[Shootout-list] Exception test - Felix, SLang, ...
Isaac Gouy
Wed, 13 Oct 2004 00:29:26 -0700 (PDT)
"For this test, each program should be implemented in the same way."
..."I'm looking for solutions that instantiate an exception object."
// Felix uses explicitly passed closures to handle errors
// and therefore guarrantees exceptions get caught statically
afaict the Felix implementation doesn't instantiate runtime exception
objects - the program isn't implemented in the same way.
The SLang program isn't implemented in the same way.
% Stricly speaking, slang does not have exceptions. It uses error
Is the gcc program really instantiating an exception object - or is it
just doing a big goto?
imo We should move the programs that aren't doing what the tests ask
for into the Alternates section (or reject them completely).
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