[Shootout-list] Safety vs. speed
Bengt Kleberg
Wed, 22 Sep 2004 08:24:33 +0200
Einar Karttunen wrote:
> I think the tests *should* note implementors when they have to be
> wary of overflow. Languages should support larger numbers (even C
> does with long long), but having bignum arithmetic slowing down
> other tests wouldn't be very nice.
the implementor gets the test data (values of N). we add a warning that
test data may increase in the future. it is then up to the implementor
to choose how to code the test solution.
one way of handling a potentially unsafe solution is to come back
periodically and check if it has turned erronous.
> ps. Is anyone working on "Ring of Message-Sending Processes" ?
> I could add a Haskell solution tonight.
i have already written one, but not in haskell :-). however, i am
lobbying for a change. i think the number of processes should be static,
and N should change the number of times the message goes around the ring.
you see, i have also written a process instantination test. there the
number of processes varies with N.
i think these are two different things (message passing and process
creation), and therefore needs two different test.