Joining pkg-vim-maintainers

David Rabel david.rabel at
Fri Jan 5 10:46:47 UTC 2018

Hi James,

On 05.01.2018 06:25, James McCoy wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 10:40:59PM +0100, David Rabel wrote:
>> I'm currently maintaining the package vim-lastplace. Beeing at the 34C3
>> and meeting some Debian folks today motivated me to get more involved
>> with Debian. Because I'm already maintaining a vim-related package I
>> thought I could maybe join the pkg-vim-maintainers team and help
>> packaging vim itself or some other vim related stuff.
>> Unfortunately I don't know what is the focus right now and how I can
>> help best.
> Aside from the usual bug triage, semi-regular uploads, and coordination
> with upstream? :)

Actually I want to start small, so usual bug triage, semi-regular
uploads and coordination with upstream might as well be good tasks for
me. ;)

For example I have seen that vim-addon-manager has to change priority
from extra to optional. Or that vim itself needs to update
Standards-Version to 4.1.3 . I know, that is not really important and
not really a task to work on. I'd still like to do it to get to know the
basic workflow of the vim packaging team.
Would that be OK? And what would be the workflow? Just do the changes,
test if the package builds and do a git pull request?

> The thing I'd most like to get done for Buster is a replacement for
> vim-addon-manager.  A dh_* helper and dh sequence addon, tentatively
> named dh-vim-addon.  It should support specifying whether plugins are
> compatible with vim and/or neovim, and install the plugin's files in a
> directory structure that's compatible with Vim's packages.
> Some more ideas related to that are in my response[0] to Sam Morris's
> email about similar functionality.
> [0]:

That sounds interesting. I will have a look at it.

> [...]
> Those are the main things that come to mind right now.  I'm also in
> #debian-vim on OFTC (accessible via irc or matrix).

I will join later.

Thanks for your email!


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