[Shootout-list] Re: Integer overflow

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Sun, 26 Sep 2004 09:35:39 -0700 (PDT)

> >> the producer/consumer threads test ...
> >> originally designed to show the cost of forking new processes.

> > It only forks 2 threads. It switches thread context many times.

> Ahh -- yes, you are right.  So this would be our concurrency test.  
> Perhaps it is not complicated enough?

Discounting startup time, that benchmark shows Erlang HiPE #2 and
Erlang #3. Isn't that what we would expect from a language designed for
massive concurrency?


imo it would be reasonable to add a test to measure process/thread
creation time. (Create a 1000 processes/threads and tear them down,
n-times - like the object creation test.)

(Why we would want a more "complicated" test?)

> Why don't we modify the input file so that it includes sufficient 
> distribution of positive and negative numbers that any combination of
> copies of the file is always clamped below 2^30?

Well done, that's a simple fix for that particular benchmark.

We need to check the other benchmarks for problems caused by increasing

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