[py3porters-devel] Pylons and snapshot.debian.org
Manuel Riel
manu at snapdragon.cc
Mon Apr 20 18:55:53 UTC 2015
Yeah. I just read that conversation. Many hugs..
The "Who is working on what?” will be really helpful. So I understand that there are some internal tools and also official packages to be ported?
After having a look around, I also found these documents relevant (posting them here for reference). Are those all relevant?
> On 20 Apr 2015, at 21:24, Matt Singleton <matt at xcolour.net> wrote:
> I'm going to put some additional info on the wiki when I get a chance today. At this point we have a rough plan, but I think we have a few more decisions to make before we can start really slogging forward. Once we lay the groundwork, I think this is the kind of project that will probably scale out pretty easily to multiple volunteers.
> Justin and I have been chatting in #debian-python. I'm xcolour and he's justizin.
> Matt
>> On Apr 20, 2015, at 2:21 AM, Manuel Riel <manu at snapdragon.cc> wrote:
>> Same situation here. I started following oftc/#debian-python and I read https://wiki.debian.org/Python/Python3Port, but I’m not much smarter.
>> Is everyone assigned a package? Each package has it’s own repo on alioth?
>> I would be helpful to have a very short overview of the usual workflow and on how to coordinate, I guess.
>>> On 20 Apr 2015, at 07:53, Orestis Ioannou <orestis at oioannou.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> This is the first time writing on this list,
>>> On 04/20/2015 12:26 AM, Matt Singleton wrote:
>>>> Just to close the loop on this one, we now have a fork of the snapshot code on alioth in our py3porters project:
>>>> https://alioth.debian.org/plugins/scmgit/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=py3porters/snapshot.debian.org;a=summary
>>>> We'll be doing the work there.
>>> I am interested in contributing in this porting effort.
>>> I've had a look on the new branch you created on the project and i've
>>> followed your discussion on irc (I am orestis there) but i am not sure
>>> how to pinch in atm.
>>> Should i wait for the split of the controllers? Shall i try installing
>>> locally the current app?
>>>> Matt
>>> Cheers,
>>> Orestis
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