiliser au minimum Firefox version 3.0 (Version 3.5 ou plus conseillée).">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "L'extension Download Sort à été détectée. &NL;La fonction clic-droit d'Automatic Save Folder est temporairement indisponible. Désactivez l'extension Download Sort dans le menu "Outils/Modules complémentaires..." afin de pouvoir utiliser le clic-droit avec Automatic Save Folder.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox5.label "Interface graphique">
 <!ENTITY asf.pathlist_defaultforceontop.bool "Dans les menus déroulants, afficher en premier le chemin d'enregistrement par défaut.">
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.rowmatchinghighlight.system "Couleur système">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox6.label "DownThemAll!">
-<!ENTITY asf.options.dtaDetected.label "Automatic Save Folder a détecté que vous utilisez l'extension DownThemAll!.&NL;Automatic Save Folder peut envoyer le dossier de destination filtré à DownThemAll! lorsque vous utilisez la fenêtre de sauvegarde "Que doit faire Firefox avec ce fichier ?".&NL;&NL;Note : Cette option est désactivée lorsque vous utilisez le mode Navigation Privée.">
+<!ENTITY asf.options.dtaDetected.label "Automatic Save Folder a détecté que vous utilisez l'extension DownThemAll!.&NL;Automatic Save Folder peut envoyer le dossier de destination filtré à DownThemAll! lorsque vous utilisez la fenêtre de sauvegarde "Que doit faire Firefox avec ce fichier ?".&NL;&NL;Note : Cette option est désactivée lorsque vous utilisez le mode Navigation Privée.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_ASFtoDTA_isActive.bool "Activer l'envoi du dossier filtré par Automatic Save Folder à DownThemAll!.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_chooseSendingMethod.label "Choix de la méthode d'envoi pour DTA OneClick!:">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_methodReplace.label "Remplacer le premier dossier de la liste">
diff --git a/locale/fr/help.dtd b/locale/fr/help.dtd
index fb3a3e6..f96bdc1 100644
--- a/locale/fr/help.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr/help.dtd
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.title "Les règles à suivre">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule1 "Les filtres sont définis à l'aide du nom et du domaine d'hébergement du fichier.">
-<!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule2 "Les filtres doivent contenir le texte correspondant au nom de fichier ou de domaine. Par exemple n'indiquez pas <strong>"google.fr"</strong> mais simplement <strong>google.fr</strong> (sans les guillemets).">
+<!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule2 "Les filtres doivent contenir le texte correspondant au nom de fichier ou de domaine. Par exemple n'indiquez pas <strong>"google.fr"</strong> mais simplement <strong>google.fr</strong> (sans les guillemets).">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule3 "Vous pouvez utiliser le caractère <strong>*</strong> (astérisque) pour remplacer une partie du filtre : <strong>wiki*.org</strong>">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule4 "L'astérisque n'est pas nécessaire en début et fin de filtre. Écrire <strong>*wiki*</strong> ou <strong>wiki</strong> revient au même. (Les astérisques sont ajoutés automatiquement en début et fin de filtre lors de l'enregistrement)">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule5 "Tout comme les extensions de fichier : <strong>*.zip</strong> ou <strong>.zip</strong> fonctionnent de la même manière.">
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 <!ENTITY info.howtouse.text2 "Pour une plus grande souplesse, Automatic Save Folder accepte aussi les expressions régulières.">
 <!ENTITY info.howtouse.text3 "Pour plus de renseignements sur les expressions régulières, reportez-vous au menu d'aide présent dans la fenêtre d'ajout et d'édition des filtres, aussi disponible sur le site de l'extension ou sur le site http://www.regular-expressions.info/ (en anglais).">
-<!ENTITY info.howtouse.text4 "Des variables dynamiques sont à votre dispositions afin de créer des dossiers spécifiques lors de l'enregistrement, suivant la date du jour ou les noms de fichier et de domaine. <br />Reportez vous à l'onglet "Dossiers dynamiques" pour la liste des balises.">
+<!ENTITY info.howtouse.text4 "Des variables dynamiques sont à votre dispositions afin de créer des dossiers spécifiques lors de l'enregistrement, suivant la date du jour ou les noms de fichier et de domaine. <br />Reportez vous à l'onglet "Dossiers dynamiques" pour la liste des balises.">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.title "Voici quelques exemples de filtres simples">
@@ -43,32 +43,32 @@
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text2 "Pour classer tous les nighlty build de firefox dans un sous-dossier de D:\Téléchargements\firefox :">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text3 "D:\Téléchargements\firefox\nightly\%Y%-%m%-%d%">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text4 "L'extension créera un sous-dossier nommé avec la date du jour, par exemple "2009-04-12", dans lequel sera enregistré votre fichier.">
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text4 "L'extension créera un sous-dossier nommé avec la date du jour, par exemple "2009-04-12", dans lequel sera enregistré votre fichier.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text5 "Pour classer un fichier suivant son extension :">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text6 "D:\Téléchargements\%asf_x%">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text7 "L'extension créera un sous-dossier nommé "zip" pour les fichier .zip, "rar" pour les .rar, etc. dans lequel sera enregistré votre fichier.">
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text7 "L'extension créera un sous-dossier nommé "zip" pour les fichier .zip, "rar" pour les .rar, etc. dans lequel sera enregistré votre fichier.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text8 "Pour classer les programmes d'installation de Firefox dans des dossiers portant le numéro de version">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text9 "D:\Téléchargements\Firefox\$1f">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text10 "Lors de la vérification, les parenthèses ne sont pas prises en compte, et le filtre se comporte comme s'il s'agissait de "Firefox Setup *.exe"<br />
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text10 "Lors de la vérification, les parenthèses ne sont pas prises en compte, et le filtre se comporte comme s'il s'agissait de "Firefox Setup *.exe"<br />
 $1f correspond au contenu de la 1ere parenthèse du filtre sur le nom de fichier, soit le numéro de version <br />
- Le fichier "Firefox Setup 3.5.4.exe" sera donc enregistré dans le répertoire D:\Téléchargements\Firefox\3.5.4\">
+ Le fichier "Firefox Setup 3.5.4.exe" sera donc enregistré dans le répertoire D:\Téléchargements\Firefox\3.5.4\">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text11 "Pour créer ou non des sous-dossiers différents suivant le contenu du nom de fichier :">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text12 "Exemple de consignes : Nous souhaitons télécharger des vidéos nommées "Mes_vacances_date-du-séjour.avi".<br />
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text12 "Exemple de consignes : Nous souhaitons télécharger des vidéos nommées "Mes_vacances_date-du-séjour.avi".<br />
 Les vidéos comportent des sous-titres .srt pour expliquer le voyage, des fichiers .zip sont également disponibles contenant des photos du séjour, les vidéos peuvent être distribuées en .avi, .torrent ou .nzb (newsgroup).<br />
-<br />Les ".avi" et ".srt" devront aller dans le dossier D:\video\vacances. <br />
-Les ".zip", ".torrent" et ".nzb" devront aller respectivement dans leur sous-dossier D:\video\vacances\zip, D:\video\vacances\torrent et D:\video\vacances\nzb.">
+<br />Les ".avi" et ".srt" devront aller dans le dossier D:\video\vacances. <br />
+Les ".zip", ".torrent" et ".nzb" devront aller respectivement dans leur sous-dossier D:\video\vacances\zip, D:\video\vacances\torrent et D:\video\vacances\nzb.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text13 "/^Mes_vacances.*\.(avi|srt|zip|torrent|nzb)$/">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text14 "D:\video\vacances\%asf_rf%(zip|torrent|nzb)$%asf_rf%">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text15 "Explication du filtrage :<br />
-Le filtre sera déclenché pour tous les fichiers commençant par "Mes_vacances" et terminant par une des extensions possibles (avi, srt, zip, torrent ou nzb).<br />
-Le dossier créé dépendra du filtrage : La balise %asf_rf% analyse le nom du fichier téléchargé avec l'expression régulière contenue entre les deux balises : Si le fichier comporte "zip", "torrent" ou "nzb" en fin de nom, la portion capturée par l'expression régulière sert à créer le sous-dossier.<br />
+Le filtre sera déclenché pour tous les fichiers commençant par "Mes_vacances" et terminant par une des extensions possibles (avi, srt, zip, torrent ou nzb).<br />
+Le dossier créé dépendra du filtrage : La balise %asf_rf% analyse le nom du fichier téléchargé avec l'expression régulière contenue entre les deux balises : Si le fichier comporte "zip", "torrent" ou "nzb" en fin de nom, la portion capturée par l'expression régulière sert à créer le sous-dossier.<br />
 Si aucune de ses trois extensions n'est trouvée, l'expression régulière ne renvoie rien, et aucun sous-dossier n'est créé, les fichiers seront téléchargé dans D:\video\vacances\">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text16 "Note : Vous pouvez placer autant de balises que vous le souhaitez dans le chemin d'enregistrement.<br /> Le filtre aurait pu être :">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text17 "D:\video\%asf_rf%(vacances|mariage)%asf_rf%\%asf_rf%(zip|torrent|nzb)$%asf_rf%<br />
-Dans ce cas, le premier sous-dossier "vacances" est crée uniquement si le nom de fichier contient "vacances".">
+Dans ce cas, le premier sous-dossier "vacances" est crée uniquement si le nom de fichier contient "vacances".">
 <!-- Bellow is the page which appear on first install, and on important updates -->
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ Veuillez lire ce message attentivement afin d'éventuellement modifier vos param
 Cette page s'affiche lors de la 1ère installation, et lorsque des changements importants doivent vous être signalés.">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.title.importantupdates "Mises à jour importantes :">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.title.firstinstall "1ère installation et rappel :">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.fullupdatelist "Pour la liste complète des changements, veuillez vous reporter à l'onglet "À propos..." dans les préférences d'Automatic Save Folder.">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.title.firstinstall "Première installation et rappel :">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.fullupdatelist "Pour la liste complète des changements, veuillez vous reporter à l'onglet "À propos..." dans les préférences d'Automatic Save Folder.">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.steps "Pour que cette extension fonctionne, <b>vous devez paramétrer correctement Firefox</b> et Automatic Save Folder.<br />
 Trois étapes sont essentielles, si le filtrage ne fonctionne pas, veuillez re-vérifier chacune de ces étapes :">
@@ -89,36 +89,36 @@ Trois étapes sont essentielles, si le filtrage ne fonctionne pas, veuillez re-v
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.step2 "Étape 2 : Automatic Save Folder">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.step3 "Étape 3 : Pendant le téléchargement">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text1 "Le filtrage sur les téléchargements normaux (simple clic, ou téléchargement automatique) ne fonctionne que si la fenêtre de téléchargement "Que doit faire Firefox avec ce fichier ?" s'affiche :">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text1 "Le filtrage sur les téléchargements normaux (simple clic, ou téléchargement automatique) ne fonctionne que si la fenêtre de téléchargement "Que doit faire Firefox avec ce fichier ?" s'affiche :">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. Take a screen of the 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window (you can resize the picture if you find it a little too big) -->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict1 "screen_save_fr.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text2 "Par conséquent, vérifiez que Firefox ne lance pas un traitement différent sur le fichier empêchant la fenêtre de s'afficher en suivant ces instructions :">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text3 "Allez dans le menu "Outils" de Firefox puis "Options...".">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text4 "- Pour les utilisateurs de Firefox 3 : Allez sur l'onglet "Applications".
-  <br />- Pour les utilisateurs d'une version précédente : Allez sur l'onglet "Contenu" puis cliquez sur le bouton "Gérer...".">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text5 "Vérifiez que l'extension de fichier que vous souhaitez télécharger soit bien positionnée sur "Toujours demander".">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text3 "Allez dans le menu "Outils" de Firefox puis "Options...".">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text4 "- Pour les utilisateurs de Firefox 3 : Allez sur l'onglet "Applications".
+  <br />- Pour les utilisateurs d'une version précédente : Allez sur l'onglet "Contenu" puis cliquez sur le bouton "Gérer...".">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text5 "Vérifiez que l'extension de fichier que vous souhaitez télécharger soit bien positionnée sur "Toujours demander".">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. Take firefox/tools/option/application tab/ and show an 'always ask' selected -->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict2 "screen_apps_fr.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text6 "Choisissez un mode de sauvegarde dans les préférence de Firefox, onglet général :<br />
-- Enregistrer le fichier dans le dossier... : Firefox sauvegardera le fichier automatiquement sans ouvrir l'explorateur de fichiers.<br />
-- Toujours demander où enregistrer les fichier : Firefox affiche la fenêtre d'explorateur de fichiers afin de pouvoir renommer ou changer l'emplacement de sauvegarde manuellement.">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict3 "screen_apps_fr.png">
+- "Enregistrer les fichiers dans le dossier" : Firefox sauvegardera les téléchargements automatiquement dans le dossier spécifié sans ouvrir l'explorateur de fichiers.<br />
+- "Toujours demander où enregistrer les fichiers" : Firefox affiche la fenêtre d'explorateur de fichiers afin de pouvoir renommer ou changer l'emplacement de sauvegarde manuellement.">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict3 "screen_main_fr.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.text1 "Si vous décidez de ne pas utiliser l'explorateur de fichier, Firefox enregistrera automatiquement vos fichiers <br />
 soit dans un dossier de téléchargement spécifique à votre système d'exploitation, soit directement sur votre bureau.<br />
-N'oubliez pas de sélectionner "Défini par les filtres" pour que Firefox utilise les dossiers de vos filtres.">
+N'oubliez pas de sélectionner "Défini par les filtres" pour que Firefox utilise les dossiers de vos filtres.">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. Take ASF pref/options/page1 to show the 'Set by filters' selected menu -->
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.pict1 "screen-asf102-setbyfilters_fr.png">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.pict1 "screen_asf102-setbyfilters_fr.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.text2 "L'ordre de vos filtre à aussi une grande importance !<br />
 La vérification s'effectue de haut en bas, et s'arrete dès qu'un filtre correspond au fichier téléchargé.<br />
 Pensez à bien organiser vos filtres en les déplaçant avec les flèches situé sur le coté droit de l'onglet des filtres, ou en attrapant les filtres avec votre souris.">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.save.text1 "Vous devez veillez à ce que Firefox vous propose toujours ce qu'il doit faire du fichier que vous êtes en train de télécharger.<br />
-Par conséquent, <b style='color:red;'>il ne faut pas cocher</b> "Toujours effectuer cette action pour ce type de fichier".<br />
+Par conséquent, <b style='color:red;'>il ne faut pas cocher</b> "Toujours effectuer cette action pour ce type de fichier".<br />
 Si cela devait arriver, revérifiez l'étape 1.">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. this is a screen of 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window, like firstinstall.Firefox.pict1, but with "Do this automatically for files like this from now." shown unchecked-->
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.save.pict1 "screen-savedialog-alwaysdothis_fr.png">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.save.pict1 "screen_savedialog-alwaysdothis_fr.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.moreinfo.text1  "Pour plus de renseignements sur l'utilisation de l'extension et la création des filtres, un onglet d'aide est disponible dans l'extension.">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.moreinfo.text2  "Un forum d'aide est aussi à votre disposition sur le site officiel :">
@@ -128,3 +128,4 @@ Si cela devait arriver, revérifiez l'étape 1.">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.2 "Envoi du dossier filtré à DownThemAll!">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.3 "Import/export des filtres.">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.4 "Suppression des slashs aux extrémités des filtres utilisant les expressions régulières.">
+<!ENTITY importantupdates.102.5 "Note : Afin de pouvoir faire évoluer Automatic Save Folder, cette version est la dernière compatible avec les anciennes versions de firefox (1.5, 2.0 et 3.0).">
diff --git a/locale/fr/regexp.dtd b/locale/fr/regexp.dtd
index 51f69f0..246f0a1 100644
--- a/locale/fr/regexp.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr/regexp.dtd
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ Le ? correspond à l'expression régulière {0,1}<br />
 Nov(embre)? = Nov(embre){0,1}<br />
 <br />
 Le caractère * suivi d'un ? permet de rendre le * fénéant au lieu d'avare, exemple :<br />
-Les données : "C'est un test"<br />
-Filtre 1 : "t.*t" capturera du premier au dernier T, soit "t un test", l'astérisque est avare et capture le plus de lettres possibles.<br />
-Filtre 2 : "t.*?t" ne capturera cependant que le premier groupe de T, c'est à dire "t un t", l'astérisque est fénéante et la capture s'arrete au premier résultat rencontré (de gauche à droite).">
+Les données : "C'est un test"<br />
+Filtre 1 : "t.*t" capturera du premier au dernier T, soit "t un test", l'astérisque est avare et capture le plus de lettres possibles.<br />
+Filtre 2 : "t.*?t" ne capturera cependant que le premier groupe de T, c'est à dire "t un t", l'astérisque est fénéante et la capture s'arrete au premier résultat rencontré (de gauche à droite).">
 <!ENTITY The.bracket.title "Les crochets [ ]">
 <!ENTITY The.bracket.text "Les crochets [ ] servent à définir une plage ou un groupe de caractères possibles.<br />
diff --git a/locale/fr/variables.dtd b/locale/fr/variables.dtd
index 4af6e22..72f3628 100644
--- a/locale/fr/variables.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr/variables.dtd
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@
 <!ENTITY asf_D "Domaine d'hébergement. (Sans http://)">
 <!ENTITY asf_F "Nom du fichier complet.">
 <!ENTITY asf_Fx "Nom du fichier sans l'extension.">
-<!ENTITY asf_d "Champs "Domaine" du filtre utilisé. (Les caractères incompatibles seront supprimés. Si aucun filtre n'est trouvé, le domaine courant est utilisé)">
-<!ENTITY asf_f "Champs "Nom de fichier" du filtre utilisé. (Les caractères incompatibles seront supprimés. Si aucun filtre n'est trouvé, le nom du fichier courant est utilisé)">
+<!ENTITY asf_d "Champs "Domaine" du filtre utilisé. (Les caractères incompatibles seront supprimés. Si aucun filtre n'est trouvé, le domaine courant est utilisé)">
+<!ENTITY asf_f "Champs "Nom de fichier" du filtre utilisé. (Les caractères incompatibles seront supprimés. Si aucun filtre n'est trouvé, le nom du fichier courant est utilisé)">
 <!ENTITY asf_x "Extension du fichier. (Sans le point)">
 <!ENTITY Capture.tags "Variables de capture">
 <!ENTITY number "numéro">
-<!ENTITY Capture.d "Retourne le contenu de la capture à l'aide des parenthèses présentes dans le filtre "Domaine". <numéro> correspond au numéro de la parenthèse, de 1 à 9.">
-<!ENTITY Capture.f "Retourne le contenu de la capture à l'aide des parenthèses présentes dans le filtre "Nom de fichier". <numéro> correspond au numéro de la parenthèse, de 1 à 9.">
-<!ENTITY Capture.example "Exemple, sur ce filtre :  mozilla_(firefox)_3.5.(exe), <b>$1f</b> capturera firefox, et <b>$2f</b> capturera "exe".">
+<!ENTITY Capture.d "Retourne le contenu de la capture à l'aide des parenthèses présentes dans le filtre "Domaine". [numéro] correspond au numéro de la parenthèse, de 1 à 9.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.f "Retourne le contenu de la capture à l'aide des parenthèses présentes dans le filtre "Nom de fichier". [numéro] correspond au numéro de la parenthèse, de 1 à 9.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.example "Exemple, sur ce filtre :  mozilla_(firefox)_3.5.(exe), <b>$1f</b> capturera firefox, et <b>$2f</b> capturera "exe".">
 <!ENTITY Regexp "expression régulière">
-<!ENTITY Capture.rd "Examine le nom du domaine complet avec l'expression régulière contenue entre les deux balises <b>%asf_rd%</b> et retourne la capture de l'évaluation.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.rd "Examine le domaine avec l'expression régulière contenue entre les deux balises <b>%asf_rd%</b> et retourne la capture de l'évaluation.">
 <!ENTITY Capture.rf "Examine le nom du fichier avec l'expression régulière contenue entre les deux balises <b>%asf_rf%</b> et retourne la capture de l'évaluation.">
 <!ENTITY Attention "ATTENTION">
-<!ENTITY Attention.text "Si le résultat retourné pour le chemin d'enregistrement contient des caractères interdits (le : ou les ?"*\/<>|: sous Windows), l'extension ne fonctionnera pas. Vérifiez bien vos filtres si l'extension ne fonctionne plus.">
\ No newline at end of file
+<!ENTITY Attention.text "Si le résultat retourné pour le chemin d'enregistrement contient des caractères interdits (le : ou les ?"*\/<>|: sous Windows), l'extension ne fonctionnera pas. Vérifiez bien vos filtres si l'extension ne fonctionne plus.">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/it/about.dtd b/locale/it/about.dtd
index 7090571..745a5e2 100644
--- a/locale/it/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/it/about.dtd
@@ -27,45 +27,46 @@
 + If DownThemAll add-on is installed, a new option's tab is available to send ASF target path to DTA.
 + Added an option to select if the filters are case sensitive or insensitive.
 + New options related to Graphical User Interface.
-+ Added a Drag&Drop Copy method (ie. drag+Ctrl on Windows).
++ Added a Drag&Drop Copy method (ie. Ctrl+drag on Windows).
 + Print filter's and process informations to the error console when downloading a file. (Disabled if Firefox is in PrivateBrowsing mode)
 + checking and update for beta versions. The internal update feature is working only on Firefox 4.
 + New menu to import and export preferences and filters.
 + A help page will now open after the first install and when there's important messages after an update.
++ Localization : sv-SE
 - Removed the need of the slashes around a regular expression's filters.
 * It's now possible to choose which domain type are used for the filtering process, and personalize the verification order (domain only, full URL, from the file or the current tab).
 * %asf_f% now uses full filename with extension if no filter match.
 * %asf_d% now uses domain without the protocol if no filter match.
-! Fixed a bug where no data was returned if a download was initiated from the URL bar or from an external software which resulted in no filters in the filter's list if the preferences window was opened from the saving dialog "+ Add or edit a filter". (Thanks to MrCOLOMBO)
+! Fixed a bug where no data was returned if a download was initiated from the URL bar or from an external software which resulted in no filters in the filter's list if the preferences window was opened from the saving dialog "+ Add or edit a filter". (Thanks to MrCOLOMBO)
 ! Fixed the dynamic folder creation for the first filter in the list. (Thanks to Googer)
-Note : In order to develop Automatic Save Folder further, this version is the last compatible with Firefox 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0.">
+Note: In order to develop Automatic Save Folder further, this version is the last compatible with older Firefox versions (1.5, 2.0 and 3.0).">
 <!ENTITY about.version.101 "! Fixed a spelling error preventing ASF to work when no filter matched.
 ! Added a missing Russian string on the filter's tab.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.100 "+ Add filtering on Right-Click menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as...(Ctrl+S)"
+<!ENTITY about.version.100 "+ Add filtering on Right-Click menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as...(Ctrl+S)"
   (Need at least Firefox 2.0 and is not compatible with Download Sort add-on. If you have both activated, Download Sort prevails)
 + ASF is now working with Private browsing, and will prevent saving any data to Firefox preferences.
   Two things to note which change ASF behavior: 1) The previous hosted domain will not be updated, and 2) If the destination folder doesn't exist it will not be created or suggested, and the last working folder from non private mode will be used instead.
 + Add dynamic variables %F% for the month name, and %M% for the abbreviated one.
 + Add dynamic variables for weeks: Week number %W%, Day of the week %w%, %l% or %D%
-+ Make Windows and Mac OSX works with Firefox option "browser.preferences.instantApply" to save the filters right after a modification (Option by default on Linux)
++ Make Windows and Mac OSX works with Firefox option "browser.preferences.instantApply" to save the filters right after a modification (Option by default on Linux)
 + Add Drag and Drop feature on the filter's listing to set filter's order quickly.
-+ Add a proper way to select Firefox saving option ("Always ask" or "Save to"), and select which folder manually instead of forcing it to Userchoice (browser.downlod.folderList=2)
-+ Add an option to automatically accept the "what would Firefox need to do with this file?" dialog windows (User requested). Use it with "Do not prompt the File explorer" option for even better efficiency.
++ Add a proper way to select Firefox saving option ("Always ask" or "Save to"), and select which folder manually instead of forcing it to Userchoice (browser.downlod.folderList=2)
++ Add an option to automatically accept the "what would Firefox need to do with this file?" dialog windows (User requested). Use it with "Do not prompt the File explorer" option for even better efficiency.
 + Add an option to choose if you want to use the current website URL to verify the filters if the file's hosted domain doesn't match.
 + Display ASF icon on the add-ons manager even on disabled state, instead of the green puzzle piece (Firefox 3.6+)
 + Added a display option to show or hide the ASF option box, and set the box name clickable to show/hide the ASF option box content.
 + Added row coloration to see the matching filters according to the current downloaded file if the preferences window is opened from the saving window. Matching and enabled  = green, Matching but disabled = red.
 * On the download dialog's drop-down menu: Sort path list alphabetically, remove duplicates, and made them working with dynamic renaming folder if option enabled.
-* Separated the "informations" tab in two other tabs "Help" and "About...".
+* Separated the "informations" tab in two other tabs "Help" and "About...".
 * Added tooltips instead of help text bellow each options (has some issues with Firefox2).
-* On the download dialog, disable the suggested folders if the "What should Firefox do with this file?" group's option is not set to "Save File"
+* On the download dialog, disable the suggested folders if the "What should Firefox do with this file?" group's option is not set to "Save File"
 * Added a drop-down menu on the Add&Edit window for quick access to the folders already added from the available filter's list.
 ! Correct links to Mozilla website, which were forced to the French page.
 ! Correct the filter's checking when Dynamic folder creation is enabled
-! Prevent an exception when "use current website URL" option is enabled and the address bar doesn't contain an URL.
+! Prevent an exception when "use current website URL" option is enabled and the address bar doesn't contain an URL.
   Happened with redirection download script and Firefox closing the new empty popup window, or using middle mouse-button click on a link.
 ! When using instantApply, the suggested filters weren't refreshed after closing the preference window.
 ! Fixed a bug where sub-options were auto unchecked visually but not saved when using instantApply feature.
@@ -84,13 +85,13 @@ Other updates :
 + [Sperimentale] Per facilitare l'uso quando il dominio hostato è random (es. per scaricare firefox su mozilla.org):
   Controllare i filtri con l'URI corrente se il dominio hostato non corrisponde.
   Attenzione all'ordine dei filtri: Prima viene controllato il file del dominio, dopo l'indirizzo  del sito corrente.
-  I dati usati per selezionare il dominio come "precedente" è ancora uno dei file hostati sul dominio.
+  I dati usati per selezionare il dominio come "precedente" è ancora uno dei file hostati sul dominio.
 + Limitata la larghezza della finestra di salvataggio (Grazie a Julien)
 + Aggiunta l'opzione per mostrare un menu con la lista nella finestra di salvataggio per selezionare la cartella di salvataggio da tale lista. 
-* Cambiato il modo in cui i link nella finestra "about..." funzionano. Adesso apriranno un nuovo tab.
+* Cambiato il modo in cui i link nella finestra "about..." funzionano. Adesso apriranno un nuovo tab.
 * Finetra e menu pi grandi per una visibilità migliore.
 * Codice semplificato per muovere i filtri su e giu.
-* Codice semplificato per il caricamento e l'autocompletamento dei dati nella finestra "aggiungi".
+* Codice semplificato per il caricamento e l'autocompletamento dei dati nella finestra "aggiungi".
 * Migliore visibilità: Tutte le finestra possono essere ridimensionate e il contenuto verrà aggiusato di conseguenza.
 * Script riscritto completamente per usare namespace Globa (chiesto da mozilla.com per pubblicare l'estensione)
 * Codice scritto in modo più chiaro e con commenti.
@@ -100,18 +101,18 @@ Other updates :
 <!ENTITY about.version.092 "*Compatibilià con i temi: Adesso vengono usati i colori di default, tutto il testo dovrebbe essere visibile correttamente.
  Le immagini sono state aggiornate in modo da rimanere visibili sui temi scuri.
-! Correzione per Vista: Forzata la variabile browser.download.folderList a "2" quando si apre la finestra delle preferenze di ASF.
-! Corretta la colonna "attiva", i filtri non potevano essere temporaneamente attivati o disattivati.">
+! Correzione per Vista: Forzata la variabile browser.download.folderList a "2" quando si apre la finestra delle preferenze di ASF.
+! Corretta la colonna "attiva", i filtri non potevano essere temporaneamente attivati o disattivati.">
 <!ENTITY about.version.091 "+ Traduzione italiana di Scognito.
 + Aggiunto un radio menu mentre si salva, che permette all'utente di scegliere velocemente fra le ultime due cartelle.
   La seconda scelta compare solamente se è diversa dalla prima.
-* Nascosta l'opzione "Ha effetto su 'salva come...'" su Firefox 3, questa opzione è usata automaticamente.
-* Rimosso il popup "Aggiungi un filtro" mentre si salva. Ha creato il problema del focus e un errore sul posizionamento della finestra.
+* Nascosta l'opzione "Ha effetto su 'salva come...'" su Firefox 3, questa opzione è usata automaticamente.
+* Rimosso il popup "Aggiungi un filtro" mentre si salva. Ha creato il problema del focus e un errore sul posizionamento della finestra.
   Il collegamento è ancora qui e apre la finestra principale per permettere all'utente di aggiungere o modificare filtri.
   Mentre si aggiunge un filtro usando questo collegamento, il campo verrà inserito automaticamente riempito col nome del file corrente e col dominio.
 * Risolto il doppio click sui filtri. Adesso i campi non sono editabili su Firefox 3.
-! Corretto un bug dello script sulla verifica del filtro mentre "Usa l'ultima cartella" era selezionata (grazie a Carsten)
+! Corretto un bug dello script sulla verifica del filtro mentre "Usa l'ultima cartella" era selezionata (grazie a Carsten)
 ! Risolto un bug su Firefox 3 e Windows Vista: Cambiato un opzione interna di firefox che permette all'utente di usare cartelle definite. (Thanks to Carsten)
   (browser.download.folderList = 2) Su Windows Vista, il valore è settato a 1.
   I possibili valori sono: 0 = desktop ; 1 = cartella di download predefinita; 2 = scelta utente.
@@ -125,16 +126,16 @@ Other updates :
   Problema noto: Può capitare un problema di focus mentre si chiude il pannelo dei filtri.
 - Tolta l'opzione per attivare o disattivare l'estensione. Per disabilitarla temporaneamente, usa il gestore delle estensioni.
 * Nuovo modo di controllare i filtri (addEventlistener invece di OnLoad), per una migliore compatibilità con altre estensioni.
-! Corretta la colonna per filtro "Attivo" che non era nascosta correttamente.">
+! Corretta la colonna per filtro "Attivo" che non era nascosta correttamente.">
 <!ENTITY about.version.087 "+ Compatibile con Firefox 3.0 beta (giusto qualche cambiamento sullo script).
-* Il bottone Invio ha effetto sui vari pulsanti (Ok, Aggiungi, Modifica). Nelle precedenti versioni era sul pulsante "Cancel".
+* Il bottone Invio ha effetto sui vari pulsanti (Ok, Aggiungi, Modifica). Nelle precedenti versioni era sul pulsante "Cancel".
 ! 1 versioni per Windows e Linux (e forse Mac ? Perfavore qualcuno potrebbe testare ?)">
-<!ENTITY about.version.086fix "* Cambiati i bottoni "OK" che non comparivano nel menu principale su Linux.
+<!ENTITY about.version.086fix "* Cambiati i bottoni "OK" che non comparivano nel menu principale su Linux.
-Su Linux, c'è solo il bottone "chiudi" e i bottoni di controllo sono salvati automaticamente quando richiesto dall'utente. Sfortunatamente l'array Table non è salvato in questo processo.
-Ho rimosso il bottone "Accetta" e l'ho cambiato con uno fatto traimte script "Salva e chiudi".">
+Su Linux, c'è solo il bottone "chiudi" e i bottoni di controllo sono salvati automaticamente quando richiesto dall'utente. Sfortunatamente l'array Table non è salvato in questo processo.
+Ho rimosso il bottone "Accetta" e l'ho cambiato con uno fatto traimte script "Salva e chiudi".">
 <!ENTITY about.version.086 "* Correzioni di parole e frasi. Grazie al commento di Goofy di Mozilla.org.">
@@ -152,12 +153,12 @@ Ho rimosso il bottone "Accetta" e l'ho cambiato con uno fatto traimte sc
 + Aggiunta l'opzione per impostare il percorso del menu salva pagina Web (File, salva pagina con nome...)">
 <!ENTITY about.version.081 "* Selezione cartella: La finestra della selezione della cartella si basa sulla cartella scelta precedentemente. Prima si apriva su una cartella a caso tra: documents and settings, desktop o la cartella dell'utente.
-* Restrizioni sulla selezione della cartella: tolta la possibilità di scrivere il percorso manualmente, adesso solo il bottone "Seleziona..." è valido per la selezione della cartella di destinazione.">
+* Restrizioni sulla selezione della cartella: tolta la possibilità di scrivere il percorso manualmente, adesso solo il bottone "Seleziona..." è valido per la selezione della cartella di destinazione.">
 <!ENTITY about.version.080 "Funzioni:
 + Filtri ordinati per priorità (opzioni per muovere i filtri su e giu)
 + Funziona con filtri normali, wildcard e RegExp.
-+ La cartella si puà selezionare manualmente o col bottone "Seleziona".
++ La cartella si puà selezionare manualmente o col bottone "Seleziona".
 + Modifica di un filtro tramite doppio click sulla lista dei filtri.
 + Skin della GUI con immagini.">
diff --git a/locale/it/asf.dtd b/locale/it/asf.dtd
index 9501efe..63e239b 100644
--- a/locale/it/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/it/asf.dtd
@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.desktop.label "Desktop">
 <!ENTITY asf.systemdownload.label "Downloads">
 <!ENTITY asf.filteredfolder.label "Set by the filters">
-<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "If the "Downloads" folder doesn't exist, the file explorer will be shown.">
+<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "If the "Downloads" folder doesn't exist, the file explorer will be shown.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox2.label "Save dialog">
-<!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Automatically accept the "What should Firefox do with this file" dialog windows.">
+<!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Automatically accept the "What should Firefox do with this file" dialog windows.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogacceptFiltered.bool "Only if a filter is found">
-<!ENTITY asf.dialogacceptFiltered.tooltip "Will not automatically accept the "What should Firefox do with this file" dialog windows if no filter matches.">
+<!ENTITY asf.dialogacceptFiltered.tooltip "Will not automatically accept the "What should Firefox do with this file" dialog windows if no filter matches.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadio_Start.bool "Force the radio choice to">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadioTo.label1 "Open with">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadioTo.label2 "DownThemAll!">
@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox4.label "Right-click">
 <!ENTITY asf.userightclick.bool "Use the filters on the menus">
-<!ENTITY asf.userightclick.tooltip "Enable the filters on the menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as... (Ctrl+S)"">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.bool "Remove the timing delay and activate the filtering on the right-click menu "Save link as..."">
+<!ENTITY asf.userightclick.tooltip "Enable the filters on the menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as... (Ctrl+S)"">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.bool "Remove the timing delay and activate the filtering on the right-click menu "Save link as..."">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip1 "Removing the timing delay prevent Firefox to read the file's target name if it is from a redirection download, but allow Automatic Save Folder to work.">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip2 "Temporarily disable this feature if you want Firefox to read the filename provided by the header (no filter available anymore).">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip3 "Only download scripts with file redirection are affected.">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip4 "Note: This option doesn't affect the menus "Save image as..." nor "Save as... (Ctrl+S)".">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "The Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature is not available on Firefox 2. If you want to use the filters on your downloads using the right-click menu "Save link as", you should update your Firefox version to 3.0 minimum (recommended version 3.5 or more).">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip4 "Note: This option doesn't affect the menus "Save image as..." nor "Save as... (Ctrl+S)".">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "The Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature is not available on Firefox 2. If you want to use the filters on your downloads using the right-click menu "Save link as", you should update your Firefox version to 3.0 minimum (recommended version 3.5 or more).">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "Download sort extension has been detected. &NL;Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature will not work until you disable Download Sort in your Extension manager.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox5.label "Graphical inerface">
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.rowmatchinghighlight.system "System color">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox6.label "DownThemAll!">
-<!ENTITY asf.options.dtaDetected.label "Automatic Save Folder has detected that you are using DownThemAll! add-on. &NL;Automatic Save Folder can send the filtered destination path to DownThemAll! when using the "What should firefox do with this file" saving window.&NL;&NL;Note: This option is disabled when using the Private Browsing mode.">
+<!ENTITY asf.options.dtaDetected.label "Automatic Save Folder has detected that you are using DownThemAll! add-on. &NL;Automatic Save Folder can send the filtered destination path to DownThemAll! when using the "What should firefox do with this file" saving window.&NL;&NL;Note: This option is disabled when using the Private Browsing mode.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_ASFtoDTA_isActive.bool "Enable Automatic Save Folder to send the filtered path to DownThemAll!.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_chooseSendingMethod.label "Choose the sending method for DTA OneClick!:">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_methodReplace.label "Replace first folder in list">
diff --git a/locale/it/help.dtd b/locale/it/help.dtd
index 7adc519..75f224e 100644
--- a/locale/it/help.dtd
+++ b/locale/it/help.dtd
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.title "Regole dei filtri">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule1 "I filtri sono definiti usando il nome del file e il dominio.">
-<!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule2 "I filtri devono corrispondere al nome del file o al dominio. Per esempio non scrivere <b>"google.com"</b> ma solo <b>google.com</b> (senza doppi apici)">
+<!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule2 "I filtri devono corrispondere al nome del file o al dominio. Per esempio non scrivere <b>"google.com"</b> ma solo <b>google.com</b> (senza doppi apici)">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule3 "Puoi usare i caratteri wildcard <b>*</b> (asterisco) per rimpiazzare parti del filtro: <b>wiki*.org</b>">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule4 "L'asterisco non serve all'inizio e alla fine della stringa usata come filtro. Scrivere <b>*wiki*</b> o <b>wiki</b> è la stessa cosa.">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule5 "La stessa cosa vale per il filtro sul nome file: <b>*.zip</b> o <b>.zip</b> funzionano allo stesso modo.">
@@ -38,37 +38,37 @@
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text9 "la tua cartella per tutte le versioni del programma di istallazione di Firefox">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.title "Ecco qualche esempio di variabili dinamiche e "capture":">
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.title "Ecco qualche esempio di variabili dinamiche e "capture":">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text1 "Attention : In order to work correctly, don't forget to enable the option on the Dynamic Filters tab">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text2 "Per scaricare tutte le nightly build di firefox in una sottocartella di D:\Download\firefox :">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text3 "D:\Download\firefox\nightly\%Y%-%m%-%d%">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text4 "L'estensione creerà una sottocartella chiamata con la data di quel giorno. Per esempio "2009-12-04", dove verrà salvato il file.">
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text4 "L'estensione creerà una sottocartella chiamata con la data di quel giorno. Per esempio "2009-12-04", dove verrà salvato il file.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text5 "Per scaricare un file in base alla sua estensione:">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text6 "D:\Download\%asf_x%">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text7 "L'estensione creerà una sottocartella chiamata "zip" per i file .zip, "rar" per i file .rar, etc., dove verranno salvati i file.">
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text7 "L'estensione creerà una sottocartella chiamata "zip" per i file .zip, "rar" per i file .rar, etc., dove verranno salvati i file.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text8 "To sort all the Firefox installation package inside subfolder named after the software version:">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text9 "D:\Download\Firefox\$1f">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text10 "While checking the downloaded file with the filters, the parentheses are not took in account, and the filter will act as "Firefox Setup *.exe"<br />
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text10 "While checking the downloaded file with the filters, the parentheses are not took in account, and the filter will act as "Firefox Setup *.exe"<br />
 $1f correspond to the first parenthesis content on the filter's file name, which is the version number <br />
-The file "Firefox Setup 3.5.4.exe" will be saved in the folder D:\Download\Firefox\3.5.4\">
+The file "Firefox Setup 3.5.4.exe" will be saved in the folder D:\Download\Firefox\3.5.4\">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text11 "Per creare oppure no sottocartelle differenti in base al nome del file :">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text12 "Esempio : Vogliamo salvare i video chiamati "La_mia_vacanza_data-di-viaggio.avi".<br />
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text12 "Esempio : Vogliamo salvare i video chiamati "La_mia_vacanza_data-di-viaggio.avi".<br />
 I video hanno i sottotitoli nel formato .srt per spiegare la vacanza, ci sono anche file .zip con le foto del viaggio, e i video possono escarticati con l'estensione .avi, .torrent or .nzb (newsgroup).<br />
-<br />".avi" e ".srt" andranno nella cartella D:\video\vacanza .<br />
-".zip", ".torrent" e ".nzb" andranno rispettivamente nelle sottocartelle D:\video\vacanze\zip, D:\video\vacanze\torrent and D:\video\vacanze\nzb.">
+<br />".avi" e ".srt" andranno nella cartella D:\video\vacanza .<br />
+".zip", ".torrent" e ".nzb" andranno rispettivamente nelle sottocartelle D:\video\vacanze\zip, D:\video\vacanze\torrent and D:\video\vacanze\nzb.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text13 "/^La_mia_vacanza.*\.(avi|srt|zip|torrent|nzb)$/">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text14 "D:\video\vacanza\%asf_rf%(zip|torrent|nzb)$%asf_rf%">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text15 "Spiegazione dei filtri :<br />
-I filtri saranno attivati per tutti i file che cominciano con "La_mia_vacanza" e che finiscono con l'estensione disponibili (avi, srt, zip, torrent o nzb).<br />
-La cartella creata dipenderà dal filtro: %asf_rf% analizza il nome del file scaricato con l'espressione regolare contenuta fra i due %asf_rf% : se il file finisce con "zip", "torrent" o "nzb", la parte catturata dall'espressione regolare creerà la sottocartella.<br />
+I filtri saranno attivati per tutti i file che cominciano con "La_mia_vacanza" e che finiscono con l'estensione disponibili (avi, srt, zip, torrent o nzb).<br />
+La cartella creata dipenderà dal filtro: %asf_rf% analizza il nome del file scaricato con l'espressione regolare contenuta fra i due %asf_rf% : se il file finisce con "zip", "torrent" o "nzb", la parte catturata dall'espressione regolare creerà la sottocartella.<br />
 Se nessuna di quelle estensioni non è trovata, l'espressione regolare non farà nulla, non verrà creata nessuna sottocartella e i file verranno scaricati nella cartella in D:\video\vacanze\">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text16 "Nota: Puoi mettere quanti tag vuoi per la cartella principale.<br />I filtri possono essere:">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text17 "D:\video\%asf_rf%(vacanza|matrimonio)%asf_rf%\%asf_rf%(zip|torrent|nzb)$%asf_rf%<br />
-In questo cartello, verrà creata la cartella "vacanze" verrà creata solo se il nome contiene "vacanze".">
+In questo cartello, verrà creata la cartella "vacanze" verrà creata solo se il nome contiene "vacanze".">
 <!-- Bellow is the page which appear on first install, and on important updates -->
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ Please, read this message carefully to make potential changes to your preference
 This page will only be displayed once, on first install or when important changes must be communicated.">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.title.importantupdates "Important updates:">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.title.firstinstall "1st install and reminder :">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.fullupdatelist "For the complete changelog, see the "About..." tab in Automatic Save Folder's preferences.">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.title.firstinstall "First install and reminder :">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.fullupdatelist "For the complete changelog, see the "About..." tab in Automatic Save Folder's preferences.">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.steps "In order to work, <b>you have to correctly set Firefox</b> and Automatic Save Folder's <b>preferences</b>.<br />
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.steps "In order to work, <b>you have to correctly set Firefox</b> and Automatic Save Folder's preferences.<br />
 Three steps are essentials, if the filtering doesn't work please check each of this steps again:">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.step1 "Step 1 : Firefox">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.step2 "Step 2 : Automatic Save Folder">
@@ -93,20 +93,20 @@ Three steps are essentials, if the filtering doesn't work please check each of t
 <!-- Screenshot from your language, place it in skin folder. Take a screen of the 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window (you can resize the picture if you find it a little too big)  -->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict1 "screen_save_en.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text2 "Se qualche filtro non funziona, accertartati che Firefox non usi un altro processo sul file scaricato:">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text3 "Vai sul menu "Strumenti" e "Opzioni...".">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text4 "- Per utenti di Firefox 3: vai sul tab "Applicazioni"<br />
-- Per utenti di precedenti versioni di Firefox: Vai sul tab "Contenuti" e clicca su "gestisci..." in basso a destra.">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text5 "Verifica se il file che vuoi scaricare sia impostato su "Chiedi ogni volta".">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text3 "Vai sul menu "Strumenti" e "Opzioni...".">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text4 "- Per utenti di Firefox 3: vai sul tab "Applicazioni"<br />
+- Per utenti di precedenti versioni di Firefox: Vai sul tab "Contenuti" e clicca su "gestisci..." in basso a destra.">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text5 "Verifica se il file che vuoi scaricare sia impostato su "Chiedi ogni volta".">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. Take firefox/tools/option/application tab/ and show an 'always ask' drop down selected -->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict2 "screen_apps_en.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text6 "Choose a saving method in Firefox preferences, General tab:<br />
-- Save files to : Firefox will save the file automatically to that folder without opening the files explorer.<br />
-- Always ask me where to save files : Firefox will show you the files explorer to allow you to rename the file or choose the saving folder manually.">
+- "Save files to": Firefox will save the downloads automatically into the specified folder without opening the files explorer.<br />
+- "Always ask me where to save files": Firefox will show you the files explorer which will allow you to rename the file or select another saving folder manually.">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict3 "screen-main_en.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.text1 "If you decide to go without the file explorer, Firefox will automatically save your files<br />
-Either in the download folder defined by your operating system, either on your desktop.<br />
-Do not forget to select "Set by the filters" to allow Firefox to use the filtered folders.">
+either in the download folder defined by your operating system, or on your desktop.<br />
+Do not forget to select "Set by the filters" to allow Firefox to use the filtered folders.">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. Take ASF pref/options/page1 to show the 'Set by filters' selected menu -->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.pict1 "screen-asf102-setbyfilters_en.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.text2 "Your filter's order is of a big importance!<br />
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ Remember to alway set your filters order using the arrow on the right of the fil
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.save.text1 "You must take care that Firefox will always ask you what to do with your currently downloading file.<br />
-According to this, <b style='color:red;'>you must not check</b> "Do this automatically for files like this from now on.".<br />
-If it happens, do Step 1 again.">
+According to this, <b style='color:red;'>you must not check</b> "Do this automatically for files like this from now on.".<br />
+If it ever happens, do Step 1 again.">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. This is a screen of 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window, like firstinstall.Firefox.pict1, but with 'Do this automatically for files like this from now on.' shown unchecked-->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.save.pict1 "screen-savedialog-alwaysdothis_en.png">
@@ -128,3 +128,4 @@ If it happens, do Step 1 again.">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.2 "Send the filtered folder to DownThemAll!">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.3 "Import/export the filters.">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.4 "Removed the need of the slashes around a regular expression's filters.">
+<!ENTITY importantupdates.102.5 "Note: In order to develop Automatic Save Folder further, this version is the last compatible with older Firefox versions (1.5, 2.0 and 3.0).">
diff --git a/locale/it/regexp.dtd b/locale/it/regexp.dtd
index 669474d..2b00127 100644
--- a/locale/it/regexp.dtd
+++ b/locale/it/regexp.dtd
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ g..gle corrisponde a 'google' e ad altre parole che cominciano per 'g', seguite
 'go*gle' will correspond to gogle, google, goooooooooogle, etc.<br />
 '.*' (a dot followed by an asterisk) correspond to many times any character.<br />
 .* used alone will match all the filter's domain name or the filter's file name,
-so this is what is used when you select "All" in the filter creation window.">
+so this is what is used when you select "All" in the filter creation window.">
 <!ENTITY The.caret.title "Il simbolo ^">
 <!ENTITY The.caret.text "^ significa all'inizio della stringa (^http indica solo l'occorrenza all'inizio. Va bene per  http://test.com ma non per ftp://http_test.com)<br />
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ The question mark is a shortcut of the regular expression {0,1}<br />
 Nov(ember)? = Nov(ember){0,1}<br />
 <br />
 The question mark is also used to transform a Regular expression state from greedy (default) to lazy, example :<br />
-The data : "This is a test"<br />
-Filter 1 : "t.*t" will capture from the first to the last T, in other word all the string "This is a test", the asterisk tag is greedy and matches the more characters he can find.<br />
-Filter 2 : "t.*?t" will capture from the first T to the first encountered T folowing it, it will return "This is a t", the asterisk is now lazy and stops at the first occurence it finds (from left to right).">
+The data : "This is a test"<br />
+Filter 1 : "t.*t" will capture from the first to the last T, in other word all the string "This is a test", the asterisk tag is greedy and matches the more characters he can find.<br />
+Filter 2 : "t.*?t" will capture from the first T to the first encountered T folowing it, it will return "This is a t", the asterisk is now lazy and stops at the first occurence it finds (from left to right).">
 <!ENTITY The.bracket.title "Le parentesi quadre [ ]">
 <!ENTITY The.bracket.text "Le parentesi quadre [ ] sono utili per definire una corrispondenza di molti caratteri.<br />
diff --git a/locale/it/variables.dtd b/locale/it/variables.dtd
index a9e8e62..f459220 100644
--- a/locale/it/variables.dtd
+++ b/locale/it/variables.dtd
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@
 <!ENTITY asf_D "Nome dominio. (senza http://)">
 <!ENTITY asf_F "Nome file con estensione.">
 <!ENTITY asf_Fx "Nome file senza estensione.">
-<!ENTITY asf_d "Campo "Dominio" dal filtro usato. (I caratteri non permessi verranno rimossi. Se nessun filtro viene trovato, viene usato il dominio corrente)">
-<!ENTITY asf_f "Campo "Nome file" dal filtro usato. (I caratteri non permessi verranno rimossi. Se nessun filtro viene trovato, viene usato il file corrente)">
+<!ENTITY asf_d "Campo "Dominio" dal filtro usato. (I caratteri non permessi verranno rimossi. Se nessun filtro viene trovato, viene usato il dominio corrente)">
+<!ENTITY asf_f "Campo "Nome file" dal filtro usato. (I caratteri non permessi verranno rimossi. Se nessun filtro viene trovato, viene usato il file corrente)">
 <!ENTITY asf_x "Estensione file. (Senza il punto)">
 <!ENTITY Capture.tags "Capture tags">
 <!ENTITY number "number">
-<!ENTITY Capture.d "Return the captured data using parentheses in the "domain" filter. <number> refer to the parenthesis number, from 1 to 9.">
-<!ENTITY Capture.f "Return the captured data using parentheses in the "file name" filter. <number> refer to the parenthesis number, from 1 to 9.">
-<!ENTITY Capture.example "Example, on this filter:  mozilla_(firefox)_3.5.(exe), <b>$1f</b> will capture firefox, and <b>$2f</b> will capture "exe".">
+<!ENTITY Capture.d "Return the captured data using parentheses in the "domain" filter. [number] refer to the parenthesis number, from 1 to 9.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.f "Return the captured data using parentheses in the "file name" filter. [number] refer to the parenthesis number, from 1 to 9.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.example "Example, on this filter:  mozilla_(firefox)_3.5.(exe), <b>$1f</b> will capture firefox, and <b>$2f</b> will capture "exe".">
 <!ENTITY Regexp "Espressione regolare">
-<!ENTITY Capture.rd "Controlla il dominio completo con l'espressione regolare contenuta tra i due tag <b>%asf_rd%</b> e ritorna i dati presi.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.rd "Controlla il dominio con l'espressione regolare contenuta tra i due tag <b>%asf_rd%</b> e ritorna i dati presi.">
 <!ENTITY Capture.rf "Controlla il nome del file con l'espressione regolare contenuta tra i due tag <b>%asf_rf%</b> e ritorna i dati presi.">
-<!ENTITY Attention.text "Se il risultato per il percorso di salvataggio contiene caratteri non permessi(i : or i ?"*\/<>|: su Windows), l'estensione smetterà di funzionare. Controllare i filtri se l'estensione smette di funzionare.">
\ No newline at end of file
+<!ENTITY Attention.text "Se il risultato per il percorso di salvataggio contiene caratteri non permessi(i : or i ?"*\/<>|: su Windows), l'estensione smetterà di funzionare. Controllare i filtri se l'estensione smette di funzionare.">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/ru/about.dtd b/locale/ru/about.dtd
index 9a5d4cc..bf9f3e4 100644
--- a/locale/ru/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/ru/about.dtd
@@ -32,40 +32,41 @@
 + checking and update for beta versions. The internal update feature is working only on Firefox 4.
 + New menu to import and export preferences and filters.
 + A help page will now open after the first install and when there's important messages after an update.
++ Localization : sv-SE
 - Removed the need of the slashes around a regular expression's filters.
 * It's now possible to choose which domain type are used for the filtering process, and personalize the verification order (domain only, full URL, from the file or the current tab).
 * %asf_f% now uses full filename with extension if no filter match.
 * %asf_d% now uses domain without the protocol if no filter match.
-! Исправлена ошибка при открытии окна настроек фильтров из окна сохранения ("+ Добавить или изменить фильтр"), при обработке пути который не был представлен в списке фильтров. (Благодарность MrCOLOMBO)
+! Исправлена ошибка при открытии окна настроек фильтров из окна сохранения ("+ Добавить или изменить фильтр"), при обработке пути который не был представлен в списке фильтров. (Благодарность MrCOLOMBO)
 ! Fixed the dynamic folder creation for the first filter in the list. (Thanks to Googer)
-Note : In order to develop Automatic Save Folder further, this version is the last compatible with Firefox 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0.">
+Note: In order to develop Automatic Save Folder further, this version is the last compatible with older Firefox versions (1.5, 2.0 and 3.0).">
 <!ENTITY about.version.101 "! Исправлена проблема с переводом, которая не позволяла работать ASF когда не найден подходящий фильтр.
 ! Добавлен пропущенный русский перевод для закладки Фильтры.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.100 "+ Add filtering on Right-Click menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as...(Ctrl+S)"
+<!ENTITY about.version.100 "+ Add filtering on Right-Click menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as...(Ctrl+S)"
   (Need at least Firefox 2.0 and is not compatible with Download Sort add-on. If you have both activated, Download Sort prevails)
 + ASF is now working with Private browsing, and will prevent saving any data to Firefox preferences.
   Two things to note which change ASF behavior: 1) The previous hosted domain will not be updated, and 2) If the destination folder doesn't exist it will not be created or suggested, and the last working folder from non private mode will be used instead.
 + Add dynamic variables %F% for the month name, and %M% for the abbreviated one.
 + Add dynamic variables for weeks: Week number %W%, Day of the week %w%, %l% or %D%
-+ Make Windows and Mac OSX works with Firefox option "browser.preferences.instantApply" to save the filters right after a modification (Option by default on Linux)
++ Make Windows and Mac OSX works with Firefox option "browser.preferences.instantApply" to save the filters right after a modification (Option by default on Linux)
 + Add Drag and Drop feature on the filter's listing to set filter's order quickly.
-+ Add a proper way to select Firefox saving option ("Always ask" or "Save to"), and select which folder manually instead of forcing it to Userchoice (browser.downlod.folderList=2)
-+ Add an option to automatically accept the "what would Firefox need to do with this file?" dialog windows (User requested). Use it with "Do not prompt the File explorer" option for even better efficiency.
++ Add a proper way to select Firefox saving option ("Always ask" or "Save to"), and select which folder manually instead of forcing it to Userchoice (browser.downlod.folderList=2)
++ Add an option to automatically accept the "what would Firefox need to do with this file?" dialog windows (User requested). Use it with "Do not prompt the File explorer" option for even better efficiency.
 + Add an option to choose if you want to use the current website URL to verify the filters if the file's hosted domain doesn't match.
 + Display ASF icon on the add-ons manager even on disabled state, instead of the green puzzle piece (Firefox 3.6+)
 + Added a display option to show or hide the ASF option box, and set the box name clickable to show/hide the ASF option box content.
 + Added row coloration to see the matching filters according to the current downloaded file if the preferences window is opened from the saving window. Matching and enabled  = green, Matching but disabled = red.
 * On the download dialog's drop-down menu: Sort path list alphabetically, remove duplicates, and made them working with dynamic renaming folder if option enabled.
-* Separated the "informations" tab in two other tabs "Help" and "About...".
+* Separated the "informations" tab in two other tabs "Help" and "About...".
 * Added tooltips instead of help text bellow each options (has some issues with Firefox2).
-* On the download dialog, disable the suggested folders if the "What should Firefox do with this file?" group's option is not set to "Save File"
+* On the download dialog, disable the suggested folders if the "What should Firefox do with this file?" group's option is not set to "Save File"
 * Added a drop-down menu on the Add&Edit window for quick access to the folders already added from the available filter's list.
 ! Correct links to Mozilla website, which were forced to the French page.
 ! Correct the filter's checking when Dynamic folder creation is enabled
-! Prevent an exception when "use current website URL" option is enabled and the address bar doesn't contain an URL.
+! Prevent an exception when "use current website URL" option is enabled and the address bar doesn't contain an URL.
   Happened with redirection download script and Firefox closing the new empty popup window, or using middle mouse-button click on a link.
 ! When using instantApply, the suggested filters weren't refreshed after closing the preference window.
 ! Fixed a bug where sub-options were auto unchecked visually but not saved when using instantApply feature.
@@ -84,13 +85,13 @@ Other updates :
 + [Experimental] For ease to use when the hosted domain is random (ex. to download Firefox on Mozilla.org):
   Check the filter with the current URI if the hosted domain file doesn't match.
   Attention to the filtering order : First the file hosted domain is checked, then the current website address.
-  The data used to mark a domain as "previous" is still the one from the file hosted domain.
+  The data used to mark a domain as "previous" is still the one from the file hosted domain.
 + Limit the saving window width to the user main screen size. (Thanks to Julien)
 + Add an option to show a menu list on the saving window to select the saving folder from the filter's list.
-* Changed the way the links in the "about..." window works. Now it will open in a new tab.
+* Changed the way the links in the "about..." window works. Now it will open in a new tab.
 * Bigger menu and window for better visibility.
 * Code simplification for moving filters up/down.
-* Code simplification for the loading and auto-filling data in the "add" window.
+* Code simplification for the loading and auto-filling data in the "add" window.
 * Better visibility : All the windows are now drag-able and the content fit accordingly.
 * Complete script recoding to Global namespace (asked by Mozilla.com to submit the extension in public area)
 * cleaner code and comments.
@@ -100,19 +101,19 @@ Other updates :
 <!ENTITY about.version.092 "* Compatibility with Themes: The default colors are now used, all the text should be correctly visible.
   The pictures have been updated to be visible on dark themes.
-! Correction for Vista: Forced the variable browser.download.folderList to "2" when opening the ASF preferences window.
-! Corrected the "active" column, the filters couldn't be activated or deactivated temporarily.">
+! Correction for Vista: Forced the variable browser.download.folderList to "2" when opening the ASF preferences window.
+! Corrected the "active" column, the filters couldn't be activated or deactivated temporarily.">
 <!ENTITY about.version.091 "+ Italian localization by Scognito.
 + Added a radio menu while saving, allowing the user to choose quickly between the last two folders.
   The second choice appears only if it's different from the first one.
-* Hide the option "Affect the 'save as...'" on Firefox 3, this option is used automatically.
-* Removed the "Add a filter" pop-up while saving. It made some focus problem and a window position error.
+* Hide the option "Affect the 'save as...'" on Firefox 3, this option is used automatically.
+* Removed the "Add a filter" pop-up while saving. It made some focus problem and a window position error.
   The link is still here and open now the main window to allow the user to add or edit existing filters.
   While adding a filter using this link, the field will be auto-filled with current file name and domain.
 * Deactivate the double-clicking on filters. Now the fields are not editable on Firefox 3.
   Since Firefox 3, double-clicking on a tree cell allow the user to edit it's content without the edit window. The changes weren't therefore saved correctly.
-! Corrected a script bug on filter verification while "use the last folder" was selected. (Thanks to Carsten)
+! Corrected a script bug on filter verification while "use the last folder" was selected. (Thanks to Carsten)
 ! Fixed a bug on Firefox 3 and Windows Vista: Changed an internal Firefox option allowing the user to use defined folders. (Thanks to Carsten)
   (browser.download.folderList = 2) On Windows Vista, the default value is set to 1.
   Different possible values are : 0 = desktop ; 1 = default saving folder ; 2 = user choice.
@@ -125,16 +126,16 @@ Other updates :
   Known bug: A window focus problem can occur while closing the filter panel.
 - Drop of the option to activate or deactivate the extension. To deactivate it temporarily, please use the extension manager.
 * New way to check the filters (addEventlistener instead of OnLoad), for a better compatibility with other extensions.
-! Corrected the per filter "Active" column properties which didn't stay hidden correctly.">
+! Corrected the per filter "Active" column properties which didn't stay hidden correctly.">
 <!ENTITY about.version.087 "+ Compatible with Firefox 3.0 beta (few changes to the script).
 * The Enter key is now affected to the accept button (Ok, Add, Edit). On the previous version, it was on the Cancel button.
 ! Only one version for Windows and Linux (and maybe Mac ? Can someone test it please ?)">
-<!ENTITY about.version.086fix "* Changes on the "OK" buttons which didn't appear in the main option panel in Linux.
+<!ENTITY about.version.086fix "* Changes on the "OK" buttons which didn't appear in the main option panel in Linux.
-On Linux, there is only a "Close" button and the checking button are saved automatically when checked by the user. Unfortunately the Table array is not saved on this process.
-I removed the "Accept" button and replaced it with a scripted one "Save and close".">
+On Linux, there is only a "Close" button and the checking button are saved automatically when checked by the user. Unfortunately the Table array is not saved on this process.
+I removed the "Accept" button and replaced it with a scripted one "Save and close".">
 <!ENTITY about.version.086 "* Words and sentences correction. Thanks to Goofy's comment from mozilla.org.">
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ I removed the "Accept" button and replaced it with a scripted one "S
 + Added an option to affect the path of the Web page saving menu (File, save as...)">
 <!ENTITY about.version.081 "* Folder selection: The picking window opens now on the previously chosen folder. Before, it opened on a random one from: documents and settings, desktop et the user folder.
-* Restriction of the folder selection: removed the possibility to write the path manually, now only the "Select..." button is valid to select the destination folder.">
+* Restriction of the folder selection: removed the possibility to write the path manually, now only the "Select..." button is valid to select the destination folder.">
 <!ENTITY about.version.080 "Functions:
 + Priority sorting filter (option to move up or down the filters)
diff --git a/locale/ru/asf.dtd b/locale/ru/asf.dtd
index ca52891..1431d94 100644
--- a/locale/ru/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/ru/asf.dtd
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.tree.column.filename "Имя файла">
 <!ENTITY asf.tree.column.localfolder "Папка для сохранения">
 <!ENTITY asf.tree.column.enabled "Архив">
-<!-- this is 1 space (not empty string), this is the text you want to see on the buttons next to the arrows on the filter"s tab, you can write "up" if you want -->
+<!-- this is 1 space (not empty string), this is the text you want to see on the buttons next to the arrows on the filter"s tab, you can write "up" if you want -->
 <!ENTITY asf.options.move.up " ">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.move.down " ">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.edit "Изменить">
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.options.label "Опции">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.tab1.label "Страница 1">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.tab2.label "Страница 2">
-<!ENTITY asf.options.tabdta.label "Расширение "DownThemAll!"">
+<!ENTITY asf.options.tabdta.label "Расширение "DownThemAll!"">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.tabdata.label "Data management">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox1.label "Проводник">
@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.desktop.label "Рабочий стол">
 <!ENTITY asf.systemdownload.label "Загрузки">
 <!ENTITY asf.filteredfolder.label "Использовать фильтры">
-<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "Если папка "Загрузки" не существует, будет предложено выбрать папку.">
+<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "Если папка "Загрузки" не существует, будет предложено выбрать папку.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox2.label "Диалог сохранения">
-<!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Автоматически использовать настройку  "Как FireFox следует обработать это файл".">
+<!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Автоматически использовать настройку  "Как FireFox следует обработать это файл".">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogacceptFiltered.bool "Только если найден фильтр">
-<!ENTITY asf.dialogacceptFiltered.tooltip "Не будет автоматически использовать настройку "Как FireFox следует обработать это файл" если не найдено подходящего фильтра.">
+<!ENTITY asf.dialogacceptFiltered.tooltip "Не будет автоматически использовать настройку "Как FireFox следует обработать это файл" если не найдено подходящего фильтра.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadio_Start.bool "Использовать следующий метод:">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadioTo.label1 "Открыть с помощью">
-<!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadioTo.label2 "Расширение "DownThemAll!"">
-<!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadioTo.label3 "Расширение "dTa OneClick!"">
+<!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadioTo.label2 "Расширение "DownThemAll!"">
+<!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadioTo.label3 "Расширение "dTa OneClick!"">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadioTo.label4 "Сохранить файл">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogForceRadio_End.bool "до автоматического действия в диалоге сохранения.">
 <!ENTITY asf.viewdloption.bool "Показывать опции при загрузке">
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.betaVersionUpdateNow.label "Update now">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox3.label "Настройки фильтров">
-<!ENTITY asf.lastdir.bool "Изменять папку для команды "сохранить как..." когда есть подходящий фильтр">
+<!ENTITY asf.lastdir.bool "Изменять папку для команды "сохранить как..." когда есть подходящий фильтр">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.label1 "Choose the domain types to use, and their verification order, when filtering:">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.label2 "[Help]">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip1 "A coma separated number list to specify in which order the tests on the domain will be performed. Default value if the field is empty: 1,5">
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox4.label "Правая кнопка мыши">
 <!ENTITY asf.userightclick.bool "Использовать фильтры в меню">
-<!ENTITY asf.userightclick.tooltip "Использовать фильтры  для меню "Сохранить ссылку как...", "Сохранить картинку как..." и "Сохранить как... (Ctrl+S)"">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.bool "Убрать задержку по времени и активировать фильтры для меню правой кнопки мыши "Сохранить ссылку как..."">
+<!ENTITY asf.userightclick.tooltip "Использовать фильтры  для меню "Сохранить ссылку как...", "Сохранить картинку как..." и "Сохранить как... (Ctrl+S)"">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.bool "Убрать задержку по времени и активировать фильтры для меню правой кнопки мыши "Сохранить ссылку как..."">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip1 "Убрать задержку по времени не позволяющую Firefox прочитать имя файла для перенаправленной загрузки и позволить это сделать Automatic Save Folder.">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip2 "Временно отключить это опцию если вы хотите разрешить Firefox прочитать имя файла из заголовка (фильтры не будут доступны).">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip3 "Использовать только для скриптов с перенаправлением загрузок.">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip4 "На заметку: Опция не имеет влияния на меню "Сохранить картинку как..." и  "Сохранить как... (Ctrl+S)".">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "Меню Automatic Save Folder по правой кнопке мыши не доступно для Firefox 2. Если вы хотите иметь возможность использовать фильтры для меню правой кнопки мыши "Сохранить ссылку как...", вы должны обновить Firefox до версии 3.0 (рекомендуемая версия 3.5 или выше).">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "Обнаружено дополнение "Download sort". &NL;Меню Automatic Save Folder по правой кнопке мыши не будет доступно пока вы не отключите "Download Sort" в списке дополнений.">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclicktimeout.tooltip4 "На заметку: Опция не имеет влияния на меню "Сохранить картинку как..." и  "Сохранить как... (Ctrl+S)".">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "Меню Automatic Save Folder по правой кнопке мыши не доступно для Firefox 2. Если вы хотите иметь возможность использовать фильтры для меню правой кнопки мыши "Сохранить ссылку как...", вы должны обновить Firefox до версии 3.0 (рекомендуемая версия 3.5 или выше).">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "Обнаружено дополнение "Download sort". &NL;Меню Automatic Save Folder по правой кнопке мыши не будет доступно пока вы не отключите "Download Sort" в списке дополнений.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox5.label "Графический интерфейс">
 <!ENTITY asf.pathlist_defaultforceontop.bool "Первым показывать путь для сохранения по умолчанию.">
@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.rowmatchinghighlight.color "Собственный цвет">
 <!ENTITY asf.rowmatchinghighlight.system "Системный цвет">
-<!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox6.label "Расширение "DownThemAll!"">
-<!ENTITY asf.options.dtaDetected.label "Automatic Save Folder определил, что вы используете расширение "DownThemAll!". &NL;Automatic Save Folder может передавать пути, основанные на фильтрах, в "DownThemAll!" при использовнии окна "Как FireFox следует обработать это файл". Эта опция недоступна в режиме приватного просмотра.">
-<!ENTITY asf.dta_ASFtoDTA_isActive.bool "Включить передачу путей из расширения "Automatic Save Folder" в расширение "DownThemAll!".">
-<!ENTITY asf.dta_chooseSendingMethod.label "Выбрать действие для "DTA OneClick!":">
+<!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox6.label "Расширение "DownThemAll!"">
+<!ENTITY asf.options.dtaDetected.label "Automatic Save Folder определил, что вы используете расширение "DownThemAll!". &NL;Automatic Save Folder может передавать пути, основанные на фильтрах, в "DownThemAll!" при использовнии окна "Как FireFox следует обработать это файл". Эта опция недоступна в режиме приватного просмотра.">
+<!ENTITY asf.dta_ASFtoDTA_isActive.bool "Включить передачу путей из расширения "Automatic Save Folder" в расширение "DownThemAll!".">
+<!ENTITY asf.dta_chooseSendingMethod.label "Выбрать действие для "DTA OneClick!":">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_methodReplace.label "Заменить первый путь в списке">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_methodAdd.label "Добавить в список">
diff --git a/locale/ru/help.dtd b/locale/ru/help.dtd
index 830aed7..4eb720c 100644
--- a/locale/ru/help.dtd
+++ b/locale/ru/help.dtd
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.title "Правила для фильтров">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule1 "Фильтр определяется на основе имени файла или домена.">
-<!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule2 "Фильтр должен совпадать с одним из полей - имя файла или домен. Не используйте кавычки.<br/>Пример: вместо <b>"google.com"</b> нужно использовать <b>google.com</b> (без кавычек)">
+<!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule2 "Фильтр должен совпадать с одним из полей - имя файла или домен. Не используйте кавычки.<br/>Пример: вместо <b>"google.com"</b> нужно использовать <b>google.com</b> (без кавычек)">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule3 "Разрешено использование символа маски <b>*</b> (звездочка), чтобы заменить часть строки фильтра.<br/>Пример: <b>goog*.com</b>">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule4 "Использование звездочки в начале или конце имени домена не требуется.<br/>Пример: <b>*google.com*</b> и <b>google.com</b> дадут одинаковый результат.">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule5 "Использование звездочки в начале или конце имени файла не требуется.<br/>Пример: <b>*.zip</b>  <b>.zip</b> дадут одинаковый результат.">
@@ -18,28 +18,28 @@
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule7 "Фильры не чувствительны к регистру.<br/>Пример: <b>GOOGLE.COM</b> и <b>google.com</b> дадут одинаковый результат.">
 <!ENTITY info.howtouse.text2 "Для большей гибкости дополнение использует регулярные выражения.">
-<!ENTITY info.howtouse.text3 "Чтобы получить справку по регулярным выражениям  перейдите в закладку "Фильтры" нажмите кнопку "Добавить фильтр" и
-в открывшемся окне нажмите кнопку "Помощь по регулярным выражениям". 
+<!ENTITY info.howtouse.text3 "Чтобы получить справку по регулярным выражениям  перейдите в закладку "Фильтры" нажмите кнопку "Добавить фильтр" и
+в открывшемся окне нажмите кнопку "Помощь по регулярным выражениям". 
 Так же помощь доступна на сайтах:<br/>
 <b>http://www.regular-expressions.info</b> - Справочник и ресурсы по регулярным выражениям (англ.)<br/>
 <b>http://www.pcre.ru/docs/javascript</b> - Примеры и документация по регулярным выражениям (рус.)">
 <!ENTITY info.howtouse.text4 "Динамические переменные используются для создания папок, именованных по дате, имени файла, имени домена и т.д.<br />
-Список доступных тегов находятся в закладке "Динамические папки".">
+Список доступных тегов находятся в закладке "Динамические папки".">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.title "Несколько примеров фильтров">
-<!ENTITY info.basicexample.text1 "Сохранение всех исполняемых файлов (*.exe) в папку "D:\Download\Exe":">
+<!ENTITY info.basicexample.text1 "Сохранение всех исполняемых файлов (*.exe) в папку "D:\Download\Exe":">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text2 "D:\Download\Exe">
-<!ENTITY info.basicexample.text3 "Сохранение всех файлов с определенного домена (<b>Пример</b>: "mozilla.org") в папку "D:\Download\Mozilla":">
+<!ENTITY info.basicexample.text3 "Сохранение всех файлов с определенного домена (<b>Пример</b>: "mozilla.org") в папку "D:\Download\Mozilla":">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text4 "D:\Download\Mozilla">
-<!ENTITY info.basicexample.text5 "Сохранение ".zip" файлов с домена "mozilla.org" в отдельную папку "D:\Download\Mozilla\Zip". Другие файлы сохраняются в предыдущую:">
+<!ENTITY info.basicexample.text5 "Сохранение ".zip" файлов с домена "mozilla.org" в отдельную папку "D:\Download\Mozilla\Zip". Другие файлы сохраняются в предыдущую:">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text6 "D:\Download\Mozilla\Zip">
-<!ENTITY info.basicexample.text7 "Поместите в списке этот фильтр выше предыдущего фильтра для  "mozilla.org". Помните, что обработка фильтров идет сверху-вниз.">
+<!ENTITY info.basicexample.text7 "Поместите в списке этот фильтр выше предыдущего фильтра для  "mozilla.org". Помните, что обработка фильтров идет сверху-вниз.">
-<!ENTITY info.basicexample.text8 "Сохранение программы для установки "Firefox" с любого домена в отдельную папку "D:\Download\FireFox".">
+<!ENTITY info.basicexample.text8 "Сохранение программы для установки "Firefox" с любого домена в отдельную папку "D:\Download\FireFox".">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text9 "D:\Download\FireFox.">
@@ -48,34 +48,34 @@
 <!ENTITY  info.advancedexample.text2  "<b>Задача:</b>Сортировка ночных сборок FireFox в подкаталог D:\Download\FireFox:<br/>">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text3 "D:\Download\FireFox\Nightly\%Y%-%m%-%d%">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text4 "<br/><b>Результат:</b> Будут созданы подкаталоги для каждой даты.<br/><b>Пример</b>: "D:\Download\FireFox\Nightly\2009-12-04"">
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text4 "<br/><b>Результат:</b> Будут созданы подкаталоги для каждой даты.<br/><b>Пример</b>: "D:\Download\FireFox\Nightly\2009-12-04"">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text5 "<b>Задача:</b>Сортировка по типу файла:<br/>">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text6 "D:\Download\%asf_x%">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text7 "<br/><b>Результат:</b>Будут созданы подкаталоги для каждого типа файлов.
-<br/><b>Пример</b>: "D:\Download\zip" для .zip файлов, "D:\Download\rar" для .rar файлов и так для каждого типа сохраняемых файлов.">
+<br/><b>Пример</b>: "D:\Download\zip" для .zip файлов, "D:\Download\rar" для .rar файлов и так для каждого типа сохраняемых файлов.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text8 "<b>Задача:</b> Сортировка дистрибутивов FireFox в подкаталоги по номеру версии:<br/>">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text9 "D:\Download\Firefox\$1f">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text10 "<br/><b>Результат:</b> Во время проверки фильтров скобки в поле "Имя файла" не будут учитываться и фильтр будет работать так же как "Firefox Setup *.exe"<br />
-$1f соответствует первой паре скобок в поле "Имя файла", в нашем случае это номер версии.
-<br/><b>Пример</b>: Файл "Firefox Setup 3.5.4.exe" будет сохранен в папку "D:\Download\Firefox\3.5.4\"">
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text10 "<br/><b>Результат:</b> Во время проверки фильтров скобки в поле "Имя файла" не будут учитываться и фильтр будет работать так же как "Firefox Setup *.exe"<br />
+$1f соответствует первой паре скобок в поле "Имя файла", в нашем случае это номер версии.
+<br/><b>Пример</b>: Файл "Firefox Setup 3.5.4.exe" будет сохранен в папку "D:\Download\Firefox\3.5.4\"">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text11 "<b>Задача:</b> Создавать или не создавать подкаталоги в зависимости от имени файла:">
-<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text12 "Например сохраняем видео файлы, именованные как "Мой_отпуск_дата-поездки.avi".<br />
+<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text12 "Например сохраняем видео файлы, именованные как "Мой_отпуск_дата-поездки.avi".<br />
 Видео имеет файл субтитров .srt с описанием путешествия, так же доступны .zip файлы с фотографиями поездки, видео могут иметь .avi, .torrent или .nzb расширения.<br />
-".avi" и ".srt" будут размещены в папке D:\Видео\Отпуск . <br />
-".zip", ".torrent" и ".nzb" будут соответственно размещены в D:\Видео\Отпуск\zip, D:\Видео\Отпуск\torrent и D:\Видео\Отпуск\nzb.">
+".avi" и ".srt" будут размещены в папке D:\Видео\Отпуск . <br />
+".zip", ".torrent" и ".nzb" будут соответственно размещены в D:\Видео\Отпуск\zip, D:\Видео\Отпуск\torrent и D:\Видео\Отпуск\nzb.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text13 "/^Мой_отпуск.*\.(avi|srt|zip|torrent|nzb)$/">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text14 "D:\Видео\Отпуск\%asf_rf%(zip|torrent|nzb)$%asf_rf%">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text15 "<b>Результат:</b><br />
-Фильтр активируется для всех файлов, начинающихся с "Мой_отпуск" и заканчивающихся одним из расширений (avi, srt, zip, torrent or nzb).<br />
+Фильтр активируется для всех файлов, начинающихся с "Мой_отпуск" и заканчивающихся одним из расширений (avi, srt, zip, torrent or nzb).<br />
 Каталог создается в зависимости от фильтра : %asf_rf% , который анализирует имя загружаемого файла при помощи регулярного выражения, заключенного в скобки между двумя тегами %asf_rf% :
-Если файл заканчивается на "zip", "torrent" или "nzb", часть имени файла (в нашем случае это расширение), захваченная регулярным выражением создает подкаталог.<br />
+Если файл заканчивается на "zip", "torrent" или "nzb", часть имени файла (в нашем случае это расширение), захваченная регулярным выражением создает подкаталог.<br />
 Если ни одно из этих расширений не присутствует, регулярное выражение не будет найдено, и подкаталог создан не будет, таким образом остальные файлы будут загружены в D:\Видео\Отпуск">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text16 "<b>На заметку:</b> Вы можете поместить столько тегов, сколько вам требуется .<br />Фильтр может быть таким:">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text17 "D:\Видео\%asf_rf%(отпуск|свадьба)%asf_rf%\%asf_rf%(zip|torrent|nzb)$%asf_rf%<br />
-В этом случае , подкаталог "отпуск" будет создан только в случае если часть имени файла содержит слово "отпуск".">
+В этом случае , подкаталог "отпуск" будет создан только в случае если часть имени файла содержит слово "отпуск".">
 <!-- Bellow is the page which appear on first install, and on important updates -->
 <!-- To see the page for localization testing go to chrome://asf/content/help/update.xhtml -->
@@ -86,33 +86,33 @@ Please, read this message carefully to make potential changes to your preference
 This page will only be displayed once, on first install or when important changes must be communicated.">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.title.importantupdates "Important updates:">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.title.firstinstall "1st install and reminder :">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.fullupdatelist "For the complete changelog, see the "About..." tab in Automatic Save Folder's preferences.">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.title.firstinstall "First install and reminder :">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.fullupdatelist "For the complete changelog, see the "About..." tab in Automatic Save Folder's preferences.">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.steps "In order to work, <b>you have to correctly set Firefox</b> and Automatic Save Folder's <b>preferences</b>.<br />
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.steps "In order to work, <b>you have to correctly set Firefox</b> and Automatic Save Folder's preferences.<br />
 Three steps are essentials, if the filtering doesn't work please check each of this steps again:">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.step1 "Step 1 : Firefox">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.step2 "Step 2 : Automatic Save Folder">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.step3 "Step 3 : While downloading">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text1 "Фильтрация для загрузок (простым нажатием или автоматическая загрузка), работает только в случае если показывается окно "Сохранение файла":">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text1 "Фильтрация для загрузок (простым нажатием или автоматическая загрузка), работает только в случае если показывается окно "Сохранение файла":">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language, place it in skin folder. Take a screen of the 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window (you can resize the picture if you find it a little too big)-->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict1 "screen_save_ru.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text2 "Убедитесь, что FireFox, не использует другое действие, предотвращающее появление окна загрузки следующим образом:">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text3 "В FireFox откройте меню "Инструменты" далее "Настройки...".">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text4 "- Для FireFox 3: Откройте закладку "Приложения"
-        <br />- Для FireFox 2: Откройте в закладку "Содержимое" и нажмите на "Управление..." внизу справа.">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text5 "Проверьте чтобы у типа загружаемого файла было установлено действие "Всегда спрашивать".">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text3 "В FireFox откройте меню "Инструменты" далее "Настройки...".">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text4 "- Для FireFox 3: Откройте закладку "Приложения"
+        <br />- Для FireFox 2: Откройте в закладку "Содержимое" и нажмите на "Управление..." внизу справа.">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text5 "Проверьте чтобы у типа загружаемого файла было установлено действие "Всегда спрашивать".">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. Take firefox/tools/option/application tab/ and show an 'always ask' drop down selected -->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict2 "screen_apps_ru.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text6 "Choose a saving method in Firefox preferences, General tab:<br />
-- Save files to : Firefox will save the file automatically to that folder without opening the files explorer.<br />
-- Always ask me where to save files : Firefox will show you the files explorer to allow you to rename the file or choose the saving folder manually.">
+- "Save files to": Firefox will save the downloads automatically into the specified folder without opening the files explorer.<br />
+- "Always ask me where to save files": Firefox will show you the files explorer which will allow you to rename the file or select another saving folder manually.">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict3 "screen-main_en.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.text1 "If you decide to go without the file explorer, Firefox will automatically save your files<br />
-Either in the download folder defined by your operating system, either on your desktop.<br />
-Do not forget to select "Set by the filters" to allow Firefox to use the filtered folders.">
+either in the download folder defined by your operating system, or on your desktop.<br />
+Do not forget to select "Set by the filters" to allow Firefox to use the filtered folders.">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. Take ASF pref/options/page1 to show the 'Set by filters' selected menu -->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.pict1 "screen-asf102-setbyfilters_en.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.text2 "Your filter's order is of a big importance!<br />
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ Remember to alway set your filters order using the arrow on the right of the fil
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.save.text1 "You must take care that Firefox will always ask you what to do with your currently downloading file.<br />
-According to this, <b>you must not check</b> "Do this automatically for files like this from now on.".<br />
-If it happens, do Step 1 again.">
+According to this, <b style='color:red;'>you must not check</b> "Do this automatically for files like this from now on.".<br />
+If it ever happens, do Step 1 again.">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. This is a screen of 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window, like firstinstall.Firefox.pict1, but with 'Do this automatically for files like this from now on.' shown unchecked-->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.save.pict1 "screen-savedialog-alwaysdothis_en.png">
@@ -134,3 +134,4 @@ If it happens, do Step 1 again.">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.2 "Send the filtered folder to DownThemAll!">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.3 "Import/export the filters.">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.4 "Removed the need of the slashes around a regular expression's filters.">
+<!ENTITY importantupdates.102.5 "Note: In order to develop Automatic Save Folder further, this version is the last compatible with older Firefox versions (1.5, 2.0 and 3.0).">
diff --git a/locale/ru/regexp.dtd b/locale/ru/regexp.dtd
index 4bd0ff3..a225b62 100644
--- a/locale/ru/regexp.dtd
+++ b/locale/ru/regexp.dtd
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ Nov(ember)? = Nov(ember){0,1}<br />
 Знак вопроса может быть использовать для перевода регулярного выражения из 'жадного' (по умолчанию) в 'нежадное' состояние.<br />
 Важной особенностью символа '*' является то, что он найдет максимальное кол-во символов которому он может соответствовать. <br />
 Пример:<br />
-Строка : "This is a test"<br />
-Фильтр 1 : "t.*t" будет соответствовать все строке "This is a test"<br />
-Фильтр 2 : "t.*?t" будет соответствовать  "This is a t", только до первого нахождения второй буквы t слева-направо.">
+Строка : "This is a test"<br />
+Фильтр 1 : "t.*t" будет соответствовать все строке "This is a test"<br />
+Фильтр 2 : "t.*?t" будет соответствовать  "This is a t", только до первого нахождения второй буквы t слева-направо.">
 <!ENTITY The.bracket.title "Квадратные скобки [ ]">
 <!ENTITY The.bracket.text "[xyz] Соответствует любому символу из заключенных в квадратные скобки.<br />
diff --git a/locale/ru/variables.dtd b/locale/ru/variables.dtd
index 9e282ef..c3cc91f 100644
--- a/locale/ru/variables.dtd
+++ b/locale/ru/variables.dtd
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@
 <!ENTITY asf_D "Имя домена. (Без http://)">
 <!ENTITY asf_F "Имя файла с расширением.">
 <!ENTITY asf_Fx "Имя файла без расширения.">
-<!ENTITY asf_d "Поле "Домен" из фильтра. (Запрещенные символы будут удалены. Если не найден фильтр, будет использован текущий домен)">
-<!ENTITY asf_f "Поле "Имя файла" из фильтра. (Запрещенные символы будут удалены. Если не найден фильтр, будет использовано текущее имя файла)">
+<!ENTITY asf_d "Поле "Домен" из фильтра. (Запрещенные символы будут удалены. Если не найден фильтр, будет использован текущий домен)">
+<!ENTITY asf_f "Поле "Имя файла" из фильтра. (Запрещенные символы будут удалены. Если не найден фильтр, будет использовано текущее имя файла)">
 <!ENTITY asf_x "Расширение файла. (Без точки)">
 <!ENTITY Capture.tags "Определяемые теги">
 <!ENTITY number "номер">
-<!ENTITY Capture.d "Возвращает часть строки, заключенную в скобки, из поля "имя домена" по порядковому номеру этой части от 1 до 9.">
-<!ENTITY Capture.f "Возвращает часть строки, заключенную в скобки, из поля "имя файла" по порядковому номеру этой части от 1 до 9.">
-<!ENTITY Capture.example "Пример:  mozilla_(firefox)_3.5.(exe), <b>$1f</b> вернет "firefox", а <b>$2f</b> вернет "exe".">
+<!ENTITY Capture.d "Возвращает часть строки, заключенную в скобки, из поля "имя домена" по порядковому номеру этой части от 1 до 9.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.f "Возвращает часть строки, заключенную в скобки, из поля "имя файла" по порядковому номеру этой части от 1 до 9.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.example "Пример:  mozilla_(firefox)_3.5.(exe), <b>$1f</b> вернет "firefox", а <b>$2f</b> вернет "exe".">
 <!ENTITY Regexp "регулярное_выражение">
 <!ENTITY Capture.rd "Проверяет имя домена на соответствие регулярному выражению, помещенному между тегами <b>%asf_rd%</b>, и возвращает найденную строку.">
 <!ENTITY Capture.rf "Проверяет имя файла на соответствие регулярному выражению, помещенному между тегами <b>%asf_rf%</b> и возвращает найденную строку.">
 <!ENTITY Attention "ВНИМАНИЕ">
-<!ENTITY Attention.text "Если результат для папки сохранения содержит запрещенные символы (':'  или '?"*\/<>|:' для Windows), дополнение не будет работать. Проверьте все фильтры если дополнение перестало работать.">
\ No newline at end of file
+<!ENTITY Attention.text "Если результат для папки сохранения содержит запрещенные символы (':'  или '?"*\/<>|:' для Windows), дополнение не будет работать. Проверьте все фильтры если дополнение перестало работать.">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/sv-SE/about.dtd b/locale/sv-SE/about.dtd
index 6145d62..670e1f9 100644
--- a/locale/sv-SE/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/sv-SE/about.dtd
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 + If DownThemAll add-on is installed, a new option's tab is available to send ASF target path to DTA.
 + Added an option to select if the filters are case sensitive or insensitive.
 + New options related to Graphical User Interface.
-+ Added a Drag&Drop Copy method (ie. drag+Ctrl on Windows).
++ Added a Drag&Drop Copy method (ie. Ctrl+drag on Windows).
 + Print filter's and process informations to the error console when downloading a file. (Disabled if Firefox is in PrivateBrowsing mode)
 + checking and update for beta versions. The internal update feature is working only on Firefox 4.
 + New menu to import and export preferences and filters.
@@ -37,199 +37,143 @@
 * It's now possible to choose which domain type are used for the filtering process, and personalize the verification order (domain only, full URL, from the file or the current tab).
 * %asf_f% now uses full filename with extension if no filter match.
 * %asf_d% now uses domain without the protocol if no filter match.
-! Fixed a bug where no data was returned if a download was initiated from the URL bar or from an external software which resulted in no filters in the filter's list if the preferences window was opened from the saving dialog "+ Add or edit a filter". (Thanks to MrCOLOMBO)
+! Fixed a bug where no data was returned if a download was initiated from the URL bar or from an external software which resulted in no filters in the filter's list if the preferences window was opened from the saving dialog "+ Add or edit a filter". (Thanks to MrCOLOMBO)
 ! Fixed the dynamic folder creation for the first filter in the list. (Thanks to Googer)
-Note : In order to develop Automatic Save Folder further, this version is the last compatible with Firefox 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.101 "! Fixed a spelling error preventing ASF to work when no filter matched.
-! Added a missing Russian string on the filter's tab.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.100 "+ Add filtering on Right-Click menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as...(Ctrl+S)"
-  (Need at least Firefox 2.0 and is not compatible with Download Sort add-on. If you have both activated, Download Sort prevails)
-+ ASF is now working with Private browsing, and will prevent saving any data to Firefox preferences.
-  Two things to note which change ASF behavior: 1) The previous hosted domain will not be updated, and 2) If the destination folder doesn't exist it will not be created or suggested, and the last working folder from non private mode will be used instead.
-+ Add dynamic variables %F% for the month name, and %M% for the abbreviated one.
-+ Add dynamic variables for weeks: Week number %W%, Day of the week %w%, %l% or %D%
-+ Make Windows and Mac OSX works with Firefox option "browser.preferences.instantApply" to save the filters right after a modification (Option by default on Linux)
-+ Add Drag and Drop feature on the filter's listing to set filter's order quickly.
-+ Add a proper way to select Firefox saving option ("Always ask" or "Save to"), and select which folder manually instead of forcing it to Userchoice (browser.downlod.folderList=2)
-+ Add an option to automatically accept the "what would Firefox need to do with this file?" dialog windows (User requested). Use it with "Do not prompt the File explorer" option for even better efficiency.
-+ Add an option to choose if you want to use the current website URL to verify the filters if the file's hosted domain doesn't match.
-+ Display ASF icon on the add-ons manager even on disabled state, instead of the green puzzle piece (Firefox 3.6+)
-+ Added a display option to show or hide the ASF option box, and set the box name clickable to show/hide the ASF option box content.
-+ Added row coloration to see the matching filters according to the current downloaded file if the preferences window is opened from the saving window. Matching and enabled  = green, Matching but disabled = red.
-* On the download dialog's drop-down menu: Sort path list alphabetically, remove duplicates, and made them working with dynamic renaming folder if option enabled.
-* Separated the "informations" tab in two other tabs "Help" and "About...".
-* Added tooltips instead of help text bellow each options (has some issues with Firefox2).
-* On the download dialog, disable the suggested folders if the "What should Firefox do with this file?" group's option is not set to "Save File"
-* Added a drop-down menu on the Add&Edit window for quick access to the folders already added from the available filter's list.
-! Correct links to Mozilla website, which were forced to the French page.
-! Correct the filter's checking when Dynamic folder creation is enabled
-! Prevent an exception when "use current website URL" option is enabled and the address bar doesn't contain an URL.
-  Happened with redirection download script and Firefox closing the new empty popup window, or using middle mouse-button click on a link.
-! When using instantApply, the suggested filters weren't refreshed after closing the preference window.
-! Fixed a bug where sub-options were auto unchecked visually but not saved when using instantApply feature.
-Other updates :
-+ Source code and revisions available on http://code.google.com/p/automatic-save-folder
-* Add-on now in public area on http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/4781 ; Thank you for your support, your comments and suggestions.
-* New website in english for the add-on (Information, Download, Forum) : http://asf.mangaheart.org">
+Note: In order to develop Automatic Save Folder further, this version is the last compatible with older Firefox versions (1.5, 2.0 and 3.0).">
+<!ENTITY about.version.101 "! Korrigerade ett stavfel som hindrade ASF från att fungera när inga filter matchade.
+! Lade till en saknad ryskspråkig sträng i Filter-fliken.">
+<!ENTITY about.version.100 "+ Lade till filtrering i högerklicksmenyerna "Spara länk som...", "Spara bild som..." och "Spara som...(Ctrl+S)"
+  (Kräver som minst Firefox 2.0 och är inkompatibelt med tillägget Download Sort. Om du har båda aktiverade, så tar Download Sort överhanden.)
++ ASF fungerar nu i privat surfning-läget och kommer då att förhindra att data sparas till Firefox inställningar.
+  Två saker kommer dock att förändras i ASF:s beteende: 1) Den föregående värddomänen kommer inte att uppdateras, och 2) Om målmappen inte finns kommer någon sådan inte att skapas eller föreslås, utan den senaste fungerande mappen från normalläget kommer att användas istället.
++ Lade till de dynamiska variablerna %F% för en månads hela namn och %M% för kortformen.
++ Lade till dynamiska variabler för veckor: Veckonummer %W%, dag i veckan %w%, %l% eller %D%.
++ Gjorde så att Windows och Mac OSX fungerar med Firefox-inställningen "browser.preferences.instantApply" (verkställ omedelbart) för att spara alla filter direkt efter en ändring (standardalternativ på Linux).
++ Lade till dra och släpp-funktion i filterlistan för att snabbt kunna justera filterordningen.
++ Lade till ett ordentligt sätt att välja sparalternativ för Firefox ("Fråga alltid" eller "Spara till") och för att kunna välja mapp manuellt istället för att tvinga användarens standardval (browser.downlod.folderList=2).
++ Lade till ett alternativ för att automatiskt godkänna dialogfönstren "Vad vill du att Firefox gör med denna fil?" (begärt av användare). Använd det med alternativet "Fråga inte Filutforskaren" för ännu bättre effektivitet.
++ Lade till ett alternativ för att välja om du vill använda den aktuella webbplatsens URL för att verifiera filtren om filens värddomän inte matchar.
++ Visa ASF:s ikon i Tilläggshanteraren även när tillägget är inaktiverat, istället för den gröna pusselbiten (Firefox 3.6+).
++ Lade till ett visningsalternativ för att visa eller gömma ASF:s alternativruta samt göra rutans namn klickbart för att visa/gömma innehållet i alternativrutan.
++ Lade till radfärgläggning för att kunna se hur matchningsfiltren relaterar till den aktuella nerladdade filen när Inställningar-fönstret öppnas från Spara-fönstret. Matchning och aktiverat  = grönt. Matchning, men inaktiverat = rött.
+* I nerladdningsdialogens rullgardinsmeny: Sortera sökvägslistan alfabetiskt och ta bort duplikat. Fick dem att fungera med dynamiskt byte av mappnamn om det alternativet är aktiverat.
+* Delade upp "informations"-fliken i två nya flikar, "Hjälp" och "Om...".
+* Lade till verktygstips istället för hjälptexterna nedanför varje alternativ (har vissa problem i Firefox 2).
+* I nerladdningsdialogen kan du nu inaktivera de föreslagna mapparna om gruppalternativet för "Vad vill du att Firefox gör med denna fil?" inte är inställt på "Spara fil".
+* Lade till en rullgardinsmeny i Lägg till & Redigera-fönstret för snabb åtkomst till mapparna som redan har lagts till från listan över tillgängliga filter.
+! Korrigerade länkar till Mozillas webbplats, som tidigare tvingade användaren till den franskspråkiga versionen.
+! Korrigerade filterkontrollen när funktionen för att skapa dynamiska mappar är aktiverad.
+! Förebyggde ett undantag när alternativet "Använd aktuell webbplats-URL" är aktiverat och adressfältet inte innehåller någon URL.
+  Inträffade med omdirigerande nerladdningsskript, när Firefox stängde det nya tomma popup-fönstret eller när användaren mittenklickade på en länk.
+! Under användning instantApply (verkställ omedelbart) uppdaterades inte de föreslagna filtren efter att Inställningar-fönstret hade stängts.
+! Korrigerade en bugg där underalternativ automatiskt avmarkerades visuellt, men ändringarna inte sparades när med instantApply-funktionen (verkställ omedelbart).
+Övriga uppdateringar :
++ Källkoden och reviderade upplagor finns tillgängliga på http://code.google.com/p/automatic-save-folder
+* Tillägget nu på allmän webbplats på http://addons.mozilla.org/addon/4781 ; Tusen tack för ert stöd, era kommentarer och era förslag.
+* Ny webbplats på engelska för tillägget (information, nerladdning, forum) : http://asf.mangaheart.org">
 <!ENTITY about.version.093 "+ Lade till versionsnumret i fönsterrubriken för huvudinställningarna.
 + Lade till ett alternativ att dubbelklicka i ett sökvägsfält för att öppna Utforskaren.
 + Nya flikar för att separera filter, inställningar, hjälp och versionshistorik.
 + Ny dynamisk variabel för att skapa mappar. (Tack till Ted för gruppfångsten med $1)
 + Alternativ för att aktivera eller inaktivera dynamiska variabler (avancerat läge).
 + Ny snabbmeny i filterlistan för att kopiera ett filter eller flytta filter överst/underst med ett enda klick.
 + [Experimentellt] För enkel användning när värddomänen är slumpmässig (t.ex. för att ladda ner Firefox från Mozilla.org):
   Kontrollera filtret med den aktuella URI:n om värddomänens fil inte matchar.
   Lägg märke till filtreringsordningen : Först kontrolleras filens värddomän, sedan den aktuella webbadressen.
   Den data som används för att märka en domän som "föregående" är fortfarande den från filens värddomän.
 + Begränsade Spara-fönstrets bredd till användarens huvudskärmstorlek. (Tack till Julien)
 + Lade till ett alternativ att visa en menylista i Spara-fönstret för att välja sparmappen ur filterlistan.
 * Ändrade sättet som länkarna i "Om..."-fönstret fungerar. Nu kommer de att öppnas i en ny flik.
 * Större meny och fönster för bättre synlighet.
 * Kodförenkling för flytt av filter uppåt/nedåt.
 * Kodförenkling för inläsnings- och autofylldatan i "Lägg till"-fönstret.
 * Bättre synlighet : Alla fönster är numera dragbara och innehållet anpassar sig därefter.
 * Fullständig omkodning av skript till global namnrymd (ombedd av Mozilla.com att registrera tillägget på den allmänna webbplatsen).
 * Renare kod och kommentarer.
 ! Korrigering för Unicode-sökvägar (filter som använder Unicode-tecken i version 0.9.2 kan raderas, var vänlig återskapa dem manuellt).
 ! Korrigering av de redigerbara parametrarna för nyskapade filter.
 ! Korrigering av bugg som hindrade inläsning och läsning av odefinierade eller icke-existerande inställningar i about:config. (Tack till Martin)">
-<!ENTITY about.version.092 "* Kompatibilitet med teman: Standardfärgerna används nu, all text bör vara av korrekt läs- och synbarhet.
+<!ENTITY about.version.092 "* Kompatibilitet med teman: Standardfärgerna används nu, all text bör vara av korrekt läs- och synbarhet.
   Bilderna har uppdaterats för att vara synliga i mörka teman.
 ! Korrigering för Vista: Tvingade variabeln browser.download.folderList till "2" när ASF:s inställningar-fönster öppnas.
 ! Korrigerade "Aktiverat"-kolumnen, filtren kunde varken aktiveras eller inaktiveras temporärt.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.091 "+ Italiensk översättning av Scognito.
+<!ENTITY about.version.091 "+ Italiensk översättning av Scognito.
 + Lade till en envalsmeny under sparprocessen, som låter användaren att snabbt välja mellan de senaste två mapparna.
   Det andra alternativet visas endast om det skiljer sig från det första alternativet.
 * Göm alternativet "Påverka 'Spara som...'". I Firefox 3 används det här alternativet automatiskt.
 * Tog bort popup-rutan "Lägg till ett filter" under sparande. Det skapade en del fokusproblem och ett fönsterpositionsfel.
   Länken finns fortfarande kvar och öppnar nu huvudfönstret för att tillåta användaren att lägga till eller redigera befintliga filter.
   När du lägger till ett filter genom att använda den här länken kommer fältet att automatiskt fyllas i med aktuellt filnamn och domän.
 * Inaktiverade dubbelklickning på filter. Nu är fälten inte redigerbara i Firefox 3.
   Från och med Firefox 3 ger ett dubbelklick på en trädcell användaren möjlighet att redigera dess innehåll utan Redigera-fönstret. Ändringarna sparades därför inte korrekt.
 ! Korrigering av en skriptbugg vid filterverifiering när "Använd den senaste mappen" hade valts. (Tack till Carsten)
 ! Korrigerade en bugg i Firefox 3 och Windows Vista: Ändrade ett internt Firefox-alternativ som tillåter användaren att använda förvalda mappar. (Tack till Carsten)
   (browser.download.folderList = 2). I Windows Vista är standardvärdet satt till 1.
   Övriga möjliga värden är : 0 = Skrivbordet ; 1 = Standardsparmappen ; 2 = Fråga användaren.
 ! Korrigerade den angivna sökvägen i Spara-fönstret i Firefox3.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.090 "+ Fungerar med Firefox 3.0.*
+<!ENTITY about.version.090 "+ Fungerar med Firefox 3.0.*
 + Lade till en ny knapp för information och hjälp om hur man använder tillägget.
 + Ny meny som låter dig lägga till ett filter precis innan filen sparas, med domän- och filområden ifyllda med de aktuella nerladdningsegenskaperna.
   Efter att ha lagt till ett filter på det här sättet kontrolleras filtren igen, varefter de nya filtren tillämpas på den aktuella nerladdade filen.
   Känd bugg: Ett fönsterfokusproblem kan inträffa när filterpanelen stängs.
 - Tog bort alternativet att aktivera eller inaktivera tillägget. För att inaktivera det temporärt, var vänlig använd Tilläggshanteraren.
 * Nytt sätt att kontrollera filtren (addEventlistener istället för OnLoad), för en bättre kompatibilitet med andra tillägg.
 ! Korrigerade "Aktiverat"-kolumnens egenskaper per filter, vilka inte på ett korrekt sätt höll sig gömda.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.087 "+ Kompatibelt med Firefox 3.0 beta (några få ändringar i skriptet).
+<!ENTITY about.version.087 "+ Kompatibelt med Firefox 3.0 beta (några få ändringar i skriptet).
 * Retur-tangenten är nu kopplad till godkännandeknappen (OK, Lägg till, Redigera). I tidigare versioner, svarade den mot Avbryt-knappen.
 ! Endast en version för Windows och Linux (och kanske Mac ? Kan någon snäll själ testa det ?).">
-<!ENTITY about.version.086fix "* Ändringar av "OK"-knapparna, som inte syntes i panelen för huvudinställningar i Linux.
+<!ENTITY about.version.086fix "* Ändringar av "OK"-knapparna, som inte syntes i panelen för huvudinställningar i Linux.
 I Linux finns det endast en "Stäng"-knapp och alternativknappsvalet sparas automatiskt när det markeras av användaren. Tråkigt nog sparas inte tabellmatrisen under den här processen.
 Jag tog bort "Acceptera"-knappen och ersatte den med en skriptbaserad knapp, "Spara och stäng".">
-<!ENTITY about.version.086 "* Ord- och syntaxkorrigering. Tack till Goofy för kommentaren på mozilla.org.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.085 "+ Lade till ett alternativ att visa lite information i nerladdningsfönstret.
+<!ENTITY about.version.086 "* Ord- och syntaxkorrigering. Tack till Goofy för kommentaren på mozilla.org.">
+<!ENTITY about.version.085 "+ Lade till ett alternativ att visa lite information i nerladdningsfönstret.
 + Lade till ett alternativ att behålla domänen som filen kom ifrån i minnet.
 * Standardmappen fungerar nu även om inga filter är angivna.
 * Ändrade sättet på vilket hjälpfönstret för reguljära uttryck visas. Använder en Iframe och en HTML-sida istället för XUL:ens DTD.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.084 "+ Fransk översättning.
+<!ENTITY about.version.084 "+ Fransk översättning.
 * Konverterade språkfilerna till UTF-8.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.083 "+ Lade till några exempel och kortfattad hjälp om hur reguljära uttryck fungerar. Åtkomligt från Lägg till & Redigera filter-fönstret.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.082 "Första offentliga versionen.
+<!ENTITY about.version.083 "+ Lade till några exempel och kortfattad hjälp om hur reguljära uttryck fungerar. Åtkomligt från Lägg till & Redigera filter-fönstret.">
+<!ENTITY about.version.082 "Första offentliga versionen.
 + Lade till ett alternativ att påverka sökvägen i webbsidesparmenyn (Arkiv, Spara som...).">
-<!ENTITY about.version.081 "* Mappval: Fönstret för mappval öppnar nu i den föregående valda mappen. Tidigare öppnade det i en slumpmässigt vald mapp från: Dokument och inställningar, Skrivbordet eller Mina dokument.
+<!ENTITY about.version.081 "* Mappval: Fönstret för mappval öppnar nu i den föregående valda mappen. Tidigare öppnade det i en slumpmässigt vald mapp från: Dokument och inställningar, Skrivbordet eller Mina dokument.
 * Begränsning av mappval: Tog bort möjligheten att skriva sökvägen manuellt. Nu är endast "Välj..."-knappen giltig för att välja målmapp.">
-<!ENTITY about.version.080 "Funktioner:
+<!ENTITY about.version.080 "Funktioner:
 + Prioritetssortering av filter (alternativ för att flytta filtren uppåt eller nedåt)
 + Fungerar med normala-, jokertecken- och RegEx-filter.
 + Välj mapp manuellt eller med en Välj-knapp.
 + Redigera ett filter genom att dubbelklicka på filtret i listan.
 + Skal för GUI med bilder.">
 <!ENTITY about.thanks.title "Tack till">
 <!ENTITY about.programmation.title "Programmering">
 <!ENTITY about.programmation.content "Jag vill särskilt tacka:<br />
+- Tilläggen DownThemAlls och Download Sorts skapare, av vilka jag lärde mig massor genom att studera deras källkoder.<br />
+- http://captain.at, late xulplanet.com och http://xulfr.org för deras XUL- och JavaScript-resurser.<br />
+<br />
+Medarbetare:<br />
+- Carsten, Ted Gifford, Paolo Amadini">
 <!ENTITY about.bugreport.title "Buggrapport">
 <!ENTITY about.bugreport.content "- Photonic, Martin">
-<!ENTITY about.translation.title "Översättningar">
-<!ENTITY about.translation.content "- Oberoende översättare och BabelZillas översättningsteam: <br />
+<!ENTITY about.translation.title "Översättningar">
+<!ENTITY about.translation.content "- Oberoende översättare och BabelZillas översättningsteam: <br />">
diff --git a/locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd b/locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd
index fe8a5e4..228a487 100644
--- a/locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 <!-- ASF Settings -->
 <!-- Change the preferences window size to fit your localization. Default values : resize=false width=617 height=423, in pixels-->
-<!ENTITY asf.preferences_window.resize "true">
-<!ENTITY asf.preferences_window.width "580">
-<!ENTITY asf.preferences_window.height "446">
+<!ENTITY asf.preferences_window.resize "false">
+<!ENTITY asf.preferences_window.width "617">
+<!ENTITY asf.preferences_window.height "423">
 <!-- new line, U+00A0 ISOnum -->
" >
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.rowmatchinghighlight.system "System color">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox6.label "DownThemAll!">
-<!ENTITY asf.options.dtaDetected.label "Automatic Save Folder has detected that you are using DownThemAll! add-on.&NL;Automatic Save Folder can send the filtered destination path to DownThemAll! when using the "What should firefox do with this file" saving window.&NL;&NL;Note: This option is disabled when using the Private Browsing mode.">
+<!ENTITY asf.options.dtaDetected.label "Automatic Save Folder has detected that you are using DownThemAll! add-on.&NL;Automatic Save Folder can send the filtered destination path to DownThemAll! when using the "What should firefox do with this file" saving window.&NL;&NL;Note: This option is disabled when using the Private Browsing mode.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_ASFtoDTA_isActive.bool "Enable Automatic Save Folder to send the filtered path to DownThemAll!.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_chooseSendingMethod.label "Choose the sending method for DTA OneClick!:">
 <!ENTITY asf.dta_methodReplace.label "Replace first folder in list">
diff --git a/locale/sv-SE/asf.properties b/locale/sv-SE/asf.properties
index ed63ba0..7e976e3 100644
--- a/locale/sv-SE/asf.properties
+++ b/locale/sv-SE/asf.properties
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ day3_abbr=ons
 select_default_folder=Var vänlig välj standardmappen om inga filter hittas.
 select_folder=Var vänlig välj en målmapp för det här filtret.
 nodata.domain=Domänen är tom. Var vänlig välj \'Alla\' eller ange ett filter för domänen.
diff --git a/locale/sv-SE/help.dtd b/locale/sv-SE/help.dtd
index 63a621f..bd97c52 100644
--- a/locale/sv-SE/help.dtd
+++ b/locale/sv-SE/help.dtd
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 <!ENTITY info.howtouse.title "Hur du använder ASF">
 <!ENTITY info.howtouse.text1 "Det här tillägget låter dig genom att använda filter, att definiera mappar som automatiskt väljs när du sparar dina filer.">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.title "Filterregler">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule1 "Filtren definieras med hjälp av filnamn och domän.">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule2 "Filtren måste matcha filens namn eller dess domän. Till exempel: Skriv inte <b>"google.com"</b> utan endast <b>google.com</b> (utan citationstecken)">
@@ -15,27 +16,38 @@
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule5 "Samma sak med filnamnsfiltret: <b>*.zip</b> eller <b>.zip</b> fungerar likadant båda två.">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule6 "Filtren tillämpas från toppen till botten av listan och processen stoppas när ett filter som matchar den nerladdade filen påträffas. Sortera dina filter med detta i åtanke.">
 <!ENTITY info.filterrules.rule7 "Filtren är inte skiftlägeskänsliga, det görs med andra ord ingen skillnad på versaler och gemener när filtren bearbetas.">
 <!ENTITY info.howtouse.text2 "För mer flexibilitet accepterar det här tillägget reguljära uttryck.">
 <!ENTITY info.howtouse.text3 "För hjälp med reguljära uttryck kan du gå till fönstret 'Lägg till och redigera filter' eller tilläggets huvudwebbplats. Om du vill ha tillgång till fullständiga resurser, kan du besöka http://www.regular-expressions.info/.">
 <!ENTITY info.howtouse.text4 "Dynamiska variabler kan användas för att skapa nya mappar under sparprocessen, namngivna efter dagens datum, filnamnet, domännamnet etc.<br />Du kan gå till fliken Dynamiska mappar för att se tillgängliga taggar.">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.title "Några exempel på filter">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text1 "Om du vill att alla dina exekverbara filer <b>.exe</b> skall sparas i en en särskild mapp:">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text2 "Mappen du vill att dina exekverbara filer skall sparas till.">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text3 "Om du vill att alla filer från en viss webbplats (t.ex. mozilla.org) skall sparas i en Mozilla-mapp:">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text4 "Din Mozilla-mapp.">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text5 "Om du behöver sortera alla <b>.zip</b>-filer från mozilla.org och lämna övriga filer i den föregående mappen:">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text6 "Din Mozilla-mapp för .zip-filer.">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text7 "Och sortera det här filtret ovanför det föregående. Kom ihåg att filtren verifieras från toppen till botten i listan.">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text8 "Och sist men inte minst. Du kan definiera filter med mer fullständiga namn och inte bara med filnamnstillägget:">
 <!ENTITY info.basicexample.text9 "Din mapp för alla versioner av Firefox installationsprogram.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.title "Några exempel med dynamiska filter och infångstfilter">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text1 "Obs : För att det skall fungera korrekt måste du aktivera alternativet under fliken Dynamiska mappar">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text2 "För att sortera ut alla s.k. nightly builds (löpande, nattlig uppdatering av utvecklingsversioner) av Firefox till undermappar i D:\Nerladdningar\Firefox:">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text3 "D:\Nerladdningar\Firefox\nightly\%Y%-%m%-%d%">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text4 "Tillägget kommer att skapa en undermapp med namn efter dagens datum, t.ex. "2009-12-04", i vilken din fil kommer att sparas.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text5 "För att sortera ut en fil efter dess filnamnstillägg:">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text6 "D:\Nerladdningar\%asf_x%">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text7 "Tillägget kommer att skapa en undermapp med namnet "zip" för .zip-filer, "rar" för .rar-filer o.s.v., i vilken din fil kommer att sparas.">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text8 "För att sortera alla installationspaket av Firefox till undermappar med namn efter paketens versioner:">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text9 "D:\Nerladdningar\Firefox\$1f">
 <!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text10 "När den nerladdade filen kontrolleras mot filtren tas inte parenteser med i bedömningen och filtret kommer att agera som "Firefox Setup *.exe"<br />
@@ -68,10 +80,10 @@ Please, read this message carefully to make potential changes to your preference
 This page will only be displayed once, on first install or when important changes must be communicated.">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.title.importantupdates "Important updates:">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.title.firstinstall "1st install and reminder :">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.fullupdatelist "For the complete changelog, see the "About..." tab in Automatic Save Folder's preferences.">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.title.firstinstall "First install and reminder :">
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.fullupdatelist "For the complete changelog, see the "About..." tab in Automatic Save Folder's preferences.">
-<!ENTITY firstinstall.steps "In order to work, <b>you have to correctly set Firefox</b> and Automatic Save Folder's <b>preferences</b>.<br />
+<!ENTITY firstinstall.steps "In order to work, <b>you have to correctly set Firefox</b> and Automatic Save Folder's preferences.<br />
 Three steps are essentials, if the filtering doesn't work please check each of this steps again:">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.step1 "Step 1 : Firefox">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.step2 "Step 2 : Automatic Save Folder">
@@ -87,16 +99,16 @@ Three steps are essentials, if the filtering doesn't work please check each of t
 	<br />- För användare av de tidigare Firefox-versionerna: Gå till fliken "Innehåll" och klicka på "Hantera..." nederst till höger.">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text5 "Säkerställ att den filtyp du vill ladda ner är inställd på "Fråga alltid".">
-<!-- Screenshot from your language. Take firefox/tools/option/application tab/ och show an 'always ask' drop down selected -->
+<!-- Screenshot from your language. Take firefox/tools/option/application tab/ to show an 'always ask' drop down selected -->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict2 "screen_apps_sv.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.text6 "Choose a saving method in Firefox preferences, General tab:<br />
-- Save files to : Firefox will save the file automatically to that folder without opening the files explorer.<br />
-- Always ask me where to save files : Firefox will show you the files explorer to allow you to rename the file or choose the saving folder manually.">
+- "Save files to": Firefox will save the downloads automatically into the specified folder without opening the files explorer.<br />
+- "Always ask me where to save files": Firefox will show you the files explorer which will allow you to rename the file or select another saving folder manually.">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.firefox.pict3 "screen-main_en.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.text1 "If you decide to go without the file explorer, Firefox will automatically save your files<br />
-Either in the download folder defined by your operating system, either on your desktop.<br />
-Do not forget to select "Set by the filters" to allow Firefox to use the filtered folders.">
+either in the download folder defined by your operating system, or on your desktop.<br />
+Do not forget to select "Set by the filters" to allow Firefox to use the filtered folders.">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. Take ASF pref/options/page1 to show the 'Set by filters' selected menu -->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.pict1 "screen-asf102-setbyfilters_en.png">
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.asf.text2 "Your filter's order is of a big importance!<br />
@@ -105,8 +117,8 @@ Remember to alway set your filters order using the arrow on the right of the fil
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.save.text1 "You must take care that Firefox will always ask you what to do with your currently downloading file.<br />
-According to this, <b>you must not check</b> "Do this automatically for files like this from now on.".<br />
-If it happens, do Step 1 again.">
+According to this, <b style='color:red;'>you must not check</b> "Do this automatically for files like this from now on.".<br />
+If it ever happens, do Step 1 again.">
 <!-- Screenshot from your language. This is a screen of 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window, like firstinstall.Firefox.pict1, but with 'Do this automatically for files like this from now on.' shown unchecked-->
 <!ENTITY firstinstall.save.pict1 "screen-savedialog-alwaysdothis_en.png">
@@ -118,3 +130,4 @@ If it happens, do Step 1 again.">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.2 "Send the filtered folder to DownThemAll!">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.3 "Import/export the filters.">
 <!ENTITY importantupdates.102.4 "Removed the need of the slashes around a regular expression's filters.">
+<!ENTITY importantupdates.102.5 "Note: In order to develop Automatic Save Folder further, this version is the last compatible with older Firefox versions (1.5, 2.0 and 3.0).">
diff --git a/locale/sv-SE/variables.dtd b/locale/sv-SE/variables.dtd
index e8a9fc7..a372c8c 100644
--- a/locale/sv-SE/variables.dtd
+++ b/locale/sv-SE/variables.dtd
@@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
 <!-- browser and save dialog-->
 <!ENTITY Year "År">
 <!ENTITY Month "Månad">
 <!ENTITY Month.wleadingzero "01 till 12">
 <!ENTITY Month.woleadingzero "1 till 12">
 <!ENTITY Month.fullname "januari">
 <!ENTITY Month.abbr "jan">
 <!ENTITY Week "Vecka">
 <!ENTITY Week.wleadingzero "01 till 52">
 <!ENTITY DayOfTheWeek "0 (söndag) till 6">
 <!ENTITY DayOfTheWeek.fullname "måndag">
 <!ENTITY DayOfTheWeek.abbr "mån">
 <!ENTITY Day "Dag">
 <!ENTITY Day.wleadingzero "01 till 31">
 <!ENTITY Day.woleadingzero "1 till 31">
 <!ENTITY Special.tags "Specialtaggar">
 <!ENTITY asf_D "Domännamn. (Utan http://)">
 <!ENTITY asf_F "Filnamn med filnamnstillägg.">
@@ -20,13 +24,15 @@
 <!ENTITY asf_d ""Domän"-fältet från det använda filtret. (Otillåtna tecken kommer att tas bort. Om inga filter hittas används den aktuella domänen.)">
 <!ENTITY asf_f ""Filnamn"-fältet från det använda filtret. (Otillåtna tecken kommer att tas bort. Om inga filter hittas används det aktuella filnamnet.)">
 <!ENTITY asf_x "Filnamnstillägg. (Utan punkten)">
 <!ENTITY Capture.tags "Infångsttaggar">
 <!ENTITY number "nummer">
-<!ENTITY Capture.d "Returnerar den infångade datan genom att använda rundparenteser i "domän"-filtret. <nummer> refererar till rundparentesnumret, från 1 till 9.">
-<!ENTITY Capture.f "Returnerar den infångade datan genom att använda rundparenteser i "filnamn"-filtret. <nummer> refererar till rundparentesnumret, från 1 till 9.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.d "Returnerar den infångade datan genom att använda rundparenteser i "domän"-filtret. [nummer] refererar till rundparentesnumret, från 1 till 9.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.f "Returnerar den infångade datan genom att använda rundparenteser i "filnamn"-filtret. [nummer] refererar till rundparentesnumret, från 1 till 9.">
 <!ENTITY Capture.example "Exempel: I det här filtret:  mozilla_(firefox)_3.5.(exe), kommer <b>$1f</b> att fånga in "firefox" och <b>$2f</b> att fånga in "exe".">
 <!ENTITY Regexp "reguljära uttryck">
-<!ENTITY Capture.rd "Kontrollerar den fullständiga domänen med det reguljära uttrycket omslutet av de två taggarna <b>%asf_rd%</b> och returnerar den infångade datan.">
+<!ENTITY Capture.rd "Kontrollerar den domänen med det reguljära uttrycket omslutet av de två taggarna <b>%asf_rd%</b> och returnerar den infångade datan.">
 <!ENTITY Capture.rf "Kontrollerar filnamnet med det reguljära uttrycket omslutet av de två taggarna <b>%asf_rf%</b> och returnerar den infångade datan.">
 <!ENTITY Attention "OBSERVERA">
-<!ENTITY Attention.text "Om resultatet för sparsökvägen innehåller otillåtna tecken (:?"*\/<>| för Windows), kommer tillägget att sluta fungera. Se till att kontrollera dina filter om tillägget inte längre fungerar.">
+<!ENTITY Attention.text "Om resultatet för sparsökvägen innehåller otillåtna tecken (:?"*\/<>| för Windows), kommer tillägget att sluta fungera. Se till att kontrollera dina filter om tillägget inte längre fungerar.">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/skin/help_page/screen_apps_sv.png b/skin/help_page/screen_apps_sv.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97a8a46
Binary files /dev/null and b/skin/help_page/screen_apps_sv.png differ
diff --git a/skin/help_page/screen-asf102-setbyfilters_en.png b/skin/help_page/screen_asf102-setbyfilters_en.png
similarity index 100%
rename from skin/help_page/screen-asf102-setbyfilters_en.png
rename to skin/help_page/screen_asf102-setbyfilters_en.png
diff --git a/skin/help_page/screen-asf102-setbyfilters_fr.png b/skin/help_page/screen_asf102-setbyfilters_fr.png
similarity index 100%
rename from skin/help_page/screen-asf102-setbyfilters_fr.png
rename to skin/help_page/screen_asf102-setbyfilters_fr.png
diff --git a/skin/help_page/screen-main_en.png b/skin/help_page/screen_main_en.png
similarity index 100%
rename from skin/help_page/screen-main_en.png
rename to skin/help_page/screen_main_en.png
diff --git a/skin/help_page/screen-main_fr.png b/skin/help_page/screen_main_fr.png
similarity index 100%
rename from skin/help_page/screen-main_fr.png
rename to skin/help_page/screen_main_fr.png
diff --git a/skin/help_page/screen_save_sv.png b/skin/help_page/screen_save_sv.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74d73ad
Binary files /dev/null and b/skin/help_page/screen_save_sv.png differ
diff --git a/skin/help_page/screen-savedialog-alwaysdothis_en.png b/skin/help_page/screen_savedialog-alwaysdothis_en.png
similarity index 100%
rename from skin/help_page/screen-savedialog-alwaysdothis_en.png
rename to skin/help_page/screen_savedialog-alwaysdothis_en.png
diff --git a/skin/help_page/screen-savedialog-alwaysdothis_fr.png b/skin/help_page/screen_savedialog-alwaysdothis_fr.png
similarity index 100%
rename from skin/help_page/screen-savedialog-alwaysdothis_fr.png
rename to skin/help_page/screen_savedialog-alwaysdothis_fr.png

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/automatic-save-folder.git

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