Can you gentlemen point me in the right direction?

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at
Tue Nov 27 03:10:23 UTC 2012

Hi Brian--  and welcome!

On 11/26/2012 09:23 PM, Brian Booth wrote:
> Hi Guys,

Please don't assume that everyone on this list is either a "guy" or a
"gentleman" -- gendered assumptions aren't relevant to your question.

> I've been searching the web for information on the reason why Iceweasel
> differs from Firefox.  says:

Iceweasel is a fork [from Firefox] with the following purpose :

 1) backporting of security fixes to declared Debian stable version.
 2) no inclusion of trademarked Mozilla artwork (because of #1 above)

Beyond that, they will be basically identical. (

That page contains links to other relevant discussions if you want to
read further.

> Does this allow one to do more things - perhaps in the areas of
> development?

I don't believe that any iceweasel installation should necessarily have
more functionality than the equivalent version of firefox. It should be
more stable, and less subject to trademark restrictions, though.

If you want something with slightly less stability (e.g. more recent
versions of iceweasel than you'll find in stable) but the same freedom
from trademark restrictions, you might be interested in

> P.S:  You do a great job.

Thanks!  Mike Hommey in particular has done a tremendous amount of
excellent work maintaining iceweasel and xulrunner in debian.  He
deserves gratitude from all of us :)



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