[Shootout-list] Windows

Brent Fulgham bfulg@pacbell.net
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 19:51:02 -0700

On 2004-09-23 09:56:55 -0700 Brandon J. Van Every 
<vanevery@indiegamedesign.com> wrote:

> It seems I've been caught at how much attention I actually pay to
> things.  I didn't realize the revived Shootout doesn't support 
> Windows.
> I see this as a problem.  Is there any particularly good reason why 
> and Windows testbeds should be kept separate from each other?  I 
> myself
> am not thinking of one.  What about Mac OS X nowadays, for that 
> matter?

Nothing prevents the code from working across platforms.  I approached 
the win32 maintainer
about unifying the source code, and we both agreed this would be a 
good thing.  However, I
think he is busy with other things and hasn't been able to do much.  
He already has Alioth
CVS access.

Any win32 or Mac OS X users who would like to participate are more 
than welcome -- and
are eagerly encouraged!

> I'm willing to work on unifying the codebases to be cross-platform.  
> Has
> anyone taken any stabs at it yet already, or have knowledge of what
> would be required?

There are very few tests that don't work on both platforms.  Some of 
the Ada tests use
platform-specific features, and would require some modification.  I 
think there is a separate
win32 Perl script to run the tests, but I don't have a copy.

You should e-mail dada@perl.it if you would like to help out.  We 
could continue to post the
data at that site, and link to it (or add it to the Alioth site).
