[Pkg-sql-ledger-discussion] Re: sql-ledger needing help

Gerardo Reynoso greynoso at tindes.com
Tue Dec 13 01:25:43 UTC 2005

On Monday 05 December 2005 15:27, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> > #296356: sql-ledger: SIC should probably be renamed IFRS generally
> >          This looks as a translation issue to me not a bug.
> >          Anyone can create his own tranlation for sql-ledger,
> >          doesn't it?
> The debian package contain the translations used by the program, so
> these translations should be as good as possible, no matter if people
> can make their own.  So I do not see that as an argument for not doing
> anything.  On the other hand, I have no idea of SIC or IFRS are good
> acronyms.  I know I had problems translating sql-ledger because these
> code names did not mean anything to me.

I have further investigated this translation issue and I strongly think this 
could be a misunderstanding from the person who reported the bug.

The term SIC can be understood as two diferent things on different contexts:

1. SIC = Standing Interpretation Committee
This seems to be de misunderstood term.
There are documents that support this:
(I only could find the document referenced on the bug report on google's cache 
as the link seems changed). I could not translate this from swedish.
could you help with this?
(This seems a very similar document having the same context in English)
The last document references a transition from SIC (Standing Interpretation 
Committee) to IFRS (International Financial Reporting
I think this can explain this term's interpretation error.

2. SIC = Standard Industrial Code
I am almost sure this is the correct term to be used the translation.
Here is a wikipedia article on this:

I also do have a non-free manual that stablishes SIC = Standard Industrial 

¿Could we close this bug based on the previuos information?

Please advice

Gerardo Reynoso

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