[Pkg-openmpi-maintainers] Upload to debian unstable

oliva.g at na.icar.cnr.it oliva.g at na.icar.cnr.it
Fri Jun 15 11:16:12 UTC 2007

Hi Manuel, 

On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 11:26:05AM +0200, Manuel Prinz wrote:
> Before uploading I'd like to get the issue with alternatives fixed. The
> problem I have is that update-alternatives does not create the (slave)
> link to mpiexec for an unknown reason. The problem was reported by
> Gennaro and can I can reproduce it.

why don't you simply install two "master" links: mpiexec
and mpirun are not always synonym like it happens for openmpi.
I would do two symlink:

mpirun.openmpi -> orterun
mpiexec.openmpi -> orterun

And then two separate update-alternatives --install:
update-alternatives \
        --install /usr/bin/mpirun mpirun /usr/bin/mpirun.openmpi 5
update-alternatives \
        --install /usr/bin/mpiexec mpiexec /usr/bin/mpiexec.openmpi 5


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