[Pkg-postgresql-private] Thoughts about arch layout for new architecture

Martin Pitt mpitt@debian.org
Tue, 9 Nov 2004 00:14:02 +0100

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Now that I have worked a bit with arch, I recognized a major flaw in
the way we (or, rather, I) organized the arch repository. It was a
pretty dumb idea to put the orig.tar.gz files in there, because for
every fresh checkout and for every transition to a new upstream
release you have to download huge amounts of data that basically never

Since this cannot be purged from the commit history, we have to start
all over again to correct this. In the future I propose to put the
orig.tar.gz files on a separate place where they can be downloaded as
necessary, and only manage the debian/ directory with arch.

The transition to the new multi-version architecture seems to be a
good time for this. So instead of the current postgresql--unstable--1
tree, we should have a development tree for each major version:


These should be accompanied by tag branches, which are branched on
every released upload, e. g. postgresql--releases-- for
release 7.4.6-4.

Using tla's star-merge, it will be easy to develop a new feature for
one major version and merge the change to any other major version.

Oliver, if you want to put your current work into arch, I can help you
with that if you want. By now I have used arch pretty extensively for
other projects and learned to like it quite much :-)

Have a nice day,


Martin Pitt                       http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer            http://www.ubuntulinux.org
Debian GNU/Linux Developer       http://www.debian.org

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