[Shootout-list] Programming language features

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Sun, 26 Sep 2004 09:13:26 -0700 (PDT)

> There has been much (maybe even too much) talk about 
> programming language features. 

In the context of the Shootout, we seem to be talking about "fairness"
in a variety of ways; and that comes down to the benchmark specs.

> One simple solution would be to add one extra page to the shootout
> listing a summary the features of the programming languages.
> This would not affect scoring, but should be enough to keep people
> happy.

We have pages that focus on each individual language, and those pages
include a section about that language - we can certainly improve the
content on those pages.


Passively looking at the CRAPS page on the Shootout will give one
impression; actively looking at the code and the compiler settings and
the language details will give another. We can support and encourage
due diligence.

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