[Po4a-devel] Alioth is closing, po4a needs a new home very soon

Martin Quinson martin.quinson at ens-rennes.fr
Tue Feb 6 16:39:05 UTC 2018


let me summarize the current state, cutting in the previous emails:

1) move the website

Its source code is now hosted on github (and mirrored on
salsa.debian.org). Brian took care of having some storage from RedHat,
the po4a.org domain from Fedora. Both Brian and I have a push access
to the repository. Other could ask for one, if you want. Or simply
submit pull requests to po4a-website on github and we'll synchronize
things for you.

Brian, could you please change what should be to finalize the
migration? Thanks in advance. Do you want to be added to the
contributors of the github repositories?

2) Move the issues

I just did so, manually and in a rather crude manner. I think that the
access to the bug tracker was closed to many but the project owners,

Naturally, these bugs should be fixed and I would really welcome any
idea or patch fixing these bugs ;)

3) Move the list

I think that Duck has all the informations to do the migration, and
that he will do what's needed before the end of the month.

Thanks to all,

Dans l'doute, reboot. Si ça rate, reformate.
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