[Shootout-list] A few unrelated points
Brent Fulgham
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 21:02:42 -0700
On 2004-09-26 10:09:33 -0700 Stephen Weeks <sweeks@sweeks.com> wrote:
> I checked in the MLton sumcol improvement suggested by Ray Racine.
> Thanks!
I've rerun the benchmark with this entry.
> I support the idea of changing the sumcol input to include negatives
> so that bignums are not required. In the interim, while it is still
> being decided, I think the test should be disabled.
The data is now a mixture of positives and negatives, so this should
no longer be a problem.
> The ghc regexmatch benchmark doesn't do the same computation as other
> implementations and never has. It should be disabled until it does.
Any Haskell hackers who can correct this problem?
> The bench/reversefile directory now includes a 101M tmp directory.
> This seems like it shouldn't be included in the CVS.
This is now fixed. Sorry for the wasted bandwidth!