[Shootout-list] Faster nestedloop for ghc
Tomasz Zielonka
Wed, 29 Sep 2004 19:59:16 +0200
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The speed improvement (about 7x) is achieved by using a bounded integer
type Int for the counter (x) instead of unbounded Integer.
I also restructured code is such a way that there is no need for passing
the number of iterations (now m) around.
Also, -fglasgow-exts is not necessary now.
Compile with -O or -O2.
Best regards,
.signature: Too many levels of symbolic links
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="nest1.hs"
-- $Id: nestedloop.ghc.html,v 1.5 2004/07/03 07:11:31 bfulgham Exp $
-- http://www.bagley.org/~doug/shootout/
-- from Brian Gregor
-- shortened by JP Bernardy
-- simplified and optimised by Tomasz Zielonka
import System(getArgs)
main :: IO ()
main = do [number] <- getArgs
let m :: Int; m = read number
loopA 0 x = x
loopA n x = loopA (n-1) (loopB m x)
loopB 0 x = x
loopB n x = loopB (n-1) (loopC m x)
loopC 0 x = x
loopC n x = loopC (n-1) (loopD m x)
loopD 0 x = x
loopD n x = loopD (n-1) (loopE m x)
loopE 0 x = x
loopE n x = loopE (n-1) (loopF m x)
loopF 0 x = x
loopF n x = loopF (n-1) (x+1)
putStrLn (show (loopA m (0 :: Int)))